Traincraft vs Railcraft


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey Guys--
I just sorta wanted to create a lively discussion about whether Traincraft or Railcraft is better. I think railcraft is better because it provides essentially the same things but fits into vanilla much better than Traincraft.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My experience with Traincraft is limited, but I believe the two mods have different purposes. Traincraft is more about aesthetics and imagination, and Railcraft is more about expanding Minecraft gameplay. Other than the fact that they both add locomotives, I don't consider them to be competing.

Edit: And by limited I mean none at all except for reading the Minecraft Forums topic.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What budge said but when comparing 2 mods think what would be missing if you had both and removed 1. With Traincraft you'd be missing a whole bunch of trains, with Railcraft missing you'd not only be missing trains, a crap ton of tracks, but also steam, engines, machines and most importantly damn decent tanks that don't bug the hell out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OTOH Traincraft's engines have one thing Railcraft's Steam Engine doesn't have (yet) - the Steam locos it has can draw water and coal from an attached Tender, where Railcraft requires everything to be supplied only in the engine itself.
If it could be made to work like the Tunnel Bore, pulling from linked Chest and Tank carts for water and coal, then it really wouldn't matter unless you wanted to make big trains.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My experience with Traincraft is limited, but I believe the two mods have different purposes. Traincraft is more about aesthetics and imagination, and Railcraft is more about expanding Minecraft gameplay. Other than the fact that they both add locomotives, I don't consider them to be competing.

Edit: And by limited I mean none at all except for reading the Minecraft Forums topic.

Good point. One thing that is cool about traincraft is that you can have a furnace and crafting table in a train cart.

EDIT: Also, another question to ask is which mod fits better into SMP? Also, Traincraft is only in the Mindcrack pack, which is the pack that I use for my server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
...then it really wouldn't matter unless you wanted to make big trains.
That is something Traincraft provides that Railcraft doesn't: awesome big trains. With Railcraft it's hard to make sense out of making anything but a small train. Trains are cool. Bigger things are cool. Big trains are cool.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That is something Traincraft provides that Railcraft doesn't: awesome big trains. With Railcraft it's hard to make sense out of making anything but a small train. Trains are cool. Bigger things are cool. Big trains are cool.

Traincraft is just something for the OCD aesthetics people out there who play Minecraft *raises hand* I just think that if Traincraft was in vanilla minecraft with no other mods it wouldn't fit in. But, in a modpack filled with other technical things like Feed the Beast, Traincraft DOES fit in.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Never fly a Traincraft zeppelin into the void. That's how we lost the last map.

It struck me as a buggy, goofy mod that nobody used except for the cheap steel exploit and for flying zeppelins into the sides of mountains at high speed and dying/breaking map. Comparing it to Railcraft is like comparing old Metallica and new Metallica, or Hillary Clinton to Sarah Palin, or Patrick Stewart to Danny Bonaduce. It might have been a good mod if it had not been coded by Polish people.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, if you disable the Zeppelin like I do - it's Traincraft, after all - and you use Railcraft's cart linking instead of Traincrafts, it's not too bad.
I just find that the Steel exploit aside, a powered cart has almost always been more useful, and those cases it's not it just doesn't make sense to make an entire engine for it when there's other and usually better ways


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Never fly a Traincraft zeppelin into the void. That's how we lost the last map.

It struck me as a buggy, goofy mod that nobody used except for the cheap steel exploit and for flying zeppelins into the sides of mountains at high speed and dying/breaking map. Comparing it to Railcraft is like comparing old Metallica and new Metallica, or Hillary Clinton to Sarah Palin, or Patrick Stewart to Danny Bonaduce. It might have been a good mod if it had not been coded by Polish people.

Ok.... try to cut down on the racist comments please :/ We're just trying to have a nice friendly discussion.

Does the Zeppelin really easily crash servers? How do I disable the Zeppelin on my server?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I believe there's an option in the config file for it. It disables the crafting recipes for it, but existing ones will still work and they can still be spawned in by /give and NEI, of course.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wish Traincraft was in more than just one modpack. As it stands I can only comment on Railcraft in context of the DW20 modpack. The first and most glaring issue of Railcraft is that its principal reason for being, making rails and carts more useful, was rendered obsolete a long time ago with the addition of pipes (and more recently, tesseracts). Forget riding the carts, chunk load errors abound at high rates of speed and high speed rail isn't (servers don't tend to load chunks that quickly). Second, it makes getting rails more difficult. This would not normally be an issue, but pipes do not require a whole industrial base (coke oven, engine, rolling machine) to make. Third, it does nothing with the carts beyond transportation. DW20 includes Steve's Carts for this reason, but that mod is problematic in other ways. Locomotives aren't especially useful when powered carts get the same mileage and booster rails remove the need for fuel. Beyond rails and carts? Steam. Boilers require immense amounts of resources to capitalize on and cannot simply be turned on and off as more efficient energy sources can. Steam engines explode on their own unless properly regulated. There's nothing to do with the steam either, integration with BC/IC2 is basically giving up. The tanks are pretty much the only reason to use Railcraft, and even then the lag they generate checking to see if they are whole many times per second is somewhat troublesome.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Stupid tanks=lag while Cool looking Quatum Tanks not only "lag free" but get more liquid into a single block! I just replaced the last DNA xycraft tank so we don't have any laggy tanks on my server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Traincraft's only saving grace was that they looked more like proper trains (ohh and it's steel allowed for easyier access to GT hardmode steel tools).

Otherwise it lack the features of Railcraft and was frankly quite buggy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like both mods. I know that pipes and tesseracts are mor useful than rails and carts, but I love how they look. My favorite part of minecraft is building and riding on massive train systems from town to town on my world. I love Steve's Carts functionality, but they don't really look like trains, so they are kept in the less seen areas of the world, like mineshafts or farms.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like both mods. I know that pipes and tesseracts are mor useful than rails and carts, but I love how they look. My favorite part of minecraft is building and riding on massive train systems from town to town on my world. I love Steve's Carts functionality, but they don't really look like trains, so they are kept in the less seen areas of the world, like mineshafts or farms.

Steve's carts is....... different. It is an AWESOME mod and the whole modular features are cool but... they aren't exactly designed to be ridden. However I do feel that they do fit more into FTB.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, carts are less laggy than pipes, you have one entity with up to 27 stacks of items moving around, also I play minecraft without sound, so cart sounds don't bother me. Of course tesseracts will be less laggy, but they don't have as much possibilities as cart loaders/unloaders (of course it is accompanied with undecipherable GUI, which should have special ingame instruction just WTF everything is doing). It is for example the easiest way to keep machine stocked with given amount of items and a lot cheaper/less laggy than manager. You just have cart which will slowly unload its cargo until all of it is processed and then it will go back for more, without any overflow problems. Locomotives are mainly for long range transfer, you can argue that tesseracts/ender chests are better, but carts are a lot more fun (I don't care that much about what I get from a given process, but how much fun it is to build.

Railcraft rail production needs a bit of work, but profits are incredible, even using unprocessed iron you are getting 2,7 more rails from the same amount of iron which increases to 5,4 when you are using steel. For powered rails you use about 3,5 times less gold.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well frankly I love both these mods and both have strengths and weaknesses but together if the two mod makers would join forces and figure out a "Standard" then this could be perhaps one of the best sets of mod packs packs ever developed for Minecraft. I mean Railcraft can give you the loco power you are looking for (and developing the recipies for each loco would be unique.. and I mean you could have everything form designs to electric to all variants of motive power out there..

As for the issue with loading and unloading, standardization would be the key to keep both sides happy..

I mean this is about compromise.. Rraincraft would be the better choice and players could offer new and interesting motive power and cars to develop using the known resources out there..

As for realistic Signaling? Rrailcraft gets this one right as a lot of today's signaling is done electronically and with Redstone signals in the game, the feel for the signaling is more real with Railcraft.. I think with Traincraft they should give up with signaling and focus on building the cars to work on the line and to fix some minor issues with the coupling..
Again Railcraft and Traincraft could compromise and come together to build the uptimate mod that could actually be fully functional. and very life like.

and speaking of which me and about 5 other friends are on Feed the Beast Ultimate, and already we have developed a short line )(of about 2 km) where we are using Traincraft motive power and railcraft rails, and already we got some great plans in the works for our rail line.. includng getting to NPC Villages and setting up loading and unloading at refineries and mines.. as wel as lumber camps. and mountain rail lines would be the ultimate challenge to build.. Then linking it all together to buld the ultimate railroad experience.. including the attacks on the trains. by the mobs, and even the building of yeards passenger stations, section houses and even grade crossings.. (in short, the sky is the limit with these two..

(Haven't tried Steve's carts but if Steve got into the mix as well and all three parties worked togetyher more than likely you'd have the best experience ever as players would control trains, and drive them to fellow players camps and bases, as well as NPC villages to do trades and village upgrades..

In short if both parties wer to compromise and set a set standard and keep the quality in the recipise of the Traincraft md, while keeping the rail and signal crafting for the rail side for railcraft, then the two would make the best mod possible... and people who want the challenge of building a real line could get the best enjoyment for all..

So a word of advice to the three mod pack makers.. come together, compare notes, and standardize the whole thing..

End of story and I would be the happiest player on the palet.. After all .. I love challenges and building a lng railraod with just the resources I have is the best challenge to date..

Just my opinion..

Tucsoncoyote (first time Poster)