~Ultimate Pack~

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Now that the mods if not all of the mods are up to date as seen here (some even patched bug fixes since updating) is there a particular mod that is not ready yet that is holding up the release of the Ultimate Pack?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would safely assume that once all the "kinks" are worked out of mindcrack and direwolf's packs and they feel those are 100% done, would we see anymore packs. Having 3-5 packs all at once would be nightmare-ish.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The only missing mods are Immibis' ones. Because he is in vacation. Why, Elo, why you released Redpower for 1.4.6 durnig holidays?!:(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why worry about the 'ultimate' pack when they have 5 child modpacks to look after...

Christ that annoys me. They can barely look after one.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This list is just all mods FTB ever used. I'm certain they even want to add more than that for the ultimate pack


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well imo it would be of a benefit to complete the ultimate pack with all the mods work the bugs out of it then remove the mods that arnt needed for the other packs i mean really think of it this way when your cooking you dont make a bunch of other plates with some of same ingredients then try to merge them all together to make the ultimate plate do you. the answer would be no because each plate would have the ingredients treated differently. where as if there all used in one plate there all treated the same, but not everyone likes all the ingredient well then they dont need to eat that part or even have it on there serving in the first place but its still that same meal. now to answer you Wabbit i belived i asked simple question in my first post you didnt answer it or attempt to there for your input was wasted here, if your gona troll do it in a cave where others dont have to put up with you, as for your opinion noted and tossed in the bin.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea I agree Ravage. Has anyone who's been watching slowpoke's streams today got any news? I missed most of his streaming.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's more work to get the ultimate pack stable and would take much longer. To appease the majority who are impatient it's quicker to let out these packs (which do have a lot of the mods as it is) and work on the ultimate while we wet our appetites with the appetizers :)

Is there something missing in either direwolf or mindcrack's that you would like to see? I personally like mindcrack's even though it is missing mystcraft. Mystcraft sort of makes life a little too easy anywho :p I think this pack is really close to what the ultimate pack would be like.

Also to note (rabbit/wabbit), there's only 3 supported packs out right now. Magic, Dire, and Crack. There hasn't been a mention of a new SSP but there has been word you can say bye bye to beta.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's more work to get the ultimate pack stable and would take much longer. To appease the majority who are impatient it's quicker to let out these packs (which do have a lot of the mods as it is) and work on the ultimate while we wet our appetites with the appetizers :)

Is there something missing in either direwolf or mindcrack's that you would like to see? I personally like mindcrack's even though it is missing mystcraft. Mystcraft sort of makes life a little too easy anywho :p I think this pack is really close to what the ultimate pack would be like.
Well, to be honest, if the mods that are to been put in the Ultimate pack are just chosen from the google spreadsheet, then I wouldn't mind just moving to the Mindcrack pack. Only problem is, I'm waiting for the world converter as well and I don't think we'll see that until Ultimate pack is out. So I might as well just wait for the ultimate pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, to be honest, if the mods that are to been put in the Ultimate pack are just chosen from the google spreadsheet, then I wouldn't mind just moving to the Mindcrack pack. Only problem is, I'm waiting for the world converter as well and I don't think we'll see that until Ultimate pack is out. So I might as well just wait for the ultimate pack.

World converter? I really don't think you'll see a world converter. Slowpoke has already said he heavily suggests starting a new map. Because beta was just that - beta, why go through the hours of writing something that'll convert a beta world? You have item IDs to worry about, and adding ore to a world that could potentially screw up people's houses that use stone. Volcanos / rp2 rubber trees will only be available in new chunks, there's no way you can get those in the current world.

I forget which version jump it was, believe it was 1.1 > 1.2 where they changed the worldgen engine (to anvil) and you ended up either with corrupted chunks (causing server crashes), ruined biomes, and really really weird new chunk generation. Granted this isn't the case now, but sometimes you have to bite the bullet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
World converter? I really don't think you'll see a world converter. Slowpoke has already said he heavily suggests starting a new map. Because beta was just that - beta, why go through the hours of writing something that'll convert a beta world? You have item IDs to worry about, and adding ore to a world that could potentially screw up people's houses that use stone. Volcanos / rp2 rubber trees will only be available in new chunks, there's no way you can get those in the current world.

I forget which version jump it was, believe it was 1.1 > 1.2 where they changed the worldgen engine (to anvil) and you ended up either with corrupted chunks (causing server crashes), ruined biomes, and really really weird new chunk generation. Granted this isn't the case now, but sometimes you have to bite the bullet.
It's already been said there will be a world converter. I wish I can give you a link but I didn't save it for reference.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well it is the Holidays, so give them a chance to relax and be with their families. They will release it when they release it.
You could just play on Mindcrack or DW20 pack for now and then role over you save to the ultimate pack as i don't think it will add any world gen.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
on a related note: do you know if any of the three (ultimate direwolf mindcrack) is likely to get ICBM. that seems to be the only major mod missing from ether of the latter two.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like mystcraft because it allows one to make ages cut off from main world and greifers ...also if you have a project and go on vacation for a week a random person does not take over your base or destroy it nor kill all your critters,npc and other stuff then say ...I have no idea that was yours....

Till we have great protections mystcraft ages even if controlled by admin great protection.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Any news on this? Slowpoked said he hoped it would be released a few days ago, but as far from that I couldn't find any new information.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Personally hoping we get both MineChem 2 and Ars Magica in the Ultimate. I might forget MC gets updates for a year! :eek:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Any news on this? Slowpoked said he hoped it would be released a few days ago, but as far from that I couldn't find any new information.

Today on Slow's stream he said the main hold back now is deciding what's going to be on the pack. They're pretty much waiting for everyone to get back from holiday, make some decisions, and once they put it together I'm sure they'll test it for a day or two. So it's all up in the air. It'd be awesome if it was this weekend, but I somehow doubt it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Slow has stated that he does not want to do a shabby job of the pack, he wants it to be bug-tested before it is released. It is true that the mods in the pack have not been finalized yet, but that should happen relatively quickly. I'm still hoping for a release before new year.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We are not actually waiting for any of those. They will be added to the packs that the FTB team decides to add them to when they are ready. All we are waiting for is for the team to finalize the mods in the pack and bug-test it.