As it looks right now i have figured out a way to have multiple maps in one, the server willl be able to choose a random one out of a bunch of schematic files. I am trying to get the quircks out of it at the time i was writing this. If you have been accepted by mezumi, please contact me to get on to the server as i have to whitelist you.
Current server information:
Max people: 6-10 (i am upgrading in august so it will be more in the future)
Server type: MCPC+ (Ultimate pack installed)
- WorldEdit
- WorldGuard
- PotionCommand (To add potions to players using commandblocks and CC for 1.4.7 (The potion command is not available in this MC Version)
- CBWrapper (For the use of worldedit with commandblocks, is needed for the multiarena support)
My Targets (Can differ from the actual targets):
- Making a nice map with a bunch of features.
- Allowing all size server to use it. (So even a 128 player server should be able to use the map without a problem) To accomplish this i want to use the Multi arena system
- A kind of village-themed-looking server spawn with shops and other features
- Rebuild as most of the features of the Original HungerGames books and movies.
Our first map is going to be Magic Vs. Science (which I think I stated above). What would shops do? And aren't we going to host the survival games?