Taint in Direwolf is something aweful.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I run a small private server, and very recently we decided to re-roll with Direwolf20. Everything was going great until we discovered a thaumcraft tainted area. Thereafter the CPU was heavily strained and there was much lag and all that stuff. What's more; we disabled taint spread, and the creatures that go with it and such, but those values seemed to have no effect even when "turned off". The taint continued to spread. It got to a point where it was so bad, hundreds of chunks would quickly be taken over and nearly crash the server. Even with the taint at a value of 1, it spread like wildfire over the surface and through caves.

We eventually turned off thaumcraft altogether to save the world and CPU. Unfortunately even with thaumcraft off, we now have random server crashing areas (not sure as to the reason with this).

I don't know who else has had taint or CPU problems, but I highly recommend turning thaumcraft off before you roll a Direwolf20 server. At least until something is done about taint spread and the CPU intensive processes are dealt with.