Thaumcraft 4; afraid to use crucible

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The goo can be erased by placing a block over it. Don't worry about it, it doesn't really do anything.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As a side note, this is one area of Thaumcraft 4 where I preferred the TC3 version. In TC3, you could completely ignore small amounts of crucible essentia spillage, but large batches of spills would increase Flux enough to cause much worse side effects than goo. This encouraged Thaumaturgists to progress through the mod, ala:

1. Alembics
2. Golems to automate said alembics
3. Growing a pure node
4. Pure bees

In TC4, sloppy alchemy is just an annoyance and there is no mechanism to capture (contain) the excess essentia and no relationship with golems, nodes, or bees. It's less magical than physical / brute force. Just place blocks over goo to cleanup.

But, one can't make everyone happy and I have to say, I am overall *very* happy with Thaumcraft and Thaumcraft 4 especially. I am in awe of Azanor's work every time I play TC4. The TC4 Infusion Altar, for example, is pure genius. Easy to build, difficult to master.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
I wish there was a way to make the crucibles more efficient, personally. Quite bluntly, I flat refuse to use the crucible, which means no golems whatsoever for me. I'm probably missing out here, but the complete inability to improve my crucible irks me to no end.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wish there was a way to make the crucibles more efficient, personally. Quite bluntly, I flat refuse to use the crucible, which means no golems whatsoever for me. I'm probably missing out here, but the complete inability to improve my crucible irks me to no end.

No Thaumium, either, damn. Don't know what I'd do without Thaumium. For example, the top-tier wand caps are Thaumium. Do you just search for Thaumium ingots in chests ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Make a deep pit of doom around your crucible and ignore the goo! (?)
This is basically what I do. Put the crucible down one and if I feel fancy use a piston to clear the goo. I either vent the gas or have it get trapped in a chimney and erase it with a piston.
About the only things that you cannot get exact numbers for easily with a little math are some of the golem cores and you can eventually do that with mana beans. Everything else that I can think of can either be crafted with items (nitor can be crafted in pairs without loss) or by smelting down items for aspects in the alembics. Also: cannot wait for auto-crucible crafting thingie- yay metal transmutations.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well on Thaumcraft 4.1 we seem to be getting a automated crucible that supposedly will help with all your mess.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wish there was a way to make the crucibles more efficient, personally. Quite bluntly, I flat refuse to use the crucible, which means no golems whatsoever for me. I'm probably missing out here, but the complete inability to improve my crucible irks me to no end.

Are you forgetting about mana beans? 100% efficient crucible usage.
Even without mana beans, thaumium and nitor can be made with 0 waste - thaumium by first distilling the praecantatio into bottles - the recipe takes multiples of 8 so you can toss bottle of it in, in exactly the right ratios.

Once you have beans... everything else can be made cleanly too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I actually use the crucible thing as an exploit. Just use transfer nodes or igneous extruders for infinite it up a bit. Make a 9x9 hole at least 10 blocks deep in ground, place crucible with nitor under it in center. Then grab an inventorys worth of cobble and set up a grinder system. Dump the cobble in and watch it ooze flux all over and spawn thaumic slimes to die from the grinders, produces vitium for my alchemy :) But if you want to do this make sure to surround this by ethereal blooms unless you want a tainted biome.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I skip the cauldron entirely and use that alchemical construct. Only flux I get is from infusions that have gone wrong.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2013
As a side note, this is one area of Thaumcraft 4 where I preferred the TC3 version. In TC3, you could completely ignore small amounts of crucible essentia spillage, but large batches of spills would increase Flux enough to cause much worse side effects than goo.

Actually, there's a config file to make Flux (and in turn, the Flux generated by the Crucible) spread Taint if not dealt with. It's disabled by default, though. (Along with Taint spread.) Not sure if it's on by default on ordinary installs.. but it's definitely disabled by default in FTB.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually, there's a config file to make Flux (and in turn, the Flux generated by the Crucible) spread Taint if not dealt with. It's disabled by default, though. (Along with Taint spread.) Not sure if it's on by default on ordinary installs.. but it's definitely disabled by default in FTB.
Oh it's on by default...
I skip the cauldron entirely and use that alchemical construct. Only flux I get is from infusions that have gone wrong.
Can one actually do that? I mean, avoid using the bloody thing at at and go straight for automated versions of it? I of course mean without dungeon hunting/village hostage taking trading and stealing everything that isn't nailed down.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can one actually do that? I mean, avoid using the bloody thing at at and go straight for automated versions of it? I of course mean without dungeon hunting/village hostage taking trading and stealing everything that isn't nailed down.
Yeah, it's doable, very doable. I'm also not sure what you mean by needing to take a village hostage.
You might not be able to avoid it completely if you insist on heating the alchemical construct with nitor but yeah it's doable.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Make a deep pit of doom around your crucible and ignore the goo! (?)
For those who haven't tried it yet: This is a really bad idea, at least if you do something stupid and throw a stack of Ichorium wand cores or something in there. I got thaumic slimes with 100 health spawning faster than I could kill them with the Shadow Beam focus thingy from Thaumic Tinkerer, which does 8 damage at a time and can pierce through several mobs. When my frame rate dropped far enough below 1 fps (Yes, each frame lasted more than a second. I am not exaggerating. There were a lot of slimes), I gave up, quit, and deleted the world.

If you're not worried about the environment, I recommend setting your crucible on a hilltop. That way, the goo will be able to spread out over a wide area and evaporate more quickly. If you concentrate it into a pit, it will spawn lots of slimes and take much longer to evaporate.