thaumcraft 4, protect house from taint.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so i've build a giant tower with a large field surrounding it, and i want to turn a portion into a tainted biome. before i start i want to know if the taint can get through solid obsidian (which is what my tower and the base of the floating island its on is made of). i've quarantined off the area i plan to taint with pure nodes surrounding it so it cant spread to the rest of my island but i want to know if i should make a pure node barrier between the tainted land and my tower?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Taint operates as a biome, so I don't think you can prevent it from spreading to your tower without using pure nodes/ethereal blooms to contain it. I'm not sure if the negative effects of taint (flux damage and tainted mob spawns) only apply on blocks that have been infected with taint (i.e. tainted dirt and the fibrous taint) or whether they apply throughout the biome. I don't recall suffering flux poisoning whilst flying over tainted land, so it could be the former. If it is, you may be ok if fibrous taint can't grow on obsidian, but you may well want to either test in creative or put the barrier up just to be on the safe side.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hmm, now i'm wondering if ethereal blooms work through obsidian. does it only work where the light from the bloom shines?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You want to fight taint as mentioned previously, not find blocks to build with. Even if it doesn't spread to a certain block, the biome will spread to your base and all sort of things will go awry. Taint swarms, your livestock will get tainted, you'll have a bad time.

You have a really bad time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i'm seeing that in a creative superflat world. ethereal blooms dont seem to be a great defense since tainted grass can uproot them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
have tried a barrier of pure nodes vs a barrier of tainted seperated by an obsidian wall. seems like tainted wins out, kind of sad since i wanted a controlled tainted biome.

what about the ecological transmuter from technomancer? will that cause a spreading biome or just an area around the transmuter?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Plant silverwood saplings. When a silverwood grows up it has a chance to spawn a pure node. If it does, that tree will change the biome around it into a magical forest biome that taint can't grow into. I'd go that route.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Everyone is talking rubbish. I have built a base in a tainted biome.

The biome itself is purple yes. But the negative effects, and the spread, are mediated entirely by the growth called fiberous taint.

This does not spontaneously spawn so if it is cleared the tainted biome is effectivley de fanged.

Additionally it does not cross water and does not scale certain blocks such as glass.

If care is taken one can construct a house and have fiberous taint growing over it. The roof must be at least three blocks thick or fiberous taint can start to grow on the inside.

Fiberous taint must be kept well clear of livestock but if you are willing to invest the time clearing fiberous taint and building water barriers it is quite possible to thrive in a tainted biome.

Do note that some fiberous taint infection is invisible.when the terrain is uneven Fiberous taint can apparently spawn one block up. In the air effectivley. As such it is best to flatten ground when clearing fiberous taint


Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
Additionally it does not cross water

That's odd, because I've seen it cross water before.

It originated on a small island, with absolutely no way to spread without going across water. Few days later, it was on the other side of the water, destroying a forest.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's odd, because I've seen it cross water before.

It originated on a small island, with absolutely no way to spread without going across water. Few days later, it was on the other side of the water, destroying a forest.
The initial infection can be quite wide with fiberous taint deposited in small clumps well away from the visible biome.

Additionally a taint encrusted tunnel only needs to come to 2 blocks of the surface to re infest it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would love to learn what false assumption I am making, how my conclusions are incorrect. Or perhaps dispute your arguments with empirical facts.

I over-quoted. MY statement is not rubbish. Planting silverwood will lead to biome change and is simply done and requires no real delving into TC research.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah. Sorry for implying that statement was rubbish. Silverwoods as a taint removal mechanisim are effective but a hoe of growth is a must or the sapling will be consumed by taint before growing.
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