I mainly mean this: Solar is boring... Assuming that it's using Photovoltaic Cells. A Real solar power plant uses a Solar Boiler, using mirrors to reflect sunlight onto a central boiling tower, where the water in it becomes steam and is sent through turbines to generate power. And since the only options out there that currently use solar boilers are Factorization(and they have been somewhat phased out due to the new "stomach water boiler"), and RotaryCraft(where it becomes Shaft Power and manliness), this is why solar power is lame; everyone sticks with photovoltaic cells. And those are boring as hell.
I guess I just disagree, especially that photovoltaic isnt real somehow. Solar is the power of space stuff, and space stuff is really cool. IMO its the correct energy source for small remote, isolated things, but big things are best powered by more complex forms of power similar to what you mentioned. I ascribe to a diversity of power rather than relying on any one thing. Eventually the novelty of power generation is overcast by the usage of said power, which is again overcast by the things built with the things that require power.
I'm just defending what I think is a legit power option that just needs some better care in making the output relative to other forms of power better. Lameness depends on what about it you think is lame. I think causing 400% more ticks on the server for the same output is lame. I also think novelty of builds can wear off even if creative at the time. Eventually power just gets put into a black box that turns into "I get X energy/t with X stored in a buffer". That's just me though so I cant speak for everyone.
Currently I'm running what most would feel is a boring/OP sourced by a enderthermic pump pumping nether lava. Never did it before. In fact on my 1.4.7 server I ran my base on 4x GT fusion ractors, prior to that extrabees making biofuel/oil(which I turned to fuel), prior to that it was semi complex tree farm using lots of routers and barrels for buffers. Come to think of it, I havent used the same power source twice now. I think that's pretty not lame of me