Thaum 4... a dichotomy.

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Not even sure where to begin really.

Are you claiming that expressing my opinion of TC4 is meant to invite fighting? If so; really? Is there a problem with me not liking TC4 or TC in general?

Are you also claiming its even possible for an opinion to be wrong?

And is that meant to be some kind of e-threat? I can't not like something popular without getting punched in the face? Cute.

I'll take my chances with the "lions" here(More like lions).

Do be careful; your zealot side is showing.
I'm claiming that you so carelessly insulting a mod that a great deal of people, the majority, like is shamelessly stupid. If you were more careful and actually calculated your feelings, I might have bothered to attempt to refute your argument rationally.

I'm not claiming your opinions are right or wrong, though I don't agree with them at all, but I don't see it worth attempting to change your mind.

And you pretty much summed it up right there about getting punched in the face. Welcome to the internet, bro.

You jab with your poking stick, I refuse to be antagonized.
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Only zealot allowed here is me, and I'm zealously anti-antagonism.

Keep to the opinions, keep to the facts, do not get personal, folks.

(And now I return to having to do an emergency scp of everything on a server because both drives in the RAID are failing. Whee. Play nice.)
Only zealot allowed here is me, and I'm zealously anti-antagonism.

Keep to the opinions, keep to the facts, do not get personal, folks.

(And now I return to having to do an emergency scp of everything on a server because both drives in the RAID are failing. Whee. Play nice.)
Thanks, Vauthil.
I'm going back to my server now.
Well I'd make a better response but it'd get me an infraction. G'day.
Well I'd make a better response but it'd get me an infraction. G'day.
In all seriousness. I do respect your dislike for the mod and understand where you're coming from, but my agreement only goes that far.

No hard feelings.
(And now I return to having to do an emergency scp of everything on a server because both drives in the RAID are failing. Whee. Play nice.)
I've done that once before. one hard drive failing, one already dropped out of the array, and no backup.. luckily, I got the entirety of their work database off the server, but that was the only thing I was able to save. good luck and have fun. ;)
I agree with some of the criticisms that have been posted here and have a few more. I will be specific but I want to be clear first that I have great respect for Azanor and I intend this to be constructive criticism. Also, there are a lot of wonderful things in the mod and I could spend a lot of time just listing them.

Not a fan of the research minigame. I think it is incredibly facile and I understood the optimal strategy before I had finished researching my second item. This is a click-intensive minigame that has less depth than tic tac toe (do you still play that?). I've researched everything 6 times now and I loathe it. Every little variation of something (each transmute, each wand core, etc.) requires it's own separate research. I've wasted a lot of time researching things I have no intention of ever building because that is how the system works. The system does not reward 'experts' that much.. even knowing every aspect for every item still requires a lot of time and clicking.. expertise mostly saves research points.

To fix I would replace the minigame with something shorter but more depth. Would also be great if when you research something you made some progress in the other researches of that same 'type'. Like research one wand core and get a little progress in all the other ones too. Further I would like research to be useful later in the mod too. Maybe a system to pipe in essentia that gives research points and some difficult researches that require large amount of points (remember: different minigame). Research needn't always be some binary unlock either.. maybe there could be some repeatable researches that gave minor improvements to something.. maybe a recipe cost reduction or vis discount etc.

I also think there are too many disjointed systems. I don't like that research points are dead and have no use in the mod (I covered some suggestions here above). I also am frustrated that the crucible doesn't work well with essentia.

Some suggestions would be to add plumbing support for getting precise amounts of essentia into the crucible. Remove the decay of aspects in the crucible.. time limit isn't fun. I don't like the catalyst system here either.. what was wrong with triggering with the wand? Remove mana beans.

Finally, fighting the taint feels too much like gardening to me. Give me better weapons and defenses.. a wand focus and an armor enchant maybe. Give me an active way to fight instead of planting flowers and trees.
I've only just started, and my experiences are similar. I first scanned everything that I could, got stuck a long time trying to understand Corpus and Sensum, was stupid that I could understand enderpearls long before I could understand Lapis and Bones. Had to look at Succs guide to see that there is a key order to unlocking aspects.

Once I've scanned almost everything in my base and immediate area, (450 metallum!) I started researching, wanted to go for the mastery early, so made sense I needed cognitium. After about 20 minutes, I had to go back to the guide, saw I wasn't doing anything wrong, then I realised that it had given me an unsolvable puzzle. The points were too far apart to connect. Re-researched, and completed the puzzle in a few minutes.

Also the only Fire Node I've found anywhere "near" my base is in a biome about 1km from my base, this biome is full of sinister nodes, and this is the only node that contains a bit of fire. That's going to be a problem with getting started on crafting.

For me, the whole puzzle side of TC4 is utter tedium. I don't find that fun or interesting. It's also not a system that I'd want to repeat in other worlds. I personally think that the puzzle should consist of just identifying which combination of aspects is needed, none of this rune moving around business.
I personally think that the puzzle should consist of just identifying which combination of aspects is needed, none of this rune moving around business.
i kinda like rune moving stuff plus it's one of that things that you can't cheat your way out by looking at wiki page.
Tried it and wrote about it. Worked fine.

If you're sat at your computer playing minecraft, you have no time valuable enough to waste. Sorry.

Like vanilla minecraft without the wiki
Which can be altered in the config to make nodes more common depending on the average numbers of chunks per node (that you set)

Which makes you frugal with yoru vis and endeavor for armor and wand upgrades that reduce your vis usage.

I suggest skyrim.
None of what I could decipher from your response changes anything. It worked fine for you? Great. You win a cookie. ALL of my time is valuable. If I choose to spend some playing minecraft, I expect to get a maximum retrun out of it. T4 doesn't deliver the return I consider worthwhile, which disappoints me. T3 did, and it was fun.

Oh, config changes. Awesome. Just like gregtech. I disabled that mod and it improved how much fun modded minecraft was for me immensely.

Your attempt at an insult with recommending skyrim is funny quasi-elitism, and you obviously didn't get my point. Its okay, dont bother trying to get it. Your input isn't needed.

Its too bad that I dont like the mod you like. Dont take it so personally. It'll be okay. You can still play it. The sun will still rise. Your life will still go on.
None of what I could decipher from your response changes anything. It worked fine for you? Great. You win a cookie. ALL of my time is valuable. If I choose to spend some playing minecraft, I expect to get a maximum retrun out of it. T4 doesn't deliver the return I consider worthwhile, which disappoints me. T3 did, and it was fun.

Oh, config changes. Awesome. Just like gregtech. I disabled that mod and it improved how much fun modded minecraft was for me immensely.

Your attempt at an insult with recommending skyrim is funny quasi-elitism, and you obviously didn't get my point. Its okay, dont bother trying to get it. Your input isn't needed.

Its too bad that I dont like the mod you like. Dont take it so personally. It'll be okay. You can still play it. The sun will still rise. Your life will still go on.
peace had already been made my friend...
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you may want to check link in my sig. it might alter your opinion on TC a bit :)
Sounds pretty creative and neat (the pic in your post didn't show up for me though).

This type of thing is exactly my point actually. T4 added a lot of AWESOME stuff. Getting it without following the path laid out by someone else was so difficult when I last played it however, that it just wasn't worth the time. It was disappointing.

I tried to play a world that had just mo creatures and t4 installed. I thought it would be epic to use the new wands on the mo creatures monsters and do all my mining without quarries, etc.

Sadly, there wasn't nearly enough to scan to get enough essences to do any real research without a cheat sheet and I wanted to do it purely on my own.
This type of thing is exactly my point actually. T4 added a lot of AWESOME stuff. Getting it without following the path laid out by someone else was so difficult when I last played it however, that it just wasn't worth the time. It was disappointing.

I tried to play a world that had just mo creatures and t4 installed. I thought it would be epic to use the new wands on the mo creatures monsters and do all my mining without quarries, etc.

Sadly, there wasn't nearly enough to scan to get enough essences to do any real research without a cheat sheet and I wanted to do it purely on my own.
yeahs. when i started i just said "f this" and went on wiki to get what aspect combines into what to get my research rolling, but after that point there wasn't much point to visit wiki. but "scancraft" period and node hunting is quite a time waster.

if you run out of stuff to scan you're left with 2 options:
1 discover new nodes to scan
2 get deconstruction table and it's TC3 again
Exactly...although until you get the decon table all you can do is discover nodes. Running around for hours trying to locate nodes with just a thaumometer (since the goggles weren't discovered) wasn't fun to me.
I went most of the way through TC4 without a problem the first time. My issue is having to go through all of that in every single world. Makes me only want to use the mod once. Every world after that I look for tech solutions instead so I don't have to go through all of that again just because I want a golem or two and a wand of equal trade.
Exactly...although until you get the decon table all you can do is discover nodes. Running around for hours trying to locate nodes with just a thaumometer (since the goggles weren't discovered) wasn't fun to me.
i didn't even bothered with TC before i got power armor with jetpack and it tooks me quite a lot of time to hunt nodes to get enough aspects for shiny things. it took me even more time to hunt node for bottling... turns out island in the middle of nowhere with only 1 node is a bad place for a base when wanna roll with TC.

so yeah, node hunting without means of fast travel is a real bitch. but, at least you don't stare at 3x3 grid, which is a bit refreshing.
As the one handing out the cheat sheets, I say that's the most bull I've seen since I left the farm.

Okay well allow me to join in. I am not having fun with TC4. So much so that I have a great piece of research sitting on my table and I just don't care enough to finish it. I feel quite abused by TC4 research.

Let's just address the concerns I have and that I've seen raised:

  1. The research system is poorly documented. How you farm research is a mix of undocumented special effects (stuff near table), just generating a huge sum of worldgen and hoping the RNG is great, or even worse standing next to an extremely boring block that you have to manually intervene with to get a single research point that you probably weren't even hoping for.
  2. It is difficult to actually target specific things to research. Often times the way the table works is that it randomly chooses something associated with the aspect, with biases towards lower-tier research. This means that it's difficult to spike specific research that you're interested in UNLESS you've already know the specific unique aspects to target. Without a cheat sheet, it's very hard to get the things you want.
  3. Even with research mastery, it costs research points to research each thing. These points can generally only be reclaimed by making the thing you just researched and then scanning it. This means you're often in for a very long ride if you just want to get golems or some other specific aspect of TC4. Cheatsheets help, but don't really solve this problem.
  4. Given 2 & 3, Thaumcraft forces you to build lots of stuff. Lots of stuff you might want, but also might not. You really need to make all the things to keep your research point totals high. And if you DO find a way to spike to what you want, you might be screwing yourself over since highly combined research aspects tend to be a net loss for more basic research.
  5. Experiences vary on how reliable the table is at generating valid research. I've had runs where I've generated 4 verified impossible pieces of research in a row, and I'm well above the 20% mark for total research pages generated that are not possible. Experiences vary; I know people less lucky than I am and people who've had many 2 impossible researches in the whole tech tree. That is not a good experience.It is strange that impossible research even exists; it's a trivial geometry problem for the system to check if the research is possible. But this aspect of it is one of the major flaws in TC4 research. Unless you have a cheat sheet, it is difficult to have confidence that you can complete research. You need to light up every node in advance and then carefully check to see if it's possible.
All in all, Thaumcraft is very RNG driven in its 4th incarnation, and at the same time doesn't actually offer a lot of new post-process content over 3. While infusion crafting is a novel (if somewhat forced and time consuming) plan, the things you actually get out of TC4 are mostly just refined TC3 content.

So, in summary... Thaumcraft doesn't let you get what you want. It doesn't reliably give you what it claims to give you. Research point acquisition can be gamed, but it's very difficult to do correctly (or requires generating lots of new chunks, which on a server can either be a non-issue or a very obnoxious thing to do). Finally, the actual content doesn't feel very new; with most of the new research coming from Thaimic Tinkerer and new, slower and more involved ways to craft existing things.

And it looks like the author actually agrees that the current research system is not ideal. It's due to be replaced with a more Ars2-esque point buy system.

How hard is it to know that Wand Foci use Praecantatio and a primal aspect respective of the name? Or that a Silverwood Wand Core uses Praecantatio, Arbor and Instrumentum?

If you're not intimately familiar with Thaumcraft 3? I submit it is very difficult. It's even more difficult if you're low on research points. My very first playthrough with Thaumcraft I got about half of all the tech trees done and I was constantly scrabbling for research points. I got unlucky and just could not find ordo nodes.There was only weak one in a tainted biome within 4km radius of my base. Ordo shards were also very rare, and stacking clusters really doesn't solve the problem.

You had an external goal (your guide) that helped you play through it. For me... why would I bother with the unfun and consistently unrewarding part of Thaum? I'm perfectly willing to grind a whole bunch (as evidenced by my multiple T4 and T5 blood altars), but I am not willing to have an RNG slap me in the quill and ink over and over again.

I'm sad about this too... I liked TC3 and was hoping for more of the same. But it feels to me like TC4 is TC3 with a series of new particle effects and a bunch more RNG. I'm not sure I enjoy that style of play.
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another thing TC4 has done, is made me give a fuck about Mystcraft more with interlinking books. going to start chunk loading aura locations tonight.
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