Teenage Mutant Mining Turtles!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you good at ComputerCraft? A lot of people have mentioned ideas similar to this pretty much since ComputerCraft crafting turtles were released, so I challenge any of you to be the first to complete it! Here's a short video with the details:

If you're going to post ideas or strategies or plans in this thread, please keep it pretty brief so you don't spoil any solutions for anyone who wants to try it. For anyone who is kind of new to ComputerCraft and has any questions regarding the mod, I can answer them here if you want.

Props to Dan200 and any other developers/testers of ComputerCraft for creating, in my opinion, the greatest mod in Minecraft-modding history.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How the hell do you get sure to get the diamonds in a 9x9 area?

Also, please write the rules, not just a video, easier to check on these while doing it.

Also, can you cut the tree?

Anyway, if you can cut the tree, then the only problem is to find diamonds while not really being able to mine the area, as well as sand and redstone.

While I think about it, the challenge is impossible: lack of sand.

Ok, next try?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How the hell do you get sure to get the diamonds in a 9x9 area?

Also, please write the rules, not just a video, easier to check on these while doing it.

Also, can you cut the tree?

Anyway, if you can cut the tree, then the only problem is to find diamonds while not really being able to mine the area, as well as sand and redstone.

While I think about it, the challenge is impossible: lack of sand.

Ok, next try?

If you can destroy stone, you can get sand via macerating or pulverizing. You can also make diamonds via coal with a macerator/pulverizer and a compressor. The only problem I could see is hoping you could get coal via your initial dig , otherwise you would run out of fuel. It is definitely possible though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not a expert or anything, but this challenge seems impossible due to one thing. Turtles don't seem to have a way of telling what a block in it's inventory is.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not a expert or anything, but this challenge seems impossible due to one thing. Turtles don't seem to have a way of telling what a block in it's inventory is.
You (the player) can though. You could tell it to use inventory slot 1 with inventory slot 6. I agree it would be impossible if the player cannot interact at all with the turtle beyond putting in a list of predetermined functions.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That is one thing, sure, but you could try some crafting recipes, and if it works, you know what it is.
then, you can categorize everything.

But as far as using a macerator, you need a generator first, right?
So, within the bound of where you can move, you need 5 iron, 3 refined iron, 4 tin, 2 redstone, 1 copper and ... oh yeah rubber, that can't be found underground.

A pulverizer is more easily done, but still needs gold, redstone, copper, glass and flint, so you can't, as you need glass to make glass.

I am dead serious, if there was not this stupid rule of "facing the tree" and "9x9", it could potentially be possible:

EDIT: after a "request" from the OP, I will remove my obviously completely stupid idea that is much more complicated than what is required to do this...
Yeah, seriously, read some posts bellow, with all the nice comments about my posts, me in general, and nice bold text to make sure you don't miss one bit of the not so hidden insults.

As for your next challenge, please try coming up with something that will have some re-usability.
And you say you heard about it a lot, you meant replicator turtles?
If so, it was never intended to start on a single turtle, but to have multiple combine their jobs in order to reach the goal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry for the late response here, but you guys are way off.

First, to the guy who said "How the hell do you get sure to get the diamonds in a 9x9 area?" I have absolutely no idea what this means. The diamond blocks are just there to show the area where the turtle would start.

Secondly, to the exact same person who is obviously not natively an English speaker, I said please do not post a detailed strategy of how you think you would do it, especially if your method is pretty awful. Do not spoil it for anyone, if you have completed the challenge then by all means post the code. But you didn't, did you? No, in fact, the list of actions you posted is quite bad.

Third, there is a reason why the turtle starts close to the tree. If he didn't, then it would be completely luck-based digging down until you find coal. This is not luck based.

There is nothing extremely difficult about this challenge, so without giving anything else away, all I will say is do not post step-by-step instructions on how to do it otherwise you kind of defeat the purpose, don't you? I'm glad you are clearly interested in the idea, but if you're going to post a list of how you did it, then please do it first.

It is waaaay simpler than anyone has suggested so far. Good luck...

edit: It's possible without any rubber. it is also possible to reach the end goal 100% of the time (no luck involved). The rules are pretty straightforward. You have 1x Crafty Mining Turtle with a diamond pick, who begins with no loaded fuel, and one piece of coal in slot 1. He starts in a 9x9 area centered on a tree in a Savanna biome.


Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
There was a similar challenge a while ago, i believe on the CC Forums. It had you start without any fuel, but directly next to a tree. That one was a lot harder, too, giving you a chunkloader above the tree you started at and limiting you to the area that's loaded by that chunkloader. If I understood the OP correctly, the 9x9 only refers to the area you start in, not the area you can use, right? The other challenge also required a torch to be present at the base at nightfall, including a check by the turtle if it was still present, replacing it if not. Basically simulating a base that had to be protected from monsters. AFAIK, no-one ever completed that challenge, at least not within the given deadline.
I'm quite fond of turtles, especially for sustainable and modular systems, so I might try this challenge if I find the time for it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There was a similar challenge a while ago...the 9x9 only refers to the area you start in, not the area you can use, right?...I might try this challenge if I find the time for it.

Yes sir, you are absolutely correct. The turtle can leave the 9x9 area and go anywhere he wants, provided he has enough fuel. Since the turtle already has 2 peripherals, he would not be using the MiscPeripherals chunk loader module. I'd simply throw down one chunk loader which keeps a ton of chunks loaded, run the turtle program and follow him. There are no other strange requirements like a torch at the tree. If you do try, best of luck!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry for the late response here, but you guys are way off.

First, to the guy who said "How the hell do you get sure to get the diamonds in a 9x9 area?" I have absolutely no idea what this means. The diamond blocks are just there to show the area where the turtle would start.

Secondly, to the exact same person who is obviously not natively an English speaker, I said please do not post a detailed strategy of how you think you would do it, especially if your method is pretty awful. Do not spoil it for anyone, if you have completed the challenge then by all means post the code. But you didn't, did you? No, in fact, the list of actions you posted is quite bad.

Third, there is a reason why the turtle starts close to the tree. If he didn't, then it would be completely luck-based digging down until you find coal. This is not luck based.

There is nothing extremely difficult about this challenge, so without giving anything else away, all I will say is do not post step-by-step instructions on how to do it otherwise you kind of defeat the purpose, don't you? I'm glad you are clearly interested in the idea, but if you're going to post a list of how you did it, then please do it first.

It is waaaay simpler than anyone has suggested so far. Good luck...

edit: It's possible without any rubber. it is also possible to reach the end goal 100% of the time (no luck involved). The rules are pretty straightforward. You have 1x Crafty Mining Turtle with a diamond pick, who begins with no loaded fuel, and one piece of coal in slot 1. He starts in a 9x9 area centered on a tree in a Savanna biome.
Ok, so I see you prefer going on a personal attack rather than go on the advices I gave higher?
Fine by me, you natively speaking english haughty one, and obviously far better at having an argument, and an esteemed equal of mine at pissing people off.

I guess that was my bad, to take my time on trying to give advices and criticism that was not just "it is bad" or "it is good", because I wanted it to be a fun challenge.
Sorry about having the bad habit of always wanting better, and not taking it well when you directly insult me, without even naming me.

When I was talking about diamond, I was not talking about the blocks, but the diamonds to make the pick, but whatever, it just proves that you didn't really read the post anyway.

Just for the sake of it, the rules, that are no written here yet:
1 crafty mining turtle
1 piece of coal
savana biome
start withing 9x9 area centered around a tree
turtle always be facing the tree

Anyone wanting to take this on, have fun, I guess, as that's the most important anyway.

EDIT: Oh, et puis mince, il insulte mon anglais, pourquoi est-ce que je devrais me donner la peine de lui répondre dans sa langue?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, so I see you prefer going on a personal attack rather than go on the advices I gave higher?
Don't pay any attention to this guy. He's just a little uptight about his thread. Not everyone in the FTB community values their challenges more than they value their fellow players. I'm sorry you were offended, but trust me, there's always people who don't think about whether they are potentially offending people online. It's not worth it to let it get to you. There's always those who get their kicks from being unpleasant. It always helps how I feel to not give them the satisfaction of becoming upset. :)

First, to the guy who said "How the hell do you get sure to get the diamonds in a 9x9 area?" I have absolutely no idea what this means. The diamond blocks are just there to show the area where the turtle would start.

Secondly, to the exact same person who is obviously not natively an English speaker, I said please do not post a detailed strategy of how you think you would do it, especially if your method is pretty awful. Do not spoil it for anyone, if you have completed the challenge then by all means post the code. But you didn't, did you? No, in fact, the list of actions you posted is quite bad.
Come on, man. There's always at least two ways to say anything: a nice way, and an abrupt, harsh way. I don't know if you meant to insult this guy or not, but either way, that was not a positive way to handle this. Maybe relax, and realize that no clever challenge is worth getting mad over or worth making someone else feel bad over.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, I know.

I mean, aren't we all a little like that?
When we make something, and someone criticize it, we are bound to be a little angry at that person.
The main thing that I couldn't take was the "who is obviously not natively an English speaker". Because there are many people like me that try really hard to write in a language that is not our, with as little errors and grammar as we can. Correcting me where I am wrong is not bad, but just saying that is taking a piss on the years we spent learning a language, and using it to be understood instead of just splitting the community by creating our own forums and just staying with only people speaking the same language.

That said, I slept on it, and I don't care as much now, I'll just ignore this guy from now on. It's not worth it to risk a ban for a challenge.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ahahah half of the mod makers are not from north america, and english is their second language. There is nothing wrong with that at all! Still, no matter what language you speak it is pretty inconsiderate to throw down a list of steps when we both know you have no intention to try and code it? Let's assume for a second that your list was right, and your idea worked, challenge over? The challenge is to code a turtle not to drop two cents on every thread in the forum bro



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Challenge accepted!

Just to clarify, "starts in a 9x9 area" means, "starts at any random point in the area, it is up to you to find the tree", not "you can select any specific point in the 9x9 area to start", correct?

Also if I understand correctly, no manual interaction with the turtle is permitted (i.e. "type in the number of the slot containing cobblestone").

Can I assume "regular" conditions? I.e. this will be a naturally generated land with a naturally generated tree, you won't deliberately put my turtle over a lake or over a piece of land with no dirt, etc.? Can I assume the type of tree depicted in the video, or any vanilla tree? Or should I be ready for any possibility?

What other mods are allowed/am I expected to use? Can I, for example, assume nothing but vanilla + CC? (No other mod ores/blocks getting in the way.)

Can I run the challenge program on Peaceful (i.e. assuming no mobs get in the way?)

(edit) "unspecified height" meaning you can start the turtle at, say, y=256? Or underground (in a cave)?


Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
Since we only get one piece of coal to start with, it would be rather evil to start the turtle more than a few blocks above ground. Considering that we'll have to be able to find the tree withing the 80 moves we get from the starting coal. As a small update, I've managed to find the tree reliably and chop it down. On to the next sub-goal :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I guess there was a lot more stuff to clarify than I thought. I should be able to download the code to a turtle who has one coal in him, place him anywhere in a 9x9 area centered around the tree, and have it achieve the end-goal. Since I'm running the program at some point it should not require any other interaction from the user, no, but you can pre-code everything you need it to do. You can assume regular conditions. The turtle will start in the savanna biome, at ground level, anywhere in the 9x9 area centered on a tree. The biome is very straightforward and contains everything you would need to accomplish this goal, and it was chosen for at least one other specific reason.

The mods I had in mind were FTB mods, MindCrack pack if you want, but it shouldn't make a huge difference unless I am overlooking something. As solidity has found out, it's not too hard for the turtle to find that tree! :) congrats, keep it up


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Friendly bump and progress update (contains very minor spoilers, nothing you wouldn't figure out yourself, and no specific methods are mentioned).

Found the tree - in what I believe is the absolute minimum number of steps needed. I need 4 steps more than I'd need if I knew my starting position exactly.
Harvested the tree.
Dug underground.
Found some cobble.
Made a furnace and a chest.
(Secret spoilery step).

Edit: if you want an easy test, create a world with seed "17". It starts you in a savanna biome with a bunch of trees.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Friendly bump and progress update (contains very minor spoilers, nothing you wouldn't figure out yourself, and no specific methods are mentioned).

Found the tree - in what I believe is the absolute minimum number of steps needed. I need 4 steps more than I'd need if I knew my starting position exactly.
Harvested the tree.
Dug underground.
Found some cobble.
Made a furnace and a chest.
(Secret spoilery step).

Edit: if you want an easy test, create a world with seed "17". It starts you in a savanna biome with a bunch of trees.

Nice work Abdiel, also good job on finding a savanna seed!