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I'm not calling it as it happened, I'm calling it how Natalya saw it. Lets not forget, at the time the Guardians left, Mimo was still talking about taking her into custody. It sounded to Natalya like she was being locked up.

So far, there's not really been a situation where she's been able to show the...less caustic aspects of her personality. Hopefully that'll change soon, with the end of this round of missions.
Eh, true. So she's basically a yandere? Or is it tsundere? I always mix the two.
That's tsundere. That said, J, what did you think of Jonathan? Y'know, big-ass spoiler and stuff.
Name: Kira Link

Age: 19

Appearance: I can't draw, so I'll have to try to describe as best as I can. Or commission Tord to draw something again.
Regular height for a girl, say 5'10''
Normal build, slightly skinny
Green eyes, Brunette with long hair
Scars over her body every so often

Personality: She is rather aggressive and can take charge from time to time. She is determined to get things done and would not mind taking risks. She shows no sign of love and affection, and is focused on the tasks up ahead. She is resourceful and can make anything out of a few scrap bits of metal. Having taken a few hits before, she heals quickly and can be up to action in no time.

Backstory: Kira grew up in a place with a corrupt government and a bunch of civil unrest and turmoil. Since young, she has to fend for herself and her family, which only consisted of her young brother Max. She has taken on many odd jobs while growing up. Not having many friends back in school, she has been told over and over again to stay on the government's good side. She has mostly done that, abiding by the obscure rules set forth by the government. She doesn't trust anyone, considering the mass hysteria by the government. Having since enrolled in the army, it has toughened her up. However, a war has broke out in the region, and since the government wanted to keep all their girls in, no women are allowed to be in the frontline. Kira was obviously pissed at that, and has left that country. She is now in running, finding a place to take refuge. She travels very frequently, often through thick, dense forests, until she ended up finding decent civilization in London. She has since taken up menial jobs in London to keep things afloat for herself.

Stats: (distribute 20 points here)
Perception: 5
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 4
Health: 4
Constitution: 4

Starting weaponry: A standard hand pistol (15 rounds), and a small knife.

Starting equipment/resources: a piece of cloth, 1'x1', some stones to act as a grindstone, some metal scrap

Starting apparel: An army T-shirt, and a pair of jeans

Misc: Um.. no...

Sorry guys, I missed your sheets somehow. G, you're accepted.

Sg, yours needs a little work. What was this place she came from? How did she get to London just by walking through forests? There aren't many huge forests in England, especially not London. Also, please used the right tense, as in "she did X" rather than "she has done X" or "she is doing X".
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J, this is not the first time I've stated that I don't give a fuck about pictures.
Also I can't find any pictures that I like.
Now, the CS itself.

I love the RP thing, however I still need you to write a full paragraph at least for the CS. Plus a full two for the backstory. Please also add a picture. This can be anime, drawn, a real person, anything you like.
This isn't a criticism, but why the hell does he have three neck ties?
Done, done, and is this good?

Also neckties are problably fairly common. More common than rope, at least.
Any feedback on my character? Really unsure of what's your opinion on him.

Name: Jakob Drago

Date: 25th January 2015

Age: 22


Tall and lanky with black hair and silver eyes.


He used to be a happy and generally normal guy, but now he is... empty. As he watched his parents die, along with them something died inside of him. He now ranges from extremely emotional, to empty of emotion. When he is clear of emotion, he does only what is needed to be done, disregarding others' feelings with a pure focus on survival. In order to maintain a normal level of emotion, he must use enormous levels of concentration while there are no disturbances. Sometimes, he will have violent outbursts, for example, beating a zombie while it is already dead. He is generally loyal, and while he usually feels no emotion, is actually a good guy. He only has one reason that he keeps on living. One day, maybe they could bring his parents back to life, and while, deep inside, he knows his hopes are practically impossible, it's the only thing that keeps him putting one foot in front of the other.
He has to take pills, otherwise inanimate objects seem to talk to him.


It was graduation day. He'd graduated in Artificial Intelligence with a first! They partied and partied... The next day his parents were driving him home. He was to stay at his parents' house until he had saved up enough for a house of his own. Suddenly, a man walked out into the road. They barely had time to react, slamming on the brakes. But it was too late. They ran out, his mum screaming, 'Oh my god,' over and over again. The body was fairly mangled... and then it turned its head. Turned its head and snarled.

As he snarled, more zombies, that's what they must be, climbed out into the road. They piled on to his parents, and he ran, ran like his life depended on it, which it did. He couldn't tear his eyes away from his parents, being eaten alive. And so he bumped into a man. But no... it was a vampire. He was lucky that they were driving over a bridge at the time, so as the vampire went to bite him, he pushed it over the edge. But behind the vampire were zombies, too many of them. A single man in military uniform saved him, with a rifle and a knife. But the last zombie bit him, and with one look, Jakob's saviour was dead, shot by himself. Jakob took the rifle and the knife. He needed to top up on pills though. He had 3 weeks left until the inanimate objects started talking. Now he has 2:00:00:00.
Tick... Tick...

Stats: (distribute 20 points here)
Perception: 6
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 6
Health: 3
Constitution: 2

Starting weaponry:

A rifle with 20 rounds, and a knife made for hand - to - hand combat.

Starting equipment/resources:

Two weeks of pills.
An empty beer bottle.

Starting apparel: (no armour more than maybe a bulletproof vest, but that's an unlikely find)

A T-Shirt.
A coat.
A pair of jeans.

Misc: I'd just like to say I started getting more and more tired as I wrote this, so that should explain the quality.
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Name: Jakob Drago

Age: 22


Tall and lanky with black hair and silver eyes.


He used to be a happy and generally normal guy, but now he is... empty. As he watched his parents die, along with them something died inside of him. He now ranges from extremely emotional, to empty of emotion. When he is clear of emotion, he does only what is needed to be done, disregarding others' feelings with a pure focus on survival. In order to maintain a normal level of emotion, he must use enormous levels of concentration while there are no disturbances. Sometimes, he will have violent outbursts, for example, beating a zombie while it is already dead. He is generally loyal, and while he usually feels no emotion, is actually a good guy. He only has one reason that he keeps on living. One day, maybe they could bring his parents back to life, and while, deep inside, he knows his hopes are practically impossible, it's the only thing that keeps him putting one foot in front of the other.


It was graduation day. He'd graduated in Artificial Intelligence with a first! They partied and partied... The next day his parents were driving him home. He was to stay at his parents' house until he had saved up enough for a house of his own. Suddenly, a man walked out into the road. They barely had time to react, slamming on the brakes. But it was too late. They ran out, his mum screaming, 'Oh my god,' over and over again. The body was fairly mangled... and then it turned its head. Turned its head and laughed.

As he laughed, more zombies, that's what they must be, climbed out into the road. They piled on to his parents, and he ran, ran like his life depended on it, which it did. He couldn't tear his eyes away from his parents, being eaten alive. And so he bumped into a man. But no... it was a vampire. He was lucky that they were driving over a bridge at the time, so as the vampire went to bite him, he pushed it over the edge. But behind the vampire were zombies, too many of them. A single man in military uniform saved him, with a rifle and a knife. But the last zombie bit him, and with one look, Jakob's saviour was dead, shot by himself. Jakob took the rifle and the knife. He needed to top up on pills though. He had 3 weeks left until the inanimate objects started talking. Now he has 2:00:00:00.
Tick... Tick...

Stats: (distribute 20 points here)
Perception: 6
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 6
Health: 3
Constitution: 2

Starting weaponry:

A rifle with 20 rounds, and a knife made for hand - to - hand combat.

Starting equipment/resources:

Two weeks of pills.
An empty beer bottle.

Starting apparel: (no armour more than maybe a bulletproof vest, but that's an unlikely find)

A T-Shirt.
A coat.
A pair of jeans.

Misc: I'd just like to say I started getting more and more tired as I wrote this, so that should explain the quality.
One thing that does confuse me - what does he need the pills for? Inanimate objects talking? Seems like a pretty major aspect of the character to skip over :P