Whitelist Server The-Construct | Mature 16+ | v8.0.1+ | Logistic Pipes | TS3 | 20 TPS | 12GB | Protections/Anti-Grief

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: 13igredd
Age: 21
Country: Australia
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) Nope
Experience with mods?: Loads. I played a FTB for about 4 months then the server shutdown :(
Will you use TS3?: Sure, I never have before but it should be fun.
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Nope
Any additional information?: I'm more then happy to help people just starting out
What made you choose our server?: I wanted a new start after the old server shutdown and i prefer fresh worlds over ones that have had a lot on the already.
You are accepted!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Voidx78
Age: 21
Country: United States of America
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) No i haven't, if i have i apologize for im not sure.
Experience with mods?: Yes, im very knowledgeable with ComputerCraft, Thermal Expansion, and am starting to use Redpower Microblocks in my builds more often.
Will you use TS3?: No i don't have a mic, srry :(.
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): No
Any additional information?: I play in my free time which is about max 3 hrs, I've found vanilla minecraft pretty boring lately but FTB is just the thing to get me back into Minecraft, im having a lot of fun with it and i find it even more so when they're others to play with.
What made you choose our server?: A post was made on an earlier server i used to play on but went down, i figured i'd give this server a chance.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Voidx78
Age: 21
Country: United States of America
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) No i haven't, if i have i apologize for im not sure.
Experience with mods?: Yes, im very knowledgeable with ComputerCraft, Thermal Expansion, and am starting to use Redpower Microblocks in my builds more often.
Will you use TS3?: No i don't have a mic, srry :(.
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): No
Any additional information?: I play in my free time which is about max 3 hrs, I've found vanilla minecraft pretty boring lately but FTB is just the thing to get me back into Minecraft, im having a lot of fun with it and i find it even more so when they're others to play with.
What made you choose our server?: A post was made on an earlier server i used to play on but went down, i figured i'd give this server a chance.

Sorry but u are declined!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Mini201
Age: 16
Country: Finland
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No, I haven't.
Experience with mods?: Lots of experience whit the FTB Mods, like Thaumcraft and IC2.
Will you use TS3?: Propably, yes
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Clon10
Any additional information?: I hate Grieffers. (and creepers)
What made you choose our server?: I haven't been playing FTB for sometime, nor minecraft and my Friend Clon10 said of i should try to get into this server so here i am.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Mini201
Age: 16
Country: Finland
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No, I haven't.
Experience with mods?: Lots of experience whit the FTB Mods, like Thaumcraft and IC2.
Will you use TS3?: Propably, yes
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Clon10
Any additional information?: I hate Grieffers. (and creepers)
What made you choose our server?: I haven't been playing FTB for sometime, nor minecraft and my Friend Clon10 said of i should try to get into this server so here i am.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Jens_AT
Age: 16
Country: Germany
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No!
Experience with mods?:I played Takkit and a bunche of this mods for 6 Months !
Will you use TS3?: Sure, Sometimes it brings fun to tlak with other when playing
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
Do you know someone on our server?: Yes ! Clon10
Any additional information?: I played some of this mod with clon on a little server!
What made you choose our server?: Clon just said it to me so we can play the mods toghther on a server with great other members and he mean it will be fun!

haters :)

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?)yer ign andop did not like me dont no why?
Experience with mods?:lots
Will you use TS3?:maby
Answer to the secret question?:purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?):no
Any additional information?:frendly dont make drama and carnt spell :)
What made you choose our server?:my ing got me not a accepted and hopeing it will me diffrent nuke was banned and i like to have fun not lag


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?)yer ign andop did not like me dont no why?
Experience with mods?:lots
Will you use TS3?:maby
Answer to the secret question?:purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?):no
Any additional information?:frendly dont make drama and carnt spell :)
What made you choose our server?:my ing got me not a accepted and hopeing it will me diffrent nuke was banned and i like to have fun not lag

Ok, denied for 2 reasons.

1) Too young.
2) Your IGN is offensive and absurd.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: ChrisTheCrisis
Age: 22
Country: Germany
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: Nope
Experience with mods?: I played Mindcrack for about 2 months(SSP) I guess, but pretty new to LogisticsPipses.
Will you use TS3?: Not really used it so far, but try gettin used to it.
Answer to the secret question?: PURPLE! Quite Epic XD
Do you know someone on our server?: Nope
Any additional information?:
I'm totally new to SMP and only played SSP so far.
I'm currently looking for a server with a quite nice community to start my SMP-life with.
I'm a student so I'm gonna be pretty active and try to have fun playing with everyone. (I'm totally a fan of co-op gaming)

What made you choose our server?:
Well, i got quite amused by the idea of your secret question and exactly that answer.

And I'm totally looking forward to LogisticsPipes and think that your Modpack, even through Soulshards(but kinda understandable) being currently disabled,IS awesome.
Also I think the idea of deleting 3000+ each monday is great thing for keeping the exploring still interesting.
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Frankiejoh
Age: 16
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) Yes, Placing enderpotal frame.
Experience with mods?: Played direwolf
Will you use TS3?: Yes
Answer to the secret question? purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): yeah I played direwolf with you guys I know some people.
Any additional information?: Im a good builder and I want to return to this community really bad.
What made you choose our server?: The people and the amazingness.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: unseennote
Age: 17
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) Yeah, I had a disagreement on his ban rules, I was joking around with a friend, I put the stuff I griefed into a chest of his, and then I was fine, I logged on, found my stuff to be stolen even after the appeal process, and I argued with him about, it, so he banned me.
Experience with mods?: I've played with the MindCrack modpack quite a bit, not that good with the machines, but hey, y'know whatever.
Will you use TS3?: I can, it may cause the tiniest bit of lag on my part, but it will still work.
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): I don't know, I might.
Any additional information?: I'm a 17 year-old in High School.
What made you choose our server?: I'm looking for a good, fun MindCrack server with a nice community.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Juganog
Age: 19
Country: Australia
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) nope i don't do dumb shit
Experience with mods?: i've been playing FTB since early beta i love using IC2 and buildcraft and have done a lot of work with making community power systems
Will you use TS3?: If i'm not busy with other things or if people want me on there
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): probably not i generally play on smaller servers
Any additional information?: uhh i'm happy to answer any questions if you have any when / if i get whitlisted
What made you choose our server?: The server has very solid rules and i like the fact that afew of the items have infact been reduced to their easier recipes to help people in the earlier stages