Thaumcraft 4 - A quick way to discover all aspects (updated for 4.2):

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Updated for Thaumcraft 4.2

If you quickly want access to all the aspects, with a minimum of manual aspect combining, then read on.

This Mini-Guide does not cover anything added by other mods. Depending on your modpack, there might be better ways to get to an aspect.

It doesn't matter which item/block you choose for discovering an aspect. For every newly discovered aspect you will gain a flat bonus of two research points. (I believe the bonus used to be item-dependent)

Pro-Tip: Go scan some Bedrock! It's worth a lot of Research Points.

Start by combinig Aqua and Terra in the "Research Table" to get Victus.
There is no easy way to scan for Victus (at least that I know of) and it is a prerequisite for a lot of other aspects. While you're at it, combine Aer and Aqua to make Tempestas, the weather aspect, it's not a prerequisite for other aspects but since you can't scan the weather, you'll have to combine it anyway. (Weather you like it or not)

Now, scan these items and blocks in order:
  1. Torch --> Lux
  2. Coal, Coal Ore --> Potenia
  3. Grass Block --> Herba
  4. Trapdoor --> Motus & Arbor
  5. Chest, Bowl --> Vacuos
  6. Glass Block --> Vitreus
  7. Potion of weakness --> Mortuus & Praecantatio
    • or alternatively:
    • Research: (Victus + Perditio) --> Mortuus
    • Any Shard, Mossy Cobble, Chiseled Sandst. --> Praecantatio
  8. Chicken --> Volatus & Bestia
  9. Soul Sand --> Spiritus & Vinculum
    • or if you not have been to the nether yet:
    • Skeleton Skull, Zombie Head --> Spiritus
    • Amber --> Vinculum
  10. Paper --> Cognito
  11. Rotten Flesh --> Humanus & Corpus
  12. Wheat, Bread, Apple, Carrot, Potato --> Fames & Messis
  13. Flint --> Instrumentum
  14. Obsidian --> Tenebrae

And then you can scan the rest (no particular order necessary):
  • Any one block tall vanilla Flower --> Sensus
  • Wool --> Fabrico & Pannus
  • Spider Eye --> Venenum (and also Sensus)
  • Snow, Ice --> Gelum
  • Milk Bucket --> Sano
  • Any Hoe --> Meto
  • Any Pickaxe --> Perfodio
  • Arrow --> Telum
  • Leather, any Armor --> Tutamen
  • Hopper, Cinnabar Ore(has also Venenum) --> Permutatio
  • Fence Gate --> Machina & Iter
  • Iron Ingot, Iron Ore --> Metallum
  • Gold --> Lucrum
  • Zombie, Skellington --> Exanimis
  • Ender Pearl, Blaze , Obsidian Totem --> Alienis
  • Slimeball --> Limus
  • Tainted Goo --> Vitium (and also Limus)
  • Ethereal Essence (any Aspect) --> Auram

Old Thaumcraft 4.0 Guide:
First, research these in order:
  1. Torch --> Lux
  2. Stone, Cobble --> Saxum
  3. Coal --> Potenia
  4. Bedrock, Bowl --> Vacuos
  5. Research: (Aqua + Terra) --> Victus
  6. Seeds --> Granum
  7. Gras --> Herba
  8. any Wood --> Arbor
  9. Trapdoor --> Motus
  10. Iron Ingot, Ore --> Metallum
  11. Potion of weakness --> Mortuus & Praecantatio
    • or alternatively:
    • Research: (Victus + Perditio) --> Mortuus
    • Mossy Cobble, Chiseled Sandst. --> Praecantatio
  12. Chicken --> Volatus & Bestia
  13. Soul Sand --> Spiritus & Vinculum
  14. Paper --> Cognito
  15. Rotten Flesh --> Humanus & Corpus
  16. Flint --> Instrumentum
  17. Wool --> Fabrico & Pannus
  18. Cake (Item) --> Fames, Messis & Sano
    • or alternatively:
    • Apple --> Fames & Messis
    • Milk Bucket --> Sano (not a requirement for other aspects)
  19. Obsidian --> Tenebrae
Then research these (no particular order necessary):
  • Snow, Ice --> Gelum
  • Blaze, Obsidian Totem --> Alienis
  • Diamond --> Lucrum & Vitreus
    • or alternatively:
    • Gold Ingot --> Lucrum
    • Glas --> Vitreus
  • Slime --> Limus
  • Fence Gate --> Machina & Iter
  • Ethereal Essence --> Auram
  • Zombie, Skellington --> Exanimis
  • Spider Eye --> Venenum, --> Sensus
  • Any Hoe, Farmland --> Meto
  • Arrow --> Telum
  • Leather, any Armor --> Tutamen
  • Any Pickaxe --> Perfodio
  • Tainted Goo --> Vitium
  • Research: (Aer + Aqua) --> Tempestas
Anybody (who sees some value in these guidelines) is free to include them in their own Guide, repost them, or do whatever they want with it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Because on discovering an aspect you get double the amount on the item, to maximize the aspects you get, you may want to tweak this list slightly. Make your first discovery of an aspect on an item with the most of that aspect possible.

For example, research an iron block for metallum and a diamond/gold block for lucrum instead of ingots.

optimal objects also vary if other TC4 mods are installed such as Dartcraft (the Force Rod has a wopping 16 Permutatio that doubles to 32 if it's how you discover it--takes care of your transmutation research nicely). If you have TiC installed use a slime block instead of a slime ball.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Any time after Motus is discovered, looking at a nether portal block will get Iter and it's worth 4 points which gets doubled to 8.

I also tried a zombie brain instead of paper for cognito, and got corpus and exanimus too. But I had used an egg to get another pre-req earlier (bestia maybe?), don't recall exactly where.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anything from Dartcraft has crazy amounts of aspect points, so try analyzing them if you've added this mod to your pack.
Two noteworthy items are what you get by grinding feathers and the Roc's Feather, which give 8 and 16 points of Auram respectively. Also, I believe pulverized glass has 8 Vitium points, and soul wafers have 32 Victus and Spiritus (gasp).

Oh yeah and I forgot to mention that analyzing the deep storage unit from MFR results in something interesting. Throwing that into a crucible does something even more interesting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When I put aer and aqua in the research table I get ordo, not temptestas. Help?

And that is motus, not Ordo. Aer+Motus=Tempestas
Also nice derailing necro -_-


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
People are shouted at all the time for opening new topics and not using search function, when someone uses search funtion they get shouted at for necroposting. You just can't win :p
I never see anyone getting shouted at for new topics, besides when the topic being referenced is less than 2 weeks old
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is this chart still accurate for current ThaumCraft? (specifically, whatever Jaded has cooked up for us in AgSkies)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thaumcraft in 1.7 has specific tips when scanning. So what doesn't work exactly from this post, will have a tip on how to proceed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It turns out. All I really need to run around and start to scan everything is humanus. My trick is to build the research table and mix these in order :
Victus : earth+water
Mortus : victus+perditio
Spiritus : victus + Mortus
Bestia : Victus + earth
Cognitio : Spiritus + earth
humanus : Cognitio + Bestia

Then I only need a seed, a food and a wheat to analyse.
I find easier now to just build the arbor as well.
herba : terra+victus
arbor : herba + aer
Vaccuos : are + perditio
fames : vaccuos + victus

During your research you'll stumble upon rare aspects that you might have missed until now :
Auram : Magic + aer
Lucrum : gold
Limus : water + victus or rubber resin

Edit: 22/03/2015
Several nodes hold tenebrea now, you need lux before you venture to scan them
lux : ignis + aer
"You need to research glass" before you can scan all your so juicy TE machines
vitreus : terra + ordo
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