The Best Power Source

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I've been playing with a fast and space-efficient scrap-producer for my flatland challenge and came up with the following in creative: Put down a recycler, hook it up with 3 sets of 4 overclockers. Put a crafty turtle on top of it with a script that turns cobble into cobble halfslabs. If you don't like turtles or can't program them, an autocrafting table with a wooden pipe and engines works as well. If you use the turtle, make sure the crafting program is set as the startup script so it will resume on logging in. Then surround the turtle or crafting table with Igneous Extruders on the remaining 5 sides and set the outputs so that they feed into the turtle/crafting table. Every 2 seconds, the extruders will produce 5 cobble, being crafted into 10 halfslabs which are turned into 1.25 scrap. The recycler doesn't run continously with that, but will clog up with less overclockers.
For scrapbox production, you could use the packager from Factorization and to "unpack" them, just feed them into either a deployer or dispenser hooked up to a timer/clock. Put a obsidian pipe or transposer in front of it and you can feed it directly into your sorting/processing system. The whole scrapproducer is 3x3x3 big and can be easily tiled for even more scrap. I'm not sure if it is energy efficient enough to produce excess power, but since the scrap boxes and their content were my main goal that's not a problem (for me :P)
Something I also found out in the process: If you can spare the iron but are low on redstone, turtles are an amazingly efficient way to make pretty flexible combinations of autocrafting tables, timers, relays and filters.
I wonder how much more efficient you can make that scrap farm through the use of Advanced Generator's Slow Grinders...
Just want to bump this thread up a year later!
I am struggling for EU in my base, I currently am running 26 water mills and that still doesn't even generate enough for my MFE!
I have tried expensive solar panels, limited generators and a failed tree farm!
Please help with a long list of suggestions, I don't care if it's MJ and I have to convert it but I could prefer EU initially.
Has to give a good or great output of EU a tick and has to be reasonably easy to make, basically, would I be able to make a stack of them easily?
Just want to bump this thread up a year later!
I am struggling for EU in my base, I currently am running 26 water mills and that still doesn't even generate enough for my MFE!
I have tried expensive solar panels, limited generators and a failed tree farm!
Please help with a long list of suggestions, I don't care if it's MJ and I have to convert it but I could prefer EU initially.
Has to give a good or great output of EU a tick and has to be reasonably easy to make, basically, would I be able to make a stack of them easily?

What I've done in my base with EU is create one of the Big Reactors and then convert it with power converters. Fairly easy to get as long as you have enough coal and yellorium. Neither of which are very rare in Monster.
What I've done in my base with EU is create one of the Big Reactors and then convert it with power converters. Fairly easy to get as long as you have enough coal and yellorium. Neither of which are very rare in Monster.
Big reactors, need to look into that!
Thanks though! :)
Just want to bump this thread up a year later!
I am struggling for EU in my base, I currently am running 26 water mills and that still doesn't even generate enough for my MFE!
I have tried expensive solar panels, limited generators and a failed tree farm!
Please help with a long list of suggestions, I don't care if it's MJ and I have to convert it but I could prefer EU initially.
Has to give a good or great output of EU a tick and has to be reasonably easy to make, basically, would I be able to make a stack of them easily?
This just says Troll all over it.
I usually use a mix of solar pannels and Geothermal generators, Geothermals to power my main base with 1 to 2 solar pannels as a backup and the rest of the solar pannels to power areas in mystcraft/ parts of worlds far away.
Your the troll here sir!
It's You're, as in You Are. Bro, do you even Contractions?
/meme /GN

Now, it's hardly fair to talk about "best power sources" anymore. There is only One BEST power source(at least for potential RF production). Get the latest copy of ReactorCraft by Reika and build a Tokamak Reactor already! I admit, it's a bit harder to convert to RF now IIRC,(caps on how much shaft power they can take limiting how much energy those engines output if I read the changelog correctly, unless that's input power thus generating shaft power?) But when we are talking over 1 BILLION RF a tick from what can be made from water...(IIRC) Is there much to discuss anymore?
Currently it is, in fact, the best power source, yes. No other power generation methods currently exist that match.

Also it needs 24k RF/t to perform the reaction and make the fuel, not 16k.
Automation is the best source of power. An automated system that needs little to no input is the bees knees. Some do it with murdering villagers, others with tree farms. But anything that doesn't need me to touch it is always best.

The next time I get a cursed earth farm running, I'm going to power something from rotten flesh via Extra_Utilities culinary generators.
Personally I think thread necromancy is shown on a bad light too much. Last I checked, power generation is still something relevant today. Don't see much of a point in making a new thread to ask the exact same question.

Anyway, I'm not well versed in reactor craft, but if you want immense, ridiculous power generation, then rotary/reactorcraft is the way to go. Even with a gas turbine, you'll produce a ridiculous amount of power that dwarf what most mods are able to produce. Personally... I have a hard time finding a use for all those megawatts.

For ease of use... it is hard to beat mechanism. Mechanism has a lot of free power: windmills, solar panels, thermal generators, and the hydrogen gas loop can all make some extremely low maintenance power. Probably the best part about this power is that it can interface with everything. Buildcraft, Industrialcraft, AE, Thermal Expansion, UE... it will work for everything. As for which one you go with, it is all dependent on where you live: if you live in a high up place, windmills are excellent. If you live in plains, solar is excellent. If you're isolated underground, going with either hydrogen or thermal generators are the way to go.