Whitelist Server Ultimate | Whitelist | Small Community | Mature | 20 slot

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame Name:gali3919
Mod Experience:half ftb and another one on tekkit.
About Yourself:i was playing with some freinds on ftb on mindcrack for the past 2 months, we all fought and closed the server. im searching new server to play with my freind (darradddd, he asked either to join the server).
How long have you played minecraft?:3 years at all
Do you / Will you use Skype:yes, gali3919
Have you been banned before?:nope
If so why?:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame Name: Veralynn
Age: 19
Mod Experience: Some Tekkit and BigDig
About Yourself: Easy going, have 2 friends that are now on here Syclic and Tweal. Very talkative and fun to be around. As with Syclic and Tweal I was a mod on a friends server but his lack of interest caused him to stop paying and we're looking for somewhere else.
How long have you played minecraft?: 4 months
Do you / Will you use Skype: I am on and use skype every day.
Have you been banned before?: Never.
If so why?:

Accepted whitelisting now[DOUBLEPOST=1363551942][/DOUBLEPOST]
Whitelist Application (Applications Open)
Ingame Name: Fluffshock
Age: 23
Mod Experience: tekkik bigdig regmincraft
About Yourself: gamer// regular guy // want to be a cop // gloms on syclic and tweal for creation fun
How long have you played minecraft?: like 6months+
Do you / Will you use Skype: yes
Have you been banned before?: nope
If so why?:

Accepted whitelisting now


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame Name: PruneyBuns
Age: 20
Mod Experience: about 2 months now
About Yourself: I like to mess around with the magical side of FTB, and teleporting to new worlds, I usually use thermo power to generate energy. Altho, I am still noobish when it comes to upgrading and all that. It would be rad if I can get to join this small community, to learn and to get to know some people. I love small community servers, there always a lot of fun, and I love paying commie style, as long as we have a common goal.
How long have you played minecraft?: 2 years, almost.
Do you / Will you use Skype: Yes, I will use skype
Have you been banned before?: Actually yes.
If so why?: I got banned for x-ray on a huge vanilla server. I was a great server and I got to join a town, they had this amazing base with tunnels that where amazingly huge. I got real curious to see how many diamonds they have missed, so I put on some x-ray specs and went to check it out. To my surprise they did leave a boat load of diamonds everywhere. I couldn't resist and I got some for myself. I only made diamond armor, the admins found out and they had to ban me. I was getting real chummy with people on that server and the admins. But now i know i did wrong, and that, that really takes away from the game and makes it real boring. I haven't been banned from a server since. I hope you will be able to see past that :) Since I'm trying to find a new server, because the old one is dying rather quickly .


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame Name: Leon1717
Age:16, I do know I am 2 years under the age limit, I can assure you I won't be of any nuisance if I am accepted to your server. This server brings everything I would hope for, small community, new map. Please consider.
Mod Experience: 4 months. Everything except forestry.
About Yourself: I love making contraptions with the technicality the mods in ftb provide.
How long have you played minecraft?: Since, January 2010
Do you / Will you use Skype: Yes.
Have you been banned before?: No.
If so why?:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame Name: 06koconnell
Age: 17
Mod Experience: I am experienced with all of the main mods and some of the others and am getting to know the rest
About Yourself: I live in the UK, I play nearly everyday. I am a very friendly person. I am willing to help other people on the server who don't know as much about the mods
How long have you played minecraft?: since beta 1.7.3
Do you / Will you use Skype: I will be using skype if i am accepted onto the server
Have you been banned before?: nope
DFTBA (Don't Forget To Be Awesome)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame Name: Skagasha
Age: 26
Mod Experience: Mostly DW20 on FTB.
About Yourself: Friendly guy who likes to have a bit of fun. Never played anything other than SSP before, so heres hoping for a whitelist :) Loving the game for all the time I've played it, and I still can't put it away (thankfully).
How long have you played minecraft?: 6 months ish.
Do you / Will you use Skype: If I can get my mic to work, sure .. Though I may not always be able to talk though..
Have you been banned before?: Nope
If so why?: -


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame Name: Flagshipfail
Age: 22
Mod Experience: Been playing with FTB for about 4 months very regularly. Mostly Direwolf and the Ultimate pack
About Yourself: Im a fun relaxed guy that loves minecraft. Im just trying to find a permanent home.
How long have you played minecraft?:Minecraft since beta 1.3
Do you / Will you use Skype:Yes and yes
Have you been banned before?:No I haven't
If so why?: N/A


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame Name: Skagasha
Age: 26
Mod Experience: Mostly DW20 on FTB.
About Yourself: Friendly guy who likes to have a bit of fun. Never played anything other than SSP before, so heres hoping for a whitelist :) Loving the game for all the time I've played it, and I still can't put it away (thankfully).
How long have you played minecraft?: 6 months ish.
Do you / Will you use Skype: If I can get my mic to work, sure .. Though I may not always be able to talk though..
Have you been banned before?: Nope
If so why?: -
Ingame Name: Flagshipfail
Age: 22
Mod Experience: Been playing with FTB for about 4 months very regularly. Mostly Direwolf and the Ultimate pack
About Yourself: Im a fun relaxed guy that loves minecraft. Im just trying to find a permanent home.
How long have you played minecraft?:Minecraft since beta 1.3
Do you / Will you use Skype:Yes and yes
Have you been banned before?:No I haven't
If so why?: N/A

Accepted both -- Adding to whitelist now

Please note that server IP from banner did change. updated it today correct ip/banner is now shown.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whitelist Application (Applications Open)
Ingame Name: easternblueelm
Age: 17
Mod Experience: I run a small community for Vanilla Minecraft[can link in private message to avoid advert]
About Yourself: I'm a tech geek, focus my gaming towards Minecraft. I play about 3-4 hours a day. Weekends most of the day. I'm very friendly and knowledgeable towards MC both Vanilla and Modded.
How long have you played minecraft?: 2 years
Do you / Will you use Skype: Yes: tjconstantino94
Have you been banned before?: No.
If so why?: N/a



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame Name: Warshadows
Age: 18
Mod Experience: Around 1 month with FTB (mindcrack & ultimate) but played tekkit before around a year.
About Yourself: Open minded guy who loves to meet new people and make great projects together, love minecraft since I started playing it (best inversion ever) but I sometimes stop playing for a while because I get tired of SSP or I get heavily griefed in SMP. I'm spaniard but I'm perfectly ok with the english.
How long have you played minecraft?: since beta 1.3 I think.
Do you / Will you use Skype: Yes to both questions.
Have you been banned before?: No.
If so why?: N/a


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame Name: SlothEruption
Age: 18
Mod Experience: Tekkit for a year and a half, feed the beast since December '12
About Yourself: I have played mindcrack ftb for a while, saw that Ultimate was out and went to that instead
How long have you played minecraft?: 4 years
Do you / Will you use Skype: yes/yes
Have you been banned before?: yes
If so why?: troll admins mostly, never been banned for grief/spam/harassment etc


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame Name:blent3342
Mod Experience: Been playing mods for about a year, feed the beast is only about 2 months though
About Yourself:I'm a friendly, kind hearted person and I always like striving for something new. I'm talkative at times, and can hold a good conversation about anything. I've been looking for a home server to play on, currently I'm on a non whitelisted server with a bunch of items, but it's not a place to call home in minecraft
How long have you played minecraft?:2 years
Do you / Will you use Skype:Yes I can use it, my name is blent1050
Have you been banned before?:No I've never been banned before. I never have griefed, in fact I've always set out to make friends with strangers on random servers, which luckily, has worked out !
If so why?:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame Name: hansondr
Age: 31
Mod Experience: I've been playing with FTB for a couple months
About Yourself: Programmer by day but enjoy tinkering in the evenings, ComputerCraft is a favorite mod for obvious reasons. I enjoy collaborating on builds but I'm happy to toil away solo as well
How long have you played minecraft?: since alpha
Do you / Will you use Skype: Yes I will
Have you been banned before?: Nope
If so why?:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame Name: Zorku
Age: 27
Mod Experience: I'm fully familiar with tekkit, and almost fully familiar with the mindcrack pack. I'm particularly good with Redpower2, and like working through projects with/for other players.
About Yourself: I was a tertiary moderator on The Gravel Pit, then moved with half of the playerbase to The Pantheon, but they all lost interest and stopped running the server.
How long have you played minecraft?: Since infDev, but with a long inactive period until some time after "The Halloween Update." I started using some of these mods before the tekkit launcher came out.
Do you / Will you use Skype: Yes for text messages. Sporadically for voice. The mumble server would better suit me for that (I'm really obsessive about having a push to talk key.)
Have you been banned before?: Nope. I don't seem to have weird random meltdowns like a lot of people.
If so why?: Gremlinpanz


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame Name:blent3342
Mod Experience: Been playing mods for about a year, feed the beast is only about 2 months though
About Yourself:I'm a friendly, kind hearted person and I always like striving for something new. I'm talkative at times, and can hold a good conversation about anything. I've been looking for a home server to play on, currently I'm on a non whitelisted server with a bunch of items, but it's not a place to call home in minecraft
How long have you played minecraft?:2 years
Do you / Will you use Skype:Yes I can use it, my name is blent1050
Have you been banned before?:No I've never been banned before. I never have griefed, in fact I've always set out to make friends with strangers on random servers, which luckily, has worked out !
If so why?:
Ingame Name: hansondr
Age: 31
Mod Experience: I've been playing with FTB for a couple months
About Yourself: Programmer by day but enjoy tinkering in the evenings, ComputerCraft is a favorite mod for obvious reasons. I enjoy collaborating on builds but I'm happy to toil away solo as well
How long have you played minecraft?: since alpha
Do you / Will you use Skype: Yes I will
Have you been banned before?: Nope
If so why?:
Ingame Name: Zorku
Age: 27
Mod Experience: I'm fully familiar with tekkit, and almost fully familiar with the mindcrack pack. I'm particularly good with Redpower2, and like working through projects with/for other players.
About Yourself: I was a tertiary moderator on The Gravel Pit, then moved with half of the playerbase to The Pantheon, but they all lost interest and stopped running the server.
How long have you played minecraft?: Since infDev, but with a long inactive period until some time after "The Halloween Update." I started using some of these mods before the tekkit launcher came out.
Do you / Will you use Skype: Yes for text messages. Sporadically for voice. The mumble server would better suit me for that (I'm really obsessive about having a push to talk key.)
Have you been banned before?: Nope. I don't seem to have weird random meltdowns like a lot of people.
If so why?: Gremlinpanz

All 3 accepted. Welcome adding to whitelist now


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame Name: Bl00dmaster
Age: 19
Mod Experience: Played Tekkit for a long time before moving onto ftb for like 3 months or so now.
About Yourself: I consider myself a friendly guy. I love the community spirit of servers and grouping with others. And I'm looking for a server to play on and stay with.
How long have you played minecraft?: Around 2 or 3 years now.
Do you / Will you use Skype: I use skype
Have you been banned before?: Nope.
If so why?: -


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame Name: bigtwisty
Age: 35
Mod Experiencbe: Ran an FTB test server before public release, played the "mod which shall not be named" long before that.
About Yourself: I'm an older player who enjoys the tech development portion of modded MC. I'm an electrical engineer by trade, and enjoy being able to play around with design concepts in a fun environment. Experience in circuit design, programming in Lua and Forth, manufacturing design, and a bunch of other boring professional stuff that suddenly become fun in Minecraft!
How long have you played minecraft?: Since Beta
Do you use Skype: yes
Have you been banned before?: No


Ingame Name: boombrshot
Age: 21
Mod Experience: I have played ftb and tekkit for a long time.
About Yourself: I'm a very friendly and enjoyable player to be around, I know a lot about this game, and I'm always glad to help.
How long have you played minecraft?: 2 years~
Do you / Will you use Skype: Surely
Have you been banned before?: Not for valid reasons
If so why?: N/A


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame Name: oFearz
Age: 18
Mod Experience: I'm playing Mindcrack FTB for about 3 months.
About Yourself: Playing Minecraft since alpha and in the last months playing a lot of FTB. I'm looking for a reliable server with a nice community.
How long have you played minecraft?: Since alpha.
Do you / Will you use Skype: Yes.
Have you been banned before?: No.
If so why?: --