TerraFirma+ [TFC] [HQM] [MineTweaked] [WIP]

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alpha Code Possibly? Terrafirmacraft Modpacks without Ridonkulous Mods? Thumbs Up! Quests? Two Thumbs Up! Small, but Efficent Mod List? Chuck Norris X Infinity Thumbs Up :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The pack is near complete, still no ETA at all that I know of. Stay patient, and it shall arrive! some random dramatic music
I am not including the mod related issues that mmay occur due to incompatibilities, bugs, or other issues involving quest


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd love to help you test this pack, TFC is a great mod but I've never tried it with HQM, now that is a good idea!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd love to help you test this pack, TFC is a great mod but I've never tried it with HQM, now that is a good idea!
Silvercoin The Alpha Testing Try-Outs Have Closed

Yes as Vidinston has said, we are basically not accepting more testers. I'd like to add, to all the other people who are going to ask.... yes I know you're gonna ignore all these other post probably We are not accepting any more testers so please stop requesting to test!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't wait to play this pack. I was hooked as soon as I saw this thread. Keep up the hard work, and please be sure to keep us updated on the progress


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for all the hype! I have been taking a small hiatus after being discouraged because of the whole HQM debacle. Basically I am going to have to start from complete scratch (quests, rewards, etc) My plan for the next few weeks is to try to get a base set of quests down and open it up to the public, then refine quest lines from there. It is just going to take a while for the quests to get back to where they were. Thank you all for your patience and support. I will try to get the pack stable and back to where it was quickly. Also let me know if it would be better to let you all have a non HQM version to play with until the quests are polished.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey man, any idea when we can expect a working public release? Also, if you need help with anything, please don't hesitate to ask. There is a lot of hype for this pack, and I'm sure there would be many people (myself included) that would lend you a hand in its development. I wish you luck, and hope to play TF+ very soon!!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey man, any idea when we can expect a working public release? Also, if you need help with anything, please don't hesitate to ask. There is a lot of hype for this pack, and I'm sure there would be many people (myself included) that would lend you a hand in its development. I wish you luck, and hope to play TF+ very soon!!
Soon:eek: Seriously though there will be no ETAs but as soon as I get my questlines back and test the new reward bags a public release will be up. Also if some more people would like to become active alpha testers, I can kick some of the non-active ones from the convo and add some new ones. I am going to need more before the public release. I have enough base recipes changes to be functional for most things.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sweet man, and yeah sounds good to me. I'm definitely down to do some testing for you. Just tell me what u want me to do whenever you're ready :D Keep up the hard work!! Also, I just watched your vids on Youtube, hopefully you'll get more content up after you're done with pack development


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sweet man, and yeah sounds good to me. I'm definitely down to do some testing for you. Just tell me what u want me to do whenever you're ready :D Keep up the hard work!! Also, I just watched your vids on Youtube, hopefully you'll get more content up after you're done with pack development
Just added you to the new testing convo. :) I'll try to put out some dev-logs or something when I get some free time. Thanks!


Active Member
Mar 7, 2014
Zagreb, Croatia
Soon:eek: Seriously though there will be no ETAs but as soon as I get my questlines back and test the new reward bags a public release will be up. Also if some more people would like to become active alpha testers, I can kick some of the non-active ones from the convo and add some new ones. I am going to need more before the public release. I have enough base recipes changes to be functional for most things.
Kicking people.... I dont like that :-]


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Kicking people.... I dont like that :-]
Oops sorry... I was trying to keep anyone who had been active in the old convo. You will be added immediately. My mistake. Better go back and look again for anyone else I missed.

EDIT: Added a few of the active testers form the old convo. Still have some room for new people though.