Sorry must have been applying at the same time I was accepting u are accepted!Ehm, did you skip my application? Was it denied? Just want to know.
Age: 18
Country: Canada
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) No sir
Experience with mods?: Recently all i have been playing is feed the beast, so i have a decent background knowledge of plenty.
Will you use TS3?: Depending on how things go.
Answer to the secret question?:Purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Nope
Any additional information?: I'm looking for a server that does not posses young immature people who grief, but that doesn't mean i can't fool around from time to time.
What made you choose our server?: As the i was scrolling through the posts your tittle appealed to me.
Both of you are accepted!IGN: Joekool92
Age: 20
Country: USA- Texas
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) yes- got into argument with admins, won argument, got banned. this was in like beta 1.2 or something. also tried griefing in beta, wasnt good at it and got tired of being banned.
Experience with mods?: just started playing FTB mindcrack and love it, especially buildcraft and IC2, haven't played with thaumcraft much yet.
Will you use TS3?: yes, I prefer it over skype because its easier that finding and adding people to a contact list.
Answer to the secret question?:Purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): jkribbz recommended it to me.
Any additional information?: single player FTB was getting boring, im excited to play in a server with it!
What made you choose our server?: recommendation by jkribbz.
Accepted but lets get one thing straight,IGN: SlipKn0t91
Age: 21
Country: italy
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No
Experience with mods?: 1 year on tekkit e 4 months on ftb
Will you use TS3?: no
Do you know someone on our server? nope
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Any additional information?: I like all mods of ftb, i am friendely
What made you choose our server?: I own it ^.^
IGN: zampa00
Age: 20
Country: Italy
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) once a time, i breaked a block by mistake
Experience with mods?: enought, I play since tekkit
Will you use TS3?: no
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): SlipKn0t91
Any additional information?: I'm still searching for the perfect ftb server
What made you choose our server?: slipknot bring me here saying that's a cool server!
IGN: Idralia
Age: 18
Country: France
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) No
Experience with mods?: Average, gregtech is a pain for me but i learn fast
Will you use TS3?: When i am online, you can be sure than i am on ts3 also ! Maybe not when I record
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Nobody, i am a completly stranger of english communauty
Any additional information?: For my age i speack english really nice, but i want improve my skills and have fun with mature people. I dont want to play 'alone' so i will be all the time in ts3 and if i meet great people, i would love to play as a group
What made you choose our server?: Mature communauty, i dont want to be grief or steal
Accepted! Hope you will have fun on our server!IGN: jay448
Age: 16
Country: Netherlands
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No I havent.
Experience with mods?: Ever sinds the FTB pack came out ive been playing it alot. Also i watch direwolf20 on youtube so i know pretty much alot of things
Will you use TS3?: Yes
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): No I dont
Any additional information?: Since i am not english at all my english is pretty good. I like to play FTB in my free time.
What made you choose our server?: I think it is nice that you guys started a server with a modded version of the mindcrack pack. Gregtech makes everything a little too hard. But i adds nice things. That is why i choose for this server.
IGN: Fusion711
Age: 17
Country: U.S.A.
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) Nope
Experience with mods?: None, but they seem interesting so I'd like to learn.
Will you use TS3?: Not really
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): Yes, "lordsyca"
Any additional information?: I haven't played Minecraft in a while and I'm still getting back into the swing of things.
What made you choose our server?: Lordsyca recommended it to me and it sounded pretty awesome.
Both Accepted! Hope we fulfill your friends recommendations!IGN: CarpeQueso
Age: 18
Country: U.S.A.
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No
Experience with mods?: Only very preliminary experience. I've used simple mods (e.g. Optifine, etc.) that don't much alter how the game is played, but after seeing how interesting some of the emerging mods have become, I'm trying to branch out.
Will you use TS3?: Yes, but my headset isnot currently in working condition (drink + watching a scary video + being a jumpy person = trouble... I immediately tried to move my laptop out of the spill. The headset on the desk wasn't as lucky...).
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
Do you know someone on our server? TeriosShadow
Any additional information?: I've hosted a private server for a few close friends for roughly two years now. It's a vanilla server, and even with something as relatively simple as that, I know how difficult it can be to manage/keep things up-to-date/keep things running and people happy/etc. That said, I'm more than happy to follow the rules. Maybe the become-a-better-customer-after-working-behind-the-counter effect? Who knows? Regardless, my passion in Minecraft usually revolves around circuits and logic. I really look forward to getting to experiment with everything the new mods have to offer.
What made you choose our server?: TeriosShadow recommended this server to me. He's a good friend of mine and a member of my vanilla server. If he's enjoying what you have going on, I'm sure I will, too!
Country: Scotland
Have you ever been banned from a server before?:Nope (if so how?)
Experience with mods?: Pretty good
Will you use TS3?: no, mic broken atm
Answer to the secret question?: Purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): 911chandler, Snebby
Any additional information?: I would like to join a mature server, and have fun of course, and seems like griefers wont attack
What made you choose our server?: Looks great and since friends are on I would like to join too!
Accepted! By the way, yes we do reimburse people who are griefed but I thought I should mention that we haven't had a griefing problem since 2 days after the server opened.IGN: acc1dent
Age: 22
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?) No
Experience with mods?: Lots with Tekkit and FTB (DW20). Still learning GregTech, and I find Mindcrack challenging and fun.
Will you use TS3?: Yes, as long as the chat is clean, minimal language, no vulgarity. I would like to record and I cannot do so in a vulgar / profane environment.
Answer to the secret question?: purple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?): No
Any additional information?: I love helping people out by answering questions and giving advice on mods that I know a lot about (ic2, te, rp2, etc.).
I also HATE griefing. If you happen to read this and feel like answering: Do you reimburse people who are griefed? I see you want picture evidence, but I'm not sure how helpful that is with farms. I happen to like farming, and have had my extensive farms griefed on other servers. This basically ruined me since they would not reimburse for the grief.
One other note is that I run a few servers. One very small, one medium. I find it hard to play on my own servers for pleasure since I end up having to perform admin duties.
What made you choose our server?: You have some good server hardware. I appreciate the fact that you keep things up to date to limit bugs. I like the fact that you don't limit many items. It looks like you put a lot of thought into the configuration and are good at administrating the server.
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: (if so how?)nope
Experience with mods?:decent experience with most mods
Will you use TS3?:yes
Answer to the secret question?urple
Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?):nope
Any additional information?:i wanna learn how to use gregtech and this seems like the place to start
What made you choose our server?: well for starters i like that you hate greifing as much as me thats why i left my last two servers [DOUBLEPOST=1362121896][/DOUBLEPOST]oh and logi pipesDD