As night falls, the storm begins to subside and the rain slows...but the fog that had begun to settle on the ground grows denser and darker. Not knowing who to trust and who not to, the strangers in the house decide it is probably best to split up for the night, no blood will be spilt this day. The mayor offers them all separate rooms and a small assortment of chains, locks, and ropes with which to shut their doors tight during the cold night that seems to be coming.
Day 1 votes:
Nobody - 7 (goreae, Jus2beast, dwappo, Strikingwolf, Larmonade, Qazplm601, Exedra)
Jus2beast - 1 (Not_Steve)
goreae - 1 (Kayla Sharp)
Still to vote: the_j485, dgdas9
I was lenient for the first day, I took nonbolded votes as well as a vote that was PMed to me in a convo. I also chose not to smite the two who did not vote. This is the only time I'll be nice about getting your votes in. Make sure you vote before nightfall, and your votes are Bolded and posted in the thread.
No further posting until I state that daybreak has occurred. Expect the nightly update within the hour.