Thermal Expansion Status

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I haven't decided to stick with it, I was only posting that it's technically possible. Internally, that saddles me with somewhat kludgey code for the actual machine operation. At one point during development, the PowerHandler had direct-access functions which were clearly marked "only use these if you know what you are doing." Welp, those are gone now, in the interest of making it a plug-and-play system.

They aren't gone, just not accessible unless you own the PowerHandler (as the original comments expounded). If you only have access to the PowerReceptor, then you can't and shouldn't be able to directly manipulate the PowerHandler. Because in that case it most likely belongs to a block from another mod.

public float addEnergy(float quantity) {
  energyStored += quantity;
  if (energyStored > maxEnergyStored) {
    quantity -= energyStored - maxEnergyStored;
    energyStored = maxEnergyStored;
  } else if (energyStored < 0) {
    quantity -= energyStored;
    energyStored = 0;
  return quantity;
public void setEnergy(float quantity) {
  this.energyStored = quantity;

Still there see.
KingLemming, I beg only one single thing of you: Omni Wrench.

PLEASE release the OmniWrench as a stand alone mod. I realize you do not want to release the Lexicon / Ore-Converter tools, that's fine. But the OmniWrench was the single most useful tool. I am ALREADY sick to death of all the different gadgets that I have to keep track of in 1.6.2 because of OmniWrench's lack of existence.

Pretty please?
They aren't gone, just not accessible unless you own the PowerHandler (as the original comments expounded). If you only have access to the PowerReceptor, then you can't and shouldn't be able to directly manipulate the PowerHandler. Because in that case it most likely belongs to a block from another mod.

public float addEnergy(float quantity) {
  energyStored += quantity;
  if (energyStored > maxEnergyStored) {
    quantity -= energyStored - maxEnergyStored;
    energyStored = maxEnergyStored;
  } else if (energyStored < 0) {
    quantity -= energyStored;
    energyStored = 0;
  return quantity;
public void setEnergy(float quantity) {
  this.energyStored = quantity;

Still there see.

They are there yes, though I don't see why addEnergy needs a perdition calculation. I seem to remember it not having that initially.

KingLemming, I beg only one single thing of you: Omni Wrench.

PLEASE release the OmniWrench as a stand alone mod. I realize you do not want to release the Lexicon / Ore-Converter tools, that's fine. But the OmniWrench was the single most useful tool. I am ALREADY sick to death of all the different gadgets that I have to keep track of in 1.6.2 because of OmniWrench's lack of existence.

Pretty please?

The problem is that it hinges on so many APIs. It's just somewhat annoying, but I'll see what can be done once the dust settles.
The problem is that it hinges on so many APIs. It's just somewhat annoying, but I'll see what can be done once the dust settles.

Also what's the point if other modders use methods of blocking it's use, of course I'm speaking of GregTech as one example. Who AFAIK deliberately changed how wrenches interact with his machines as he believes moving his machines should cost you something whether it be EU or durability on a tool.
If you are inclined to not step on peoples toes it might be too much effort to maintain the mod if there's the chance people prefer not to have omniwrench compatibility.

Also seeing though Omni is a prefix for EVERYTHING how can you call it so if it doesn't work on everything. Should rename it [NEAR-omni wrench prototype].

Hmm it kinda seems that every modders ego (as in sense of self) and personal vision is directly conflicting with the player bases wants.

MJs are not congruent with your vision anymore, so you are straying away because TE is your project and you don't want to be tied down by dependency on others that don't share your vision. Perfectly healthy thought process.
But in turn now the players might need to manage yet another power system or rampantly use mods that convert power values or can run on almost anything like MFR.
If you make it so your machine runs on both your system and MJ, the energy system that gives you more bang for your buck will win out and if that BC's new MJ then your new system might be neglected rendering all effort spent in vain.
(of course this allows the mod to stand alone better).

Hopefully these changes result in a total increase in fun levels and doesn't become tedium.
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The problem is that it hinges on so many APIs. It's just somewhat annoying, but I'll see what can be done once the dust settles.

I completely understand that it may be a pain in the backside to get the OmniWrench working in 1.6.2 but it really did become a mainstay for all of my work, right along side your Redstone Conduits and Liquiducts. While Thermal Expansion may be delayed for a while (and understandably so), I really do think that the community would still love to see the OmniWrench brought back to life, if at all possible.
There is an oft misquoted Margaret Thatcher quote, part of which reads "there is no such thing as society". We are all a bunch of individuals, some of us modders (not me). Some of us have made really cool power transmission networks and a bunch of cool machines. Others brought people like me into modded minecraft because, well, I like trains. There exists a deceptively simple mod called buildcraft which is more than just a quarry, and is being further developed into something even more useful. I say that as a 1.5x player who is starting to see the benefit of kinesis pipes and has for awhile seen the awesomeness of the item transfer pipes. At times they just make other mods purr. And so do conduits.

What I am saying is that a lot of individuals have come into this community to be creative and some fantastic mods have either been developed from scratch or adapted from something else or part way in between those two things. And the rest of us have enjoyed those fruits. (Maybe forestry and extra trees have a head start there).
I really don't know if a universal energy system is of great benefit, I'm just willing to code something up that can be used as one. Imagine if BC and ThaumCraft were the same "energy," that would sort of diminish the interest behind ThaumCraft.
Bit of an apples and oranges example there, obviously any mod that doesn't have electricity or something similar wouldn't be required to use that part of Forge just like any mod doesn't have to use every hook in forge.
Also what's the point if other modders use methods of blocking it's use, of course I'm speaking of GregTech as one example. Who AFAIK deliberately changed how wrenches interact with his machines as he believes moving his machines should cost you something whether it be EU or durability on a tool.
If you are inclined to not step on peoples toes it might be too much effort to maintain the mod if there's the chance people prefer not to have omniwrench compatibility.

The OmniWrench works fine with Greg's changes. At least, it still does in 1.5.2. It wasn't hard to circumvent that requirement.

Hmm it kinda seems that every modders ego (as in sense of self) and personal vision is directly conflicting with the player bases wants.

MJs are not congruent with your vision anymore, so you are straying away because TE is your project and you don't want to be tied down by dependency on others that don't share your vision. Perfectly healthy thought process.
But in turn now the players might need to manage yet another power system or rampantly use mods that convert power values or can run on almost anything like MFR.
If you make it so your machine runs on both your system and MJ, the energy system that gives you more bang for your buck will win out and if that BC's new MJ then your new system might be neglected rendering all effort spent in vain.
(of course this allows the mod to stand alone better).

Hopefully these changes result in a total increase in fun levels and doesn't become tedium.

Yeah, I keep hearing the term "modder ego," and I"m thinking that's the crux of the problem - I don't have one. I get why people are proud of their code and their creations - I just enjoy the elegance and simplicity of good code, no matter who writes it. To be pretty direct about it, my RL accomplishments more than trump anything I've done for MC, so I just can't really get an inflated sense of self over TE. I realize that may sound arrogant, but that's my perspective and treating this like what it is - a game - keeps me pretty well grounded.

Anyways, I've already worked out how the new TE things function, and MJ won't work to power the machines - at least not directly. A ton of work has gone into BuildCraft's new stuff, and I feel that I'd be cheapening the efforts of the devs by joining under MJ at this point. I actually spoke to one of them at length the other night about this.

I completely understand that it may be a pain in the backside to get the OmniWrench working in 1.6.2 but it really did become a mainstay for all of my work, right along side your Redstone Conduits and Liquiducts. While Thermal Expansion may be delayed for a while (and understandably so), I really do think that the community would still love to see the OmniWrench brought back to life, if at all possible.

It'll probably happen at some point.

Bit of an apples and oranges example there, obviously any mod that doesn't have electricity or something similar wouldn't be required to use that part of Forge just like any mod doesn't have to use every hook in forge.

Not really - TC has always had energy in some form or another. Again, universal energy API, not just electricity. ;) TE will be operating on Redstone Flux. Depending on what exactly you are using RF for, it might end up being more magical in theme.
Not really - TC has always had energy in some form or another. Again, universal energy API, not just electricity. ;) TE will be operating on Redstone Flux. Depending on what exactly you are using RF for, it might end up being more magical in theme.

I don't think that's a bad idea, actually. A Universal Energy Dictionary would just be able to define how energy flows from one point to another. You could use cables/conduits/etc like what most mods do, or your could define it as point-to-point like what Tesseracts do. However, you can also probably define in the mod itself what it looks like. So Thaumcraft could use the point-to-point transfer, with really shiny looking particle effects, and to the end-user, it would look pretty much identical to what it does now.

Of course, if a mod author didn't find it useful to them, they could always simply not use it.
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Not really - TC has always had energy in some form or another. Again, universal energy API, not just electricity. ;) TE will be operating on Redstone Flux. Depending on what exactly you are using RF for, it might end up being more magical in theme.
Fine, so put an "electricity" API into forge, the name is semantics and nit picking. Yes, thaumcraft has what could be considered "energy" but it's not a parody of electricity (like 90% of the other mods are, including BC, IC2, TE, Factorization, Redpower, and Universal electricity), it is a parody of Magic a completely separate concept. There's no reason why we couldn't have a central power system for electricity-using mods and still have thaumcraft magic.
The point is, playing modded minecraft would simply just be exponentially more enjoyable if any electrical generator could be conducted by any wire which could be stored in any storage medium to be used to run any machine, much like how you like having options when it comes to writing your power system we like to have options when it comes to building our creations.
Redstone flux, eh? That actually sounds very... "Minecrafty", for a lack of a better word. Vanilla gives us redstone dust to power small, simple things; redstone flux would just be a more pure, concentrated form of it. After all, why would Steve invent something completely abstract like realworld electricity, if he developed his tech off of redstone dust? I like how logical that sounds. And the fact that it has a somewhat mystical aspect to it can easily be accepted in the context of the setting.
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The API could be for straight 'energy' of all types and have inherited classes of say 'electricity', 'mechanical', or 'magical' (and obviously, the ability to make ones own, but strongly discourage that). Registering ones energy network as 'electricity' would then automatically define that conversion with other types of 'electricity' can occur, and have a default 1-to-1 conversion, but converting to 'mechanical' or 'magical' doesn't automatically occur, unless the mod author chooses to implement those methods. So one could mod a machine to accept 'electricity' and have it then run on all types of 'electricity', or 'mechanical', or 'magical', or all three, but not the parent 'energy', (which I assume is possible in Java). Obviously, a different mod could accept electricity from one mod that doesn't allow any conversion to mechanical and that mod could convert it to mechanical or magical, but that already happens.
The API could be for straight 'energy' of all types and have inherited classes of say 'electricity', 'mechanical', or 'magical' (and obviously, the ability to make ones own, but strongly discourage that). Registering ones energy network as 'electricity' would then automatically define that conversion with other types of 'electricity' can occur, and have a default 1-to-1 conversion, but converting to 'mechanical' or 'magical' doesn't automatically occur, unless the mod author chooses to implement those methods. So one could mod a machine to accept 'electricity' and have it then run on all types of 'electricity', or 'mechanical', or 'magical', or all three, but not the parent 'energy', (which I assume is possible in Java). Obviously, a different mod could accept electricity from one mod that doesn't allow any conversion to mechanical and that mod could convert it to mechanical or magical, but that already happens.

I discussed typing it, and then you'd end up with something like an EnergyStack class - it would very much be a fluid analog at that point. It's a bit overkill though.
So does this mean I won't be able to just pop an energy tesseract next to my filler or quarry? :(

This is actually sort of an interesting issue - it's very easy for me to have my devices output MJ, it's just difficult for them to be able to receive it. In the interest of respecting BuildCraft, then the Energy Tesseracts may go away, yes.
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I am not in much of a position to comment, being a C++ person which has templates and other features which can make such things really easy, and as I understand it Java doesn't have as good of features (for that task); but it seems to me that fluids and energy are and could be different aspects of the same underlying thing. Sure there are differences, but they also have very similar features and engines already use fluids for their energy, as an example. Both appear to be able to drain, fill, and be moved about in various ways. Perhaps a EnergyStack and factory is overkill, my job involves creating code that is usable to solve whatever general problem in whatever odd circumstance the user wants without the program having to know anything about the problem, so obviously for any specific case overkill is used.
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