~Ultimate Pack~

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There's a big difference from setbacks to ETA estimates, miscommunication between team members, and Slowpoke101 misleading people about the mod creator of Ars Magica's willingness to give permission once compatibility is fully settled. There has to be at least some interest in there from the mod creator or Slowpoke probably wouldn't have said anything and likely wouldn't be nearly as hopeful.

Agreed which is why I am being cautiously optimistic regarding Ars being an authorized mod in the pack. Certainly I can add it myself and will do so if they can't come to an agreement.

I about died when I read he isn't giving permission for any mod packs. This was posted before Slow made mention of the mod on FTB forums. It is quite promissing that, according to DW20, Azanor and Mithion have spoken and their mods, Thaumcraft and Ars, are based off the same source material. Seems like there is a built in synergy there.

Anywho, I will continue to desperately wait for more and more updates.

I have my seed thanks to DW20.
I have the basis of my pack thanks to FTB.
I know I can now add the UE stuff to DW20 pack thanks to ingenous FTB'rs.
I'm just missing the list of mods in the Ultimate pack to be complete.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ars Magica made me squee. :eek:

Even if for some reason Mithion did not feel right with FTB, I will do it myself. :D

After all, Optifine is not included but has reasonably good support here on how to install it independently and I am sure any truly awesome mod will find similar. It might even be a community driven config file is established while we still go get the mod from the author's link. :)
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Evil Hamster

New Member
Jul 29, 2019


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ars Magica made me squee. :eek:

Even if for some reason Mithion did not feel right with FTB, I will do it myself. :D

After all, Optifine is not included but has reasonably good support here on how to install it independently and I am sure any truly awesome mod will find similar. It might even be a community driven config file is established while we still go get the mod from the author's link. :)

Optifine is pending obsolescence anyway. Dinnerbone is "planing on something much better." That's a quote by the way. No idea what it means.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, how is the Mod API working for you....oh wait....
You do realize that Dinnerbone and co. actually have to completely recode Minecraft for the modding API, right? Minecraft is being redone in such a way that it makes modding a core part of the game.
Among other things, Grumm has said that when they are finished, Block and Item Ids will be a thing of the past. You can just have millions of blocks and items, and the game will figure it out for you.
The API is going to take a very long time, because they are going to make sure the API is built on solid foundations.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You do realize that Dinnerbone and co. actually have to completely recode Minecraft for the modding API, right? Minecraft is being redone in such a way that it makes modding a core part of the game.
Among other things, Grumm has said that when they are finished, Block and Item Ids will be a thing of the past. You can just have millions of blocks and items, and the game will figure it out for you.
The API is going to take a very long time, because they are going to make sure the API is built on solid foundations.

Of cores they don't they have never coded anything in there life. They think they notch can just wave his hand and make it work. Yes they probably think that notch is still working on minecraft. :p

Also they already have the foundation of the next generation block id system with the 1.5 individualized block textures.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Of cores they don't they have never coded anything in there life. They think they notch can just wave his hand and make it work. Yes they probably think that notch is still working on minecraft. :p
this post made my head hurt...

cant tell if serious or troll...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You do realize that Dinnerbone and co. actually have to completely recode Minecraft for the modding API, right? Minecraft is being redone in such a way that it makes modding a core part of the game.
Among other things, Grumm has said that when they are finished, Block and Item Ids will be a thing of the past. You can just have millions of blocks and items, and the game will figure it out for you.
The API is going to take a very long time, because they are going to make sure the API is built on solid foundations.

I'm sorry but I do know a bit about coding (admittedly not as much as professional programmers) and I also know that a small team of unpaid modders (Forge) have made more progress toward APIs than Dinnerbone and his team.

If I'd seen any evidence towards anything even closely resembling Modloader or Forge I'd be more understanding, but I haven't.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm sorry but I do know a bit about coding (admittedly not as much as professional programmers) and I also know that a small team of unpaid modders (Forge) have made more progress toward APIs than Dinnerbone and his team.

If I'd seen any evidence towards anything even closely resembling Modloader or Forge I'd be more understanding, but I haven't.

Yes, but the Modding API is not Modloader or Forge. It will completely change the game's code to remove item/block ids to ensure compatibility. If you go code that before Mojang has finished the Mod API, then I will agree that you make a valid argument. Until then... well... these things take time... like the original topic of this thread.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, but the Modding API is not Modloader or Forge. It will completely change the game's code to remove item/block ids to ensure compatibility. If you go code that before Mojang has finished the Mod API, then I will agree that you make a valid argument. Until then... well... these things take time... like the original topic of this thread.
Of course but if you think about it the other way...

I mean, they promised the modding API for quite a long time now.
First, it was that they didn't have the staff, then the person was affected to an other project, then it has been cast aside to be able to release the update faster...

When you take all of that into consideration, any news that tend to go to make the API take more time sound like an excuse. Even if it hopefully is not.

The fact remains that they promised it so many times now, and yet we have no real news of it making its way, so we are all sceptical.
Forge didn't make itself in a night, it took months of some of the biggest modders of that period. More than a year later, it is still improving and putting the hooks and functions needed for the modders.

The API, on the other hand, was stated to be static after its launch, so they should really make all they can to ensure they didn't forget anything, and that's a hell of a job.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Of course but if you think about it the other way...

I mean, they promised the modding API for quite a long time now.
First, it was that they didn't have the staff, then the person was affected to an other project, then it has been cast aside to be able to release the update faster...

When you take all of that into consideration, any news that tend to go to make the API take more time sound like an excuse. Even if it hopefully is not.

The fact remains that they promised it so many times now, and yet we have no real news of it making its way, so we are all sceptical.
Forge didn't make itself in a night, it took months of some of the biggest modders of that period. More than a year later, it is still improving and putting the hooks and functions needed for the modders.

The API, on the other hand, was stated to be static after its launch, so they should really make all they can to ensure they didn't forget anything, and that's a hell of a job.

I'm not even sure which side your arguing on, but I agree with the statement about Forge vs the API, Forge is still being improved a year on, but when something is released into vanilla minecraft, it needs to be a lot more stable than even some mods are today, because the millions of people who have bought Minecraft will have it, not just those who know how to install mods now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm sorry but I do know a bit about coding (admittedly not as much as professional programmers) and I also know that a small team of unpaid modders (Forge) have made more progress toward APIs than Dinnerbone and his team.

If I'd seen any evidence towards anything even closely resembling Modloader or Forge I'd be more understanding, but I haven't.
You do remember what Dinnerbone worked on prior to being employed by Mojang, right?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not even sure which side your arguing on, but I agree with the statement about Forge vs the API, Forge is still being improved a year on, but when something is released into vanilla minecraft, it needs to be a lot more stable than even some mods are today, because the millions of people who have bought Minecraft will have it, not just those who know how to install mods now.
I am forced to choose a side in every single thing that happens? ^^
But yep, you got what I wanted to mean, I think.
Basically, forge can push updates twice a day if it serves a purpose (bug correction, new hooks, etc).

For the API, they need to wait for the next Minecraft update, and that can take weeks, or even monthes, so they better have something very solid at the launch of it, or they would hurt the modding scene, particularly those that don't use Forge, as Forge can always try to patch the bugs if really needed.

But anyway, I really think that if the API works as promised, we will have two solid bases for modders, and that can only be a good thing.

The only thing I am not sure about is that removal of block IDs.
Sure, it sounds great when you read it, no more derping around the config, launching the client a hundred times to fix all the conflicts and all.
But on the other hand, they need to find an other concept that will identify each block and item, so it will be a different form of ID, maybe not just a number. The worst part could be if they generate them on the fly, because you could completely screw worlds for just updating mods that are WIP (all mods are ^^).
I don't think they will do this kind of newbie mistakes, as they all seem to be good coders, but a single thing that is buggy in these changes can result in a game that lags even more, just because of an ID system that's not better suited for the game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I agree that removal of block IDs could be done horribly, but IDs evidently are not right for Minecraft either. Maybe having world specific IDs, with the server providing them to the client?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
this post made my head hurt...

cant tell if serious or troll...

Half serious. Coading is much, much harder than most people think it is.
All those TV and movie references of people taping a few commands into a computer and hacking the pentagon. They make it seem so easy.

The ultimate goal of the API is to connect to every mod there is. To do that they have to under stand every mod there is. Add to that the fact that only a small part of the Mojang team is working on the API. well it's going to take them a while.
Someone mentioned that forge updates quickly. And yah they do. But do they program it from scratch each time? And while i wouldn't be supposed if they had to from time to time they did it while knowing what it was they were doing. Simply modifying what was already created. Not making it from absolutely nothing.
What's worse. It has to be absolutely perfect. Forge screws up . Uninstall it and minecraft's still AOK. But if the integrated API crashes...
Worse than that still. As it is integrated into minecraft security becomes a big issue. As its' also linked to our user IDs and by extension our back accounts. You've heard about those mods that were programed to send a players passwords back to the mod makers right. If Mojang makes this API that absolutely can not happen. Because they would be responsible for it. They would be liable.
So yah it's a lot of effort and risk just to make our life a little easier. So the next time one of you complains that it's taking to long pleas remember that they don't have to be doing this. We could get along just fine as we are.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The only thing I am not sure about is that removal of block IDs.
Sure, it sounds great when you read it, no more derping around the config, launching the client a hundred times to fix all the conflicts and all.
But on the other hand, they need to find an other concept that will identify each block and item, so it will be a different form of ID, maybe not just a number. The worst part could be if they generate them on the fly, because you could completely screw worlds for just updating mods that are WIP (all mods are ^^).
I don't think they will do this kind of newbie mistakes, as they all seem to be good coders, but a single thing that is buggy in these changes can result in a game that lags even more, just because of an ID system that's not better suited for the game.

There not really removing the block Ids there just changing them a bit. Instead of blocks being attached to an arbitrary string of numbers they will be attached to a purposeful string of letters. IE there actual name. And simply adding a prefix of the name of a given mod and conflict becomes almost impossible.
Or at least that's my guess do to how the tex files are now organized.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know that, but I fear that it will break all non vanilla worlds, and even vanilla ones.
Also, converting the worlds will definitely break a lot of things, maybe even all modded maps.

If you remember, when they changed the world height, many maps were lagging really hard when converted to the new format, and there was many, many more light glitches.

Mojang is not particularly known for updates that are flawless, introducing new bugs and not always fixing the older ones, so I guess we ae a little used to that anyway, but it is sad, that nearly every new feature has a problem somewhere.