Twilight forest respawnpoint

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If we die in TF we will respawn high in the air and fall down to die again.
The only way to fix it yet was to put water under the respawn points.
Also my mate is respawning a few blocks further than me.

May it happen because we closed the first portal and built a new one in TF ?
And how is it possible to fix this respawnpoints.

We play FTB Ultimate v1.1.2 (mc 1.4.7)
I don't have these problems on my singleplayer map. I just respawn next to the portal there.
there's a command that can be used I cant remember exactly but it's something like "/setspawn true" or something along those lines, I think it is /setspawn in chat should fix that but I dont remember, cant you use beds in TF? I was able to so you might as well make beds.
It used to be that you respawned where the spawn was in the overworld, so if you put the portal close to spawn in the overworld, your respawn in the forest would be close by. Not sure if this has been changed though.
I maybe wrong but I think what happens is when you go to the TF the spawn in point is over the portal which is created but if there's a tree over hanging the portal it sets you spawning in just below the tree. So when you go in look immediately upwards, do you see the sky blocked by leaves/trees?
Ok thanks, beds are working :)

The spawn in the overworld should be the problem. I put that on a mountain.
I thought the respawn in TF will be next to the portal and not so many blocks above it or on the same height as in the OW