Let me guess...
The breaks will lead us to Rymmie's universe stuffs?
No. Where on Earth would you get that idea?
Let me guess...
The breaks will lead us to Rymmie's universe stuffs?
OOC: In the Lone Oak(the entirety of our existence, remember the tree analogy), the fundamental process caused by the imbalance is called the Cycle. Everything is born and everything dies. Stars are born from collections of hydrogen and when they die they spread the heavy elements created through fusion. Those elements coalesce into planets and sometimes become life. We are all formed the corpses of dead stars dead plants and dead animals, and we will all die and the components that we are made of will become life again in some form or another.
The imbalance continues down the line and can sometimes alter the Cycle. This alteration creates the Tiers of Mortality.
The bottom tier are mortals. They live and die, period. Different species have different life spans because the Cycle affects things in different ways.
Next are Lesser Immortals. Lesser Immortals are very common in existence. To become a Lesser Immortal, a person only needs to exceed their species average lifespan by 150%. This can be through any possible method, medical, magical, technological, mutation, etc. Some Lesser Immortals can live for millions of years, but they will die and can be killed.
Next are Full Immortals. Full Immortals were never born. They somehow come together out of any of a myriad of processes. Examples include telepathic species giving rise to a god through their shared religious experience. Random electrical storms gaining sentience within a nebula. A Full Immortal is not born and does not die. It comes together from a physical process and dissipates until it no longer is able to experience or act upon the universe. Nearly all Full Immortals only live for a very, very short time. Any Full Immortal that lives more than a few seconds is considered long-lived.
Next are True Immortals. True Immortals must be born. They are required to be a part of the Cycle. All True Immortals start as Latent. Nearly all Latents never Ascend because they must go through a very specific process. First, they experience a violent and sudden death. A True Immortal cannot Ascend from an illness or other slow end. You have to consider them to be a sentient locus of the imbalance. The latent energy is called the Wellspring. If a Latent's Cycle is suddenly ended, the Wellspring will activate and time will slow for them. They will have a choice to push against the end of their Cycle or to let it end and die like everyone else. When a Latent chooses to resist, the Wellspring releases its energy and lifts the True Immortal out of the Cycle. The explosion of power varies from one person to another, but any Ascension will likely kill anyone nearby. In rare cases the Ascension can level cities. A True Immortal will have certain inherent abilities that are instinctual, but any True Immortal can eventually unlock any ability any other has given enough time.
Since a True Immortal is above the Cycle, they cannot ever be killed. The Empire, as of IY 20,000,000, spans seventy-five percent of a universe three times as large as our own universe. In the Empire, only fifty thousand True Immortals are known to exist. That number seems like a lot, but consider how many millions of millions of millions of millions of people there are in that much space.
Conduits gain abilities in a similar way with a explosion of power and only a few are capable of doing so. The issue is that they can be killed, so they would not be True Immortals. In the context of the Lone Oak, I would classify them as the result of an experiment to create True Immortals. The experiment failed, but it came close by giving them pseudo-Ascension. They would steal the Cycles of other beings to augment their own Cycle and release a great amount of energy in the process. They would be Lesser Immortals no matter how far they exceed the average lifespan of their species.
It's actually pretty cool because humans in the Lone Oak are the result of a True Immortal trying to unlock the secrets of resurrection which is entirely impossible in the Lone Oak. We can resist the end of our Cycles through sheer force of will and some people can survive and even continue normal functioning through damage that would kill any ordinary person. There are even real life incidents of people laying dead for hours before suddenly waking up.
Day 101 1000 (Deep Space, Multipurpose Transport, Empiria)
OOC: Well, being augmented allows you to control electricity, as I recall, whizz will be able to come up with a better explanation (I asked him about conduits, thinking about the redstone energy type.) So, since my character obviously doesn't care that much about its body, I'll see what you make of my char having a 10cm gash about half an inch deep in its side.
That's the best explanation ever ever ever.
But about only a few people being able to do so...
The Ray Sphere is used so that you can augment anyone.
You can be born augmented, like the protagonist in the first two inFamous games and the protagonist in the third.
That is how my OC (Original Character) was augmented.
It's described as a Gene somewhere on the Wikipedia page.
Backstory time!
Just figured out something really really cool!
Maybe the gene was a result of a similar process to try and make someone into a Lesser Immortal Thousands of years ago, and the Gene only began working recently.
I love making backstory![DOUBLEPOST=1373385100][/DOUBLEPOST]
OOC: The power depends.
You don't necessarily receive the power to control electricity...
And the 50 conduits under my OCs leadership are the only conduits currently in existence.
No one can be augmented unless I, myself activate the Ray Sphere.
What signs are there if you are augmented genetically?(OOC)
If you're really from this planet, raise your hand.
Anyone? Anyone?
OOC: This is where I wait for everybody's responses while Rymmie launches into a cool explanation.
What I would like (but you don't necessarily have to do it) is that I'm like related to the Imperial Family or whatever. Of course I have not an inkling of the extent of your back stories and therefore would like to ask that you would kindly make one.
If you're really from this planet, raise your hand.
Anyone? Anyone?
Edit: It's sort of impossible to be related to the Imperial Family. Rymmie is a human who only recently was able to physically be in the Azurian Universe. Serena is a bi-morphic mermaid from the Middling Sea situated across both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres of Crestle(her homeworld). His family refuses contact with him due to an incident involving his unwillingness to talk about the Empire for any reason. Her species has since gone extinct except for a small offshoot that she let leave the Empire. They are currently at the edge of the Azurian Universe, headed toward a newly formed universe that should have habitable planets by the time they get there.
BUT! The Gang of Five are his closest friends, and he counts them as family. They are the Archer, the first person to find him under the tree next to the path when he awoke, Zor the Faceless, called such because his culture believes that one should never show their face to only the ones deemed trustworthy, Pheenie, the last surviving Phoenix(backstory waaayyyy too long for here), and Link and Zelda, two parts of one being who happen to share names with video game characters from Rymmie's childhood.
The Gang(except Phoenix) and Serena survive because Rymmie can extend a person's Cycle until there is nothing left to extend.
Living forever has its drawbacks. Mortals pass through their lives constantly, but the truly exceptional can warrant a trial friendship. Of course, plenty of True Immortals hang around the Palace, but most of them don't stick around for long because life can get boring as centuries go by seeing the same halls and doors.
The Emperor hardly ever gets close to humans for similar reasons. Also, he has to stay away from Earth in his official capacity because Earth doesn't qualify for entrance to the Empire as a civilization. He would have to destroy it or quarantine it. He has been coming to many realizations lately about how he came to be what he is and humanity's purpose.
He could always make an exception to the rule if he sees someone do something quite extraordinary(hint, hint).
Backstory time!
Just figured out something really really cool!
Maybe the gene was a result of a similar process to try and make someone into a Lesser Immortal Thousands of years ago, and the Gene only began working recently.
I love making backstory![DOUBLEPOST=1373385100][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oh, this is funny.
This is really, really funny.
Let's just suffice to say that I'm... stronger than I look.
I'm not even a True Immortal!
Or a Full Immortal.
Or a Lesser Immortal.
Nor am I a human.
Oh, I'm much, much more.
O.K, J, Bella, Morgs and Ex are with me now.
There's something that's not supposed to be on this list, but i'm not sure what...
You're Jesus aren't you?
No, seriously.
Can someone explain to me what happened?