Welcome to UKZilla!
This server is Team Survival, meaning there is one "Base of Operations" where all players work and live..
The difficulty is hard.
The server is whitelisted.
We are running the 1.0.23 version of Direwolf20 as of the 26th of Aug 2012
The server is now mature 13+, if you are under 13 but are already whitelisted, that means we consider you mature enough to stay despite your age, if we do not consider you mature enough you will soon be unwhitelisted.
Additional Mods:
Currently we are using the default DW20 modlist with the following changes:
The following mods are disabled:
Billund - Annoying, buggy, useless
The following mods have been updated:
Project Red - Updated to 4.3.7 build #32
Ars Magica 2 - Updated to v1.2.0.022
The following mods have been added:
AnimationAPI v1.1.2
Blood Magic 1.0.1g
https://www.dropbox.com/s/505bbr588s10ur6/Blood Magic v1.0.1g.zip
Configs for Ars Magica 2 and Blood Magic can be found here:
Simply extract the zip straight into your configs folder.
OPs: "Respect Our authoritay!"
1) Fix creeper damage as soon as it happens
2) No griefing
3) No arguing
4) No splitting off from the main group
5) Put the word Epic in your application
6) Fix creeper damage as soon as it happens
7) Don't waste resources on pointless things (EG Nanosuit, gravisuit) without permission from OPs
8) No Racism, Sexism, Ageism or discrimination in any other way
9) Be considerate, all resources are shared with other players. THERE IS NO CLAIMING OR HOGGING RESOURCES TOLERATED
10) No Chunk Loaders, once we have the resources, if one is needed, an Op will place one with chunk radius 9
11) Seriously, fix creeper damage as soon as it happens
The IP is:
Teamspeak is at: ts.ukzillamc.com
Whitelist Application:
In Game Name:
Why you want to join the server:
Have you read the rules:
Why should we whitelist you:
Can you be trusted to play properly and maturely:
Ban appeal:
PM this to me do NOT reply here with your ban appeal or it will act against you in getting unbanned
In Game Name:
Why you were banned:
Why you did this:
Why you should be unbanned:
Hope to see you on the server!
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