That is the question I asked myself, then I crunched a bunch of numbers and I found this:
ASSUMING you are using the sum and total of your steam boiler's steam on engines, I worked out the break-even point for Biofuel, and it... rather surprised me.
Basically, biofuel in a boiler is about twice as efficient as biogas engines in terms of how quickly it eats up saplings, once you take into consideration the 10:3 ratio of biomass to biofuel from a Still.
At optimum efficiency.
So, if you're starting a boiler from 'cold', your break even point would be just under twice as long as it took to heat up in the first place (1.875 times, to be precise).
This further assumes that you are using the sum and total of your steam boiler's engines for MJ production and have a use for all that energy. If you don't... then you've got that much of your potential wasted, since the boiler consumes fuel at a steady rate even if you aren't using the steam it is producing.
In other words, Railcraft calling the 3 x 3 Firebox to be 'excessive'... there's more than a grain of truth to that. If you don't need that much MJ, then you're wasting quite a bit of fuel, even if it is 'renewable'. There's also the problem of consuming approximately 1 sapling every 16 seconds, I don't know if an Arboretum/Logger combo can sustain that kind of drop rate.
So, is Steam efficient? Absolutely. But make sure you need that kind of power supply before building it, make sure you're going to be running it for long enough to be worth the investment in resources before building it, and make sure you can sustain the fuel consumption.
And hey, if you're already drowning in saplings and other things that can be turned into biofuel, and you don't really care about efficiency because you're getting in far more than you will ever use anyways... you can quite easily create a power supply potential which you will be able to 'grow into' and give you quite a lot of growing room.
ASSUMING you are using the sum and total of your steam boiler's steam on engines, I worked out the break-even point for Biofuel, and it... rather surprised me.
Basically, biofuel in a boiler is about twice as efficient as biogas engines in terms of how quickly it eats up saplings, once you take into consideration the 10:3 ratio of biomass to biofuel from a Still.
At optimum efficiency.
So, if you're starting a boiler from 'cold', your break even point would be just under twice as long as it took to heat up in the first place (1.875 times, to be precise).
This further assumes that you are using the sum and total of your steam boiler's engines for MJ production and have a use for all that energy. If you don't... then you've got that much of your potential wasted, since the boiler consumes fuel at a steady rate even if you aren't using the steam it is producing.
In other words, Railcraft calling the 3 x 3 Firebox to be 'excessive'... there's more than a grain of truth to that. If you don't need that much MJ, then you're wasting quite a bit of fuel, even if it is 'renewable'. There's also the problem of consuming approximately 1 sapling every 16 seconds, I don't know if an Arboretum/Logger combo can sustain that kind of drop rate.
So, is Steam efficient? Absolutely. But make sure you need that kind of power supply before building it, make sure you're going to be running it for long enough to be worth the investment in resources before building it, and make sure you can sustain the fuel consumption.
And hey, if you're already drowning in saplings and other things that can be turned into biofuel, and you don't really care about efficiency because you're getting in far more than you will ever use anyways... you can quite easily create a power supply potential which you will be able to 'grow into' and give you quite a lot of growing room.