Tekkit is a joke but my FPS was Higher

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The people can wait. It's beta. Therefore, incomplete. A work in-progress. When it's done, then look for versions of mods that aren't included. That is when you'll find ones that should work. And if they don't, chances are, user error.
That's all well and good on paper, but Optifine in a lot of cases has become as much of a necessity as a Mod Loader itself.
I really don't think people will remain patient about it for long. Not for this.[DOUBLEPOST=1353468654][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yes, please explain why you think OptiFine needs to be specially configured for FTB for it to work. When, 1) it works just fine for many people, improving FPS as it should, and 2) there's nothing special that FTB adds to the process other than an easy method to install mods, all of which work perfectly well with OptiFine, and have since it added built-in Forge compatibility months and months ago.

If the OP is having an issue, and there are people here willing to help him with the issue, why does it matter if it isn't not in the pack? I understand why Slowpoke and the pack authors don't have an obligation to support users in this case, and that's fine. But coming in here and insisting that the user is as fault because he's using a mod not in the pack is flat out wrong, and I believe contradicts the spirit in which this project came together.
Have you tried making a multiplayer enabled modification to Minecraft with over 10 different mods without directly touching the minecraft.jar file?
Try it, you might be surprised just how much configuration is needed.
But coming in here and insisting that the user is as fault because he's using a mod not in the pack is flat out wrong, and I believe contradicts the spirit in which this project came together.
If the troubleshooting steps don't work (having the right Java, allocating the right RAM, etc) then 99% of the time it is user error. Like my user error. I clicked a link to download TreeCapitator 1.4.2. I did not double check. I actually downloaded 1.4.5. Another user showed me my error, and I fixed it.
To accept help, you must be willing to admit you were wrong.
That's all well and good on paper, but Optifine in a lot of cases has become as much of a necessity as a Mod Loader itself.
I really don't think people will remain patient about it for long. Not for this.[DOUBLEPOST=1353468654][/DOUBLEPOST]
Have you tried making a multiplayer enabled modification to Minecraft with over 10 different mods without directly touching the minecraft.jar file?
Try it, you might be surprised just how much configuration is needed.
Again, wait until the FTB is no longer BETA. When the pack is no longer BETA, I have plans to compile a list of mods that everyone else has gotten working-along with the ones I find myself. (There are just too many mods to try to get to work to honestly expect one person to test).
Again, wait until the FTB is no longer BETA. When the pack is no longer BETA, I have plans to compile a list of mods that everyone else has gotten working-along with the ones I find myself. (There are just too many mods to try to get to work to honestly expect one person to test).
Well if it's testers you're after I'd be happy to lend a hand.
Have you tried making a multiplayer enabled modification to Minecraft with over 10 different mods without directly touching the minecraft.jar file?
Try it, you might be surprised just how much configuration is needed.

Yes. It's very difficult, and I applaud the FTB for their efforts. FTB is a very useful and important project and I strongly support it. What's your point?

The fact remains that FTB does not add any elements to rendering, graphics, or even any aspect of the game itself that are not included in its component mods. And all of its mods work just fine, independently and together, with Optifine, and did before FTB existed. So claiming that one cannot expect OptiFine to work with FTB because OptiFine isn't part of the pack is silly. There is no reason to expect it to not work, and it does in fact work just fine for many (and probably most) users.

In fact, a member of the FTB team even has a tutorial on how to get it working:
I'm not claiming that at all. I'm saying, it hasn't been configured to work efficiently with FTB-which is changing almost daily (mods and/or launcher).
It works great with Tekkit. There are several things that play into that. The minecraft build being a big player there.
I'm saying, this pack is beta. To expect it to work flawlessly is silly.
To add something in, that isn't included, and expect it to work, just because it works with the same parts of a whole, is also, silly.
I checked and was using the correct version of Optifine. I uninstalled Java and re installed making sure to use the 64 bit version. I tried the older version of portal gun as suggested in the replies. I tried removing Optifine but that didn't work either. Thanks for all of the troubleshooting help. I will just wait patiently until the devs have made a non beta FTB pack hopefully by then all of the kinks will be ironed out.
OP says he is using optifine with FTB.

I'd suggest deactivating mods one by one and see if there's a particular one causing a problem. If it is happening in a fresh world, start with NEI and mods that have worldgen.
In fact for my tests batter drop _some_ 128x textures instead. Most affected cases: Forestry/ThermalExpansion.
You will see related items/blocks in x16 textures but you will get back many fps losses.
Mods itself apply less affect to fps for good computer at client side or single play.
I've found that some mods just by being installed can cause some issues with frame rate. One of them being ExtraBiomesEL and another IC2. I don't have any issues with version 106 of IC2 though I did notice the frame rate got worse when using the build in the FTB pack. One thing to remember is a lot of these mods in the FTB pack are in a beta state and not yet ready for release so you can expect to find some issues.
Well, I have a dual core i5, crappintel HD 3000 and 4 gb, and I use normal render distance (no optifine yet) with more than 30 fps... In tekkit I needed short render distance, no smooth lightning, and no texture pack to get 20 fps...

If I was you I would use java 7, is awesome (since using 6 in vanilla gives me 20 fps and 7 gives 60+)

Btw I'm on Mac.
Since you didn't want to tell if you used a laptop or not i'll just asume you'r using a laptop.
Since you were able to run tekkit with higher fps im going to asume that your laptop have an dedicated graphics card.
Most laptop have a integrated graphics card as well so that they can turn off the dedicated one to wastly increase batterytime.
And here is where the fun probably begins, im guessing (and have seen many examples of before) that your computer don't recognice FTB as a game when run trough the launcher.
Therefor your dedicated graphics card never gets enabled and you suffer horrible FPS in the hands of your integrated one.
So try going to eigther nvidia controll panel or catalyst control center, depending on what brand your laptop have, and look for the seting that controll which graphics card is used.
Then set it to always have the powerfull one enabled and see if that help.
Remember that this wastly reduces battery time and make your laptop generaly warmer, so turning it back after you'r done playing is a good idea.
That's odd, my computer is a lot worse (XP, Duo Core, 2.8ghz, 2gig ram, 512mb gfx), but with optifine and a 64x texture pack, I get a steady 10 FPS most of the time, which is perfectly playable. I can even up to far distance although that can cause some problems.

I have discovered that newly spawned rainforests, redwood forests and pine forests from EXBL really hits FPS. Upon investigation, there appears to be a lot of leaf decay that takes place, causing a load of saplings to drop, so there's all these fresh new entities and decay processing taking place at the same time as chunk rendering. I've had to disable all the giant tree biomes because of this. Not too fussed about those biomes, not keen on the look personally.
Even the mini-jungle biome causes this, some of the leaf blocks decay, dropping saplings and apples.
Since you didn't want to tell if you used a laptop or not i'll just asume you'r using a laptop.
Since you were able to run tekkit with higher fps im going to asume that your laptop have an dedicated graphics card.
Most laptop have a integrated graphics card as well so that they can turn off the dedicated one to wastly increase batterytime.
And here is where the fun probably begins, im guessing (and have seen many examples of before) that your computer don't recognice FTB as a game when run trough the launcher.
Therefor your dedicated graphics card never gets enabled and you suffer horrible FPS in the hands of your integrated one.
So try going to eigther nvidia controll panel or catalyst control center, depending on what brand your laptop have, and look for the seting that controll which graphics card is used.
Then set it to always have the powerfull one enabled and see if that help.
Remember that this wastly reduces battery time and make your laptop generaly warmer, so turning it back after you'r done playing is a good idea.

I did not think that it mattered if I was using a Laptop or not but I was incorrect. My graphics card was not running as you assumed. I am getting 50 to 60 Fps now thank you very much.
Since you didn't want to tell if you used a laptop or not i'll just asume you'r using a laptop.
Since you were able to run tekkit with higher fps im going to asume that your laptop have an dedicated graphics card.
Most laptop have a integrated graphics card as well so that they can turn off the dedicated one to wastly increase batterytime.
And here is where the fun probably begins, im guessing (and have seen many examples of before) that your computer don't recognice FTB as a game when run trough the launcher.
Therefor your dedicated graphics card never gets enabled and you suffer horrible FPS in the hands of your integrated one.
So try going to eigther nvidia controll panel or catalyst control center, depending on what brand your laptop have, and look for the seting that controll which graphics card is used.
Then set it to always have the powerfull one enabled and see if that help.
Remember that this wastly reduces battery time and make your laptop generaly warmer, so turning it back after you'r done playing is a good idea.

Ok so the guy you were talking to said this worked... how do i get this to work. I have a lenovo IdeaPad y580. Specs as follows

I7 Qaud core @ 2.3ghz
8Gbs Ddr3 Ram
64 bit
Java 7
Nvidia GTX 660m

Now on normal minecraft im pulling upwards of 200+ fps with x256 affinity texture pack on far. but now. (i understand it modded) running No texture pack at normal render with optifine (yes i have optifine maxed out in the setting for better fps Ex. Multi core on and all that shii) I am pulling anywhere from 17-40 and its blowing my mind. hell on tekkit i could pull 20 with a 64x texture pack. (soartex) i love feed the beast but can you help me get the nvidia thing. i have no lue what you are talking about. This laptop can scream through other games even pulling 30 fps on metro. which is CRAZY for a stock comp.... please help.[DOUBLEPOST=1354239797][/DOUBLEPOST]
Ok so the guy you were talking to said this worked... how do i get this to work. I have a lenovo IdeaPad y580. Specs as follows

I7 Qaud core @ 2.3ghz
8Gbs Ddr3 Ram
64 bit
Java 7
Nvidia GTX 660m

Now on normal minecraft im pulling upwards of 200+ fps with x256 affinity texture pack on far. but now. (i understand it modded) running No texture pack at normal render with optifine (yes i have optifine maxed out in the setting for better fps Ex. Multi core on and all that shii) I am pulling anywhere from 17-40 and its blowing my mind. hell on tekkit i could pull 20 with a 64x texture pack. (soartex) i love feed the beast but can you help me get the nvidia thing. i have no lue what you are talking about. This laptop can scream through other games even pulling 30 fps on metro. which is CRAZY for a stock comp.... please help.

And yes. my laptop does have an integrated card. "Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000"
The simplest way to see if the method that he described is relevant to your situation is to download MultiMC, transfer your FTB install to that, and launch FTB using MultiMC. If the FTB launcher is having an effect, either through the console bringing down performance (sometimes known to happen) or because it's convincing your laptop to use integrated graphics (sounds like a longshot, but maybe), using MultiMC instead will make a difference.
The simplest way to see if the method that he described is relevant to your situation is to download MultiMC, transfer your FTB install to that, and launch FTB using MultiMC. If the FTB launcher is having an effect, either through the console bringing down performance (sometimes known to happen) or because it's convincing your laptop to use integrated graphics (sounds like a longshot, but maybe), using MultiMC instead will make a difference.

And that might work, Cause when FeedTheBeast Was beta beta, like had to install in yourself. i was easily pulling 60 plus on far with no optifine O.o never used multi mc before... any pointers???
Note, if you'r having trouble fiding javaw.exe just do a windows search for it.
(or just instead go to the global tap on the 3D settings and choose "high performance blablabla", then it will always be on, this will cause your laptop to use more battery and get a bit warmer and louder when ideling, so turning it off when your done gaming wouldn't hurt (but neigther would leaving it on).
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