Whitelist Server The ASP Server | Mindcrack (v7) | Whitelisted | 24/7

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I'm the50258 or 50 if you prefer.
21 years old
I used to play tekkit all the time but I'm kinda bored with that so I am branching out into FTB.
Yours looks the most laid back and least demanding out of all the servers I have checked out.
My goal is to build a magical upside down fortress, maybe I can get some help with that from other people on the server. If not no biggie.
IGN: rupert3642
Age: 15
XP with FTB: kinda new
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: because im looking for a server to play on because i often find my self cheating in single player
Additional info:
IGN: Micro035
Age: 16
XP with FTB: I started playing at the beginning of December and try to play for at least 1 hour a day. I watch YouTube videos of MindCrack and before that I played Tekkit so I understand most of IC2.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: To simply put it, it looks like one of the best servers I have been able to find. I also would like to be part of a good community and have fun!
Additional info: I am currently learning how to code programs at school. (couldn't think of anything else to put)
EXPERIENCE WITH FTB:i love redpower frames and ee3
ANY ADDITIONAL INFO:i am a good player have never been baned!
IGN: mojo19700
Age: 18
XP with FTB: Not much, been playing a few weeks and I'm just learning all the stuff.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: This seems to be an amazing server just from the first post alone, it seems to have a great community too.
Additional info: I've played minecraft for two or three years and have played tekkit for about a year before moving onto FTB, I have only really played creative to learn and experiment.
xperiance with FTB:im really a adventure and plus i looking for a server thats whitelisted because i record videos for youtube on public servers its about griefing and pvp if you could please add my email is [email protected]
if you have skype my skype name is
xperiance with FTB:im really a adventure and plus i looking for a server thats whitelisted because i record videos for youtube on public servers its about griefing and pvp if you could please add my email is [email protected]
if you have skype my skype name is
IGN: Super_Lemur
Age: 16
XP with FTB: Been playing FTB for 8 months and also played Tekkit.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: I am looking for a server with alot of mature people. Been playing single player for a long time and I want to join an awesome community.
Additional info: I love building and FTB give me more stuff to use in my buildings.
IGN: newvegasboy3
Age: 19
XP with FTB: I've played for a while now, and still learning every day :).
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: I'm trying to find a nice FTB Server, with a nice community, and friendly players.
Additional info: N/A.