Whitelist Server Surthtrival Online - 1.5.2, FTB Unleashed, Whitelist Server

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IGN: iPPoeoeoeoeoe
Birthday: 24.03.1992 (D.M.Y)
Timezone: GMT+1
Country: Norway
How often do you play?: Normally 1-2 hours/day, depends on day to day business. Might be 8 hours one day and none other days. (Life of a student)
When did you hear about feed the beast?: Direwolf20 vs Nearbygamer on the 1v1 challenge, before FTB became a Modpack hoster.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: Minecraft mods since 1.5, need i say more?
About your personal life: I'm currently studying computer science at university, being a geek its good to chill out with some nice games like minecraft.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: Normally a technical startup, then goes over into trying to blend in all the different mods to keep my knowledge at the front.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: Only a account to keep my subscriptions at one spot.
Greatest FTB achievements: 4 x fusion reactor in ultimate 1.1.2, as Silver said above, maxed out with more then i can want with everything.
Why would you like be considered?: I'm curious about the new modpack, and want to experience the SMP aspect of it, as well as learning the new mods. This server seems like a nice place with great people.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work. If you wanna see a bunch of cables in an abstract shape with redstone, give me a shout. Other than that, not many pics are being taken.

Welcome to the server. Hope to see you soon online. Also, if you can please join our forums at forum.surthrivalonline.com. All server news, rules, events and alot more happens there. Thank you for applying. Please keep the trial period in mind. You will be evaluated for maturity and activity.
IGN: jpbirdsgong
Birthday: 2/1/87
Timezone: US central
Country: USA
How often do you play?: unfortunately only about 4 nights a week for several hours, but I'm a very efficient player
When did you hear about feed the beast?: A few months after Mindcrack first came out
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: I first discovered FTB through playing with multi-modding the vanilla client and realizing that the work had already been done by others. I got addicted when I realized FTB was all about clever automation to maximize efficiency.
About your personal life: I work in the logistics industry-- web fulfillment, shipping, supply chains, etc.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: Definitely technical; I automate *everything*. My playing style was very gregtech-centric, previously, so I'll need to switch it up a bit...
Do you have a YouTube channel?: Nope
Greatest FTB achievements: This thing: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/automating-quest-ram.20424/page-2#post-244216. Namely, a machine for automating the quest ram. Produced hundreds of diamond, gold, and emerald blocks per hour; set up with a public AE terminal so anyone on the server could use the output. In the same facility I'd built 8 of the old Gregtech fusion reactors and was mass-producing UU for public use.
Why would you like be considered?: Really excited to try out the new pack and see what kinds of new doors it opens in terms of crazy automation. I would also kind of like to be part of a community build; I've always worked alone on servers I've joined with the exception of occasional collaborative projects-- especially as I have less time than I would like to play. Like, I would like to contribute to a community build through taking on specific projects-- i.e. the best possible iron golem farm or lava-->copper machine for community use.
IGN: Mexihulk
Birthday: 19.09.1995 (D.M.Y)
Timezone: Central time Zone America
Country: America
How often do you play?: Normally daily, different times dependent on sports schedules.
When did you hear about feed the beast?: About 3 months ago.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: I learned about it from the hermit-crafters (hypnotizd, kingdaddydmac, the Jessasin...etc) I play for lots of fun.
About your personal life: Senior in high school there are to many sports that I play in summer so this is pretty much my relaxation.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: Usually start with tech then once supplied i mess with other mods one at a time.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: Only have an account to subscribe.
Greatest FTB achievements: Well at one point I went really crazy with the forestry bees and had my whole base supplied off of that alone.
Why would you like be considered?: Well I'm interested in this new modpack and this server sounds like a great place to start it out with some cool people.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential just a proof of your best work. I'm really not one to make screen shots or videos i mostly just share what i build with people on the servers.
IGN: jpbirdsgong
Birthday: 2/1/87
Timezone: US central
Country: USA
How often do you play?: unfortunately only about 4 nights a week for several hours, but I'm a very efficient player
When did you hear about feed the beast?: A few months after Mindcrack first came out
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: I first discovered FTB through playing with multi-modding the vanilla client and realizing that the work had already been done by others. I got addicted when I realized FTB was all about clever automation to maximize efficiency.
About your personal life: I work in the logistics industry-- web fulfillment, shipping, supply chains, etc.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: Definitely technical; I automate *everything*. My playing style was very gregtech-centric, previously, so I'll need to switch it up a bit...
Do you have a YouTube channel?: Nope
Greatest FTB achievements: This thing: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/automating-quest-ram.20424/page-2#post-244216. Namely, a machine for automating the quest ram. Produced hundreds of diamond, gold, and emerald blocks per hour; set up with a public AE terminal so anyone on the server could use the output. In the same facility I'd built 8 of the old Gregtech fusion reactors and was mass-producing UU for public use.
Why would you like be considered?: Really excited to try out the new pack and see what kinds of new doors it opens in terms of crazy automation. I would also kind of like to be part of a community build; I've always worked alone on servers I've joined with the exception of occasional collaborative projects-- especially as I have less time than I would like to play. Like, I would like to contribute to a community build through taking on specific projects-- i.e. the best possible iron golem farm or lava-->copper machine for community use.

Welcome to the server. Hope to see you soon online. Also, if you can please join our forums at forum.surthrivalonline.com. All server news, rules, events and alot more happens there. Thank you for applying. Please keep the trial period in mind. You will be evaluated for maturity and activity.[DOUBLEPOST=1374443454][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: Mexihulk
Birthday: 19.09.1995 (D.M.Y)
Timezone: Central time Zone America
Country: America
How often do you play?: Normally daily, different times dependent on sports schedules.
When did you hear about feed the beast?: About 3 months ago.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: I learned about it from the hermit-crafters (hypnotizd, kingdaddydmac, the Jessasin...etc) I play for lots of fun.
About your personal life: Senior in high school there are to many sports that I play in summer so this is pretty much my relaxation.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: Usually start with tech then once supplied i mess with other mods one at a time.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: Only have an account to subscribe.
Greatest FTB achievements: Well at one point I went really crazy with the forestry bees and had my whole base supplied off of that alone.
Why would you like be considered?: Well I'm interested in this new modpack and this server sounds like a great place to start it out with some cool people.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential just a proof of your best work. I'm really not one to make screen shots or videos i mostly just share what i build with people on the servers.

Welcome to the server. Hope to see you soon online. Also, if you can please join our forums at forum.surthrivalonline.com. All server news, rules, events and alot more happens there. Thank you for applying. Please keep the trial period in mind. You will be evaluated for maturity and activity.
IGN: iBoApl
Birthday: 22.12.1993
Timezone: GMT +1
Country: Poland
How often do you play?: Couple of hours every day.
When did you hear about feed the beast?: Over a year ago, before the modpack.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: I saw a video from Direwolf20 featuring Slowpoke's FTB map. I really enjoy the endgame aspect of FTB (RIP GregTech), that encourages me to continue playing and achieving new goals.
About your personal life: I've just graduated from highschool and now I have lots of free time before going to university.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I mostly use technical mods like IC2, BC and TE because I know them very well. My buildings are almost always underground because then I don't have to worry about exteriors :P
Do you have a YouTube channel?: No.
Greatest FTB achievements: Matter fab powered by 300 36HP boilers (fuel from bees).
Why would you like be considered?: I wanted to play with a bunch of people on newly generated map with a fresh modpack.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work.
I usually delete my FTB folder with every update so I don't really have any screenshots.
IGN: deo1234
Birthday: 27.04.1993
Timezone: GMT +1
Country: Poland
How often do you play?: 1-2 hours per day. More, during free time.
When did you hear about feed the beast?: My friend (^iBoApl) told me about it year ago.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: I played it once for test and was impressed by amount of content it has (and that was only three basic mods!)
About your personal life: I have just graduated from high school and have a longest holiday ever!
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I have never discovered all aspects of the game, but I prefer technical gameplay.
Greatest FTB achievements: Nothing special, really. Some quarries, automatic farms.
Why would you like be considered?: I've beed looking for server with mod pack like that. I can't host on my own since my PC memory poblems and this server seems like a great alternative.
IGN: ryr1124
Birthday: 11/29/1983
Timezone: EST
Country: United States
How often do you play?: About every evening
When did you hear about feed the beast?: I think from Direwold20's lets plays is when I first heard about it
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: Through Youtube videos and stream videos.
About your personal life: I work in Finance, I enjoy working out, I am thinking of going back to get another degree perhaps
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I enjoy bees, trees, and very nice knees.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: I just have a subscriber account, I post no videos.
Greatest FTB achievements: Nuclear Bees + Nuclear Powerplant automation... Probably not that difficult for many, but it took me forever and I felt so accomplished I just sat there watching the little bees breed (Quite sure I am on a list somewhere because of it)
Why would you like be considered?: The large sum of questions on the applications says a lot of good things to me about the server, its owner, the admins, and is a good indication of the type of players the server covets and desires. I like that the server is set on Hard difficulty (not enough servers do that),
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work.
I wish I had more photos but the only times I usually take screenshots is when I accidentally hit the wrong button it seems.
I did dig up this old photo of a building I was hoping to try to catch a lighting bolt hit it... but I had a nice look for aesthetic reasons
IGN: ikik32
Timezone: Eastern Time Zone
Country: USA
How often do you play?: 2-3 Hours per day
When did you hear about FTB?: When the Yogscast switched to FTB
How did you discover FTB and what makes you want to play?: I discovered FTb on Youtube. Automating things like sorting and mining makes me want to play.
About your personal life: i am a high-school student athlete. I play varsity football.
If you have played FTB before what kind of style do you have?: Once i have a good power supply a decent amount of resources, I focus mainly on bees and Thaumcraft.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: I have one only for subscription purposes. My user name ikik32.
Greatest FTB achievements : A moving frame machine that could move in four directions. I used it in conjunction with a crystal core and i sucked up many aura nodes.
Why would you like to be considered?: I would like to play on server with a somewhat small community and explore the new mods with friends.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work. Most of my contraptions aren't very fancy, so I have no pictures.
IGN: lukybee
Birthday: march 24 1996
Timezone: EST
Country: USA
How often do you play?: I generally play 3-4 days a week.
When did you hear about feed the beast?: around april I discovered ftb.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: I found ftb though videos on youtube and i enjoy making complex machines.
About your personal life: I work on the beach and go to school for a living.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I enjoy automating everything in whatever way possible be it magic etc...
Do you have a YouTube channel?: no.
Greatest FTB achievements: probably my greatest self accomplishment was setting up my first ae system and completing all the old thaumcraft stuff.
Why would you like be considered?: i want to join this server because i want to try a whitelisted server so i can be safe and its the only one i found.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work.
I have not though of taking photos while I play but some things i have done are build a castle of xycraft blocks. I also once set up a successful shop, however when I came back to it it was griefed and warded stone was missing so i personally blame an admin. I hope to meet good staff and work with people in a communal way.
IGN: ohhworddd
Birthday: 4/14/1995
Timezone: EST
Country: USA
How often do you play?: 5 Hours a day.
When did you hear about feed the beast?: About 1 Year ago.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: Direwolf20 - Watched literally all his episodes..
About your personal life: School, no work yet ;)
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I like making machine rooms, very compact machine rooms.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: youtube.com/user/ohhwordddgaminggg ( not set up yet )
Greatest FTB achievements: A 100 block automated mining well miner, like direwolf20. got 3 stacks of diamonds in 10 minutes.
Why would you like be considered?: I can bring friendship, and i can help. I love to help people and show people how to do stuff.. im also a very good machine tech room builder.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work: I currently don't take much pictures, as my computer broke and i am on a brand new computer. Lost everything from my old one. Please don't decline me just of that.
I'd like to inform that being a pro at FTB is in no way required. We are here to help if you need. Also we need you to know that we know FTB may cause lag from the machines. If you don't have a computer that can handle ftb and we accept you, don't complain about the lag. You don't need an amazing computer. Just a well taken care of one.
IGN: generalli
Birthday: 05/29/98
Timezone: eastern standard time
Country: U.S.A
How often do you play?: 2-3 a week
When did you hear about feed the beast?: April
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: a friend
About your personal life: I am a student
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I am a technical person and i like to do any thing with weapons and/or explosives
Do you have a YouTube channel?: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UChJAUPxhMeYx0p4Wd95Zxdw
Greatest FTB achievements: made nuclear reactor
Why would you like be considered?: I like to try new mod packs every now and then.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work. Sorrydont have any pictures of my bigger creations.
IGN: iBoApl
Birthday: 22.12.1993
Timezone: GMT +1
Country: Poland
How often do you play?: Couple of hours every day.
When did you hear about feed the beast?: Over a year ago, before the modpack.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: I saw a video from Direwolf20 featuring Slowpoke's FTB map. I really enjoy the endgame aspect of FTB (RIP GregTech), that encourages me to continue playing and achieving new goals.
About your personal life: I've just graduated from highschool and now I have lots of free time before going to university.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I mostly use technical mods like IC2, BC and TE because I know them very well. My buildings are almost always underground because then I don't have to worry about exteriors :p
Do you have a YouTube channel?: No.
Greatest FTB achievements: Matter fab powered by 300 36HP boilers (fuel from bees).
Why would you like be considered?: I wanted to play with a bunch of people on newly generated map with a fresh modpack.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work.
I usually delete my FTB folder with every update so I don't really have any screenshots.

Welcome to the server. Hope to see you soon online. Also, if you can please join our forums at forum.surthrivalonline.com. All server news, rules, events and alot more happens there. Thank you for applying. Please keep the trial period in mind. You will be evaluated for maturity and activity.[DOUBLEPOST=1374449856][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: deo1234
Birthday: 27.04.1993
Timezone: GMT +1
Country: Poland
How often do you play?: 1-2 hours per day. More, during free time.
When did you hear about feed the beast?: My friend (^iBoApl) told me about it year ago.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: I played it once for test and was impressed by amount of content it has (and that was only three basic mods!)
About your personal life: I have just graduated from high school and have a longest holiday ever!
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I have never discovered all aspects of the game, but I prefer technical gameplay.
Greatest FTB achievements: Nothing special, really. Some quarries, automatic farms.
Why would you like be considered?: I've beed looking for server with mod pack like that. I can't host on my own since my PC memory poblems and this server seems like a great alternative.

Welcome to the server. Hope to see you soon online. Also, if you can please join our forums at forum.surthrivalonline.com. All server news, rules, events and alot more happens there. Thank you for applying. Please keep the trial period in mind. You will be evaluated for maturity and activity.[DOUBLEPOST=1374449886][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: ryr1124
Birthday: 11/29/1983
Timezone: EST
Country: United States
How often do you play?: About every evening
When did you hear about feed the beast?: I think from Direwold20's lets plays is when I first heard about it
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: Through Youtube videos and stream videos.
About your personal life: I work in Finance, I enjoy working out, I am thinking of going back to get another degree perhaps
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I enjoy bees, trees, and very nice knees.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: I just have a subscriber account, I post no videos.
Greatest FTB achievements: Nuclear Bees + Nuclear Powerplant automation... Probably not that difficult for many, but it took me forever and I felt so accomplished I just sat there watching the little bees breed (Quite sure I am on a list somewhere because of it)
Why would you like be considered?: The large sum of questions on the applications says a lot of good things to me about the server, its owner, the admins, and is a good indication of the type of players the server covets and desires. I like that the server is set on Hard difficulty (not enough servers do that),
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work.
I wish I had more photos but the only times I usually take screenshots is when I accidentally hit the wrong button it seems.
I did dig up this old photo of a building I was hoping to try to catch a lighting bolt hit it... but I had a nice look for aesthetic reasons

Welcome to the server. Hope to see you soon online. Also, if you can please join our forums at forum.surthrivalonline.com. All server news, rules, events and alot more happens there. Thank you for applying. Please keep the trial period in mind. You will be evaluated for maturity and activity.[DOUBLEPOST=1374449972][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: lukybee
Birthday: march 24 1996
Timezone: EST
Country: USA
How often do you play?: I generally play 3-4 days a week.
When did you hear about feed the beast?: around april I discovered ftb.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: I found ftb though videos on youtube and i enjoy making complex machines.
About your personal life: I work on the beach and go to school for a living.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I enjoy automating everything in whatever way possible be it magic etc...
Do you have a YouTube channel?: no.
Greatest FTB achievements: probably my greatest self accomplishment was setting up my first ae system and completing all the old thaumcraft stuff.
Why would you like be considered?: i want to join this server because i want to try a whitelisted server so i can be safe and its the only one i found.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work.
I have not though of taking photos while I play but some things i have done are build a castle of xycraft blocks. I also once set up a successful shop, however when I came back to it it was griefed and warded stone was missing so i personally blame an admin. I hope to meet good staff and work with people in a communal way.

Welcome to the server. Hope to see you soon online. Also, if you can please join our forums at forum.surthrivalonline.com. All server news, rules, events and alot more happens there. Thank you for applying. Please keep the trial period in mind. You will be evaluated for maturity and activity.[DOUBLEPOST=1374450005][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: ohhworddd
Birthday: 4/14/1995
Timezone: EST
Country: USA
How often do you play?: 5 Hours a day.
When did you hear about feed the beast?: About 1 Year ago.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: Direwolf20 - Watched literally all his episodes..
About your personal life: School, no work yet ;)
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I like making machine rooms, very compact machine rooms.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: youtube.com/user/ohhwordddgaminggg ( not set up yet )
Greatest FTB achievements: A 100 block automated mining well miner, like direwolf20. got 3 stacks of diamonds in 10 minutes.
Why would you like be considered?: I can bring friendship, and i can help. I love to help people and show people how to do stuff.. im also a very good machine tech room builder.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work: I currently don't take much pictures, as my computer broke and i am on a brand new computer. Lost everything from my old one. Please don't decline me just of that.
I'd like to inform that being a pro at FTB is in no way required. We are here to help if you need. Also we need you to know that we know FTB may cause lag from the machines. If you don't have a computer that can handle ftb and we accept you, don't complain about the lag. You don't need an amazing computer. Just a well taken care of one.

Welcome to the server. Hope to see you soon online. Also, if you can please join our forums at forum.surthrivalonline.com. All server news, rules, events and alot more happens there. Thank you for applying. Please keep the trial period in mind. You will be evaluated for maturity and activity.
IGN: NikXues
Birthday: June, 23, 1986
Timezone: Central Standard Time
Country: Canada
How often do you play?: daily
When did you hear about feed the beast?:
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: Direwolf20's "let's play" allowed me to see all the mods interacting.
About your personal life:
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: to be honest im still learning my way around many of the mods that were unavailable in tekkit
Do you have a YouTube channel?: no i do not
Greatest FTB achievements: next to a self powering wheat farm using redpower and forestry not much,it is sorting system ready if you want carrots and potatoes mixed in. mobspawner that has off timer(red power) and maintenance door with lighting. it is actually inspired by my deluxe vanilla spawner with obvious tweeks.
Why would you like be considered?: being part of this as it comes together seems interesting and to be honest i like experimenting with things. i like to ask lots of questions/theories and answer any if i can.

Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work.
IGN: frogger35
Birthday: 08/02/1996
Timezone: CST
Country: USA
How often do you play?: All day mostly, I'm on summer break
When did you hear about feed the beast?: A long time ago when i started playing modded minecraft
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: through youtube videos of direwolf20 and then started a small server with some friends. Those friends and I then went to a public server and from there we just expanded out.
About your personal life: I play games and hang with my buddies all the time. I am currently not in school but will be soon :(. I am learning to be a professional programmer and love to play with the turtles in this game. I am hoping to start my first series on this server as a youtuber.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I am a technical kind of guy. I like to build all sorts of machine and contraptions and use the mods to make those contraptions even greater
Do you have a YouTube channel?: http://www.youtube.com/user/Fruugg that i am hoping to start a series on soon
Greatest FTB achievements: Made a huge factory for every single bee all in alvearys, made a turtle cake factory MK1, 20 stacked fusion reactors made from 80% bee products
Why would you like be considered?: I want to join this server because it is 1.5.2 and the new modpack has made me intrested in building a great community with others :). I can bring my expertiese about a lot of different mods from all the packs. I can also bring my fun loving attitude to the table along with a new and creative mind to add to your server.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work
Details are w/ the pictures

IGN: _Casey_5
Birthday: 14/5/2000
Timezone: CMT
Country: USA
How often do you play?: about 1/2 hours a day
When did you hear about feed the beast?: When it came out.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: Direwolf20
About your personal life: 8th grade
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: More focused on aesthetics and move slowly through all the mods.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: N/A
Greatest FTB achievements: On a server i made about 200 Alvearies.
Why would you like be considered?: Beauty and a combination of all mods.
IGN: LugialpXD
Birthday: December 10, 1990
Timezone: pacific time
Country: United States
How often do you play?: everyday when I have time
When did you hear about feed the beast?:
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: Friends
About your personal life: play in a band and love to program computers
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: applied energistics is the way for me! and also know a lot of many other mods in this modpack
Do you have a YouTube channel?: nope.
Greatest FTB achievements: crafting a stack of ultimate hybrid solar panel with applied energistic mod and a 16 core reactor that can produce 32k EU a tick
Why would you like be considered?: Fun to talk with and can build amazing stuff. I am also respectful and very adept to most of the mods.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work.
Well I don't have any screenshots but I follow rules and I am very considerate to other people's work and their playing style. I want to show everyone on the server of what I can build in the new modpack.
Okay people, sorry to say this but we are currently full, however, we will keep your applications on here, and if a space opens up, we will message you in the order you applied. If you have found somewhere else by then we will work down the list and so on. Apologese to those who applied we've been very busy with the server and new members and didn't have time to say this earlier.
IGN: bfox1
Birthday: 07/24/1994
Timezone: GMT -7, Pacific time
Country: U.S.A
How often do you play?: I play frequently.
When did you hear about feed the beast?: I heard from it by a friend of mine.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: heard from a friend, and it seemed interesting to play. Always have been wanting to play mods for so long.
About your personal life: I am searching for a job at the moment. Got a baby to expect in 7 more months. Going to college.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I am a gerneral based player, a little bit of everything. I hate unorganized bases. I like my stuff clean and flush.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: http://www.youtube.com/user/beatfox1
Greatest FTB achievements: Created an all around multidirectional RP quarry using computercraft as the heart of the machine. 15X15
Why would you like be considered?: I would like to join this server because Unleashed is "in a sense" the new Ultimate mod pack but updated. Many new features and mods i would like to try. I am all around good in all mods, I can offer good help to anyone in need of it.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work. I havent yet taken any photos of any thing magnificent i have made. So i dont have screenshots to display
IGN: TheGuy275
Birthday: 4/16/1997 Im 16
Timezone: Pacific time
Country: United States
How often do you play?: Daily
When did you hear about feed the beast?: after i played tekkit and decided to step it up to a better mod pack
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: i discovered it from friends
About your personal life: i am a student in highschool and i make an average living from doing stuff around the house :)
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: i like to put the mods to there limits by either overclocking them or generating huge amounts of power.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: no
Greatest FTB achievements: i had the sanity to craft 741 energy storage upgrades to make my machines craft items at 1 item per tick. that 20 items a second!
Why would you like be considered?: i would like to be considered because i am a respectful considerate ftb player. and i am very skilled and experienced with many of the mods there for i know what i am doing.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work.: this is just a quick thing i built in creative. its just to show that i know what i am talking about. this i fully automatic crafting and can macerate and smelt a stack of iron in 7 seconds.
GN: Blockcreeper12
Birthday: 07/07/2000
Timezone:Eastern state time
Country: Usa
How often do you play?: When ever i have the time to.
When did you hear about feed the beast?: Trough YouTube
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: Got tired of Tekkit and wanted a better challenge.
About your personal life: In middle school In 8th grade
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: Applied Energetic's as soon as possible and bee's at the very start
Do you have a YouTube channel?: I don't but my brother dose http://www.youtube.com/user/WolfWithABoneGaming
Greatest FTB achievements: Hoping to get an better achievements in this server best one Making my first alveary in survial
Why would you like be considered?: With Gregtech heading in the direction where even the dev's don't like it i'l like to try a different pack without it
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work. ( lol have none :3 )
I just know how to fix must problems if something with a system goes wrong and if i don't i'l ask or search

Gn: Alphapuppy
Everything is the same as above pretty much and he's the one with the YouTube account ( cause i'm to lazy to make one for my self ) He just focus's on difrent stuff so we progress faster[DOUBLEPOST=1374463363][/DOUBLEPOST]lol fail in the birthday 07/05/2000" and i might upload some creative pic's if storage bus's don't crash me in this pack like they do in ultimate