So i was meaning to get one of these going at the beginning of my journey. However i got a little sidetracked and quite far along on the server i frequent then it all went to hell when we changed from ultimate to yogscast complete. So i began again, this time taking the idea i had pioneered on the previous iteration and built upon it. It was glorious.. it turned out better than i imagined, but still wasn't quite right.
By complete coincidence, just as i was getting annoyed, we had a map reset. Which gave me a brilliant chance to start over. This co-incided with the time i started watching @Ako_the_Builder season 2 of RR playthrough. His take on Wollaton Hall (which is ironically quite close to me IRL) inspired my new take on what id like to build and as a result i too have taken major influences from this building.
So whats this thread about then? Well, im at a stage now where i have the building set down, Ive done little to no mods and the building itself is a shell. So this stands as a good point to begin from! In the spoiler below is a brief history of how my past playthrough went, unfortunately due to a map reset i no longer have any pictures of them. Following that will be updates hopefully every day or two of my progress =D.
[UPDATE] The server is annoyingly offline till tomorrow afternoon, pictures will be coming then -_-
So, First off, Plans.
So i was meaning to get one of these going at the beginning of my journey. However i got a little sidetracked and quite far along on the server i frequent then it all went to hell when we changed from ultimate to yogscast complete. So i began again, this time taking the idea i had pioneered on the previous iteration and built upon it. It was glorious.. it turned out better than i imagined, but still wasn't quite right.
By complete coincidence, just as i was getting annoyed, we had a map reset. Which gave me a brilliant chance to start over. This co-incided with the time i started watching @Ako_the_Builder season 2 of RR playthrough. His take on Wollaton Hall (which is ironically quite close to me IRL) inspired my new take on what id like to build and as a result i too have taken major influences from this building.
So whats this thread about then? Well, im at a stage now where i have the building set down, Ive done little to no mods and the building itself is a shell. So this stands as a good point to begin from! In the spoiler below is a brief history of how my past playthrough went, unfortunately due to a map reset i no longer have any pictures of them. Following that will be updates hopefully every day or two of my progress =D.
TsoriCorp 1.0 started as a large magic based building. It was made from marble and heavily inspired by gothic architecture. The bulk of the building was a giant marble "hall" with high windows stained with various imagines. Within was a tiered library and thaumcraft after. AM2 was built up top and witchery/blood magic within small alcoves in the floor. This was quite enjoyable due to starting off in a perfect medow's biome that fit in perfectly. Technology areas were built underneath however space became an issue due to being very close to another player.
Tsoricorp 2.0 was an observatory, The observatory dome held thaumcraft, AM2. Small cottage in the surrounding fields held the witchery parts and a cave within a cliff nearby the blood magic alter. Once again tech was underground however this time it was a much better implementation. Using an enhanced portal transport system i had a bunch of buried "labs" with sprawling corridors and small rooms. This worked well giving it a great laboratory feel. However the map reset meant this had to be destroyed.
Tsoricorp 2.0 was an observatory, The observatory dome held thaumcraft, AM2. Small cottage in the surrounding fields held the witchery parts and a cave within a cliff nearby the blood magic alter. Once again tech was underground however this time it was a much better implementation. Using an enhanced portal transport system i had a bunch of buried "labs" with sprawling corridors and small rooms. This worked well giving it a great laboratory feel. However the map reset meant this had to be destroyed.
[UPDATE] The server is annoyingly offline till tomorrow afternoon, pictures will be coming then -_-
So, First off, Plans.
These are basic floorplans with areas that im considering of dividing up for use.

Basement - B1 - Blood magic alter. This area is made specifically for the alter, a 20x20 square, with room for up to 6 blocks high. [/B]
Basement - B2 - I have no idea what to do with this space. It has no access to the outside so it may instead become areas for me to route my wireing/pipes through.
Ground Floor - G1 - This is the entrance hall, it has a large staircase going up to the second level and areas for display cases ect for various armours/items. This room is mostly decorative.
Ground Floor G2 - This im thinking of making into a witchery area. Hidden away this entire side of the building can become a form of indoor "garden" for witchery plants, possibly with a tree growing in each tower. Hidden doors into the garden at the back where my alter will be.
Ground Floor G3 - Unsure currently. Im thinking possibly my bee /gendustry area. Bee's are the only main tech area that requires me to have access to the outside and such need to be quite high up.
First Floor F1 - This is the upper area of the entrance hall, Not much floorspace here due to the balconys looking down on the main hall. Mainly for decoration.
First Floor F2 - This area is AM2. Crafting alter in the tower and various implements running the length of the building.
First Floor F3 - No idea... hoping something strikes me for this area.
Second Floor - S1- This is a high building the size of the main hall. With the mainhalls raised roof, this area is pretty much just a giant rectangle. Il be using this bit for everything thaumcraft related.
So wheres the tech? That will be covered in the actual playthrough.

Basement - B1 - Blood magic alter. This area is made specifically for the alter, a 20x20 square, with room for up to 6 blocks high. [/B]
Basement - B2 - I have no idea what to do with this space. It has no access to the outside so it may instead become areas for me to route my wireing/pipes through.
Ground Floor - G1 - This is the entrance hall, it has a large staircase going up to the second level and areas for display cases ect for various armours/items. This room is mostly decorative.
Ground Floor G2 - This im thinking of making into a witchery area. Hidden away this entire side of the building can become a form of indoor "garden" for witchery plants, possibly with a tree growing in each tower. Hidden doors into the garden at the back where my alter will be.
Ground Floor G3 - Unsure currently. Im thinking possibly my bee /gendustry area. Bee's are the only main tech area that requires me to have access to the outside and such need to be quite high up.
First Floor F1 - This is the upper area of the entrance hall, Not much floorspace here due to the balconys looking down on the main hall. Mainly for decoration.
First Floor F2 - This area is AM2. Crafting alter in the tower and various implements running the length of the building.
First Floor F3 - No idea... hoping something strikes me for this area.
Second Floor - S1- This is a high building the size of the main hall. With the mainhalls raised roof, this area is pretty much just a giant rectangle. Il be using this bit for everything thaumcraft related.
So wheres the tech? That will be covered in the actual playthrough.
Since it was a new map i started out as always, wandering around getting killed by everything for an hour. Made some stone tools, kept walking. I knew i wanted a forest or something similar as i liked the idea of a manor house with an "estate" of land around it. Not huge fields worth but enough to make the building not feel "squeezed" into the environment. I found a pretty good forest but unfortunately someone else decided to build just round the corner, this simply wouldn't do.
Another hour or so of walking in one direction i reached another forest, this time far enough away from others!. So i settled and made a cobblestone box that would be my workers hut. Within i dug down, got the usual collection of ores and stuff. I also made a smeltery, I realize TinCon is pretty much what everyone does at the start but the tools are just too useful to pass up.
I LUCKILY had enough materials for Alumite tools, these took precedence over a pulveriser as they enabled me to gather more materials quicker.
With alumite pick i dug out some obsidian i had inadvertently created earlier while mining and put together a nether portal. Now, for those who have not played with metallurgy before, it fills the world and nether with various new ores. Kalendrite is a new ore added to the nether in quite copious amounts. Its purple and awesome. What makes it awesome? well..its not rare, it has the mining strength of diamond and can mine vulcanite, the top tier nether ore added by metallurgy. Oh...one last thing..2 vulcanite ingots = a blaze rod!.
So that was what i did, kalendrite pick -> vulcanite. Vulcanite pick/Sword/Armour + all the blaze rods i could eat!. While i was getting this i luckily managed to get 2 ghast tears.
So back in the overworld i crafted a pulverizer, redstone furnace, metallurgic infuser (mekanism makes most TE machines need steel instead of iron, annoying at best). These were all powered by a mekanism wind turbine, cheap and free power which in my opinion is frankly OP at lower levels due to its poweroutput. 192 rf/t no fuel and cheap enough to make at this level. i ended up with 6.
Now, i dont enchant much. Infact.. ever. Bad i know but ah well, alot of the armours in these mods are already enchanted, or there is easier way of getting it (TinCon silk touch, self repairing cobalt pick with some moss balls ect) So my EXP goes into a MFR XP extractor. This makes mob essence which i use to spawn myself mobs for food!. Remember those ghast tears? used one for a renewable safari ball for a cow and the other into a MFR unifier.
The unifier will take in "tears" from cold cows (cold cows are cows shaved of their skin (leather) using force shears from dartcraft. Awesome), and convert them into ghast tears. Easier than hunting those ghasts!
Now at this point i was stopped by a lack of ender pearls. YC uses hardcore end mod...i had no intentions of going there anytime soon. With a mixture of ender lilly seeds and killing ender tots (spawns 2 angry enderman that wont run away) from my spawner, these gave me enough for my current needs.
So with that all setup i crafted myself a mekanism jetpack. Why? Because it was time to hunt bats!
Now i know alot of people disagree with advanced genetics, but in packs like these with so many ways to fly, for those of us who want to use our clothing spots, or spell spots, or potion consumption on something other than flight, advanced genetics is a brilliant mod. Shamefully OP.. but who cares, its not a pvp server.
So i hunted down a bat, stole its cells and through the sacrificing of many..many cows for cells got myself creative flight.
I was finally ready to begin building my main base. Using a excavator shovel from TinCon, i flattened out the area and lain down a framework in cobble. Then after many trials of materials i settled on limestone from mariculture. Using chisel and donations from many others on the server i collected every type of limestone i could get my hands on, chiseled it into mariculture limestone and cooked a ton in a furnace. Mariculture has brick, small brick, smooth, fancy brick and beveled versions, enough for variance and the texture itself is amazing even in default.
I used carpenters block slopes and stairs to add in small detail along the sides of the building, trying to follow in general the design of the original building. I copied @Ako_the_Builder choice of windows, that glass alone is amazing and i had never put it together in such amounts to notice the strips of metal/wood that make it into a very authentic window design.
For the interior, at this point it is mostly blank. I use greatwood for floors alot as i love the color of it. This fit in some areas however to keep the main hall with its "large and airy" feel i went for a lighter spruce wood floor.
Limestone, the chisel variant suited the roof well, the original building has a flat roof, something ive added on however im considering changing sections to a more raised design.
And thats that!. Next up i intend on slowly filling in certain mod areas. AM2 witchery and thaumcraft will be amongst the first.
As for tech, im going to dig down and have an underground area, continuing the batman theme with a cave control center with labs comming off of it. I intend on having a statue/water feature on the grounds infront of the building, the water feature concealing a skylight down into the cave. All this will be expanded as i do it below in pictures.
Another hour or so of walking in one direction i reached another forest, this time far enough away from others!. So i settled and made a cobblestone box that would be my workers hut. Within i dug down, got the usual collection of ores and stuff. I also made a smeltery, I realize TinCon is pretty much what everyone does at the start but the tools are just too useful to pass up.
I LUCKILY had enough materials for Alumite tools, these took precedence over a pulveriser as they enabled me to gather more materials quicker.
With alumite pick i dug out some obsidian i had inadvertently created earlier while mining and put together a nether portal. Now, for those who have not played with metallurgy before, it fills the world and nether with various new ores. Kalendrite is a new ore added to the nether in quite copious amounts. Its purple and awesome. What makes it awesome? well..its not rare, it has the mining strength of diamond and can mine vulcanite, the top tier nether ore added by metallurgy. Oh...one last thing..2 vulcanite ingots = a blaze rod!.
So that was what i did, kalendrite pick -> vulcanite. Vulcanite pick/Sword/Armour + all the blaze rods i could eat!. While i was getting this i luckily managed to get 2 ghast tears.
So back in the overworld i crafted a pulverizer, redstone furnace, metallurgic infuser (mekanism makes most TE machines need steel instead of iron, annoying at best). These were all powered by a mekanism wind turbine, cheap and free power which in my opinion is frankly OP at lower levels due to its poweroutput. 192 rf/t no fuel and cheap enough to make at this level. i ended up with 6.
Now, i dont enchant much. Infact.. ever. Bad i know but ah well, alot of the armours in these mods are already enchanted, or there is easier way of getting it (TinCon silk touch, self repairing cobalt pick with some moss balls ect) So my EXP goes into a MFR XP extractor. This makes mob essence which i use to spawn myself mobs for food!. Remember those ghast tears? used one for a renewable safari ball for a cow and the other into a MFR unifier.
The unifier will take in "tears" from cold cows (cold cows are cows shaved of their skin (leather) using force shears from dartcraft. Awesome), and convert them into ghast tears. Easier than hunting those ghasts!
Now at this point i was stopped by a lack of ender pearls. YC uses hardcore end mod...i had no intentions of going there anytime soon. With a mixture of ender lilly seeds and killing ender tots (spawns 2 angry enderman that wont run away) from my spawner, these gave me enough for my current needs.
So with that all setup i crafted myself a mekanism jetpack. Why? Because it was time to hunt bats!
Now i know alot of people disagree with advanced genetics, but in packs like these with so many ways to fly, for those of us who want to use our clothing spots, or spell spots, or potion consumption on something other than flight, advanced genetics is a brilliant mod. Shamefully OP.. but who cares, its not a pvp server.
So i hunted down a bat, stole its cells and through the sacrificing of many..many cows for cells got myself creative flight.
I was finally ready to begin building my main base. Using a excavator shovel from TinCon, i flattened out the area and lain down a framework in cobble. Then after many trials of materials i settled on limestone from mariculture. Using chisel and donations from many others on the server i collected every type of limestone i could get my hands on, chiseled it into mariculture limestone and cooked a ton in a furnace. Mariculture has brick, small brick, smooth, fancy brick and beveled versions, enough for variance and the texture itself is amazing even in default.
I used carpenters block slopes and stairs to add in small detail along the sides of the building, trying to follow in general the design of the original building. I copied @Ako_the_Builder choice of windows, that glass alone is amazing and i had never put it together in such amounts to notice the strips of metal/wood that make it into a very authentic window design.
For the interior, at this point it is mostly blank. I use greatwood for floors alot as i love the color of it. This fit in some areas however to keep the main hall with its "large and airy" feel i went for a lighter spruce wood floor.
Limestone, the chisel variant suited the roof well, the original building has a flat roof, something ive added on however im considering changing sections to a more raised design.
And thats that!. Next up i intend on slowly filling in certain mod areas. AM2 witchery and thaumcraft will be amongst the first.
As for tech, im going to dig down and have an underground area, continuing the batman theme with a cave control center with labs comming off of it. I intend on having a statue/water feature on the grounds infront of the building, the water feature concealing a skylight down into the cave. All this will be expanded as i do it below in pictures.