Thaumcraft 4 what to do if you run out of aspects

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mossy Cobblestone.

Also, ***always*** keep Aer, Aqua, Ordo, and Terra at 0 when at Research Table. Bonus primal essence only occurs at 0. This was my #1 source of reliable research points.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mossy Cobblestone.

Also, ***always*** keep Aer, Aqua, Ordo, and Terra at 0 when at Research Table. Bonus primal essence only occurs at 0. This was my #1 source of reliable research points.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
PERDITO?[DOUBLEPOST=1392170101][/DOUBLEPOST]oh and if your doing it creative, which i don't, but cant say i've never cheated, but if your doing it creative get a ton of knowledge fragments and hold right click, go through like 5-6 stacks, youll have like 600 aspects of like, 4 primal aspects and 400 of the other two.
(if your doing it legit style, then id recommend making a caves age, (it acts as a superflat at a medium height) and run around like a MAD MUTHA TRUCKA, youll find tons of the mystcraft libraries and thaumcraft tiny hills, and the obsidian structures, youll get a few stacks of knowledge fragments after about 2 hours ish, pretty decent if ur super desprite, oh and scan the nodes in the dungeons to get some bonus ones.)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As this got resurrected I thought I'd add what is helping me most,
I have saved aspects by working out, before doing anything, which runes only appear 2 or 3 times - they will be the ones you need for the piece of research, I dont light up ANY runes till I have moved any blocking rubbish runes out of way and moved the rare research runes into position, This means I only have to use 1 aspect of each type to light and join them up. Obviously it helps if you know what aspects the research takes, cheat sheet or previous experience of TC helps, but even if you are guessing what aspects are in the research, this method will save you aspects, as once you find the correct aspects they will all join up and never need to be turned off. Sometimes the rubbish ones need moving to block shortcuts that the game makes between runes, no cost involved. All it doesn't save is time as you still have to complete the puzzle,
hope this helps and that I've explained it clearly, I know its made a big difference in my research.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
thats definatly true, i do the same. however the aspect i use the most is water, as its used in a lot of research and its also used in a TON of combinations. i use it way too often. and if i know the aspects of a reseach, it only uses 2, cause if u have research master unlocked, to turn them off you just move them till they get turned off automatically.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After playing with TC4 for a while now I prefer the old ways. It's just too much rng involved in TC4 which ruins the fun of it. I can't put my finger on what I dislike the most, but the mini-game research could have been left out, it's just tedious. If you're new to the mod you can easily be scared away with the research system. It's great on paper but it just doesn't translate very well into the game. Sure you can sit there and throw away aspects doing the little research game or trying to figure out combinations but it'll cost you dearly if you don't have any idea what you're doing.
Yes, I much prefer TC 3 to 4, it's just too complicated and ridiculous having to find aspects rather than generate them from renewable materials!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, I much prefer TC 3 to 4, it's just too complicated and ridiculous having to find aspects rather than generate them from renewable materials!

Except... you can still generate research points from renewable materials. Chuck them into a deconstruction table, as has been said in this thread numerous times.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, I much prefer TC 3 to 4, it's just too complicated and ridiculous having to find aspects rather than generate them from renewable materials!
Crafting tables have %100 chance to generate all primals(besides Ignis) in the deconstruction table.
IMO TC4.1 is perfect
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wool is also a very good resource for the deconstruction table.

An alternate i have used are the natura berries. They are plentiful and will normally give an aspect every 2-4 berries.

With 4.1, the way aspects are used has changed a bit. You have more alternate solutions to the mini game. When doing the mini game you can switch to using your high number aspects to solve the puzzle. If you have easy or normal mode set, you will likely run out as you can't change the aspects that get used up when purchasing the research.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Use Charcoal in the deconstruction table for ignis. you will go through a lot of it but who cares. automated charcoal farms FTW
Oh. and don't miss out on rubber for terra. also easy to get, and each rubber has lots of terra in it, so it should get terra almost every time. only mixed in with the odd Aqua every now and then.

altho i play with 4.1.0e with the new minigame now. much more intuitive compared to the rune moving crap. The only drawback is that it cost more aspects per research than the older versions even if you know what you are doing. OTOH I have yet to get a research project that is unsolvable. Getting research expertise now let's you see what aspects other aspects are made off by hovering over them with the mouse. and mastery gives you a chance at not using up an aspect when you use it for completing a research project.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know it's a VERY unpopular choice, but research fragments, when nom'd, tend to give roughly 3 of all primal aspects.
"But YX33A! I need those to get my golem Fezzes(are cool)" I hear you moan, and I say "Then stop using an outdated version of Thaumcraft, ye tool". "But YX33A, those are rare and hard to find!" I hear some of you moaning. My Bees sent this note: "x is an integer and 9 < x2 < 99. What is the maximum value of x minus the minimum value of x? Solve for honey", so I guess my bees are better at research then you are. Or maybe not everyone has a room in their house filled with villagers in cells.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know it's a VERY unpopular choice, but research fragments, when nom'd, tend to give roughly 3 of all primal aspects.
"But YX33A! I need those to get my golem Fezzes(are cool)" I hear you moan, and I say "Then stop using an outdated version of Thaumcraft, ye tool". "But YX33A, those are rare and hard to find!" I hear some of you moaning. My Bees sent this note: "x is an integer and 9 < x2 < 99. What is the maximum value of x minus the minimum value of x? Solve for honey", so I guess my bees are better at research then you are. Or maybe not everyone has a room in their house filled with villagers in cells.
the answer is found thusly: (99/2 rounded down) - (9/2 rounded up) 99/2= 49.5 (49) - 9/2=4.5 (5) = 49 - 5 = 44

but i still haven't filled a room with villagers in cells tho. besides. you only need the thaumcraft villager. he's not that rare. just remember to trap him inside his house so he won't get zombified.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your complete dependence on aura nodes made TC3 unwieldy. You'd generate too much flux from using tools like the arcane bore or infernal furnace. Then there was the random bugginess of the nodes themselves. I remember logging in to find my hard earned, triple digit node had disappeared or shrank, or just spewing wisps.

No thanks. I had fun with TC3, but TC4 is just better.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In my opinion this running out of research points is really annoying.
So far I've tried bookshelves, which didn't change anything at all (at least I didn't notice anything), and the Thaumonomicon clearly states under "Infused Stone" that Crystal Clusters don't help.

"[...]Crystal clusters have no special properties beyond adding a touch of class to any home.[..]"

The only things that seem to regenerate Primal Aspects seem to be other blocks within some range of the research table, but in my experience they only regenerate 1 research point (and not more) once you've used up the last one of that specific aspect. So when you're near water, you'll get a star next to the primal aspect that represents water, and will regenerate exactly 1 research point of that kind once you've used up your last one.

Could anyone confirm, correct or elaborate on this?

I don't know Fro, but for some reason my Aqua, Ordo, and Terra, are infinitely regenerating, but Ordo goes up to one, then I use it, wait a minute or so, and it goes back to one. The others just keep on going up. They also all have a blue shiny star at the top left corner of the sybol representing these things. Can some one explain to me why it's doing that?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know Fro, but for some reason my Aqua, Ordo, and Terra, are infinitely regenerating, but Ordo goes up to one, then I use it, wait a minute or so, and it goes back to one. The others just keep on going up. They also all have a blue shiny star at the top left corner of the sybol representing these things. Can some one explain to me why it's doing that?
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