Tinker's Construct + GregTech?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well My Little Pony has a Pegasus species in it. Pegasus + Sister = Pegasister, the female equivalent of Pony + Bro = Brony.

Wait what...I thought I Brony was someone who watched My Little Pony not a species of horse/pony/pegasus/etc.? Lol.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wait what...I thought I Brony was someone who watched My Little Pony not a species of horse/pony/pegasus/etc.? Lol.

No no, a Brony's not a species, it's a name of a hardcore mlp fan.
Okay look, there are four species of horse in mlp. Earth Pony (No horns or wings), Unicorn (horn), Pegasus (wings) and Alicorn (Horns and Wings)
The names of the fans that watch them are brony (for boys, mostly) and pegasisters for girls.

I like to call myself a Macaroni because it both rhymes with brony and dissociates me from what is known now as a rabid, derogatory fanbase, while still remaining a fan of the series~.[DOUBLEPOST=1377648691][/DOUBLEPOST]And yes, true.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Racist! What do you have against changelings and crystal ponies?[DOUBLEPOST=1377648764][/DOUBLEPOST]Nope, neither work.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, Succubism, if you want to be called something saner than a Brony who still likes ponies, try a Pegasister. All the ones I know are saner than me :p
OOOOOR she could keep calling herself a Macaroni.

Personally I think that term is racist against pastafarians so I call myself a Macarena.



You really do see a lot of these threads from people who want GT AND Tinkers... I know Greg does not use this forum and prefers to stay in his little IC2 forum circle of sycophants but Mdyio visits and posts here... If I where him/her I'd feel hella bad, as IIRC it was him/her that made the first request not to have his/her mod paired up with GT (I could be very very wrong, you'd think it would have been Greg).
I suppose it's too much to ask for the pair of them to act like reasonable people (I was gonna say "act like adults" but I don't know their age). Now if people want to use both mods they have to treat it like they are trying to mix bleach and ammonia (ProTip; that makes a toxic gas/vapor...)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No no, a Brony's not a species, it's a name of a hardcore mlp fan.
Okay look, there are four species of horse in mlp. Earth Pony (No horns or wings), Unicorn (horn), Pegasus (wings) and Alicorn (Horns and Wings)
The names of the fans that watch them are brony (for boys, mostly) and pegasisters for girls.

I like to call myself a Macaroni because it both rhymes with brony and dissociates me from what is known now as a rabid, derogatory fanbase, while still remaining a fan of the series~.[DOUBLEPOST=1377648691][/DOUBLEPOST]And yes, true.

Oh, I see :).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOOOOR she could keep calling herself a Macaroni.

Personally I think that term is racist against pastafarians so I call myself a Macarena.



You really do see a lot of these threads from people who want GT AND Tinkers... I know Greg does not use this forum and prefers to stay in his little IC2 forum circle of sycophants but Mdyio visits and posts here... If I where him/her I'd feel hella bad, as IIRC it was him/her that made the first request not to have his mod paired up with GT (I could be very very wrong, you'd think it would have been Greg).
I suppose it's too much to ask for the pair of them to act like reasonable people (I was gonna say "act like adults" but I don't know their age). Now if people want to use both mods they have to treat it like they are trying to mix bleach and ammonia (ProTip; that makes a toxic gas/vapor...)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You really do see a lot of these threads from people who want GT AND Tinkers... I know Greg does not use this forum and prefers to stay in his little IC2 forum circle of sycophants but Mdyio visits and posts here... If I where him/her I'd feel hella bad, as IIRC it was him/her that made the first request not to have his mod paired up with GT (I could be very very wrong, you'd think it would have been Greg).
I suppose it's too much to ask for the pair of them to act like reasonable people (I was gonna say "act like adults" but I don't know their age). Now if people want to use both mods they have to treat it like they are trying to mix bleach and ammonia (ProTip; that makes a toxic gas/vapor...)

That's not the topic of this thread. That will not become the topic of this thread. Please hit the "Bullying" link in my signature and acquaint yourself with it, as you're beginning to cross a line here on a thread that was otherwise just in the Mostly Harmless category. Thank you.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Talk about Bronies.
That's never a touchy subje-




New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's not the topic of this thread. That will not become the topic of this thread. Please hit the "Bullying" link in my signature and acquaint yourself with it, as you're beginning to cross a line here on a thread that was otherwise just in the Mostly Harmless category. Thank you.

I try my absolute best to be as close to the line as possible but never cross it (well not never).

And it kind of is the topic of the thread.
"I wanna use GT and Tinkers! How can I do it"
"With configs and care"
Then the question of why pops up and under this forums rules you just can't explain it because calling the modders children is not allowed.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You like that? I got tons of them.

Here's my entire FTB Forum experience in a nutshell.



Anyway I'mma go to bed before I get in trouble for derailing :'D[DOUBLEPOST=1377650420][/DOUBLEPOST]
I try my absolute best to be as close to the line as possible but never cross it (well not never).

And it kind of is the topic of the thread.
"I wanna use GT and Tinkers! How can I do it"
"With configs and care"
Then the question of why pops up and under this forums rules you just can't explain it because calling the modders children is not allowed.

I think you need to put it a more eloquent way, like "modders are being immature".


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In the interest of encouraging constructive discussions that don't devolve into less-than-constructive flamefests, allow me to take a moment out to explain, then.

(Quote emphasis mine)
Then the question of why pops up and under this forums rules you just can't explain it because calling the modders children is not allowed.

Or because maybe there are ways to express nuance without being insulting about it and that's what we expect.

Improper: OMG the modders are totally being children about this!
Proper: GregoriousT and mDiyo have had irreconcilable differences in regards to the inclusion of their respective mods in mod packs and have mutually requested that they not be included in the same pack together.

See how that works? One is impugning people on a personal level. The other is reporting the facts of the matter. The former is pushing the conversation in a direction more likely to go south quickly. The latter is sticking to objective facts of the matter and won't give the usual partisans the opening to flip out, nor does it heap trash on mod authors who don't have the time or inclination to be in a constant state of defensiveness about their hobby.

Bottom line: there are ways to go about this without getting into the trenches and getting personal about it. If taking that effort is beyond what you're willing to exert yourself, you may just wish to not hit "Post Reply" as often. Heavens knows I often end up closing the window instead of hitting that button.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you allowed to even say that though? But I get your point.

Honestly? I'd not be here if you weren't.
If I can't speak my mind here, even politely, without getting in trouble, then this place doesn't deserve the intelligent conversation some people are eager to have.
I've been in trouble for going a bit overboard with my statements before, like calling gregtech "fanboys" masochists. I've got no issue with the decision made against that. It was unfair of me to say that, but if I had said something along the lines of "gregtech fans in the majority are unrelenting in their attempts to push their beliefs onto others" and I got punished for that, well then screw this place.
This has yet to be the case however, so I remain, still.[DOUBLEPOST=1377651466][/DOUBLEPOST]The entire thing is a real moralistic grey area. I got to respect the mods in some level for knowing when to step in and not to, I've seen some close calls and I've had my own posts deleted before.
I've not complained about it though, I still won't. They were right to do so in retrospect. Shit get's heated, y'know? Y'say stupid things and they know it. It could be worse.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The entire thing is a real moralistic grey area. I got to respect the mods in some level for knowing when to step in and not to, I've seen some close calls and I've had my own posts deleted before.
I've not complained about it though, I still won't. They were right to do so in retrospect. Shit get's heated, y'know? Y'say stupid things and they know it. It could be worse.

The forbearance is appreciated. In many ways, the test for when something is about to boil over comes down to what in part Justice Stewart had to say in re: to obscenity cases on the U.S. Supreme Court: "I know it when I see it.". This is why I aim to start with a "de-escalation" post (usually "Be Nice" in some form) before I go into deletion/warning territory, if it's in the hazy region.

Getting back on topic, making GregTech (or other mods from one of the "premier" packs to another, e.g. DimDoors is also only in Unhinged currently) work in any pack that it isn't already included in should be easier as of the 1.1.3 packs (of which the DW20 is still in beta because of how it switches around stuff). Configs for those mods are now included by default, so the idea is you can just drop the mod in and it'll function. The only lingering issue that complicates this is that it seems a few mods are still swapping around case sensitivity and full names for some items and those are then forcing a reset in their own configs and taking unoccupied IDs, which could also be in fact "used" in the sense that they were allocated in the "master" configs and just aren't showing as reserved because those mods aren't loaded at first time setup. It's a thing being worked out, though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone uploaded a full working config for this? Or is it just easy to add to the server-forge-structure without file-modifying ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone uploaded a full working config for this? Or is it just easy to add to the server-forge-structure without file-modifying ?

If you just want them to work together, copy gregtech and its configs over from the unhinged pack. If you want them to work together in a sane way, you'll want to edit the configs. If you want them to work in a sane way consistent with Unleashed difficulty, you'll want to edit a LOT of the configs. Everything I put in quotes is searchable in the respective config file.

Things to look for in TinkersWorkshop.txt under "difficulty changes":
B:"Enable Auto-Smelt and Fortune interaction"=false
B:"Remove Vanilla GregTech Nerfs"=false
B:"Remove Vanilla Tool Recipes"=false

Auto-Smelt and Fortune interaction should be set to false if you don't want to comb through GT's dynamic config and edit out storage block smelting (set to true if you want to read through the rest of this for what to fix in the dynamic config or just don't mind being able to dupe storage blocks). Remove Vanilla GregTech Nerfs is an option that should ALWAYS be false because it only breaks a GT feature that can be disabled in the dynamic config if true, but I'll get to that later. Remove Vanilla Tool recipes should only ever be true if you want to force people to use mod tools AND have combed through and altered every other mod recipe that uses a vanilla tool.

Under "superfun"
Don't set this to true. It is a joke setting.

Things to look for in GT's Dynamic Config:

Under "disabledrecipes":
Everything set to true here is disabled. False means its enabled. So if you want to use, for example, the mass fabricator, set it to false. If you want to get scrap from cobble, set easystonerecycling to false. And so on.

Under "gregtechrecipes":
This is where gregtech recipes are enabled or disabled. Unlike disabled recipes, setting to true enables the recipe. So if you don't want to be able to make a matter fabricator, set it to false (for people that only want one uu making machine at a time, both can be active at once).

Under "harderrecipes":
These do what the section title implies and uses a harder recipe when set to true. For those seeking easier recipes, set everything to false. If you're wondering about what "namefix" is, it's the flint and steel recipe and makes it actually use flint and *steel* when set to true; thus "namefix".

Under "inductionsmelter"
If you want to keep fortune and auto-smelt interaction enabled, set to false everything that starts with "block". Basically the problem with the interaction is that since the blocks have a smelting recipe set to true, they can be fortuned. So setting these to false will disable potential duping without disabling fortune autosmelt tools in tinkers. You may also want to watch out for tile stuff as I haven't tested that yet. Items, plates and ingots are safe because one cannot use tinker tools on them.

Under "machineconfig"
You may want to allow multiple dragon eggs if magicbees or reliquary are being used. Otherwise the 2nd and onward dragon energy siphon will explode when an egg is placed upon it.

Under "platesneededforarmormadeof" & "platesneededformiscmadeof" & "platesneededfortoolsmadeof"
Here is where you disable the requirement of plates in a recipe. If you don't like plates, set all of these to false.

Under "scrapboxdrops"
This is where you turn on or off things that can pop out of a scrap box. If true, that thing is possible. Don't like all those wooden tools? Set stuff ending in Wood to false.

Under "smelting"
Refer back up to my comments under Inductionsmelter. This section should be set the same way as Inductionsmelter. It's tempting to say just copy and paste, but the induction smelter also has alloy recipes.

Under "storageblockcrafting" & "storageblockdecrafting"
If you're wanting fortune & autosmelt to work and have disabled block smelting, you now have no way of decrafting those blocks unless you set all the decrafting stuff to true. Setting the storageblockcrafting stuff to true will let you bypass the requirement of the compressor to make storage blocks. You still can use the compressor to do that though unless you go looking through the "compression" section and set the appropriate ingot to false.

Finally, on to the Gregtech.cfg file.
Under "features"
If you want more cells from your tin, set the number after "TincellsPer4Tin=" to be what you want. Also if you want upgrades (overclockers upgrades, transformer upgrades, etc) to stack higher than 4 set the number after "UpgradeStacksize=" to what you want them to stack to.

Under "general"
Never set "TooEasyMode" to true. It's a joke setting like Tinker's superfun setting.
If you want to get 4 planks from a log and 5 when using a Saw, set "WoodNeedsSawForCrafting=" to false. If set to true, you get 3 planks from a log and 4 when using a Saw. This is why "Remove Vanilla GregTech Nerfs" in the Tinker's config must always be false. Because when you set this to false, you get an extra plank with the Saw. If this is false and Tinker's setting is true, you only get 4 wood from the Saw.
Hiddenores=true will hide certain ores that are not adjacent to another of the same kind of ore block by making it look like the adjacent block. Since iridium only spawns 1 at a time, you won't be to find it at all until you mine it. While this prevents people from making endstone ages for the purpose of finding iridium ore easily, it is also very annoying and setting it to false disables this behavior.
smallerStoneToolDurability & smallerWoodToolDurability reduce durability of vanilla stone and wooden tools. If you want them to last the normal amount of uses, set these to false.

Under "machines"
constant_need_of_energy=true means that certain machines that don't have enough energy to complete what they are working on will start over. I don't remember whether or not it also consumes resources when a machine fails to complete a cycle.
The rest of the settings in this section are fairly straightforward and basically about what will make a machine/wire explode or catch fire.

And that's about it if all you're trying to do is get Tinker's working with GT. There's some fun stuff you can do with the DynamicConfig though in terms of shortening processing times of various items in machines. The assembling machine is a decent place to start because of how long everything takes compared to just putting it in a crafting table. If you wanted copper cables to assemble in a second instead of 5 seconds, you'd change itemCable=100 to itemCable=20. Basically these numbers are in ticks and there are 20 ticks per second, so adjust accordingly to whatever you feel is balanced. Basically, since it is configurable, one can use GT's config to buff all his machines to be faster than any other option as an incentive to use them over other cheaper options.