The Constant Struggle Against the Spam Bots

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Transmission to Rymmie.
OOC: This is a transcript of the TS in which I explained in detail how it works.
here's how it works
Or how it used to work
With the Ray Sphere, one may Augment a person
By activating the Sphere
It will absorb the energy of other people around the person
And kill them all
To augment someone
Or make them into a conduit
I added my own stuff onto it
Which is that
The Conduit's power
Comes from itself
Techno: So self-sustaining?
Me: Well
Not exactly
It's not infinite
You get tired eventually
And need to rest to get it back.
Or you can eat to restore energy.
There is a slight delay if you recover by eating.
And a benefit of Conduits is that you can't get fat because the food is used on making more Energy.
I didn't want to kill people to be augmented.
So here's my thinking for getting augmented by plants.
Plants have energy also.
And augmentation is really just a manifestation of energy.
So just get lots and lots of plants, modify the Ray Sphere to Augment using Plants, and poof!
Augmentation also uses a specific amount of energy per process.
So you can't get more power from one Augmentation.
You can, however, repeat the process to get more powers.
Each time you require more energy.
OOC: Ok, that's it.
Conduit Leader, Conduit Bunker Beta


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Day 101
I've searched everywhere, but I can't seem to find any of my peoples. Maybe they're playing some stupid practical joke on me or something. If that's the case, i'm going to kill Whiz... but I still might let GPuzzle look at my boobs :p.
I found the Doctor again. I swear, he's going even more insane. He's starting to remind me of Gollum from lord of the rings. He's grabbed a bunch of Jewlery from some lady's room and started calling it his precious. When I found him he was just sitting in the corner rocking back and forth saying

"Sweet precious, you'll keep me safe won't you. I'll be all right as long as you're here nothing can hurt me. Hehehehehehehehehe."

And then he started coughing like a vomiting dog. He's still hacking and wheezing away now, and I'm almost worried about him. But he does seem insane, and insane people are always dangerous. No exceptions.
I managed to get the generator up and running after a long hours work, but it keeps making a rattling noise like something's stuck in it. I'll probably shut it down tomorrow and take it apart to make sure it won't blow up on me. Wouldn't want to die before I show GPuzzle my boobs, now would I?
This being a woman thing is harder than I thought. I can't stop thinking about... things I probably shouldn't be thinking about. Yeuch, there's one side of me that loves it, but the other side just wants this rack gone. I think i'll go take a nap. I've haven't slept in a day, so i'm getting pretty tired. Hope I wake up. No telling what happened to the others right now.


Jul 29, 2019
Day 101 1000 (Deep Space, Multipurpose Transport, Empiria)
OOC: Sorry if I got the name of the dimension wrong, I had to give it a name. XD
Well, I moved the diary when I recieved that transmission earlier. Other than the fact that I'm worried about its stability... You know, I had no idea Rymmie was royalty here, but you learn something new every unit of time. I almost got shot down... Which was funny. But then, it looks like they're hunkering down for a long war... Oh!
[Log Muted]
*Growling in faint distance*
*Undecipherable Yelling*
[Log Sound Resumed]
Well, other than the fact my ship's shiny hull is dented, everything is fine... I must confess that I did do most of the denting. There is a different force here, something malignant that surpasses the palpable evil that some units of the enemy emanate.
Hm... Not again...
Well, I should remember that using electricity is quite an effective weapon. I'd better leave this area, it looks quite unsafe, especially with that very large carrier attempting to hide. Pushing Engine Speed up to 60%...

Day 101 1300 (Not-So-Deep Space (aka Royal Carrier), Multipurpose Transport, Empiria)
Well, I shouldn't be this close to a Empire Ship, especially here, but I couldn't resist having a peep. I'll probably jump now.

Engine Speed now set to 75%...
[Log Ended]
*Faint Humming*
[Log Resumed]
There we go, a good distance away from the ship. Come on, I'd best survey outside damage. Well it doesn't look too bad out here. Wait...
*Loud Explosion*
Hm... I play with explosions too much... Let's try this...

Είμαι αυτό που είμαι, έγινε και ήταν. Όλα όσα πρέπει να ξέρετε είναι ότι μπορώ να διορθώσω αυτό που έχει σπάσει. Είμαι ένα πλάσμα ούτε το χρόνο, ούτε χώρος, ένας συνδυασμός της μαγείας και της τεχνολογίας. Όσο για την ικανότητά μου να χρησιμοποιούν μαγεία, ξέρω ότι κάποιοι, και έχουν διδαχθεί από τον Δράκοντα της Gatria, ένα μέρος διαφορετικό από οποιοδήποτε άλλο που θα έχουν συναντήσει. Όσο για το ποιος είμαι, είμαι γνωστός ως ο διαχρονικός Τεχνικός από ορισμένα, αλλά όχι οι άλλοι έτσι. Όσο για τον τρόπο που έχω επιλέξει να επικοινωνούν, ταιριάζει μόνο όμως το κάνει.

FOE RESPONSE: Σίγουρα αστείο; Θα με μπερδεύεις με τις αλλαγές της γλώσσας. Δεν έχει νόημα, αλλά το κάνουν, κατά έναν περίεργο τρόπο. Ωστόσο, δεν πρέπει να παρεμβαίνει στις υποθέσεις μας πια, αλλιώς θέλετε να συναντήσετε ένα τέλος που δεν θέλετε. Ο Δράκων είναι φύγει, και ο δάσκαλός μου δεν εξασφαλίζεται, με μάρτυρες την καταστροφή του πλανήτη τους.

RESPONSE:The drekar eru ekki horfin, ég hef séð til. Nei, ég er ekki jest, ekki í slíkum málum, að vita að þú hvers vegna og hvaða afleiðingar kann að vera. Ég veit hlið hefur gert sumt, en eyðileggja reikistjörnur sem myndi bera líf er raunverulega að taka kex. Ég meina það, vildi herra vera virkilega að ásetningur um að eyðileggja reikistjarna með sentient líf í því skyni að þrátt mig? Nei, ég held að það er meira að því en virðist, miklu meira. Nú, áður en ég neyðist til að rek þig frá þessari vídd, fara. Ale, epi yo pa retounen, jan yo siviv yo depann de lwa sa a, kòm tou de lame yon, ak kòm yon ekip. Ale, men ou anvan ou fè, di m 'sa a, poukisa se ​​li ke ou pa t' tounen vin?


Ај, дека е срамота тоа не би можел да се врати. Работите се променија. Но јас нема да ви натамошно одложување. Сега, одете.

Now go. I had best leave too... Since there was no damage done.
Engines at 100%...

Day 101 2000 (Bunker, DSec 2)
While the organisms are having their feed, I decided to explore. Upon nearing the lavatory, I was approached by a psychologically unstable man. He was muttering to a piece of gold... That appeared to come from the reactor wall. Upon approaching, his eyes gained a mad glaze, and he tried to attack me with a kitchen knife.

*Mene, jättää kaikki uhat omalla tavalla, etääntyä tämä hulluus Jolla voittaa sinua, ja tutkimus, ystäväni. Tutustu vastakohta tämä hulluus, ennen kuin on liian myöhäistä. Pudottaa kaiken ja tyydyttää vain kaikkein perustiedot biologiset tarpeet.*
Well, that had an interesting effect... I'm quite sure, though that telling someone to cure their own affliction is not grounds for clutching your head, screaming, and falling over, bleeding from your ears... Well, he's dropped that knife, at least. I'll put this gold slab back... That is heavy.... It's interesting how he was able to carry the gold slab. Well, I've popped both him and the gold slab on this trolley for now. The gold slab I'll replace onto the wall, and the man... We'll see where the trolley rolls...
Day 101 2100 (Bunker Generator, DSec 2)
Well, the gold slab seems to be staying on. There is a generator lying on the floor here....
Hm. Looks like it exploded. Nope, just a loose wire, but I have a feeling there's more to it than that. Generators of the inductive type, in my experience, Should not rattle. Since everyone's asleep... I think I should dismantle this... Oh, what?!
Oh. Well, it's only a large gash down my side. I'll fix that up soon enough. Having a hole in my side isn't the issue of concern here. It looks like there was a creature hiding in there. I've put it to rest, and have forced it back to where it came from. This is a worrying sign... But not as much as that very large crack I saw on the way here. Just to get a sense of perspective, that crack was the equivalent size of about 29,30.5 Kilometres, and I do not know how deep it was, but I do know that it has penetrated to the magma layer, but that's all I can see. It does not bode well, neither do the tremors I've felt in the last hour or so. Interestingly... that madman had an unusual electromagnetic field, like it had been charged, but only partly.... I wonder if it has anything to do with a massive wave I felt earlier that stuck me to the wall for about a minute... but that is not an issue to ponder. Time to put this generator back together, optimise the output, and get back to orbit, all the while, with a 10 cm gap in my side. Fun.
OOC: Well, being augmented allows you to control electricity, as I recall, whizz will be able to come up with a better explanation (I asked him about conduits, thinking about the redstone energy type. :p) So, since my character obviously doesn't care that much about its body, I'll see what you make of my char having a 10cm gash about half an inch deep in its side. ;) :p


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
*Begin transmission*
Alright, to get on this time travel mission Whizz is planning, I'm going to have to get to conduit bunker Beta. I still don't know what the hell it is, came a bit late to the fighting really...
Anyway, I'll be travelling a few hours, best put on a movie, get some shuteye or whatever...
<Engines at 100%, engaging auxiliary inertia dampeners>
*End transmission*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: In the Lone Oak(the entirety of our existence, remember the tree analogy), the fundamental process caused by the imbalance is called the Cycle. Everything is born and everything dies. Stars are born from collections of hydrogen and when they die they spread the heavy elements created through fusion. Those elements coalesce into planets and sometimes become life. We are all formed the corpses of dead stars dead plants and dead animals, and we will all die and the components that we are made of will become life again in some form or another.

The imbalance continues down the line and can sometimes alter the Cycle. This alteration creates the Tiers of Mortality.

The bottom tier are mortals. They live and die, period. Different species have different life spans because the Cycle affects things in different ways.

Next are Lesser Immortals. Lesser Immortals are very common in existence. To become a Lesser Immortal, a person only needs to exceed their species average lifespan by 150%. This can be through any possible method, medical, magical, technological, mutation, etc. Some Lesser Immortals can live for millions of years, but they will die and can be killed.

Next are Full Immortals. Full Immortals were never born. They somehow come together out of any of a myriad of processes. Examples include telepathic species giving rise to a god through their shared religious experience. Random electrical storms gaining sentience within a nebula. A Full Immortal is not born and does not die. It comes together from a physical process and dissipates until it no longer is able to experience or act upon the universe. Nearly all Full Immortals only live for a very, very short time. Any Full Immortal that lives more than a few seconds is considered long-lived.

Next are True Immortals. True Immortals must be born. They are required to be a part of the Cycle. All True Immortals start as Latent. Nearly all Latents never Ascend because they must go through a very specific process. First, they experience a violent and sudden death. A True Immortal cannot Ascend from an illness or other slow end. You have to consider them to be a sentient locus of the imbalance. The latent energy is called the Wellspring. If a Latent's Cycle is suddenly ended, the Wellspring will activate and time will slow for them. They will have a choice to push against the end of their Cycle or to let it end and die like everyone else. When a Latent chooses to resist, the Wellspring releases its energy and lifts the True Immortal out of the Cycle. The explosion of power varies from one person to another, but any Ascension will likely kill anyone nearby. In rare cases the Ascension can level cities. A True Immortal will have certain inherent abilities that are instinctual, but any True Immortal can eventually unlock any ability any other has given enough time.

Since a True Immortal is above the Cycle, they cannot ever be killed. The Empire, as of IY 20,000,000, spans seventy-five percent of a universe three times as large as our own universe. In the Empire, only fifty thousand True Immortals are known to exist. That number seems like a lot, but consider how many millions of millions of millions of millions of people there are in that much space.

Conduits gain abilities in a similar way with a explosion of power and only a few are capable of doing so. The issue is that they can be killed, so they would not be True Immortals. In the context of the Lone Oak, I would classify them as the result of an experiment to create True Immortals. The experiment failed, but it came close by giving them pseudo-Ascension. They would steal the Cycles of other beings to augment their own Cycle and release a great amount of energy in the process. They would be Lesser Immortals no matter how far they exceed the average lifespan of their species.

It's actually pretty cool because humans in the Lone Oak are the result of a True Immortal trying to unlock the secrets of resurrection which is entirely impossible in the Lone Oak. We can resist the end of our Cycles through sheer force of will and some people can survive and even continue normal functioning through damage that would kill any ordinary person. There are even real life incidents of people laying dead for hours before suddenly waking up.

That's the best explanation ever ever ever.
But about only a few people being able to do so...
The Ray Sphere is used so that you can augment anyone.
You can be born augmented, like the protagonist in the first two inFamous games and the protagonist in the third.
That is how my OC (Original Character) was augmented.
It's described as a Gene somewhere on the Wikipedia page.
Backstory time!
Just figured out something really really cool!
Maybe the gene was a result of a similar process to try and make someone into a Lesser Immortal Thousands of years ago, and the Gene only began working recently.
I love making backstory![DOUBLEPOST=1373385100][/DOUBLEPOST]
Day 101 1000 (Deep Space, Multipurpose Transport, Empiria)
OOC: Well, being augmented allows you to control electricity, as I recall, whizz will be able to come up with a better explanation (I asked him about conduits, thinking about the redstone energy type. :p) So, since my character obviously doesn't care that much about its body, I'll see what you make of my char having a 10cm gash about half an inch deep in its side. ;) :p

OOC: The power depends.
You don't necessarily receive the power to control electricity...
And the 50 conduits under my OCs leadership are the only conduits currently in existence.
No one can be augmented unless I, myself activate the Ray Sphere.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
That's the best explanation ever ever ever.
But about only a few people being able to do so...
The Ray Sphere is used so that you can augment anyone.
You can be born augmented, like the protagonist in the first two inFamous games and the protagonist in the third.
That is how my OC (Original Character) was augmented.
It's described as a Gene somewhere on the Wikipedia page.
Backstory time!
Just figured out something really really cool!
Maybe the gene was a result of a similar process to try and make someone into a Lesser Immortal Thousands of years ago, and the Gene only began working recently.
I love making backstory![DOUBLEPOST=1373385100][/DOUBLEPOST]

OOC: The power depends.
You don't necessarily receive the power to control electricity...
And the 50 conduits under my OCs leadership are the only conduits currently in existence.
No one can be augmented unless I, myself activate the Ray Sphere.

What signs are there if you are augmented genetically?(OOC)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know what?
Just call me Spirit.
Been a while since I revealed my name to anyone, so all you guys with me in Bunker Beta get to find out.
I'm tired of living under an alias.
I'm not... actually... from this planet.
Think on that a while.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: This is where I wait for everybody's responses while Rymmie launches into a cool explanation.
What I would like (but you don't necessarily have to do it) is that I'm like related to the Imperial Family or whatever. Of course I have not an inkling of the extent of your back stories and therefore would like to ask that you would kindly make one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you're really from this planet, raise your hand.

Anyone? Anyone?


I has new post.
OOC: This is where I wait for everybody's responses while Rymmie launches into a cool explanation.
What I would like (but you don't necessarily have to do it) is that I'm like related to the Imperial Family or whatever. Of course I have not an inkling of the extent of your back stories and therefore would like to ask that you would kindly make one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you're really from this planet, raise your hand.

Anyone? Anyone?


Edit: It's sort of impossible to be related to the Imperial Family. Rymmie is a human who only recently was able to physically be in the Azurian Universe. Serena is a bi-morphic mermaid from the Middling Sea situated across both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres of Crestle(her homeworld). His family refuses contact with him due to an incident involving his unwillingness to talk about the Empire for any reason. Her species has since gone extinct except for a small offshoot that she let leave the Empire. They are currently at the edge of the Azurian Universe, headed toward a newly formed universe that should have habitable planets by the time they get there.

BUT! The Gang of Five are his closest friends, and he counts them as family. They are the Archer, the first person to find him under the tree next to the path when he awoke, Zor the Faceless, called such because his culture believes that one should never show their face to only the ones deemed trustworthy, Pheenie, the last surviving Phoenix(backstory waaayyyy too long for here), and Link and Zelda, two parts of one being who happen to share names with video game characters from Rymmie's childhood.

The Gang(except Phoenix) and Serena survive because Rymmie can extend a person's Cycle until there is nothing left to extend.

Living forever has its drawbacks. Mortals pass through their lives constantly, but the truly exceptional can warrant a trial friendship. Of course, plenty of True Immortals hang around the Palace, but most of them don't stick around for long because life can get boring as centuries go by seeing the same halls and doors.

The Emperor hardly ever gets close to humans for similar reasons. Also, he has to stay away from Earth in his official capacity because Earth doesn't qualify for entrance to the Empire as a civilization. He would have to destroy it or quarantine it. He has been coming to many realizations lately about how he came to be what he is and humanity's purpose.

He could always make an exception to the rule if he sees someone do something quite extraordinary(hint, hint).

Ooh, I didn't see that you made that!
You know, you could have simply made a new post.
Anywho, my explanation.
I am not actually even Human.
I am a Humanoid born in the Throne Planet of the Imperial Kingdom.
I became a True Immortal through means which I will not presently reveal.
I don't know the identity of my parents, nor do I know who my relatives are.
Almost no one from that planet knows my true identity as Spirit except Rymmie, and only as of now.
This is the first group of people I have ever shared this information with.
In all my years, I've travelled to hundreds of universes and thousands of planets.
But no one, not even the Emperor, has been able to track my whereabouts.
Even though I always leave behind legends, they never knew where I would go next. And now I've come to this planet.
This little, insignificant planet has surprisingly interested me more than any other planet I've visited.
Even though it has primitive technology, it still has interested me more than anything!
Seeing as there exists not a single immortal of any kind on the planet, I sought to find out why.
Apparently no one here knows anything about the Cycle.
And as far as I know, no one has been able to gather enough energy to become even a Lesser Immortal.
And so I sought out to begin the Conduit project.
And that's how it all began.
That took forever to come up with.
It's easier for you because you have lots of pages of backstory to draw upon.
I hope I don't have to do this too many times.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, this is funny.
This is really, really funny.
Let's just suffice to say that I'm... stronger than I look.
I'm not even a True Immortal!
Or a Full Immortal.
Or a Lesser Immortal.
Nor am I a human.
Oh, I'm much, much more.
But I'm not the Emperor.
I would never say that.
Oh, the Emperor knows I time travel.
In fact, he really hates me.
But he doesn't seem to have done anything about it.
I mean, he's the Emperor!
And I'm just some random bloke that just happened to become a True Immortal.
He could do whatever he wants to me!
And yes, I do time travel to go around universes.
How else would I go through hundreds of different universes?
This mall is huge!
OOC: Anywho, all this conversation is on the Throne Planet while I wait for you guys to get ready for Time Travelling to fix the Breaks.
You are taking forever!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Day 1 after going through the portal, 1493
We arrived one week before Edward was born. Now we need to find London.
O.K, J, Bella, Morgs and Ex are with me now.
Apparently our clothing adapted to the one they used back then, so I ended up as a poet, J as a guard, Bella as a daughter of a pub owner, and Morgs and Ex ended up as a pair of actors.
Now we just have to fake our personas and we'll be good to go.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Backstory time!
Just figured out something really really cool!
Maybe the gene was a result of a similar process to try and make someone into a Lesser Immortal Thousands of years ago, and the Gene only began working recently.
I love making backstory![DOUBLEPOST=1373385100][/DOUBLEPOST]

Warning! Over complication ahead! Edit: Dayum! Didn't realize how long I made it, sorry.
Kurak Shanara stood at the base of the great golden pyramid of the empire admiring it's beauty. He often did so and wondered how his ancestors had managed to construct it with nothing but their bare hands. Shanti walked up behind him and put her hand on his shoulder saying "Soon we will live forever again brother."

"No Shanti, not forever. Just for a very very long time." Replied Kurak with some degree of loathing. He always hated how his sister jumped to conclusions.

"But why not? Surely we can just continue taking the serum whenever we feel our strength beginning to flow away?" She asked, slightly annoyed that her brother had contradicted her in such a serious moment.

"No. It's not like a pill that you can take a be well again. The serum alters your DNA making you faster, stronger, and more agile. Once that happens, your life span increases. It's not like that fountain of youth the explorers are always talking about finding."

Shanti sighed, aware that she had been beaten and walked up to the great pyramid steps. "Beautiful isn't it brother? One day, after we've made money off of your serum we will be able to afford such grandeur."

"Who ever said I was going to share with you? You didn't help out during the years of research I conducted."

"Moral support brother, moral support, and besides we're family. You're supposed to help me, i'm all you have left."

Kurak and Shanti then began to walk back to their house. It was a long journey, but the streets were paved with gold. Quite an improvement on their home town.

"You know, when this is over think of all the things we can buy!" Spoke up Shanti.

"Money will not bring you happiness Shanti, only greed and loneliness. You will never meet any men if all you do is sit in your room counting your money."

"Yeah yeah yeah. Everybody says that now, but I can't help but smile whenever I think of living in a beautiful palace, being served by fancy butlers, and hosting balls."

"Well, then you wouldn't have time for the only one YOU have left anymore. That works both ways Shanti, and you'd best remember that. I'll be the one making the money off of this and you had best remember that."

"All right all right. But still, it can't hurt for a girl to dream right?"

"It hurt mother. And father. All they ever did was dream. They let themselves rot to death in those disgusting virtual reality chambers. But the serum will change that. It will make life worth living again. Once we start selling this worldwide, people will come out of virtual reality and start living real lives again. Grass will grow and the empire will flourish again. Just imagine it Shanti! We will no longer be ruled by fear that we won't have anything to eat! It will be truly wonderful... if it works."

"Of course it will work brother, you have spent your entire life one this, why would it not?"

"Someone may spend their life procrastinating and their goal will never be completed. They spent time on something and it never got done because they did not work hard enough."

"But you are not a procrastinator. It will work. You must have faith that the world can be good again."

By the time this conversation had finished, they had arrived at their destination. A small house far outside the Pyramid Castle walls. The streets were no longer paved with gold, for the empire deemed peasants like Shanti and Kurak unworthy of such fine things.

Kurak opened the door to the house, revealing the small space they called home. It was filled with books. Books on quite a few topics. Alchemy, science, genes, magic, dna, computers, virtual reality, medicine. These books covered every inch of the house and it looked as if a tornado had blown through it. The only thing in the entire house that was not covered with books was a single solitary closet.

Kurak walked over to the closet and opened it up. He pulled from it a box, and as he opened the lid to show the contents to Shanti he said "This is what I hope will be our salvation." He then pulled from it two syringes filled with a cyan liquid.

"It won't feel good." He said. "But it will be much worth it. Now pull up your sleeve."

Shanti obliged pulling up her sleeve to reveal a tatoo of a butterfly. Kurak stabbed the needle into her arm and she flinched a little. As Kurak pulled down on the syringe, Shanti began to tear up.

"I know it hurts, but soon you'll get to do this to me. You'll get your revenge."

Shanti let out a small chuckle as he pulled the needle from her arm. Then she delicately picked up the second syringe and without warning, jabbed it into Kurak's arm. Kurak let out a screech of pure pain and terror. She violently injected the serum into him and then pulled the syringe out of his arm.

"What was that for?!?!" Screamed Kurak.

"You're too much of a baby, it had to happen quick and without warning, or it never would have happened."

Kurak knew these words to be true, so he let it slide. This time.

"I don't feel any different Kurak."

"Well, maybe it takes a little bit of time to kick in?" He replied uncertainly.

One week later, they still felt no difference and noticed no difference. The serum had failed. Or so they thought.

Oh, this is funny.
This is really, really funny.
Let's just suffice to say that I'm... stronger than I look.
I'm not even a True Immortal!
Or a Full Immortal.
Or a Lesser Immortal.
Nor am I a human.
Oh, I'm much, much more.

You're Jesus aren't you?

Day 106
I've found the source of the clanking noise. It's a small cube that's been written on with ancient writings. I don't understand it, but I think Whiz had an alien language translator somewhere in his room if I could just find it and wire some power to it, I could find out what the writing means. Dr. Bright stopped obsessing over jewlery today. I consider it a very large step in his rehibilitation. If he can become sane again then maybe he could tell me what happened to the others.
O.K, J, Bella, Morgs and Ex are with me now.

There's something that's not supposed to be on this list, but i'm not sure what...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, seriously.
Can someone explain to me what happened?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, seriously.
Can someone explain to me what happened?

I took a long nap, whiz might be jesus, he's naturally a conduit with mini jesus powers, he's also the decendant of the Shanara bloodline(I am quite proud of that backstory), there's an empire trying to destroy us, i've discovered an insane scientist named doctor Bright. Think that about wraps it up.