Whitelist Server The World(24/7)A Space Astronomy 1.5.5 Server| Brand New Map(11/28/2016)| Mature

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
  1. IGN (in-game name): BrutalNetwork (Used to be jackson96969)
  2. Location: United Kingdom
  3. Age (I am looking for 16+ but will make exceptions): 17
  4. Why do you want to play here?: I'm a old player looking to play feed the beast
  5. Do you have any experience with this mod pack or Ultimate?(Not relevant to you get accepted just wondering): Plenty! Older versions of the mods though.
  6. Any suggestions for the server to make it better?: I think i could come up with some.
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  1. IGN (in-game name): tekkit_player850
  2. Location: USA/AZ
  3. Age (I am looking for 16+ but will make exceptions): 13 but mature
  4. Why do you want to play here?: Because this lookes like a good community fun sever to play on!
  5. Do you have any experience with this mod pack or Ultimate?(Not relevant to you get accepted just wondering): Yes have been played modded for about 1 year.
  6. Any suggestions for the server to make it better? No lag!
New and improved server. If you were apart of the old server please re apply here or at the site!
  • What is your in-game name? -Wilkins3731
  • Age -17 years old
  • Have you ever played the FTB Infinity Evolved mod pack before? -I have played very little of it, but I am pretty experienced in mod packs
  • Would you be willing to "donate" to the monthly server fee (dedicated server costs me $50 a month)? -I would be willing to donate a little bit each month if I'm enjoying my time on the server.
  • Are you interested in becoming staff? -not right now, but maybe in the future
  • If yes above, what experience do you have there? Ever ran a server before? -I have co-owned a small pixelmon server in the past.
  • What is your in-game name? DeltaSierra25
  • Age 32
  • Have you ever played the FTB Infinity Evolved mod pack before? No, I have played with almost every other FTB pack out there though.
  • Would you be willing to "donate" to the monthly server fee (dedicated server costs me $50 a month)? Maybe, all depends on whether or not I like the server.
  • Are you interested in becoming staff? If its needed, otherwise I would like to just play and build.
  • If yes above, what experience do you have there? Ever ran a server before? I have run multiple servers of my own with some friends using many different plugins and APIS.
Hey redacted got you added. Sent you a message at our website with the info. Sorry for the delay I was at work.
  • What is your in-game name? wackoman6789
  • Age 18
  • Have you ever played the FTB Infinity Evolved mod pack before? i haven't played infinity evolved but the old infinity i have
  • Would you be willing to "donate" to the monthly server fee (dedicated server costs me $50 a month)? yes when i can afford it
  • Are you interested in becoming staff? I've been staff on several other servers but i would like to get my feet wet before i jump head-in
  • If yes above, what experience do you have there? Ever ran a server before? i've never ran a server before but i have been a mod and a admin on quite a few
Server still looking for new players. Reminder it is a mature server and looking for really only 18+. Only a week old the server so still pretty fresh of a world.
Another week or so has gone by and we have room for some more players again. Please, post here or at the website (http://www.theworldmc.com) if interested in joining. :)

If any players used this to join, please, make sure to visit the website on how to update the rftools mod to be able to log onto the server too.
It's the weekend! Opening up a few more spots for some new players! Come visit us @


to find out how to join! Remember its an 18+ server. Nothing banned running ftb invinity evolved expert mode. Have at it!
What is your in-game name?

Age ( looking for 18+ but have made exceptions in the past due to referrals)

Have you ever played on any modded servers before? If so, what?
Old school FTB way back in the days of Mindcrack etc, stopped playing Minecraft but am Interested in coming back.