I have been running a our FTB server for a bit now, and everything was fine until tonight, when the server crashed while I was away watching The Hobbit (nice movie) and now crashes every time I try to restart it. One of my player probably has placed something in the world which makes the server crash.
A null point exception seems to mention Thermal expansion energy conduits and something about chunk loading.
We use the FTB Beta A pack, on which I have added Dynmap. I use a combination of Multicraft and FTP to manage the server.
A text file containing the console log and crash log is added to this post.
If it is indeed an energy conduit who can't load properly via chunk loading, how do I Identify which one(s) is problematic and get rid of it (maybe via a map editor) before I try to restart the server again?
- Grey
I have been running a our FTB server for a bit now, and everything was fine until tonight, when the server crashed while I was away watching The Hobbit (nice movie) and now crashes every time I try to restart it. One of my player probably has placed something in the world which makes the server crash.
A null point exception seems to mention Thermal expansion energy conduits and something about chunk loading.
at thermalexpansion.energy.TileEnergyConduit.onChunkUnload(TileEnergyConduit.java:464)
at xe.h(World.java:2045)
at ie.h(WorldServer.java:463)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(MinecraftServer.java:649)
at hg.r(DedicatedServer.java:241)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(MinecraftServer.java:585)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:492)
at fp.run(SourceFile:818)
We use the FTB Beta A pack, on which I have added Dynmap. I use a combination of Multicraft and FTP to manage the server.
A text file containing the console log and crash log is added to this post.
If it is indeed an energy conduit who can't load properly via chunk loading, how do I Identify which one(s) is problematic and get rid of it (maybe via a map editor) before I try to restart the server again?
- Grey