The Constant Struggle Against the Spam Bots

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24/02/0001 S.A. (Day 55)
Everyone seems to be out, and I'm bored.
I'm bringing everything, and I mean everything, to our secret Conduit Bunker.
I also set my conduits on creating Conduit Bunker Gamma in case Beta is breached.
All today, I'll be shipping stuff back and forth between bases.
I've made sure my Camouflage Conduits have lots of extra energy, because we are going to need it.
I've shipped much of the stuff, and all of the people.
I found the plan for the Ion Dampener stuff so I know how to place it on the flat board so as not to mess anything up.
The Bridge has been safely brought to Conduit Bunker Beta and is now continuing to be readied.
The problem is, our EMP Conduits have fallen asleep, so this transmission might have shown our location.
I'm not going to send another transmission until all of our EMP Conduits awaken.
Last transmission of the day, EMP Conduits are awake and hiding the location.
But the bots might have noticed it.
Let's just hope they don't find that blip for a long time.
At least 21 days...
Conduit Leader, Conduit Bunker Beta
*really dusty notebook*

I found an old map as I was leaving the town. I guess that means I'll be sticking to the roads for now. One of them is really suspicious though, it just ends. I think that it may be for militarty purposes. Hopefully there is an airfield there, or at least a useable vehicle that isn't completely ruined my the spambots. I really hope so. I think I'll try heading somewhere else, like Australia. Maybe the situation will be better. Even if it isn't, my surroundings will be more familiar.

I suppose it's good luck that I'm heading towards the ocean. It's not like I could be more lost anyway.

*page ends*
Day 62
If something is bound to go wrong, it will go wrong.
Anyway, during these 3 weeks I was out, Liara and Jess communicated.
Also, I'm inside a military base near the shore.
At least the turrets recognized me as the cientist of Team Lambda, so I won't get shot until they run out of ammo.
Day 77
If something is bound to go wrong, it will go wrong.
Anyway, during these 5 weeks I was out, Liara and Jess communicated.
Also, I'm inside a military base near the shore.
At least the turrets recognized me as the cientist of Team Lambda, so I won't get shot until they run out of ammo.

You missed the portal if you are on Day 77...
And I get here...
Just in time for Exedra to leave...
The impersonation was ok...
So day 75 eh?

I made you into a frigging commander guy, all the while making a nice plot twist :P I think that's much better than O.K.

Day 56
They come in four days. None of us have been able to successfully come up with a good plan for defeating them, so evacuation of the camp has begun.
Day 57 5:00
The camp is evacuated. We're going back to remove the items in deep storage so that they won't get into the hands of the enemy.
Day 57 8:00
I stayed behind with a terrible headaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacke. I can burly rite rite nao. GPuzzul went bak to the camp to get suplies and finish clenin' out dep stoaraguh.
Day 58 7:00
The headache has passed. I speculate that it was caused by one of three things:
  • The approaching SpamBot attack, they may have a new weapon.
  • Experiments done to me during my capture.
  • Stress. It's happened before, why not again?
I hope I do not have another episode as bad as that one.
Day 59
All we can do now is wait for the SpamBot attack and hope they don't find us hiding in the shelter.
Day 60
They came. Me, Exedra, Gpuzzle, and Morgs all watched in horror as it happened. Whizz couldn't bear to look. This truly is a dark day, but at least we're all alive.
I made you into a frigging commander guy, all the while making a nice plot twist :p I think that's much better than O.K.

I forgot to put the :P there.[DOUBLEPOST=1372894079][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh, and what shelter are you talking about?
Not my Bunker, because that is invisible and almost impenetrable.
And we all went there...
I forgot to put the :p there.[DOUBLEPOST=1372894079][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh, and what shelter are you talking about?
Not my Bunker, because that is invisible and almost impenetrable.
And we all went there...

The shelter we hid in, or the shelter that was destroyed?
Never mind...

No seriously, I want to know.


I want to know!!!!
Day 65, (DSector 2, aka. FTB Multiverse)
I have not seen anything like this for a long time. Upon tracing down a distress signal in the Antarctic, I discovered a large hole that was littered with the hulls of dead spambots, being the curious person that I am, I've taken a few in. It seems that they are willing to abandon the colony in order to get 'off that frozen hellhole' I have rescued as many as I am able, sadly, I was not able to rescue more, as the hole collapsed in on itself after I helped a few more. I have given these bots a new paint job, and they are willing to help, so long as I take them in, and treat them like I do everyone else.

As for the hole, I am not sure what they intend to do with it, but if my suspicions are correct, we may soon be in dire straits. Now, I have begun to make preparations, and am setting up Encrypted-Frequency Loaders at locations where I travel to. Our new recruits are assisting in a space station setup, and they seem to know their way around things. I have stress tested a few of their structures, and they appear quite sturdy.

Day 67 1538, (Orbit, DSector 2)
Our Bot Team has done some tremendous work, I have to say. As of the moment, we have a medibay working at half capacity, and a forcefield at full capac. The bots are working on the engines, accompanied by turtles, and the two get along quite well. I have confiscated the fuel, though, because I do not trust either of them with a fueled ion engine, or fusion reactor.

Day 67 1715, (Land, DSector 2)
I went exploring for a bit, and was quite surprised to find the remains of a somewhat well-constructed shelter. I detected some traces of neuroweaponry as I neared the area, though it seems to be unable to cause permanent damage to biological organisms. Upon exploring the shelter, I could see that it had managed to withstand most of a heavy assault, but was not quite able to withstand the damage of what appeared to be a matter cannon, of tremendous size. I found what first appeared to be 5 lifeforms in there. They were left alone, but the rest of the shelter had been ransacked. Upon preparing to leave, I accidentally nudged one of them, and they responded, but the response was quite faint. Upon further inspection, I noticed that these lifeforms were severely dehydrated and had managed to survive by sheer miracle and biological fortitude. I was forced to set up a turtle teleporter, and have turtles transmit these beings to the medibay. I had decided on not using the newer recruits, as these survivors may have distrusted them. From what I can tell, the one that appeared to have been hiding in a barrel had suffered the least damage, and had a readable form of identification, on which was written "whiz", the rest of it melted off. However, there was a slight change in the brightness that the teleporter created, so I had to break the teleporter to avoid the Spambots getting onto the space station. The only issue with that was that I was left with a final survivor, since I was quite confident to call them that, and since it seemed that these creatures would survive. Teleporters would have been far to risky, so flight was the final option.

Day 67 2030, (Orbit, DSector 2)
Looks like they are well on the road to recovery, I do hope that they should be fine. As of the current moment, I'm just brewing up a few potions that I hope will assist the recovery of these organisms. Flight didn't seem to be too bad for them, but I did use a field teleporter, rather than the usual method. Also, a DSector2 Hour ago, I checked the programming of the recruits that I had enlisted, and it seems that their response isn't a hardcoded one, meaning that I had no need to change anything. Oh, one of them is starting to wake up, and I should administer these potions.

Day 67 2100, (orbit, DSector 2)
It looks like that the one who woke up was the one in the barrel, and since his Label identifies him as male, I should treat him as such. He muttered something about 'Spambots' which, I admittedly know naught about the subject, but it may be one for later investigation. Well, we have powered everything, and we seem to be quite stable for the moment, at least, power-wise. Well, the organisms took to the potions extra-ordinary well, despite the ingredients not being from this dimension. It seems to be a case of super-compatibility. Hm... There is another who was thrashing around earlier, and it seems to have sustained an amount of damage to be concerned about. Interestingly enough, he reacted to the potions in a similar way to the Eltriuns, who are an alternate-parallel species... Meaning that I had to quickly find an alternate form of medicine, as Eltriuns react quite badly to potions of the type that I brewed. However, I am pleased to say that nanobot infusions seem to be working, albeit strangely... The organism sustained a fair amount of what would be called 'psychological damage' in DSec 6, but I can't say too much. I can say, though, that the organism has damaged the medibay... Quickly fixed, but I'm curious as to how, due to that plating rated at DSec 6 47G. But no time to dwell on the matter, it may well just be something to do with composition. That poor thing has a highly altered genetic comp, to the point where it becomes unrelated to it's original species, at an inquisitive glance. A sad thing, as not belonging to a species is not an event that I would wish on anything. However, it seems to have inherited some unusual ability, which I won't mention here, as I'm too close to them, fixing the wiring of the medibay. There we go. Now we should have an automatic potion dispenser. The unusual ability the DSec 2 Organism inherited is something to do with power, perhaps something to do with the crude nanobots that reside within it. Well, I have given it some better designed ones, to help keep the crude ones under control, and to augment slightly. I had to change the programming of the cruder nanobots, but the damaged one shouldn't turn into an all-consuming nano-bot mass now. I have also stabilised their power sources, and ensured that they are more effective with what they get, in short, I have refined the nanobots. These are not the naturally occuring ones I have encountered, so I have to surmise that these have been forcible placed. The bruises near large concentrations of these nanos is a giveaway as well. However, the crude nanobots have analysis technology which I have an intention to learn from, as I have not seen things so thorough before. The bunker I found earlier (I may call the shelter that now) was built to withstand a good war, but sadly, the foundations were misplaced, meaning that it was weaker than it should have been, else, it may have survived its encounter. Well, I have built a medi-bot or two in my time, so I'm currently working on the first one here. It is unable to be moved but. it does a better job healing than myself, or other bots are able to, at least, the ones I've encountered.

Day 67 2300 (Orbit, DSec 2)
Well, my second medi is done. It seems that they have decided to keep a constant order of potions, so I've decided to automate their creation. Right, now that's done, we should be good. :D The organisms appear to be improving, but slowly. Even so, there is a line of destruction that is stretching around... but I took the liberty of turning a bit into bits of the void. Thankfully, this void is more indestructible, and does not change the mass of the planet at all. Well, I should close this off, if I am to begin creating some weaponry, testing some things tends to break a good deal of data... Thankfully I shielded the test area.

OOC: Well, how was that? I went on a spree, and I'm sorry if I took things in the wrong direction. :P Well, just treat me as a robot, a very curious sentient one made of nanos (nanobots). :P In this, I can't fight too well, but I can manage at need. Yeah, sorry about destroying your indestructible bunker. :P I should have written something along the liens of this: Well, I found a sturdy bunker still standing, occupied by a few sentient life forms. It holds a fair bit of structural integrity and appears to have been supported by something I haven't encountered in a while. Which I won't say, for I do not want to get my hops up as of the moment. Well, I created a personal temporary tunnel in, and it seems as though the occupants are alive, as they started attempting to shoot me. I found that quite funny, but I digress. The bunker has good integrity on the inside, but the foundations were built somewhat hurriedly. I did something that I haven't done and took the entire bunker up to the station. However... It appeared that the bunker was not built for a mass targeted teleport, as it then imploded with an audible noise. The occupants I had taken to the MediBay to be patched up.....;
and that's where we could continue. :P So I'm a time-travelling nanobot mass who has a tendency to fix things. I make a few friends in the process, but it depends. I have a preference to assume certain forms, but I'm curious, though cautious about things, which your individual characters will discover. Also, this space station can be our base of opertations.... :3 But we'll see. :P So far, perhaps your chars will see me, panic, or something? Or perhaps the friendly 'bots (The Enemy)? But I'll stop mothering you now. :P
Day why do we even bother counting these in space? It's always fucking night here, anyways. Whatever the fuck the time is.
Jesus fucking Henrietta Christ (and I hope she's good-looking), these last few days have been... hectic. I went from being trapped in an Antarctic base with no food or power, to a helicopter, to a rudimentary camp, to a bunker, and then... I was here. In space. Ah well, at least the view's good.
I spent a while staring out into space, thinking. My girlfriend's probably dead. My fucking family's probably dead. The Earth is probably fucked, and I haven't done a single thing to prevent it.
This place is massive. So far, I haven't really seen anybody apart from who I was with in that medbay. Just a couple of faces I didn't recognise. Fuck, I hope everyone's okay.
I don't know what I'd do if they weren't okay.
It probably wouldn't be pretty. I'd probably go mad with grief, kill everybody with telekinesis or something. I dunno. Probably fit the bill for the situation. Then everything would have been for nothing.
If we ever get this over and done with, I'm gonna need a lot of pills to cope. I hope I can scavenge some from the Med--
Oh Jesus fuck there's another person here.
Me: Um. Hello? Do you wanna show your face? I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise.
OOC: Yo Tech that's you, I'd say.
Day "My clock says it's 68"
Well, in this freaking hellhole, I can't see a damn thing - it's just too misty.
For all I know, I'm alone in this military base.
That, and the guy that is walking to here (Jess).
Let's just hope he has something better than walnuts with him.