Tesseracts causing FPS issues.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a heads up, on my server we tested liquid tesseracts to see if they would stop or buffer if what they are filling is full (tanks n what not)

While we cant figure out what the tesseract does if its output tank is full we did find out that it slowly drops frame-rates to annoying when the output is full. When we shut the device off, framerates immediately went up about 20-30 FPS.

So if you are a server admin like myself, be sure to remind people to turn off Tesseracts when not in use, as they do not appear to stop when output is full.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a heads up, on my server we tested liquid tesseracts to see if they would stop or buffer if what they are filling is full (tanks n what not)

While we cant figure out what the tesseract does if its output tank is full we did find out that it slowly drops frame-rates to annoying when the output is full. When we shut the device off, framerates immediately went up about 20-30 FPS.

So if you are a server admin like myself, be sure to remind people to turn off Tesseracts when not in use, as they do not appear to stop when output is full.
Hm, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to break the link if there is no valid output. It's possible that the link is constantly being re-checked once its full to see if the state has changed?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hm, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to break the link if there is no valid output. It's possible that the link is constantly being re-checked once its full to see if the state has changed?

Possibly, but I dont know how to check that because there is no GUI that shows whats going in and out with the Tesseracts. I am hoping they can be tweaked like GregTech blocks and cause no lag or FPS issues at all and stop working if its output is full.

Aside from that, they are nice blocks that my people can use in place of massive pipe chains which do cause lag for the server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hm, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to break the link if there is no valid output. It's possible that the link is constantly being re-checked once its full to see if the state has changed?
FPS drops mean client side problems. If the server was swamped checking over and over then there would be server (block) lag. It could be there's a render issue when the tesseract can't deliver fluids.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
FPS drops mean client side problems. If the server was swamped checking over and over then there would be server (block) lag. It could be there's a render issue when the tesseract can't deliver fluids.

I'm going to see if I can post on the TE minecraft forum about this issue and see if we can also get an upgraded GUI for tesseracts to display data on liquids, items and energy flowing through. Because it seems they cant tell when there output is full I cant get it to give off a redstone signal when its done filling a system.

King Lemming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a heads up, on my server we tested liquid tesseracts to see if they would stop or buffer if what they are filling is full (tanks n what not)

While we cant figure out what the tesseract does if its output tank is full we did find out that it slowly drops frame-rates to annoying when the output is full. When we shut the device off, framerates immediately went up about 20-30 FPS.

So if you are a server admin like myself, be sure to remind people to turn off Tesseracts when not in use, as they do not appear to stop when output is full.

Sorry, no. Tesseracts are not causing your FPS lag. The thing that you are filling might be, something else on the liquid network might be, but it's not the Tesseracts. FPS drops are associated with block updates. Tesseracts do not have block updates, period. We've profiled these extensively - they are actually lower overhead than a single section of tube or pipe in the vast majority of cases.

The output linking thing is only for items - the case of liquid tesseracts, the sending end keeps attempting to send and the liquid doesn't go anywhere. This is literally no different than having a full pipe next to a full tank - the pipe keeps trying to send. So if pipes are also dropping you by 20-30 FPS, then alright - you have a point, and you have a huge problem that is completely unrelated to Tesseracts specifically. But offhand this sort of screams "OMG a new thing, it must be the problem!"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry, no. Tesseracts are not causing your FPS lag. The thing that you are filling might be, something else on the liquid network might be, but it's not the Tesseracts. FPS drops are associated with block updates. Tesseracts do not have block updates, period. We've profiled these extensively - they are actually lower overhead than a single section of tube or pipe in the vast majority of cases.

The output linking thing is only for items - the case of liquid tesseracts, the sending end keeps attempting to send and the liquid doesn't go anywhere. This is literally no different than having a full pipe next to a full tank - the pipe keeps trying to send. So if pipes are also dropping you by 20-30 FPS, then alright - you have a point, and you have a huge problem that is completely unrelated to Tesseracts specifically. But offhand this sort of screams "OMG a new thing, it must be the problem!"

I only thought it could be the Tesseracts because as soon as I turned them off everyone's FPS in the area increased. Since none of us know anything about programing or code well, we assumed it was the cause since our tanks and full extractors never gave a problem like that with FPS before.

So then I don't know whats causing it. (shrug)

Edit: as for the off hand must be new must be the problem comment....really? I am just going to face palm that in real life and be done with it....

King Lemming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, really. Sorry if that seems mean, but it's sort of in the title of your post. It's not "Has anyone else experienced FPS lag with Tesseracts?" or "Does anyone know if..." or "I think that..." etc. You straight out said, "Hey these are bad." So, feel free to face palm, but you did come off just a bit strong in your assertion, and you did convey that message.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, really. Sorry if that seems mean, but it's sort of in the title of your post. It's not "Has anyone else experienced FPS lag with Tesseracts?" or "Does anyone know if..." or "I think that..." etc. You straight out said, "Hey these are bad." So, feel free to face palm, but you did come off just a bit strong in your assertion, and you did convey that message.

Only reason it came out like that in my part is that I used simple deductive logic.

A: never had FPS issues with tanks, pipes or liquid transposers before.

B: As soon as I use the awesome tesseracts and save on 4 enderchests, 6 redstone engines and various other things for 4 tesseracts (2 energy 2 liquid) and the tank gets full FPS starts to drop and over the course of 4 hours drops by 20-30 FPS.

then finally

C: As soon as I disable the 4 tesseracts FPS goes to normal across the board for every player on the server.

I come up with the deduction of "Tesseracts seem to be the issue"

So I am sorry as well if it came out that I am being mean to Tesseracts, which im trying not to because I think they are an awesome device that reduces the need of pipes, before tesseracts I had been trying to get people to use Railcraft for liquids and items in place of long chains of pipes to reduce lag on the server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, since you have a server, it should be pretty easy to invite King Lemming over to check out your situation.

But before you do that, you should make sure that 1.) you can replicate the bug reliably, and that 2.) you have eliminated all other factors that could be the cause. This includes something like providing a new empty tank for the congested tesseract to fill up (just tossing some Buildcraft glass tanks next to it), which according to your logic should immediately resolve your FPS issues because the tesseract is no longer congested. Try find as many ways as possible to un-stuck the tesseract, and see if they all work. It also includes seemingly unrelated things like switching back to the default texture pack in case you are using a different one, as third party texture packs (especially the HD ones) are known to sometimes cause client-side memory issues that can manifest as creeping FPS drops, and other such potential causes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am going to highjack the thread for a secound.

I find is vary awesome that people like King Lemming take the time to respond to comments about their mod. It really makes me feel like they honestly had our best intrests in mind when developing things.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just done my own test. An aqueous accumulator pumping into liquiducts straight into a liquid tesseract. On the receiving end the water went into liquiducts and went straight into the storage medium. (tried both tanks and portable tanks) I found no change in the usual frame rate. Any chance of a screenshot of the set up that's causing an FPS drop?