Whitelist Server UnholyCraft |Ultimate FTB Server.Whitelist. Nothing Banned! Mature Only. Hard mode

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Age 27
IGN Hugh3s
Time Zone EST
How often will you play 2-5 Hrs a day
Why do you want to join; I've been looking for an FTB server that is fun, and exciting!
What are you good at: Exploring
What mod do you know the best: IC2 Working on others.
Do you have Skype: YES!
Age 30
IGN Hanableking
Time Zone Mountain
How often will you play 3-8 Hours a day
Why do you want to join I want to start fresh on a new server
What are you good at Be easer to list the things Im not experenced with, bees, tree breeding.
What mod do you know the best all but the bees and tree breeding stuff, havnt gotten into that. yet.
Do you have Skype yes
Age : 25
IGN : Damon_Aftalife
Time Zone : Mountain Standard
How often will you play : Couple hours at night after work.
Why do you want to join : Looking for a consistent, reliable, lag free good tps server, with mature fun members.
What are you good at : Automation and integrating multiple mods in the most efficient ways to get stuff done.
What mod do you know the best : I really have had experience with most mods, probably minefactory reloaded is my least used. I am fond of computercraft, miscperipherals, factorization, thaumcraft, and bees!
Do you have Skype : Yes
Add additional details.
Age: 21
IGN: Bob_Sack
Time Zone: GMT-8 (Pacific)
How often will you play: 4-8 hours per day
Why do you want to join: I've been looking for a hard difficulty FTB server and this seems perfect for me
What are you good at: I know nearly every mod in Ultimate thoroughly, having played FTB for 3 months. I've been playing minecraft since the alpha halloween update
What mod do you know the best: Percentage-wise I know thaumcraft the best. I know absolutely everything about that, but I know IC2, TC, BC, Forestry (including bees) very well
Do you have Skype: Yes
Additional details: I've administrated many servers and ran my own server in the past, so I know how all that works
Age 33 Yeah Im old so what
IGN Masprotech
Time Zone Central
How often will you play 8-24 hours a day
Why do you want to join Also very tired of stupid rules and banned items
What are you good at Everything
What mod do you know the best Im learning all the time but Id have to say Thaumcraft as well as factorization Modular powersuits and redpower
Do you have Skype yes
Add additional details. Ive ran my own servers and still have one that I mess around with but don't really advertise so its not busy... for just me and a few friends and mainly my son..
Age 14
IGN TehKnight117
Time Zone Pacific Time
How often will you play At least an hour on weekdays and weekends 5+ hours
Why do you want to join Looking for a new server that has a mature community.
What are you good at Thaumcraft and Bees.
What mod do you know the best Thaumcraft
Do you have Skype shamil1187 but no mic
Add additional details. Nothing that I can think of.
Age :20
IGN :SI_FI_Stupidity1
Time Zone:GMT
How often will you play: Whenever I have the time when I am not at work
Why do you want to join : Well other servers are generally full of stealing little 12 year olds , and the server ban lots of things so I cannot make awesome things for the community ( huge spawner complex for the server to loot , the controls for the admin so no lag) hopefully i can teach people who are inexperienced at Ftb.
What are you good at :Making things for the community;shared machine rooms,shared farms etc
What mod do you know the best Thermal Expansion although I have been playing mods waaayyyy before ftb came out
Do you have Skype: No my web camera is cracked and broken,hopefully this won't change anything
Add additional details. Hopefully I can add to this server and help people and the admins and owner =]
Will understand if ignore

Cant wait to join
Much thanks
Age: 16
IGN: TheNamesTopher
Time: Zone US Mountain Time
How often will you play: 4-6 hours a day
Why do you want to join: To play on a nothing banned FTB server so I can do what I wish with other likeminded people
What are you good at: Building, mining, and PowerSuits
What mod do you know the best: Industrial Craft
Do you have Skype: Yes, salvation15xx
IGN : dkittrell
Experience: I'm good at most mods other then Steve carts but I want to get into that mod and learn it .im more experienced In bees then other mods. I started playing minecraft roughly two years ago and started in ftb last November
Why I want to join your sever : I'm tired of severs putting all these restrictions on FTB, it kills the fun. My last server was great until the owner vanished one day and I've been trying to find a new server since.im quite active, I play usually a few hours a day after work and im on most weekends .i do have Skype and team speak also, I've applied on multiple servers last few days and they either have restrictions they didn't mention or were extremely laggy, I'm close to opening my own sever if I can't find a place to call home soon

Sorry if I missed anything , I'm posting this on my phone and it wouldn't let me copy the application .
IGN : dkittrell
Experience: I'm good at most mods other then Steve carts but I want to get into that mod and learn it .im more experienced In bees then other mods. I started playing minecraft roughly two years ago and started in ftb last November
Why I want to join your sever : I'm tired of severs putting all these restrictions on FTB, it kills the fun. My last server was great until the owner vanished one day and I've been trying to find a new server since.im quite active, I play usually a few hours a day after work and im on most weekends .i do have Skype and team speak also, I've applied on multiple servers last few days and they either have restrictions they didn't mention or were extremely laggy, I'm close to opening my own sever if I can't find a place to call home soon

Sorry if I missed anything , I'm posting this on my phone and it wouldn't let me copy the application .
Age:21 IGN:skull1898 Time Zone:central How often will you play:8 hours a day Why do you want to join:so i can meet new people What are you good at:helping others with projects What mod do you know the best:minecrack Do you have Skype:yes Add additional details.:no
Age: I Rather Not Tell, But Its In the Teens
Time Zone:Eastern Seaboard (est)
How often will you play: When I Have the time
Why do you want to join: To Record Youtube Videos for my youtube channel (Datgodapple) hopefully every friday
What are you good at: Im Good At Being Me, But In Game, im good at bees
What mod do you know the best: Thermal Expantion, ic2, buildcraft, extrabees, thaumcraft 3, thaumic bees, The Bee Side Of Forestry, and a few more i cant think at the top of my head.
Do you have Skype: Yes, If You Would Like To Know, I Will Do A PM to you
Add additional details.
I would like to apply for myself and my brother. The server we played on the Admin just rage quit and shut the server down. :< I can't even go one day without my addiction.

Age: 20
IGN: Artist55
Time Zone: Central
Play time: Almost every day
Why to join: Feed the addiction
Good at: I prefer MFR and Forestry Bees
Best known mod: MFR
Skype: chickenfried9944


IGN: Random1s
Time Zone: Central
Play time: It varies with his work but around 3-4 days a week
Why to join: Need a new server
Good at: AEnetworks and Blulectric
Best mod: AEnetworks
Skype: random1s

I would love to join the server. Thank you for the time and consideration
Age 17
IGN thers_none
Time Zone (UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time
How often will you play very often i am usally home all day every day
Why do you want to join because i want to play ftb with other people i just found it starting to get boreing playing it alone
What are you good at. mining, building, a lot of things in minecraft realy i played it sence alpha
What mod do you know the best i know all the mods equaly i use them with each other but if i had to play with only one mod i would choose redpower.
Do you have Skype yes but i hate it if i need to use it i will
Age 26
IGN wilrichards1
Time Zone : East Coast
How often will you play? Often
Why do you want to join? Because a couple friends of mine from Minecraft servers play here

What are you good at? Good at simple redstone machines, mining and adventuring
What mod do you know the best? Gregtech

Do you have Skype? Yes
IGN: Helljumper2x1
Time Zone: Central
How often will you play: a few hours a day
Why do you want to join: Got tired of some of my favorite items being banned and lag.
What are you good at: building complex bunkers
What mod do you know the best: Industrialcraft
Do you have Skype: yes
Add additional details: I want play on a smaller server with less rules and lag, actually socializing with other players would be nice too.
Age 17 and almost 18 cause my birthday is Oct. 19.
IGN HarvesterMine600
Time Zone EST USA
How often will you play at least 3 (usually more) hours a day!
Why do you want to join No banned items or stupid restrictions. From being able to run a tunnel bore to eventually having an array of Laser Drills!(a random ore generator that feeds off a ton of power and configurable power cost) Once the pack is updated.
What are you good at Material fabrication of most materials could be done in a mass scale with AE automation to keep laggy contraptions at bay!
What mod do you know the best IC2+GT
Do you have Skype yep
Add additional details. I would really like to play with others and get massive things done (I would like to do a self sustaining high speed USP plant complete with a huge Tunnel bore to get the Uraniums and quartz I need but in the next update skip the middle man and make them via an array of Laser Drills!)