Whitelist Server The Good Stuff(DW20)(Whitelist)(6 Slots Left)(10 Slot Server)(+18)

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IGN: minecraftbfhpro
Reason for Joining: i want to play whit my friend
Have you been banned: nope
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional): sorry dont want to do it

IGN: Diamondpvp
Age: 20
Reason for Joining: i want to play whit my friend
Have you been banned: nope
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional): sorry dont want to do it really

IGN: justparanormal
Age: 18
Reason for Joining: i want to play whit my friend
Have you been banned: nope
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional):sorry dont want to do it really

we are good players we a friends[DOUBLEPOST=1360240284][/DOUBLEPOST]:cool::cool::cool:
If you've still got slots left, I'd like to join your server.

Age: 29
Reason for Joining: I'm looking for a quiet, stable place to play MineCraft with no restrictions, ideally with a small group of people that I can rely on not to break or steal my stuff.
Have you been banned: Never. I don't screw with other people, and expect to not be screwed with.
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is): N/A
Additional Info you can put(Optional): I've got experience with pretty much everything in the Direwolf20 pack outside of Forestry and its child mods (such as ExtraBees). I'm a big fan of MystCraft and will work with the server admin in finding ways to write Ages that both help the server players and don't screw up the server itself. I will want to use World Anchors on occasion for things like RailCraft coke ovens or ThaumCraft automatic Essentia tank storage systems. My one hangup is PvP - I hate it and never, ever want to participate in it.

Thanks for reading and considering my application.
If you've still got slots left, I'd like to join your server.

Age: 29
Reason for Joining: I'm looking for a quiet, stable place to play MineCraft with no restrictions, ideally with a small group of people that I can rely on not to break or steal my stuff.
Have you been banned: Never. I don't screw with other people, and expect to not be screwed with.
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is): N/A
Additional Info you can put(Optional): I've got experience with pretty much everything in the Direwolf20 pack outside of Forestry and its child mods (such as ExtraBees). I'm a big fan of MystCraft and will work with the server admin in finding ways to write Ages that both help the server players and don't screw up the server itself. I will want to use World Anchors on occasion for things like RailCraft coke ovens or ThaumCraft automatic Essentia tank storage systems. My one hangup is PvP - I hate it and never, ever want to participate in it.

Thanks for reading and considering my application.
I'm sorry to say this guys but the servers world file got corrupted and I don't have a backup so we are going to have to restart the world new people will also be whitelisted
IGN: minecraftbfhpro
Reason for Joining: i want to play whit my friend
Have you been banned: nope
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional): sorry dont want to do it

IGN: Diamondpvp
Age: 20
Reason for Joining: i want to play whit my friend
Have you been banned: nope
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional): sorry dont want to do it really

IGN: justparanormal
Age: 18
Reason for Joining: i want to play whit my friend
Have you been banned: nope
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional):sorry dont want to do it really

we are good players we a friends`
Age: 19

Reason for Joining: I enjoy minecraft, but I always restart my ssp worlds, lot easier to play multiplayer for me and I enjoy playing with other people. Have not played much modded minecraft because of this and figures why not try now.

Have you been banned: nope, never have been, never intend to be.

Additional Info you can put(Optional): I am a college student so I won't be on all day, but I will be on when I have free time. I understand how to use mods relatively well, but have not played a lot so don't know everything. I just enjoy playing minecraft in a community and think this will be fun.
IGN: lazythirdeye
Reason for Joining:i want to have place to play and make new friends and have fun
Have you been banned:no
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional): i love bees
IGN: sexy_foxy
Age: 18
Reason for Joining: I would love to play with other people.
Have you been banned: no
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional): I really like forestry machines
IGN: skolly94
Reason for Joining: I have been looking for a server with an active community for a while.
Have you been banned: Nope.(as far as i know)
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional): i have been playing whit mods for more than a year. and got a decent knowledge with the mods in the DW20 pack.
Age:16, 17 in july
Reason for Joining: Looking for a small stable server, I don't really like crowded server, and playing alone isn't fun either. I just wanna play the modpack and learn more about it, it's a fun one.
Have you been banned: no
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is): /
Additional Info you can put(Optional): Would be nice if you'd accept me, even though i'm under age of your restrictions, but meh, you never know if you don't try eh :)
Age: 22
Reason for Joining: Looking for someone to spend time with while enjoying Minecraft
Have you been banned: ohnoes
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional): From Norway, very good looking. Will share oil :) (alot of oil in norway)
IGN: sexy_foxy
Age: 18
Reason for Joining: I would love to play with other people.
Have you been banned: no
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional): I really like forestry machines

Saw you on Aaron's video:")
IGN: dtbarnes7
Age: 22

Reason for Joining: Looking for for a small group of people that know the ways of the

Have you been banned: no
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional): I work, so ill be on in the afternoon, PST.
ign helfull
age 21
Reason for joining: looking for a server like pahicraft (dw20 smp), didnt found one atm.

have you been banned : no

Additional Info you can put: i do like to build heavy factorys to automate as much as possible and get a full base controlled just from 1 place :O, i even like to build in groups together to go bigger and better :)
Reason for Joining:to play ftb
Have you been banned:yes
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):Greifers took over
Additional Info you can put(Optional):greifers suck
IGN: Astynax77
Age: 19

Reason for Joining: Looking for a good, close, relatively small, minecraft community to play and grow with. I've been with the mod pack for months, and FTB even longer, but have yet to find a good, stable server. Would love t become a part of one.
Have you been banned: no
Additional Info you can put(Optional) Just think I'm a friendly helpful guy. Would really love to get to know everybody, and become a part of a community who's interested in cool builds and systems like I am.
IGN: BattleDonkey Age: 19
Reason for Joining: Looking for a server with a small community. Playing with a community that helps each other sounds cool, too.
Have you been banned: No
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional): Been playing with tech mods since IC1 came out.
Age: 16
Reason for Joining: looking for a small community server to play on
Have you been banned: nope
Additional Info you can put(Optional): yeah I understand i don't reach the age limit but i'm some stupid kid who is gonna come online and whine about getting griefed or some crap. So i would appreciate it if you would still consider me.
Reason for Joining:
I want to join because i am looking for a good server with friendly people in order to further my knowledge of these mods. I feel that without help from others it will be difficult to trully increase the amount that i can do with these mods. also i am just getting back into the swing of minecraft and was hoping that by playing with other people i would be able to enjoy the game more. There are few servers that i see that have a smaller number of players and that is what i really want a server with dedicated players with whom i could rely to be there at least fairly often.
Have you been banned:No
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):Not banned.
Additional Info you can put(Optional)
I am good with the mods, have never been kicked off of a server for cheating or griefing anything, i am a trustworthy person, i am friendly and giving and am able to get along with most people easily. I really enjoy getting a chance to play with other people and learning new things.
Reason for Joining:need a server to play on
Have you been banned:
Reason for ban(If u were banned that is):
Additional Info you can put(Optional):
i really miss what mods add to the game after my old server went vanilla.