In this tutorial you will be taught how to get lots of redstone energy from Thermal Expansion. If you don't know how to start from scratch, please look at this thread:
Once you get the picture that the poster of that thread mentioned (thanks to him) and you make the Magma Crucible and the Liquid Transposer, here's how to start. I personally like redstone energy which is Buildcraft Energy with is MJ. Then later on, EU.
Engines. As a start, use Steam Engines to power your Magma Crucible and your Liquid Transposer, I prefer 3 at the most. And the T.E Steam Engines.
Minerals. Get lots of iron and redstone. At the most, 2 stacks of redstone. Thats really all you need at the moment. Mine as much lead and gold as possible. Some diamonds, too.
If you have went to the Nether and have not found a nether fortress, collect soul sand and netherrack and throw in one soul sand and 4 netherrack to an Induction Smelter to make 2 nether brick which is used to make the Magma Crucible.
The power producing is mainly Combustion Engines. And you need fuel for that. Yeah. You need to find an oil well.
If the oil well is far from your house, craft Ender Tanks to transport the liquid from one ender tank to another. You should need about 3 Combustion Engines. Probably the most important part is to make some Hardened Glass for the Redstone Energy Cell and the Conduits. If you want to get a headstart with the Steam Engines, produce some Molten Redstone now.
Find an oil well. If you have experience using Buildcraft Pumps, then you know what to do. If you don't, craft a Pump and 4 Redstone engines to pump it. Place the pump a block over the source block of the oil. Most oil wells on the surface extend down to a cave or an underground oil well. Then, setup a little bit of golden waterproof pipes leading to the Ender Tank. If you don't know how to use those, right click the little circle in the middle. I'm pretty sure the Blue is to send and the orange is to receive. If I'm wrong please correct me.
Place the ender tank where your working room is. In my survival I have a basement under my T.E machines for engines and such. So, you would place the Ender Tank right next to a Refinery. It is made with 3 tanks, a diamond, and 2 redstone torches. This also needs power. Note, if you have already made the Combustion Engines, you may use the raw oil for now until you have enough buildcraft energy to power the Refinery, because thats what I did.
Lead the waterproof pipes to the Combustion Engines and let it fill up with oil. The most important part is the temperature. Without water it will explode massively. For this, craft an Aqueous Accumulator. Place that in the middle of water and some waterproof pipes exporting it out to the Combustion Engines. If the oil well is far from your home, place a chunk loader.
Now, apply a redstone signal to the Combustion engines pumping through Conductive pipes (until you have conduits) to the machines and it should be receiving nice amount of power. Raw oil is 3 MJ per tick and Fuel which comes from the Refinery is 6 MJ per tick. 6 x 3 = 18 MJ for the Crucible alone while its working.
Make some Hardened Glass with Pulverized Obsidian and Lead. Make Electrum Ingots which you just throw in a gold ingot and lead in an Induction Smelter to get 2 Electrum Ingots to make the Empty Conduits. Start melting some redstone in the Magma Crucible. Please note you need a Liquid Transposer next to it or you cannot fill up the cell or the conduits. To transfer, go to the config settings in the Crucible (IN THE GAME!) and set the output (orange) to the right side and for the Liquid Transposer set the input to the left side (blue).
Once you have atleast over a quarter of molten redstone, throw in some Conduits. They should fill up with no problem consuming 50 mB of molten redstone. Now, go back to the work room and replace all the energy conductors with conduits.
The conduits should conduct the power produced by the Combustion Engines. Get your wrench and right click the arrows on the conduits to orange so it would output power.
Good! Now you have energy conduits, Combustion Engines for better power, now, you would now make the Redstone Energy Cell! This can store 600k Minecraft Joules produced by the Engines. And it's portable!
Make 4 Electrum Ingots and 4 Hardened Glass. When you make those, put 4 Electrum on the corners of the crafting table, Hardened Glass in a diamond shape and a diamond in the middle, and you get a Energy Cell Frame. These are not placeable in the world. Throw it in to a Liquid Transposer and it will fill up in about 10-20 seconds. If you don't have enough molten redstone it will not fill up.
When it fills up, it is still not placeable in the world. Why? You need to make it to a Redstone Energy CELL.
Make 4 electrum ingots, one for the Conductance coil with redstone and 3 in the recipe. Grab two lead, and here's the recipe:
Legend: E = Electrum Ingot
F = Redstone Energy Frame (FULL)
L = Lead
RC = Conductance coil
There you go! You have made the Redstone Energy Cell! Now that is placeable.
Go to your working room and place it in between the line through the machines and where the Combustion Engines are pumping (remove one conduit). Now it should be gathering power! You could adjust how much power it gets and how much power it lets out.
When you have the ingredients to make a refinery, connect more conduits from the Redstone Energy Cell to the Refinery.
Try to atleast wait for the raw oil to get used by the Combustion Engines or just break them and place it again. The refinery should start getting oil from the Ender Tank and start working. To output the fuel, place a wooden waterproof pipe with an engine/gate to power it leading to the Combustion Engines, and whala! You got fresh fuel which produces 6 Minecraft Joules per tick.
And there you go! You should be able to keep the machines powered when they work because of the power used by the Energy Cell than straight from the Conduit. You could make more conduits and run more line to Forestry Machines to power your forestry farms and quarries.
I hope this guide has helped alot of newbies who have been struggling with Thermal Expansion power. I too, was struggling, but applied the process of trial and error. You try something and it goes wrong, learn from your mistakes and think about common sense. As always, keep a backup of your world!
Feedback would be appreciated as it took time to type this all! Here is a picture of my working room and the pump (My base is practically a 9x9x6, which is a Direwolf base, heh).
Once you get the picture that the poster of that thread mentioned (thanks to him) and you make the Magma Crucible and the Liquid Transposer, here's how to start. I personally like redstone energy which is Buildcraft Energy with is MJ. Then later on, EU.
Engines. As a start, use Steam Engines to power your Magma Crucible and your Liquid Transposer, I prefer 3 at the most. And the T.E Steam Engines.
Minerals. Get lots of iron and redstone. At the most, 2 stacks of redstone. Thats really all you need at the moment. Mine as much lead and gold as possible. Some diamonds, too.
If you have went to the Nether and have not found a nether fortress, collect soul sand and netherrack and throw in one soul sand and 4 netherrack to an Induction Smelter to make 2 nether brick which is used to make the Magma Crucible.
The power producing is mainly Combustion Engines. And you need fuel for that. Yeah. You need to find an oil well.
If the oil well is far from your house, craft Ender Tanks to transport the liquid from one ender tank to another. You should need about 3 Combustion Engines. Probably the most important part is to make some Hardened Glass for the Redstone Energy Cell and the Conduits. If you want to get a headstart with the Steam Engines, produce some Molten Redstone now.
Find an oil well. If you have experience using Buildcraft Pumps, then you know what to do. If you don't, craft a Pump and 4 Redstone engines to pump it. Place the pump a block over the source block of the oil. Most oil wells on the surface extend down to a cave or an underground oil well. Then, setup a little bit of golden waterproof pipes leading to the Ender Tank. If you don't know how to use those, right click the little circle in the middle. I'm pretty sure the Blue is to send and the orange is to receive. If I'm wrong please correct me.
Place the ender tank where your working room is. In my survival I have a basement under my T.E machines for engines and such. So, you would place the Ender Tank right next to a Refinery. It is made with 3 tanks, a diamond, and 2 redstone torches. This also needs power. Note, if you have already made the Combustion Engines, you may use the raw oil for now until you have enough buildcraft energy to power the Refinery, because thats what I did.
Lead the waterproof pipes to the Combustion Engines and let it fill up with oil. The most important part is the temperature. Without water it will explode massively. For this, craft an Aqueous Accumulator. Place that in the middle of water and some waterproof pipes exporting it out to the Combustion Engines. If the oil well is far from your home, place a chunk loader.
Now, apply a redstone signal to the Combustion engines pumping through Conductive pipes (until you have conduits) to the machines and it should be receiving nice amount of power. Raw oil is 3 MJ per tick and Fuel which comes from the Refinery is 6 MJ per tick. 6 x 3 = 18 MJ for the Crucible alone while its working.
Make some Hardened Glass with Pulverized Obsidian and Lead. Make Electrum Ingots which you just throw in a gold ingot and lead in an Induction Smelter to get 2 Electrum Ingots to make the Empty Conduits. Start melting some redstone in the Magma Crucible. Please note you need a Liquid Transposer next to it or you cannot fill up the cell or the conduits. To transfer, go to the config settings in the Crucible (IN THE GAME!) and set the output (orange) to the right side and for the Liquid Transposer set the input to the left side (blue).
Once you have atleast over a quarter of molten redstone, throw in some Conduits. They should fill up with no problem consuming 50 mB of molten redstone. Now, go back to the work room and replace all the energy conductors with conduits.
The conduits should conduct the power produced by the Combustion Engines. Get your wrench and right click the arrows on the conduits to orange so it would output power.
Good! Now you have energy conduits, Combustion Engines for better power, now, you would now make the Redstone Energy Cell! This can store 600k Minecraft Joules produced by the Engines. And it's portable!
Make 4 Electrum Ingots and 4 Hardened Glass. When you make those, put 4 Electrum on the corners of the crafting table, Hardened Glass in a diamond shape and a diamond in the middle, and you get a Energy Cell Frame. These are not placeable in the world. Throw it in to a Liquid Transposer and it will fill up in about 10-20 seconds. If you don't have enough molten redstone it will not fill up.
When it fills up, it is still not placeable in the world. Why? You need to make it to a Redstone Energy CELL.
Make 4 electrum ingots, one for the Conductance coil with redstone and 3 in the recipe. Grab two lead, and here's the recipe:
Legend: E = Electrum Ingot
F = Redstone Energy Frame (FULL)
L = Lead
RC = Conductance coil
There you go! You have made the Redstone Energy Cell! Now that is placeable.
Go to your working room and place it in between the line through the machines and where the Combustion Engines are pumping (remove one conduit). Now it should be gathering power! You could adjust how much power it gets and how much power it lets out.
When you have the ingredients to make a refinery, connect more conduits from the Redstone Energy Cell to the Refinery.
Try to atleast wait for the raw oil to get used by the Combustion Engines or just break them and place it again. The refinery should start getting oil from the Ender Tank and start working. To output the fuel, place a wooden waterproof pipe with an engine/gate to power it leading to the Combustion Engines, and whala! You got fresh fuel which produces 6 Minecraft Joules per tick.
And there you go! You should be able to keep the machines powered when they work because of the power used by the Energy Cell than straight from the Conduit. You could make more conduits and run more line to Forestry Machines to power your forestry farms and quarries.
I hope this guide has helped alot of newbies who have been struggling with Thermal Expansion power. I too, was struggling, but applied the process of trial and error. You try something and it goes wrong, learn from your mistakes and think about common sense. As always, keep a backup of your world!
Feedback would be appreciated as it took time to type this all! Here is a picture of my working room and the pump (My base is practically a 9x9x6, which is a Direwolf base, heh).