Whitelist Server The ASP Server | Mindcrack (v7) | Whitelisted | 24/7

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XP with FTB: Not much but learning pretty good
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: i like the rules, you pretty much can do what ever you want alone it does not effect or offends anyone.
Additional info: I work 32-40 hours a week normal, and just like to find a place i can crash and laugh after work.
XP with FTB: I know about the majority of the mods.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: i like to have fun in a server where the community its so cool like yours and i'm hoping to learn a bit more about ftb with you all.
Additional info: Very Creative c:.
IGN: bsmitty1999
Age: 14
XP with FTB: Alot actually, been playing it ever since it came out! :P
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: Tryna' find a good server That doesn't have lag XD
Additional info: I'm Thatguy
IGN: Joeztoothbrush
Age: 15 I know its 16 plus but I'm mature and I'm not some little stupid 12 year old who sucks at minecraft.
XP with FTB: Not much at all, I did play a lot of tekkit so I do have experience with certain mods.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: I have been looking for a stable and nice FTB server where I can play with people and enjoy these mods without the issues of most servers or the loneliness of single player. This server looks to have great potential and I love small community's and would be happy to join.
Additional info: I have the next while off from school for exam break so I plan on joining a server today and get a fresh start now and progress quickly. I do have work during my break but I still will be able to play a lot and be very active in the community. I also play minecraft in my free time quite often so I will be active when in school. I plan to make this my main server so I hope you accept me so I can start socializing and playing. Thanks!

P.S my skype is joez_toothbrush
IGN: Sarian27
Age: 23
XP with FTB: I have been playing FTB for about a month now but was really into Tekkit before support stopped for it.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: I have been searching for a close-knit community to share the wonders of the Feed the Beast mod pack. I love building and sharing my builds with other people but it has been difficult to find a place that doesn't grief or cater to the owners friends exclusively. ASP sounds to me like a fair server that can offer a great sense of community.
Additional info: I am looking to make friends as well as factories! So if there is a VOIP set up for the server I would love to talk to you all!
IGN: crushrush
Age: 21
XP with FTB: Not much, but I want to learn more and I find multiplayer to be the perfect place to do so.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: Find a nice mature community to play in, make friends and learn FTB. Ideally I'd have a friend joining me too, so we could be awesome and build awesome stuff.
Additional info: I have some XP with Tekkit, a whole lot with minecraft but my main point would be that I 'click' well with people. Not interested in PvP or griefing, more interested in admiring other people's builds and learning from them.

Edit: Some server trouble momentarily, had double post. Sorry for that
IGN: Jimthebear2
Age: 17
XP with FTB: I have made my own survival world and have played FTB beta on it. It was really fun and I would love to do it with other people
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: My friends and I are looking for other people to play with and have taken a liking to FTB.
Additional info: I love Minecraft and love FTB even more! I can't wait to play!
IGN: Chewy
Age: 18
XP with FTB: Have been messing around with FTB since it's initial release. I know most of the mods pretty well, but since they're ever changing there's always something new for me to learn.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: I'm looking for a friendly, active, and mature community to play with.
Additional info: I've been playing Minecraft since August '09, and I'm always looking for new things to do. I'm pretty friendly, and always there to help out a friend in need.
IGN: Tim_Creep
Age: 16
XP with FTB: I haven't had much experience at all with FTB, this is why I want to join a community so I can learn about it via the generosity of others.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: For the same reason, a friendly, helpful community that will kindly help me out with al the necessities of Feed The Beast
Additional info: I have spent the majority of my minecraft time playing on Tekkit so the mods inside of that collection I will be familiar with. Also I have the heart and hardship to create some huge and unreal designs in minecraft, because I love showing people what I'm capable of.
IGN: 5732Bobster5732
Age: 14
XP with FTB: Been playing FTB for about 2 months now, have learnt alot of my old server which has now shut down, i learnt all the basics and would be able to teach a newb the basics too :D
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: Since m y last server shut down i really liked to play FTB so i want to join a new one, i see you dont have too many players so it wont always be full and chat spamming, just how i like it :P
IGN: Lycanthh
Age: 16
XP with FTB: Tekkit, watching LP series, tutorials and many wikis.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: Well, I don't want to play alone, I want to interact with people and I've been told that this server is cool
Additional info: I'm also going to bring a friend to this server
IGN: pudukukku
Age: 16
XP with FTB: Tekkit, watching LP series, wikies, 3-4 months FTB Beta A pack, FTP french serv
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: This Server is said to be excellent.
Additional info: Friend of Lycanthh
IGN: Shmatty
Age: 16
XP with FTB: I've been playing SSP FTB for about a month and a half. I feel familiar with all the mods and plan on expanding my knowledge.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: Small servers have always appealed to me. I like when I can build friendships with the people I play with. By the looks of this thread, your server seems to be really chill. I hope am able to play on it.
Additional info: I look forward to hearing from you (:
IGN: cardinalstar16
Age: 17
XP with FTB: Have had a lot of time on my hands and have been playing for 4-5 months horrible builder but good wit the technical stuff of the mods and such.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: Well been so lonely just hanging out on my server witch no one plays on so I want an active server and a good friendly environment and no griefers, and I always love a good prank. =)
Additional info: Crappy speller you don't know how long this took me to type and get correct, because English is not my first language.
IGN: Schjarmer
Age: 20
XP with FTB: play a lot of single beta pack, some direwolf 20 server
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: thought it was time to play with other then my self
Additional info: havent use all the mods in the packs but most n just on a low leve with some
IGN: CoffeeTableOG

Age: 20

XP with FTB: i just started playing minecraft a month or two ago. and a good friend told me about FTB and i really wanted to look into it, so i'd say i've played FTB for about 2 weeks. i know how most of the things work now.

Why do you want to join the ASP server?: i've wanted to join a server for a while now, so far i've never left my single player world. :P my friend has filled my head with horror stories about people stealing his stuff and blowing things up. so i've been hesitant to join or look into joining a server. however after reading your post it seems like this would be a nice and very mature server to join and hopefully make a few friends on.

Additional info: i have never been on a server before, so i am a newb. in a sense, i mean i know how to play and what most things do, but doing them quickly and efficiently is not my stong suit. i've been reading the wiki and following some FTB lets play to learn more and grow as a player. On a personal note; i'm 20 years old. a college student with a pretty easy class list so i'll have time to play. i would call myself a nice guy. i would never turn someone away who might need a resource or whatever. if you have any questions please ask away.
have a nice day.
(sorry for the block of text)
IGN: JustSmall
Age: 15, 16 in a week
XP with FTB: 1 month with Gregtech on hard
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: I'm looking for a server with good admins and a friendly community.
Additional info: I'm usually someone that goes far away from spawn, either in search for a Mushroom Biome or simply a nice spot to build my house. If that is a problem, please tell me and I won't do that.
IGN: Darkagex1192
Age: 20
XP with FTB: I've seen a video on youtube of the map, soon after i tried it out and enjoyed it ,0played a bit on the technic launcher (tho i'm not "proud" of that given what the mod pack authors did to create it) and since the mod pack was released i haven't stopped playing it, it's really addicting. So regarding an exact time that i've been playing on the mod pack, well i could say around 3 months.
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: I enjoy meeting new people that have a common interest, this case the FTB mod pack, i can check out builds and ideas from a different perspectives and have more fun using the mod pack.
Additional info: What else could i say... i've been aboard the Minecraft train since 1.2.4 alfa came for the fun stayed for the awesomeness that the game has come to.
IGN: TheMaik
Age: 17
XP with FTB: I have been playing with these mods since the modpack released it's first beta... I have also been playing Tekkit before FTB released!
Why do you want to join the ASP server?: Because my brother's server ran out of memory all the time... And now i am looking for a new server to play on.
Additional info: I love small communities that i can trust. I like to make people laugh and just have a good time! :)