Whitelist Server The World(24/7)A Space Astronomy 1.5.5 Server| Brand New Map(11/28/2016)| Mature

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Welcome to the server lerraent. I added ya. Good state to live in since that is where I am from as well. Also, its nice to see I am not the only 30 year old playing minecraft lol.

Not a bad idea for spawn for now Tyr. I will move it next time were both on. Also, that plugin isn't completely fully functional yet. I would have to rebuild some of the code to get it to work properly, and it is not a current priority to do.
And if you want I can hop on right now to do it.
  1. IGN: HipisLTU
  2. Location: Lithuania
  3. Age (I am looking for 16+ but will make exceptions): 19
  4. Why do you want to play here?: All the things seem like a place that I was searching for quite some time now, with an exception of a VoIP server.
  5. Do you have any experience with this mod pack or Ultimate?(Not relevant to you get accepted just wondering): I haven't played Ressurection, but it sounds like something awesome coming back from the old days. I played Technic back in the day, then the first FTB mod packs, then I made a pause from Minecraft.
  6. Any suggestions for the server to make it better? Keep it friendly and conversational. A TS or Mumble server would be nice.
IGN (in-game name): MrBeaTGamer
2. Location: UK
3. Age (I am looking for 16+ but will make exceptions): 18
4. Why do you want to play here?: so I can have fun with a small community without worrying for griefing
5. Do you have any experience with this mod pack or Ultimate? Yes I play it loads
6. Any suggestions for the server to make it better? To be honest I think the key to a small server is no economy mods, it takes the fun out of it.
And I am back into town now. Hope everyone had a good holiday. Getting a good amount of requests from some other sites as well tyr. :) With the holidays moving around hopefully some life starts to show here than the few of us who have been playing. I have been looking at the server while away. Seems like the few of us who play at all different times. lol. O well. I will get this server "hopping" soon, but not too many. just enough for life on it hah.

Anyways..Setting up the voip server in a few minutes. Should have the info coming shortly.
As the server develops more within the next week or so. I will be trimming the whitelist of the players I have not seen. If you are still interested in the server and i accepted you. Please, make sure to message me letting me know. As I been saying. Plan is to keep the server small, but with "life" on it throughout the day.
  • IGN (in-game name):cucust9876
  • Location:Romania, Europe
  • Age (I am looking for 16+ but will make exceptions):16
  • Why do you want to play here?: Looking for a whitelisted server because the one I was playing on closed
  • Do you have any experience with this mod pack or Ultimate?(Not relevant to you get accepted just wondering): Didn't played this pack, but I got a lot of experience with Ultimate (one of my favorite packs)
  • Any suggestions for the server to make it better? Keep growing the server, but also try to keep it small.
  1. IGN (in-game name): prudno
  2. Location: East coast US (North Carolina)
  3. Age (I am looking for 16+ but will make exceptions): 29
  4. Why do you want to play here?: I'm looking for a decent well-performing server with a small-ish community. Also, I saw you have hard mode enabled, which I enjoy.
  5. Do you have any experience with this mod pack or Ultimate?(Not relevant to you get accepted just wondering): I have a little experience with this pack, a year of experience with ultimate (endgame with every major mod) and experience with unhinged so I know the direction GT took. I also have experience with other difficult mods like rotarycraft (Monster).
  6. Any suggestions for the server to make it better? I have ideas, but can't really say if they'd be good till I understand the dynamics of the server and players on it. The last server I had had an inter-city train network which was pretty cool, and the one before that had a pretty snazzy spawn with good player interaction/shops/etc.
I would also like to make an application on behalf of Johnnyseven, who is currently otherwise engaged and asked me to make a mention of his name here so he can join me and you guys asap if of course we get accepted, so his info will be in italics

IGN (in-game name):
shandie (Johnnyseven)

Location: Northern Ireland (UK)

Age (I am looking for 16+ but will make exceptions): 27 (23)

Why do you want to play here?: We want a decent server to play FTB Resurrection on, and this one seems to cut the mustard.

Do you have any experience with this mod pack or Ultimate?(Not relevant to you get accepted just wondering): I haven't played Resurrection before, but myself and Johnnyseven have played several modpacks including Ultimate to the death over the last couple of years and now we are here to give this one a whirl.

Any suggestions for the server to make it better? I'll get back to you on this after playing on it for a while

[edit: grammatical error]
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Hey I got back to each of you about your "apps". Check your inboxes :p

Quesiton for all. What do you guys prefer. Mumble or Teamspeak?
Mumble is clearer sound wise, and provides inputs and amplitudes. Teamspeak 3 I believe is easier to use. More people are familiar with it.
  1. IGN: Everyday_T_bird
  2. Location: CA, US
  3. Age: 16
  4. Why do you want to play here?: Been playing modded minecraft for a while but took a break for a while after 1.5 and am looking into getting into 1.7
  5. Do you have any experience with this mod pack or Ultimate?: Yes that modpack is what got me into modded minecraft!
  6. Any suggestions for the server to make it better?: accepting me will make that server way better ;)
  1. IGN (in-game name): ljjmrlion
  2. Location: United States
  3. Age (I am looking for 16+ but will make exceptions): I'm 15
  4. Why do you want to play here?:I was (and still am) a huge fan of FTB ultimate mainly for its implementation of Gregtech, which by far is one of my favorite mods. I'd love to join and tinker with the new mechanics of Gregtech and to try out the new mechanics in the other mods.
  5. Do you have any experience with this mod pack or Ultimate?(Not relevant to you get accepted just wondering): I've played through ultimate a multitude of times and when i saw the rebirth of ultimate was supposedly occurring in this modpack i knew i had to play it.
  6. Any suggestions for the server to make it better?:Teamwork, it may sound really cheesy but organized teamwork is what makes a good community server blossom to its full potential.
P.S: The blue text is to help you read this:p
*Sorry guys been away for a day. Actually forgot about plans yesterday that took me out of town again for the whole day xD

*I sent messages to you two who just applied above me.

*As of now seems like getting a bit of interest for the server. Going to start getting the site ready to make us have a place to communicate better. Will keep you all up to date.
  1. IGN (in-game name): SheepsWool
  2. Location: United States, Utah
  3. Age (I am looking for 16+ but will make exceptions): 18
  4. Why do you want to play here?: I found the Resurrection pack while getting on the FTB launcher to play crash landing. It reminds me of Ultimate, which I spent so much time on. I like to play on servers, and the size you are aiming for is what I like. Big enough that the server is lively but small enough that there is a community.
  5. Do you have any experience with this mod pack or Ultimate?(Not relevant to you get accepted just wondering): Been playing FTB since Beta pack and before that Technic and Tekkit. Played many of the packs since I started. Mainly Ultimate, Unleashed, and Monster. Also played Agrarian Skies and Crash Landing a bunch, but those are sorta different. I really like FTB and spend probably too much time playing it.
  6. Any suggestions for the server to make it better? Keep the server small but lively. Otherwise, it seems good.
Sent ya a message sheep :p

Edit: Forgot to mention earlier. As I said before, I will be startting to trim the whitelist with players who I have not seen on the server yet. If I have not played with you yet make sure to send me a message stating you are still interested. Adding a lot but would like to ultimately keep the server small.
Home officailly works now. Sorry I had a typo in the perms. XD

How it works:
  • You can set only 1 home(maybe will up seeing how things go)
  • You must stand still for 10secs(might change to 5) till it activates
  • There is a 5 minute delay between uses.