Whitelist Server UnholyCraft |Ultimate FTB Server.Whitelist. Nothing Banned! Mature Only. Hard mode

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 19
IGN: nathie1000
Time Zone: CET (GTM +1)
How often will you play: Whenever i'm home XD.
Why do you want to join: Wanna try this pack, cuz it has mods i haven't tried before.
What are you good at: Figuring stuff out i guess.
What mod do you know the best: I'm knowable in most core mods, but if i can't figure out something i'm not shy to ask or consult a wiki.
Do you have Skype: Yes (Nathie1000)
Add additional details: I have 2 questions?
1. Where is the server located? If it is on the other end of the world i'll probably lag out (we don't all have glass fiber). XD
2. Can you add my friend deablo simultaneously. Hes my tagteam parkner and his application will mostly be the same a mine.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Time Zone:I live in England not certain what time zone that is now
How often will you play: a couple of hours a day a lot more on weekends
Why do you want to join: I had my own ftb server but i had to shut it down due to costs and am looking for a server thats similar
What are you good at: Building huge projects, bases and not using solar panels
What mod do you know the best: I know the bacis of pretty much all the mods expect Computercraft and Applied Energistics cos that wasnt in my modpack but i guess im best at buildcraft and mods that use buildcraft stuff eg . Foresty, Railcraft
Do you have Skype:Yes but no mic( [email protected])
Add additional details.
I have one question how much ram does the server has just to help me decide what needs to be loaded and what doesnt. Heres a picture of something i built on my old server


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 16 years old

IGN: The_brochacho

Time Zone: Pacific

How often will you play: couple(most likely more) hours per day

Why do you want to join: I've been playing on another FTB server for quite awhile, but the amount of lag got too damn high! I enjoy playing FTB with other people and hope to continue being able to.

What are you good at: I'm good at getting along with other players, and just having a good time playing minecraft.

What mod do you know the best: I would have to say I know IC2 best. I'm starting to get into Thermal Expansion though.

Do you have Skype: I have skype(and mic) but I can only really call anyone on the weekends

Add additional details. I enjoy playing and learning from others about how to automate farms and stuff. I do have a tendency to make the occasional bad pun, so brace yourselves ;)

thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope to be playing with you soon :D



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 30
IGN: Bruciewilks
Time Zone: CET
How often will you play: Hopefully daily, 1 to 2 hours
Why do you want to join: I have recently been playing a Mindcrack mod pack but due to other commitments the admins had to stop running the server. I am looking to expand on the Mindcrack pack and explore different mods and interesting new methods with the mods I already know.
What are you good at: I am a creative builder and enjoy working with automatic systems
What mod do you know the best: Sadly the mod I know best is IC2 with gregtech ("sadly" as I find it quite boring after having spent so much time doing it.) I also know forestry and extra bees, thaumcraft and redpower pretty well
Do you have Skype: yes
Add additional: my playing over the coming weeks, if accepted, may be sporadic as my girlfriend is unwell and we spend a fair amount of time in hospital. This is not a sob story... More matter of fact as to any long gaps in play times


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age 18
IGN DR_Creeple
Time Zone utc+ 01:00
How often will you play Everyday about 8-10 hours
Why do you want to join Because i want to play just like youtubers do. on whitelisted servers , and i want to join a server with a little ammount of players , players that can be trusted
What are you good at I know a bit of everything.
What mod do you know the best redpower
Do you have Skype yes dr_creeple
Add additional details. im chill and laid back. always down to have neighbors and build with other players. always share my loots. never grief. still learning FTB so, i almost know nothing lol.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age; 20
IGN; Badsap
Time Zone; 1+ gmt
How often will you play; 10 hours
Why do you want to join; I dont want griefers to mess up shit.
What are you good at; building
What mod do you know the best; industrialcraft
Do you have Skype; Yes I can pm that
Add additional details; I am a builder, I build structures and machines.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age 22
IGN Dame_xD
Time Zone GMT+0
How often will you play I am online most days for quite a number of hours
Why do you want to join The last server I played on I got griefed real bad, I'm looking for a newish server to join where nothing is Banned, also a couple of the players on your server was on the server I just come off. These are, Dire, Dread, Infinate and maybe 1 more not sure.
What are you good at making new friends, helping people out and general building(I like to think)
What mod do you know the best I know a little about the different mods, my bes mod maybe Forestry and Bees.
Do you have Skype I do but never use it.
Add additional details. I like to learn off my mistakes, take advice of other people to make my own machinery/building look/work better :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age 23
IGN Voodooroo2010
Time Zone Central
How often will you play 3-5 hours per day
Why do you want to join Looking for a good server to play on that i can help others and learn from them
What are you good at I'm good at building and BEES!!! Breed every single species on SSP
What mod do you know the best Forestry and Thaumcraft
Do you have Skype No will get one if needed
Add additional details. I like pie!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age 28
IGN Puffymania
Time Zone Central Europe
How often will you play, about 2 houres a day at least
Why do you want to join looking for a whitlisted server with no bad items, and not willdly overcrovded
What are you good at, what ever i deside to make/do
What mod do you know the best IC2
Do you have Skype yes
Add additional details.I am an easygoing guy who like to help when he can.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 20

IGN: PruneyBuns

Time Zone: UTC -5

How often will you play?: At least 3 hours a day

Why do you want to join: I've been looking for a good server that has no banned items and provides a challenge. I hate playing with little kids and love a server with a small comunity in which everyone is friendly.

What are you good at?: I would like to say builds, or at least some what good at it. I would really like to make a server train station and connect everyone up by rail. Maybe even have multiple stops for spawners so people can farm for souls. I would really like to build a huge base with a "scientific" feel to it, with an observatory and stuff like that.

What mod do you know the best?: Probably computer craft and IC2, would love to learn different things from people who use other mods.

Do you have Skype?: Yes its "PruneyBuns"

Add additional details: I like to play it commie style; if there is a group of people that enjoy making some sort of little community town, or just with a partner, I would definitely like to get in on that.

I do have a question though. Does this server have some sort of skype party call? A specific "place" we can all connect to and speak? I'm not really good with skype because I barely use it. Mumble looks pretty easy though, but then again I dont know squat about that either :I


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age; 25
IGN; GuitarNerd87
Time Zone; GMT+1
How often will you play; Probably several hours daily, since minecraft is preaty much the only game i play atm.
Why do you want to join; I've been looking for a hard survival server with "only mature" players on for some time now, and the whole description of this server just appealed to me.
What are you good at; Im a builder, that's my strongest side. I also do have experience with most of the mods, and best of all. I know how to use a creative world and wiki for the mod to figure out stuff i dont understand. :)
What mod do you know the best; Have a basic experience of most of the mods, but mainly best at making systems that can't overflow, since i've spent alot of time with it.
Do you have Skype; Yes
Add additional details; I have some plans to start a LP on youtube, aswell as to stream.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 19
Time Zone: Central Time
How Often Will you play: Quite a bit if i feel welcome
Why Do you want to play: i want to play because i want to be on a server where i dont have to worry about griefing and people know what they are doing.
What are you good at: im decent at alot of the mods. I know just about everything for ic2 and build craft. I have finished thaumcraft once through and i am currently trying to learn more things with forestry.
What mod do you know best: Ic2
Do you have a Skype: yes its tkbigham2
Add additional details: I may not be able to get on the next couple days because i am going to see my parent and help them with some work around the house and idk if this is still up for people to join but i would really like to join.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age 22
IGN iiamghostt
Time Zone eastern
How often will you play Prolly every day, School permitting
Why do you want to join Because I hate disabled mods
What are you good at Everything but the more advanced RP2 stuff.
What mod do you know the best Thaumcraft 3
Do you have Skype Yes
Add additional details. Want to make a golem sorting system


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Time Zone:EST
How often will you play:Almost daily
Why do you want to join: I want to join a server where the admins listens to players and has like a workshop or something since i hate the start of ftb but i love lategame.
What are you good at: Mostly design but i know about a bit about building giant machines
What mod do you know the best: ic2
Do you have Skype: Yes but i pref not to use it
Add additional details. Is there gonna be resets, if so i may not play.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age 15 IGN xXwarbanditXxTime Zone GMT +1 hourHow often will you play: Almost daily Why do you want to join: I was bored in singel player so i want to play on a server this one looks interestingWhat are you good at: Everything i play with al the mods of ftb long before it became a mod pack so i have lots of experience. I didn play tekkit i instal all the mod my self.
What mod do you know the best: ic2,buildcraft,terminal expansion , forestry, and a lot more.Do you have Skype: yesAdd additional details: I am dyslexis and engels is not my native language so my gramma can contain some spelling mistakes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age 17
IGN albethe
Time Zone gmt+1
How often will you play 1/2 hours a day
Why do you want to join Becuause i want to play like direwolf does ;P
What are you good at I know almost all except gregtech
What mod do you know the best Ic2
Do you have Skype nope
Add additional details. I want to play without stupid griefers who steal and destroy everything i build and without limitation


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 18
IGN: thejoshknight
Time Zone: US Central Time
How often will you play: A few days a week for a few hours. As it is now, I'm about to graduate from High School, so things are going to be a little busy.
Why do you want to join: I've played single player, but was always worried about my stuff being destroyed on multiplayer. I got over that worry. Plus, I like that there aren't a ton of restrictions placed on everything.
What are you good at: Building wonderous creations that will inspire awe in all who see them. I hope. If not, whatever, it's just minecraft.
What mod do you know the best: Twilight Forest. I freaking own that dimension. No monster hidden in a maze or a hollow mountain is safe.
Do you have Skype: I do, but I rarely use it.
Add additional details: Hopefully I get accepted, I'm itching to get started.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here is application for me and my brother. We've been looking for server with ideas like yours - no griefing but no banned items.
IGN: Krowa87
Age: Rainbow sky, void, eternal... oh, wait you mean how old i am? 26​
Time Zone: GMT +1 (Poland)​
How often will you play: a while in the morning, a bit in the afternoon and a lot in the evening (moreless few hours altogether, less on weekends)​
Why do you want to join: Why I have to play ssp just to use mystcraft or turtles? FTB contains mods to use them, not to ban them.
What are you good at: Pretty good at BC, forestry and other techincal mods, i know but don't use ic2, i'm trying to learn thaumcraft, i never went too far in ssp. I'm programming in different languages since i was 11 so now try to learn lua and do stuff with turtles (actually i've got an epic plan, but not to reveal yet).​
What mod do you know the best: Certainly BC, but that doesn't mean i'm pro, however i could help if someone ask.​
Do you have Skype: I do, i'm on usually when i play, to be in touch with my bro.​
Add additional details: Because i combine technical and magic mods i try to manage some steampunk-ish style. I usually use victorian textures or Glimmar (you cant see them though, it's for me :) ) and yes, i read Lovecraft and play Call of Cthulhu​
IGN: Akim1983
Age: 30 (OMG!)​
Time Zone: GMT +1 (Poland)​
How often will you play: depends on work shifts​
Why do you want to join: same as above. We are looking for a server to have fun together. We can't have our own right now, and most of others are too restrictive.​
What are you good at: IC2​
What mod do you know the best: IC2​
Do you have Skype: Yes.​
Add additional details:​


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 18
IGN: 0v3r1ord
Time Zone: 4+ GMT
How often will you play: everyday - twice a week, depends on how busy I am.
Why do you want to join: I am looking for a server without dirty griefers to play and construct crazy machines (no worries, they won't cause too much lag) and cooperation with people
What are you good at: em... projecting and constructing different factories i think...
What mod do you know the best: IC/Gregoreous Tech - Buildcrafg/Thermal Expansion
Do you have Skype: Yes, master_rus2
Add additional details. Greetings from Russia! Vodka, matreska and balalaika supported!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There are already quite a few applications , but meh , I try :

Age : 16
IGN : ArcticDreamz
Time Zone : GMT+1 ( Luxembourg )
How often will you play : I'll play nearly everyday from 1-2 hours on weekdays , maybe more on weekends. I'm still studying so maybe less during exams and such
Why do you want to join : I want to join because I am tired of playing alone on my single player world and also because my PC can't handle it that much. Also I like the community aspect and the fact that people can help each other.
What are you good at : I am a kind and honest person who likes to build nice looking ( more or less ) but also efficient things
What mod do you know the best : I've been into modded minecraft for almost a year and a half or more ( I don't know exactly when I started ) and therefore I know A LOT about the oldschool mods like Buildcraft , IC2, Redpower 2,Forestry, and since FTB came out I've learned how to use most of the mods very well like TE , GregTech and all the others.
Do you have Skype : Yes, I do
Add additional details : I've been on other mature servers and I have never been banned