the road to thaumcraft infusion automation

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this will be last post on this for a while. one very important thing was missing that makes this whole thing work: i cannot autocraft anything from logistics pipes if the autocraft process is embedded in the AE network....which was everything. all my previous tests with LP was with items already in the system, i never tried letting LP do an autocraft item...le sigh. I know how to make LP do it, but that requires a total rebuild of the entire system, switching out interfaces with custom patterns to crafting pipes, and the all mighty wall of lp crafting tables in place of the MAC...that will be a major pain in the tuhkas. I'll keep things posted as it goes.

as for the factorization/arcane table bug, i cant do it any other way. peripheral proxy does not work anymore (just placing one crashes the map, all the time), and turtles cant wrap the table as a peripheral, so the only way to target those slots that i know of is factorization. i think steves factory manager might do it, but i have absolutely no idea how to make that work, but i bet id get the same bug as it bypasses the gui and i think thats whats causing the bug. I'll just use the routers, remove the input items and void them after the item is crafted, and consider the wand as always charged up for all the recipes...not much i can do about it since TC 4.1.0g is not supported anymore.
Well, you still did the most automaton I've ever seen on Thaumcraft. Until this topic, I don't think anyone had fully automated infusion.

Personally, I just wish there was a better way to automate the deconstruction table other than mouse click macros.
can someone point me to a proper, i mean *proper* tutorial on how routing in logistics pipes works? i set up a lp pipe system with crafting and all the goodies, and now that the system is trying to autocraft items to feed a furnace with coal, i see items flying all over the damm map...its pretty freakin annoying seeing stuff just going off to random areas trying to figure out where to go when theres only 1 possible place they should be going
can someone point me to a proper, i mean *proper* tutorial on how routing in logistics pipes works? i set up a lp pipe system with crafting and all the goodies, and now that the system is trying to autocraft items to feed a furnace with coal, i see items flying all over the damm map...its pretty freakin annoying seeing stuff just going off to random areas trying to figure out where to go when theres only 1 possible place they should be going
Are you using any tesseracts? If you are you can only have two tesseracts on the same frequency. And of course make sure you have a logistics pipe at every junction. That's about it.
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v3 of the build. hopefully the last.






this time i decided to ditch the superflats and go with a normal world. the top platform is the farm area, middle platform is infusion altar, bottom is crafting, crop management and storage. instead of relying on AE for autocrafting, its all about logistics pipes. since i cannot request autocrafted items from AE through a logistics pipe, i have to do it all via lp. all those ender chests have 2 crafting pipes each. they each handle 1 crop seed to item/essence crafting. the harvesters on the farm use a second ender chest channel to return the seeds to ae storage, and essence back to the long row of ender chests..this makes sure the crafting pipe that requested the crop item will get it on return, otherwise autocrafting breaks and things dont behave right. then theres the wall of crafting tables...this is where all the essence is converted to basic items like coal, magma cream, blaze rods, diamonds, etc. i had to take a severe crash course in logistics pipes to figure this all out, it was not pretty ;)

eventually the mana beans, offworld shard farms and constructs will be put in. i even need a wither boss grinder to get nether stars...all will be in place eventually. and i plan on making this one look like a proper mage tower. more to come ;)
yeus ;)

but first a few things...i really need to know how to get a pechs curse in some automated fashion....all those rod drops and no way to pull off those wand focii? can trading be automated?
mana bean production...check
automated constructs...check

ordering a thaumium ingot from the request pipe on the altar pedestal...check!

but now it gets a little complicated. i dont know what im doing wrong here.


construct with a furnace/alembic behind it to make thaum ingots. provider pipe underneath keeps the furnace stocked with coal. crafting pipe in front of the chest requests 1 iron ingot and 4 precantatio mana beans. beans are sent, cooked in the furnace and waits for the iron to show up in the construct. iron is grown, so lp sends iron seeds off to the farm, they grow, get harvested, essence crafted into iron ore blocks. all of this is working perfectly so far. now comes this:


first 2 are pulverizers, last 3 are redstone furnaces. each with a crafting pipe on the output port, and a satellite pipe with proper ids on the input port on top. recipes are set in the crafting pipes to send input item into machine via satellite, so the crafting pipe pulls the result. so far so good...except...its not good. when i request a thaumium block, the iron is grown, then crafted into ore blocks, then pulverized...then nothing. they go to default route, which is plugged into the ae interface and gets stored in the ae system...and stays there. the dusts never come out to the redstone furnace to be processed and sent to the construct. i am mightily confused. all junctions have basic lp pipes, theres no crazy routing loops. if i take the dusts out and cook them manually, the ingots also go to ae storage instead of to the furnace. only when i place them manually in the construct does the process complete, the thaum ingots get autocrafted into a block, and shows up on the pedestal where i requested it. the pipe on the left goes to the wall of crafting tables with crafting pipes on them...from there it branches out to the rest of the system.

what is going on? did i miss something with the crafting pipes?
Sounds like you need to configure the redstone furnace to output to the pipe you placed next it it. Or add a chest and extract it from that?
Sounds like you need to configure the redstone furnace to output to the pipe you placed next it it. Or add a chest and extract it from that?
thats what i thought at first. if i change the rear face (the one the crafting pipe is attached to) from output to nothing, then back to output, then i see the dusts come out and get converted to ingot...but any new requests result in the same behavior. im going to upgrade lp again...seems theyve gone at least 10 versions since last time i updated ;)

right now the machines are setup as so:

front face gets power. top face set to input, this gets the satellite pipe. rear face is output, crafting pipe is on this face. for pulverizers, bottom face is set to bonus output, those just get piped to default route. i had pipe plugs one the satellite/cobble pipes between the machines, so i tried spacing them out so 1 block space between machines, still same...its an odd one this behavior.

edit: nope...running 287 now..still same thing.

Yet Another Edit(tm):

ok apparently the oddity is TE machines do their own output thing, so the solution is to hook up the crafting pipe to the machines input, and leave the output face empty...let the crafting pipe "reach around" and get the output item. now it works fine. so much for trying to do it the right way ;)
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so, finally got openperipherals behaving. big relief as that was the only mod capable (that i know of) of getting the contents of aspect jars. since logistics pipes changed a lot of the internals of the api for getting available items, requesting them, etc, i had to recode the aspect filling code to handle the new changes. if youre interested, check it here:

this assumes you have a logistics request pipe on the left of the computer, and you have a wired modem network with proxies on all the jars you want to maintain full at all times. this code is designed to fill a hopper with 5 different mana beans, connected to a furnace with 5 alembics stacked on top
ok. more updates ;)


this is pretty much the same thing i did in the first map..using a pressure plate to detect when the golem is idle, using a not->state cell (7 second delay)->not gate to tell the computer if the golem is idle. when it is, it calls up a batch of 5 different mana beans, sends them off to the hopper hooked up to the furnace, and off he goes. only this time there are 4 of these setup around the altar, each golem managing 13 aspects each.


starting to fill up the room dedicated to crucible automation. each crucible is set to a particular recipe, the crafting pipes send the mana beans and catalyst, and they get back the output item. it even works with batches of items, like 9 thaum ingots to make a thaumium block. that floor will have a LOT of these contraptions.

all the pulverizers and furnaces needed to process metals, glass, flint, bricks, and even ice blocks. had to cheat on this and use AE level emitter to control ice block production...i dont know how to make LP pull only a set amount of blocks when the machine is always making them automatically. above you see another one of the aspect jar setups.



source of all those mana beans: the pech grinder. just some autospawners bringing in the pechs, and fans blowing them into an autonomous activator loaded with a looting 3 scythe. below is a small setup to convert the liquid xp coming from the vacuum hopper into mob essence. the tank is to handle the overflow, theres another vacuum hopper next to the sewers picking up xp orbs that dont get absorbed by the sewers. this is to keep the entity count down, i almost crashed when i had over 1000 xp orbs floating around down there. the stair case is actually for the stray pechs that manage to spawn outside the grinder...they get mad when their brothers are getting attacked so theyll go up those stairs, right into the grinder again ;)





now the hard part: arcane table automation. in the first shot, theres a row of chests behind the table, with 2 factorization routers on each one. 18 routers total, +1 for the extraction of the resulting item. now why so many routers? each one is set to target a specific slot, and there are 2 per slot. 1 to place the recipe item, another to remove it. and the final router pulls the final item from the output slot. why a router to place, another to pull? well...thats the bug in the arcane table. apparently bypassing the arcane table's gui doesnt trigger the proper process, so basically the moment the output item is visible, its already in the exit router. the recipe items dont get consumed, the wands aspects dont get used. basically free autocrafting. to balance this, im using the routers that pull recipe items so they get voided after i pull the output item. nothing i can do about the vis usage tho...i dont know how youd 'simulate' using the wand vis. the other half of the complexity of this beast is i also have to make sure the items actually get loaded before trying to pull the final item.

now your probably wondering...what the hell is that platform with all those pedestals? well. any of you familiar with thaumcraft know there are lots of arcane table recipes. LOTS of them. and im not gonna sit there programming in a whole list of recipes with slot locations and item freakin way. that platform is a 'programmer' of sorts. the computer has a disk drive on it, where a database of arcane table recipes is stored. the database is basically a lua table with a recipe name = list of slots and items that go in those slots. so what we do here to set up a new recipe, we first create a book and quill. sign it with a meaningful title, like 'focusExcavation' for the excavation wand focus. place this book on the bottom pedestal closest to the computer. now we place the recipe items on the other 9 pedestals as they would appear in the table gui, assuming the bottom pedestal with the book would be the 'bottom' of the gui screen. once items are placed, go over to the computer, and type 'train'. this will scan the pedestals, load the database, create the new recipe using the book name as its key, and save it back to disk. once im done setting up recipes, i place the books into AE storage, grab the floppy from the disk drive, and place it into the floppy drive underneath the computer managing the arcane table, and give it a reboot. i also need to set up a crafting pipe on those ender chests to handle the book->arcane table item to get the lp system to see the new recipe, you can see 3 already there set up for salis mundus, excavation and fire focus.

eventually there will be another platform like this to program in the infusion altar recipes as well. those can be quite complicated, especially with TT Kami recipes requiring all 13 pedestals, and i need a 14th slot to program in the output item as well.

still going on this, stay tuned ;)
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the arcane table was *almost* there. until i found out why it worked sometimes, and then it didnt. apparently automation works on the table...if you have the gui open. if you dont, nothing happens. items go in, but the recipe never kicks in and nothing comes out. it only happens when you have the table's gui open.

im putting the file up for download so others can play with it. im considering this done, unless someone finds a way to make the arcane table work. im thinking about making an addon to tc to fix the table and let it be automated, but thats not gonna happen anytime soon...last time i did any modding for mc, it wasnt with forge, and was way back in the pre 1.2 versions of mc ;)

be warned, i updated a few mods to make this work. if you want to run this map, you will need the most recent versions of:

openperipherals + addons
openmods lib
logistics pipes (i was running 287, theyre already at 288 now)
thermal expansion

youll also need

project red
thaumcraft (4.1.0g)
thaumic tinkerer
tt kami
tinkers construct
applied energistics
magic crops
extra utilities
extra cells
random things
ender storage

and that really bigass mod called 'vanilla'. who calls a mod vanilla anyway...i dont play with my ice cream, dagnabbit ;)

basically most of the major things youd have if you were running the ftb monster pack

the map is incomplete, none of the altar automation is in place, only basic items/recipes, some crucible items, and aspect jars. you still need offworld farms if you want the dimensional shards, wither grinder for nether stars, and the arcane table to work if you want the full deal. some proficiency with AE/logistics pipes is required, and lua if you want to play with the aspect and arcane table automation ;)

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had to cheat on this and use AE level emitter to control ice block production...i dont know how to make LP pull only a set amount of blocks when the machine is always making them automatically.
Put a supplier pipe on an inventory (probably a chest but you could use other inventories depending on how much you want stored) and then put a provider pipe on the chest (and have crafting pipes on the machines, like you have). The supplier pipe will fill the inventory with the items and items will be pulled out via the provider pipe when needed by other things.