Thaumcraft 4, bug or not seeing the obvious?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I have already researched a bunch of stuff and now there is a research note (wand focus frost) that stands in my way like a bulwark.
After I got through all the aspects I got, I went to the wiki to see that I already discovered/used all 3 of the aspects involved in the research, but I cant complete it. There are two ways to connect the dots but either way I need one more rune (see attechments).

Now is this a bug? Or is there a way to connect that I don't see? Or is there a way to get more runes or to reset the research note with the chance of getting more runes in the next try?
If it's a bug, is there a way to cheat around that one research?




New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Congrats, you just found an impossible research! They happen. More often than they should. Just throw it away, try using the same aspect and hope you get an easier research for that thing next time.
Funnily, that one has the two most common ways I've found to detect if something is impossible -- the starting point in the middle of the other dots and a huge space in between two dots in a straight line. The two dots on the left needing three runes to connect is another common dick move too, but it needs slightly more than a first glance to notice.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not necessarily a bug, you do occasionally get notes that you cannot solve. Just re-research and move along.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you're in a pack with DartCraft, you should be able to craft a new research out of that impossible one. I say should because last time I tried I crashed, and lost both the impossible theory(no big deal) and a Force Rod with 10 buckets worth of liquid force in it(BIG DEAL!).

Other then DartCraft, yeah, just throw it away in some useful manner(if you can, anyway), and move along, move along.

Tristam Izumi

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just to add to this, you eventually get a good eye for some research notes either being impossible or just not worth the effort. Like when you see a research where the origin node is in the middle of the other nodes; it may be possible, but it's going to be annoying and potentially require you to move a LOT of dummy runes and use all the aspect runes to complete. Much easier to just trash it and hope for a better configuration of nodes next time.
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