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Name: Mason Lockhart
Age: 29

Personality: Professionally, he's borders a meticulous perfection. Socially, however, he remains careless, always distant. Inspired by the juvenile thought-process that made him never found any sense to any social norms, he used to live his day-to-day life in his own quiet way. Mason was never the one to aspire luxury - living most of his childhood in poverty might've helped. He has always aimed solely on improving skills, never status, only when it came as a sub-product of the former. Earning an essentially effortless amount of money, never voluntarily looking for change. His life was simple, and somewhat satisfactory. Being aware, however, of the fact that his life was forever to be meaningless - even if contradicting his principles - was slightly worrying, in a way.

It wasn't within more than hours after the gates appeared: Mason changed. An animalistic will fulfilled his being, he got slightly more negligent, however, the thrill for survival, watching out for every corner, the chance to make his life just scarcely more fun was enough to keep him alive, keeping him willing to take down anyone who stands in his way - or willing to accept the fact that he'll probably die trying. His common sense wasn't completely obligated, however. Yet. As of the present day, he's aware of the need to remain in darkness, of the need to hide. He's not a one man army, and he's well aware of that. However, let the opportunity rise, and so will he.

"What a beautiful day, don't you think?", Mason watched the older kid on the street through the window of his apartment, kicking a dog, laughing. "Joy from pain". Living in a circle of generally outgoing, extroverted, mainly ignorant people means that being different stands out by either meaning you're possessed, or sick. Mason's parents decided for the latter. Not laughing, barely speaking, never playing, Mason always was "the antisocial one", as a kid. Living in a family with just barely enough money to buy something to eat every night, he never found reason to interact -- something needed to change, and perhaps the still juvenile, imaginative mind thought that with enough willpower that would be possible, as a surprise to many: Mason managed to find a way. His father, Jacob Lockhart, was an amateur boxer for quite a few years, meaning the already scarce furniture they owned was split between either the usual - couch, closets, beds - or training equipment, treadmills, sandbags, barbells, weights, and such, which when bought by a fair price was cheaper than going to a gym. Using the what he could, casually with the help of his father, proud by his son demonstrating interest in his career choice, Mason grew stronger, faster and more resilient. Always aiming towards the bigger picture.

Skip forwards a couple of years, Mason is now eighteen -- his father passed away six months back, out of a pulmonary edema caused by a heart failure. Now, Mason is pressured into finding a job, maybe proving the skills he acquired were to become useful, after all. Three months of search, nonstop, and nothing. The market was basically dead, with the bigger corporations constantly buying smaller ones, until no competition is left. Technology is ever-growingly taking human employees' place, the economy is basically brain-dead. It wasn't after two more months that an opportunity showed up: A security guard, at a hotel called "Realgar Royal". The payment was reasonable, work-hours weren't ridiculously high, it wouldn't necessarily be a difficult job, and most importantly: it was the only choice he had. He accepted.

"The Ripper", .33, quite the gun. At the time, of course. Still, the need to use it - or, hold it - daily, made Mason spent a fraction of his paycheck on access to a training ground near the block, going there every opportunity he could, for years to come, in fact. He grew to complete all the challenged imposed by the owner, and after incessant training, he become easily the best gunman on the block, then the town, perhaps someday the country. He got to use to other guns, he got to shoot different targets, he developed enough experience to last him a lifetime. And that's really all that mattered to him.

Skip forwards again. Mason is now 29 years old. He climbed his way on the security hierarchy of "Realgar Hotel" - which came to be one of the country's most well-known hotels - and now, he's now Director of Security, highest rank on the Security Department, usually managing the staff while patrolling. As to be expected, the income grew, enabling Mason to buy himself an apartment nearer to the training grounds and consequently, his job. Everything was working out surprisingly well, until -- well, until the gates first appeared.

Chaos speared supernaturally fast, the creatures now roaming freely on the streets, the horror on every scream, the blood and ripped pieces of organs painting the walls of nearby buildings: Humanity was crawling into a ball, the military was trying, but there was just too many. "What a wonderful day for the apocalypse". Blame his position, but Mason didn't fear. At least not as much as expected out of anyone "sane". The survival instinct kicked in much, much faster. He gathered every gun or knife he could carry, together with a backpack he filled with everything useful he could think of: First aid-kits, water, food, ammunition, walk-talkies, and a few other miscellaneous items, like clothes, rope and such. The standardized buildings aided an escape through the roofs to a less hazardous location. While on the roofs, however, a weird sensation slowly started flowing through his veins, a dangerous sensation: He was feeling alive. All the suffering was null, he didn't care for the sake of others, not anymore. The thrill for survival. What an animalistic feeling: primitive, almost. While still drowned in adrenaline, a grown grasped his attention: A zombie managed to find his way onto the roof.

Without the use of claws. Not teeth. Mason ripped the zombie's chest with his bare fingers, finding his heart and pushing it, through the ribcage, the veins, and the remaining rotten muscle. The arteries ceased. Squeezing the heart between his fingers, the Lockhart smiled. He looked at the rotting corpse's eyes:

"What a beautiful day, don't you think?"

  • Perception: 4
  • Strength: 3
  • Dexterity: 7
  • Health: 3
  • Constitution: 3

Starting weaponry:
  • 1x "Pistol "The Ripper .33", v4.1" + "Suppressor".
  • 1x "Sniper Rifle L115A3 AWM".
  • 1x "Bowie Knife".
Starting equipment/resources:
  • 1x "Camping Backpack".
  • 1x "Ammunition Cache "The Ripper"".
  • 1x "Ammunition L115A3 AWM".
  • 6x "1m of Rope".
  • 1x "Duct tape".
  • 4x "Can of Dried Food".
  • 1x "Solar Powered Flash Light" (Acquired from corpse).
  • 1x "First-Aid Kit ". (Refilled Recently).
  • 1x "Canister of Super Glue". (Half-Filled).
Starting apparel:
  • Clothes in "Appearance" picture.
You can't have a second gun, and how the hell did he get to a zombie's heart with his bare hands?
Well, it wouldn't really be rotten if it was one of the first zombies - from the sounds of it, this was as he grabbed his things, right?
Plus, you know. Bone.
No, the items he acquired from another random corpse. I was picturing this one to be one out of the gate, not a human who just turned. But jeez, whatever, if you want me to change it, that's fine.
No, the items he acquired from another random corpse. I was picturing this one to be one out of the gate, not a human who just turned. But jeez, whatever, if you want me to change it, that's fine.
Yeah well if it was fresh out of the gate it wouldn't be that rotten, and no man can crush bone with his bare hands.
Hopefully i don't have to change anything...

Name: Daniel Curtis

Age: 24


-Messy spikey long hair, with bang towards the left; dark brown to almost black
-blue-grey-ish eyes
-Hoodie; dark grey
-T-shirt; light green
-Tight jeans with fake torn marks; black
-sneakers; white and red

Personality: Shy and introvertit, Dan makes friends relatively hard. He won't trust you too easily (especially in a scenario like this one) and would rather not work with anybody else. With a very good perception and an explorer talent noticed by many, Dan doesen't like staying in one place for too long, maybe only to scope the surroundings and make himself a clear path.
"Aim-shoot-scout, get the fuck out!" had become his motto for a while and following this helped him survive. You can rely on him but don't expect the opposite. "Trust no-one..."

Backstory: Former technological engineer, Daniel Curtis specialised in the development of new weaponry. For this he made his research and made it well: as a hobby Dan learned to shoot with a sniper rifle at a polygon, and bought one for himself. He then went in a nice trip in Africa to try out his gun. Someone recommended him getting some sort of blade before going, so he did. Before taking a job, he's been a gamer for a very long time, until a little after finishing highschool.
His life was great right before the incident happened. He was staying in rent in a very nice appartment. He's just woken up to see outside the window his first zombie, chasing Dan's neigbour, Emily, who loked injured. Dan grabbed his rifle and shot the zombie, while Emily fell on the ground curled in a ball, probably because of the shock she had. Dan went downstairs to help her, grabbed her inside and put her on the bed. When Emily woke up, Dan was looking at her, seemingly worried. He told her what happened and asked her if she was ok. Everything was fine, or at least that's wha they thought... Some days later they were going out, Dan really liked Emily, when he noticed something weird about her leg, it looked... dead, very pale compared to her normal skin tone and she was walking stumbling from time to time. Dan didn't say anything about it, but he should've. When they were coming back they ran into a horde of zombies, thankfully they ran unnoticed. They hid behind a fence when Emily seemed to fade. Dan was really worried and stood with her, trying to protect her. In vain. When the girl woke up she was indeed a zombie. Dead mind with living body. Dan had to kill the girl she loved, an event which changed his perspective about life completely.

Stats: (distribute 20 points here)
Perception: 7
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 5
Health: 4
Constitution: 2

Starting weaponry: A very basic sniper rifle (slightly used) and a kukri (unused)

Starting equipment/resources: a small pack of batteries, a bottle of water and a lighter (he was a smoker, so what?)

Starting apparel: no special protection

Misc: Nooo, i DEFFINITELY haven't inspired the weapons from the TF2 sniper. Deffinitely!
Hopefully i don't have to change anything...

Name: Daniel Curtis

Age: 24


-Messy spikey long hair, with bang towards the left; dark brown to almost black
-blue-grey-ish eyes
-Hoodie; dark grey
-T-shirt; light green
-Tight jeans with fake torn marks; black
-sneakers; white and red

Personality: Shy and introvertit, Dan makes friends relatively hard. He won't trust you too easily (especially in a scenario like this one) and would rather not work with anybody else. With a very good perception and an explorer talent noticed by many, Dan doesen't like staying in one place for too long, maybe only to scope the surroundings and make himself a clear path.
"Aim-shoot-scout, get the fuck out!" had become his motto for a while and following this helped him survive. You can rely on him but don't expect the opposite. "Trust no-one..."

Backstory: Former technological engineer, Daniel Curtis specialised in the development of new weaponry. For this he made his research and made it well: as a hobby Dan learned to shoot with a sniper rifle at a polygon, and bought one for himself. He then went in a nice trip in Africa to try out his gun. Someone recommended him getting some sort of blade before going, so he did. Before taking a job, he's been a gamer for a very long time, until a little after finishing highschool.
His life was great right before the incident happened. He was staying in rent in a very nice appartment. He's just woken up to see outside the window his first zombie, chasing Dan's neigbour, Emily, who loked injured. Dan grabbed his rifle and shot the zombie, while Emily fell on the ground curled in a ball, probably because of the shock she had. Dan went downstairs to help her, grabbed her inside and put her on the bed. When Emily woke up, Dan was looking at her, seemingly worried. He told her what happened and asked her if she was ok. Everything was fine, or at least that's wha they thought... Some days later they were going out, Dan really liked Emily, when he noticed something weird about her leg, it looked... dead, very pale compared to her normal skin tone and she was walking stumbling from time to time. Dan didn't say anything about it, but he should've. When they were coming back they ran into a horde of zombies, thankfully they ran unnoticed. They hid behind a fence when Emily seemed to fade. Dan was really worried and stood with her, trying to protect her. In vain. When the girl woke up she was indeed a zombie. Dead mind with living body. Dan had to kill the girl she loved, an event which changed his perspective about life completely.

Stats: (distribute 20 points here)
Perception: 7
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 5
Health: 4
Constitution: 2

Starting weaponry: A very basic sniper rifle (slightly used) and a kukri (unused)

Starting equipment/resources: a small pack of batteries, a bottle of water and a lighter (he was a smoker, so what?)

Starting apparel: no special protection

Misc: Nooo, i DEFFINITELY haven't inspired the weapons from the TF2 sniper. Deffinitely!