Whitelist Server The Construct Reloaded * Ultimate / Custom | Smaller Community | Dedicated | 16+ | Adult Staff

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ultimate Pack (With some small edits that require a custom mods/config update)

If accepted to the server, you will receive a private message with details.

Welcome to The-Construct, an established FTB server. Our server is located in a data center in New York City, running on Ubuntu 12.04. The server owner is a 32 year old businessman, there is little concern for staff immaturity or abuse. We are using Minecraft version 1.4.7.

We also host our own Teamspeak server which is available 24/7. We have room for expansion, so are making additional player spots available.

[Server Specs]
Fully Dedicated i5 3.4 GHZ Server
16GB Ram
100Gb/s Connection speed
25 slots

  • -Use common sense
  • -Don't ask to be an op
  • -No hacks or X-Ray
  • -Pickup your turtles before you logout, sometimes they can get reset if you leave them on the ground during a reset.
  • -Answer to the secret question: purple
  • -Main world extends 3500 blocks in each direction, attempting to go beyond that will warp you back
  • -If you are banned, don't ask me to unban you. If you think what you are doing might result in a ban, DON'T do it.
  • -If you set up any type of machine/factory/automated system, you must be willing to install a switch to turn them off prior to logging out. Machines/automation can and will break at times. If one of your machines is causing problems to the server, staff will remove it without notification.
  • -By joining, you have read and agree to all these rules. No Exceptions
  • Must be at least 16 to join.
  • PvP is on, but you must get approval from your opponent prior to fighting
  • Normal difficulty
  • Tick Threading
  • Regular backups
  • Gregtech (IC2 solar/macerator has been reverted to easy mode)
  • Grief-Free
  • Active Community
  • Adult staff that is very active
  • Mystcraft ages for mining, with Dense Ores x1 for donators
  • Donation system benefits charities, not the server
  • Server is Tick Threaded over 8 cores.
  • Private Mystcraft Ages
  • Twilight Forest is now enabled!
  • (Coming Soon) Death Chests
[Mods Disabled]
(We disable these mods in order to keep the server tick rate at 20)
  • Portal Gun (too stressful on the server, but ongoing testing will continue)
  • Traincraft (too buggy, we use Railcraft instead)
[Banned Items]
  • IC2 Mining Laser
  • Nuke
  • Wand of Excavation
  • Arcane Bore
  • Buster Magazines
  • Soul Forges
[Basic Commands]
  • /ps (We use Precious Stones for Anti Grief control)
  • /tpa (Send request to teleport to someone)
  • /home and /sethome (Up to 3 homes allowed, donator only)
  • /jump
  • /top
  • /msg (Rather than /tell)
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?)
Experience with mods?:
Will you use TS3?:
Answer to the secret question?:
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?):
Any additional information?:
What made you choose our server?:

IGN: YourMinecraftNameHere
Age: 19
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No
Experience with FTB?: Been playing FTB for about a month
Will you use TS3?: Yes/No/Maybe?
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): [player]
Answer to the secret question?: *read the rules to find out*
Any additional information?: Currently the owner of the server. Prior to that, I was a member on the server, and played routinely. I have played on 3 other servers prior, but left due to bad communities and staff.
What made you choose our server?: I own it ^.^
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) Nope
Experience with mods?: I started with tekkit during the 2.5 era
Will you use TS3?: Honestly, no.
Answer to the secret question?: A quortor of a rose misked with an indigo flower.
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Nope
Any additional information?: I just got a new computer.
What made you choose our server?: Spin! That! Wheel!
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) Nope
Experience with mods?: I started with tekkit during the 2.5 era
Will you use TS3?: Honestly, no.
Answer to the secret question?: A quortor of a rose misked with an indigo flower.
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Nope
Any additional information?: I just got a new computer.
What made you choose our server?: Spin! That! Wheel!

Accepted, please check conversations for link to get started.
IGN: Nmeseth

Age: 20..few weeks from 21...

Country: United States of America

Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No

Experience with mods?: IC2, Gregtech, Thaumcraft. Been playing since the technic days but I intend to figure out forestry/railcraft/buildcraft.

Will you use TS3?: Yes. Absolutely. Thats one of my reasons for picking this server.

Answer to the secret question?: Purple

Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Nope

Any additional information?: I'm very talkative, although I always have my own base. I never share a base.

What made you choose our server?: Adult admins. Teamspeak server, 16+ age requirement, Automated system requiring an off switch rule, 3500 block limit. Your rules speak to the fact you know what you are doing and I appreciate that. Most FTB Ult servers ive visited are bad. Either filled with 10 year olds who cant figure out how to make a macerator or people glitching/duping. Mainly its the small server+professional management. I'm a bit paranoid about griefers so a whitelisted/small server means less new people walking through my base.
IGN: Nmeseth

Age: 20..few weeks from 21...

Country: United States of America

Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No

Experience with mods?: IC2, Gregtech, Thaumcraft. Been playing since the technic days but I intend to figure out forestry/railcraft/buildcraft.

Will you use TS3?: Yes. Absolutely. Thats one of my reasons for picking this server.

Answer to the secret question?: Purple

Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Nope

Any additional information?: I'm very talkative, although I always have my own base. I never share a base.

What made you choose our server?: Adult admins. Teamspeak server, 16+ age requirement, Automated system requiring an off switch rule, 3500 block limit. Your rules speak to the fact you know what you are doing and I appreciate that. Most FTB Ult servers ive visited are bad. Either filled with 10 year olds who cant figure out how to make a macerator or people glitching/duping. Mainly its the small server+professional management. I'm a bit paranoid about griefers so a whitelisted/small server means less new people walking through my base.

Accepted, please check conversations for link to get started.
Ingame Username:av1nash
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?)no
Experience with mods?:exp with all kinds of mods since 2 years
Will you use TS3?:maybe i will
Answer to the secret question?:purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?):no
Any additional information?:looking forword to join server
What made you choose our server?:was looking a strict and mature community who follows rules ......and i found this server :)
IGN: jaxory
Age: 26
Country: United States of America
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) No
Experience with mods?: Red power, IC2, Build craft, Steve's Carts, Railcraft
Will you use TS3?: Sure
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): No
Any additional information?: Because of my job, when I get on is erratic (on call work) so if there is an expectation of being on at a certain time of day, I may not fit that requirement.
What made you choose our server?: The atmosphere that's presented primarily. I'm looking forward to being able to relax while playing the game and not worrying about a race to finish or people coming by and griefing everything.
IGN: AlanEsh
Age: 41
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: no
Experience with mods?: a few months of Tekkit followed by FTB beta, and since then Mindcrack and Ultimate.
Will you use TS3?: Not regularly, but I have it and will use it for meetings or if there is something needing discussion beyond text chat
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): not yet
Any additional information?: I was wondering if this server runs the Grief Prevention plugin. That's some good stuff.
What made you choose our server?: Mostly the fact that an established adult owns it. I like to build and explore and I simply abhor griefing and harassing behavior. Minecraft is more fun with other people, but honestly my primary concern on on a server is that my work doesn't impact anyone else's work and vice versa.

Thanks for considering!
IGN: Purazz
Age: 26
Country: United Kingdom
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: nop
Experience with mods?: not much still learning.
Will you use TS3?: sure
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): nop
Any additional information?: friendly guy.
What made you choose our server?: Want to learn FTB properly.
IGN: AlanEsh
Age: 41
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: no
Experience with mods?: a few months of Tekkit followed by FTB beta, and since then Mindcrack and Ultimate.
Will you use TS3?: Not regularly, but I have it and will use it for meetings or if there is something needing discussion beyond text chat
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): not yet
Any additional information?: I was wondering if this server runs the Grief Prevention plugin. That's some good stuff.
What made you choose our server?: Mostly the fact that an established adult owns it. I like to build and explore and I simply abhor griefing and harassing behavior. Minecraft is more fun with other people, but honestly my primary concern on on a server is that my work doesn't impact anyone else's work and vice versa.

Thanks for considering!
Accepted. Please check your conversations for details.
Age: 23
Country: Austrlia
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: no
Experience with mods?: Play single player ultimate FTB and tekkit before that
Will you use TS3?: maybe (Need a mic)
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): no
Any additional information?: Just after a fun place to to build and make some awesome stuff with other like minded people
What made you choose our server?: Want to meet other like minded people as above and experiance with multiplayer minecraft is all about.
IGN: stevennikolakis
Age: 17
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) I never have.
Experience with mods?: I have experience with Mystcraft, Industrialcraft, Buildcraft, Applied Energistics, RedPower, XYCraft, Forestry, and a variety of other mods that come with official Feed The Beast packs.
Will you use TS3?: Most likely not, but if my presence was necessary or desired, then I shouldn't have any problem.
Answer to the secret question?: "purple"
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): I don't.
Any additional information?: This seems like the mature community that I'd fit right into. ;)
What made you choose our server?: Again, portrayed maturity is a large factor; I don't appreciate those who live to exploit bugs. I'm also eager to play on a server that's properly-equipped and run by a capable staff; your comprehensive but non restrictive rules - and great grammar - demonstrate that to me.
IGN: stevennikolakis
Age: 17
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) I never have.
Experience with mods?: I have experience with Mystcraft, Industrialcraft, Buildcraft, Applied Energistics, RedPower, XYCraft, Forestry, and a variety of other mods that come with official Feed The Beast packs.
Will you use TS3?: Most likely not, but if my presence was necessary or desired, then I shouldn't have any problem.
Answer to the secret question?: "purple"
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): I don't.
Any additional information?: This seems like the mature community that I'd fit right into. ;)
What made you choose our server?: Again, portrayed maturity is a large factor; I don't appreciate those who live to exploit bugs. I'm also eager to play on a server that's properly-equipped and run by a capable staff; your comprehensive but non restrictive rules - and great grammar - demonstrate that to me.

Please check your private messages :)
IGN: step679
Age: 16
Country: Living in the USA, originally from England.
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: Yes, I was banned from my first server due to not understanding multiplayer mechanics.
Experience with mods?: Extensive, Been using the core FTB mods together since September 2011.
Will you use TS3?: Potentially but likely not.
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): The recently accepted Stevennikolakis.
Any additional information?: My gaming style is fairly isolationist. Don't expect me to be sharing a base. ;) Also, I am supremely annoyed by bad grammar.
What made you choose our server?: The other main FTB server I play on is threatened by financial issues. I like the idea of a mature player-base and competent admins.
IGN: Freeloader798
Age: 22
Country: US
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) no
Experience with mods?: new to FTB
Will you use TS3?: yup yup
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): no
Any additional information?: very chill, laid back. always down for group building, and always shares my loot
What made you choose our server?: sounds awesome. tired of playing with immature people. or griefers who nuke my house.
IGN: Mindset
Age: 23
Country: U.S.A.
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No
Experience with mods?: Mostly buildcraft and IndustrialCraft
Will you use TS3?: Yes
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
Do you know someone on our server?: Very possible, I played on the old Mindcrack Construct server.
Any additional information?: I look forward to starting again and joining a good, friendly server.
What made you choose our server?: I've been wanting to try all the new stuff in FTB Ultimate and get back into MC in general.
IGN: FoxtrotNine
Age: 22
Country: USA (GMT -8)
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) Nope.
Experience with mods?: I've played most of the mods in the pack excepting a handful.
Will you use TS3?: Yes.
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): No.
Any additional information?: If I enjoy my time on the server I might like to invite my wife.
What made you choose our server?: Admin obviously knows what they're doing and is actually optimizing the server. I usually don't like donation-with-benefit systems but if they're helping charities, why not. Overall just looking for somewhere friendly and with mature players/staff, and this looks like it has potential.