Whitelist Server Surthtrival Online - 1.5.2, FTB Unleashed, Whitelist Server

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IGN: frogger35
Birthday: 08/02/1996
Timezone: CST
Country: USA
How often do you play?: All day mostly, I'm on summer break
When did you hear about feed the beast?: A long time ago when i started playing modded minecraft
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: through youtube videos of direwolf20 and then started a small server with some friends. Those friends and I then went to a public server and from there we just expanded out.
About your personal life: I play games and hang with my buddies all the time. I am currently not in school but will be soon :(. I am learning to be a professional programmer and love to play with the turtles in this game. I am hoping to start my first series on this server as a youtuber.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I am a technical kind of guy. I like to build all sorts of machine and contraptions and use the mods to make those contraptions even greater
Do you have a YouTube channel?: http://www.youtube.com/user/Fruugg that i am hoping to start a series on soon
Greatest FTB achievements: Made a huge factory for every single bee all in alvearys, made a turtle cake factory MK1, 20 stacked fusion reactors made from 80% bee products
Why would you like be considered?: I want to join this server because it is 1.5.2 and the new modpack has made me intrested in building a great community with others :). I can bring my expertiese about a lot of different mods from all the packs. I can also bring my fun loving attitude to the table along with a new and creative mind to add to your server.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work
Details are w/ the pictures

Whitelisted, Thanks for chatting with me.

Everyone else... Were waiting for tomorrow to sort through apps :)
Birthday: October 12, 1999
Timezone: UTC/GMT -7 hours or MST
Country: United States
How often do you play?: I try to play everyday.
When did you hear about feed the beast?: Last year, can't remember :P
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: A friend.
About your personal life: I'm in 8th grade, do well in school and like to play games, piano and football.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: Technical, Building and Forestry...cal. Yeah, I recently got into bees and butterflies.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: Nope.
Greatest FTB achievements: Hmmm.. Quatum armor, and a few good looking buildings. (I'm still pretty new to all of this)
Why would you like be considered?: I'm looking for a nice server with a nice community because most of the time my builds end up getting destroyed by others. What can I bring to the community? I could share my FTB knowledge and maybe acquire some from others. I also like helping people when possible.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work.
http://imgur.com/FkknXjs <-- This is a house I made recently in a multiplayer FTB Ultimate server
http://imgur.com/qdwLZdB <-- This is a Butterfly Biosphere I made 2 days ago.
IGN: kabahata (no caps)
Birthday: Jan/16/1993
Timezone: Central Time
Country: Usa
How often do you play? I play tons I would say about 6 1/2 hours a day during (unless something comes up or I am at collage)
When did you hear about feed the beast? about 5 1/2 months ago
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play? I discovered ftb through Direwolf20. I play cause I find vanilla minecraft dull.
About your personal life: No Comment
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I have more of a magical play style rather than technical play style.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: no
Greatest FTB achievements: When I made my first gravi chest xD and when I finally got hill cherry trees from forestry xD.
Why would you like be considered?: I am looking for a new server to join since the server I just recently played on just got shutdown for good. I was Co-Owner on the server I was on, So I would love to help others with anything. I am not the best at ftb but I can help with my knowledge of it.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work. I don't take screenshots sorry :/ cause I am not very good at building but I am good with tech and magical things
IGN: Slenderguy303
Birthday: 29/09/1996
Timezone: UTC/GMT -8 hours
Country: USA
How often do you play?: I often play everyday.
When did you hear about feed the beast?: When it was first announced on MinecraftForums.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: I discovered FTB by a forum post. Having many mods working together nicely makes me want to play it, specially now with 104 mods!
About your personal life: Currently I am in High School.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: My style tends to be on the technical side of things but with a mixture of magic and adventure.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: http://www.youtube.com/user/guillermowendy1997
Greatest FTB achievements: I have collected almost all the bees in Forestry.
Why would you like be considered?: No griefing for one, and I can help people in need, if its a question about a mod, etc.
IGN: minecraftmatty13
Birthday : 14th April 1999
Timezone: GMT
How often do you play?: It is summer holidays for me so several hours a day running from 3 to 7 hours
When did you hear about feed the beast?: about a year ago and have consistently played it since then
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: I was watching a youtube video and then the guy started talking about ftb and I thought I should look at what it was and have played it lots since then
About your personal life: I am in 3rd year of school now and hoping to study medicine in university
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I will use ae to automate everything as I love that mod
Do you have a YouTube channel?: I do but it is just for watching videos and no videos have been posted
Greatest FTB achievements: a mfr tree farm powering 2 36hp boilers and 2 8hp boilers fully automated with AE
Why would you like be considered?: I have been getting bored of sp and would like to play with people in mp as it gets quite boring beings by yourself in a world
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB. I am on holiday at the moment and have no access to my computer until this Friday so if you want pictures I can give you them on Friday
IGN: trbovlje
Birthday: 24/04/1978
Timezone: CET
Country: EU
How often do you play?: As often as possible.
When did you hear about feed the beast?: I dunno, a good while back
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: Started with vanilla minecraft, upgraded to tekkit, switched to FTB...
About your personal life: Unemployed, I spend a good portion of the day at my keyboard.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I am a resource addict, i never have enough resources and i go after only the nest machines...
Do you have a YouTube channel?: No
Greatest FTB achievements: Bred most of the trees, crafted some of the end game machinery (no fusion yet).
Why would you like be considered?: I like FTB and minecraft and i like new packs. I know stuff and i could hopefuly contribute to the community.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work.
NO real creations to be proud of. I usually live in a cave or a large warehouse/hangar with machines spread out all over the place.
IGN: ghturner
Birthday: October 18, 2000
Timezone: GMT +10
Country: Australia
How often do you play?: I am on at least once every day, normally 4-5 hours weekdays because of school and about 8-12 hours on the weekend.
When did you hear about feed the beast?: I heard about FTB from Direwolf20, 2 months before the release date. Then got it one hour after release of FTB.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: The mod makers that i saw on Direwolf's channel inspired me. I used to play Tekkit and i loved it lots, but then moved to FTB once it was released because the mod makers were involved in it.
About your personal life: I am currently in Secondary School (Highschool) and my time is limited due to study and homework.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: My kind of style is technical, i love automation, making things automated is awesome and most of the things i build will most likely be automated. I like things complicated that make sense to no one else. I also love to help out with the community and server in anyway i usually can. I would like to build a shared resource room if possible for people to come and hang out, use machines etc.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: No, I don't currently have a youtube channel but i am thinking about Twitch (Live streaming) and Youtube in the future.
Greatest FTB achievements: 3 Fully set up and working fusion reactors, Lots and lots of everything, Everything been autocraftable through Applied Energetics. Every bee and forestry farm fully automated and set up in working condition. Automated machines and mostly High End Game stuff.
Why would you like be considered?: I went looking for a good server that would run the new FTB Unleashed pack, i found this one. Read lots and lots about it, I agree and hope that most other people do as well that this is a great server and has great potentional for the future. I love helping people new to FTB and Minecraft Vanilla in general as i have been playing for 2 years now, ever since Beta 1.7.3, this was the game that got me in to gaming and i love doing it. For the server i hope to build a small community where people can come and use machines and resources for people new to the server/game or people that are just looking for something to do. I really hope i get whitelisted as this is a great server and will have a great future.

Thank you for taking your time to read and review over my application,
IGN: NaRaKu_
Birthday: 23rd July 1994
Timezone: GMT +1
Country: Italy
How often do you play?: Every day
When did you hear about feed the beast?: I started playing ftb 1 year ago
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: I want to bring my machinery to a more complex level of automation and efficiency each time.
About your personal life: I study medicine
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I love technical gameplay, I'm a fan of Applied Energistics and Greg Tech
Greatest FTB achievements: I've played hardcore most of time, so didn't even try nuclear power, went through all the rest I guess
Why would you like be considered?: I feel mature and helpful to other members, I like cooperating when it is possible and fix problems
IGN: KurShedir
Birthday: 12/12/1984
Timezone: UTC+1
Country: Italy
How often do you play?: almost daily, after work + weekends.
When did you hear about feed the beast?: a few months ago.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play? youtube channels. I wanted to try modded minecraft using 1.5 and new mod features, but FTB Ultimate was stuck to 1.4.7... so I decided to assemble my own modpack(s) for single player and LAN worlds, using the updated versions of well-known mods with some extras. I played the Ultimate modpack just to take a look at non-whitelisted servers, waiting for updates. But the beast is now unleashed.
About your personal life: java programmer, IT guy.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: technical, addicted to steam power generation and tanks full of liquids (love Railcraft stuff). I don't want to be an iridium slave anymore, so I'm planning to get myself into Forestry and CC stuff instead. Also like Thermal Expansion and Applied Energistics systems.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: -
Greatest FTB achievements: nothing in particular. Regular "end game" IC2 addons stuff like matter fabricator and full quantum armor set with gravichestplate, plus nether stars and twilight bosses heads collection.
Why would you like be considered?: I want to try whitelisted server playing with mature people, it might be challenging and rewarding. I am a respectful player and I want to see what other experienced users can do with these new mods, and learn from them.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations: nothing noticeable, as mentioned above. I'm learning.
IGN: darkblaster123 (no caps D)
Birthday: 16 7 1999
Timezone: Holland
Country: Holland
How often do you play?:Its vacation if its not to warm i can play the whole day
When did you hear about feed the beast?: Back in the day i realy liked IC2 but my parents had a windows xp pc. IDK how i installed mods. then i googled and found tekkit a copple years later the first 1.4.2 pack came out and i played it.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: Dire and facebook page of dire and FTB.
About your personal life: Holland, School yes from 7 in the morning to 3:30 and next year work.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: All of it i like tech but i LOVE magic so i use magic by tech and tech by magic.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: i have one my pc is not that good 10 FPS .http://www.youtube.com/user/dutchminers66
Greatest FTB achievements: I did many things but the thing i most proud of is GT hybred solar roof for my home.
Why would you like be considered?: I mostly wanted to join a 1.5.2 server
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work.
Dont have one i just formated my pc so i just downlaod the new beata pack other wise it would be a mass of cabbles and wires. and most likely pipes and ME
IGN: Naquada
Birthday: 12 january 1992
Timezone: GMT+1
Country: Norway
How often do you play?: Every day
When did you hear about feed the beast?: When it was first announced.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: Discovered while chatting on MC IRC. Reason for starting were that it was a practical mod pack.
About your personal life: University: Economy and Business.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: Depends on what i feel like for any give time and the type theme on the town i construct. But Greg-tech and realistic stuff is somethings i do often.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: No.
Greatest FTB achievements: Becoming expert on every mod. However Computer Craft bores me so i usually don't use it.
Why would you like be considered?: Was looking for an Unleashed server. And i can provide knowledge.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work:
http://puu.sh/3IUzk.png - A recent town project i started on the day before unleashed was announced.
http://puu.sh/3IUz3.png - Magical themed me and my friends did a while back.
http://puu.sh/3IUyS.png - Some random red power micro blocks Building front i did few days ago i a modern themed town with fully functioning traffic lights system.(Got to detailed and crashed map....)
IGN: 7xjessie7x
Birthday: 26th January 2000
Timezone: GMT
Country: England
How often do you play?: I play minecraft every day
When did you hear about feed the beast?: I heard about FTB a couple months ago
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: I discovered FTB from BDouble0100's channel
About your personal life: What do you do for a living? Are you in school? Have a special someone?, This information does not have to be given if you feel uncomfortable about it.
I'm in school right now and *Forever Alone*
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: More technical (IC2, thermal expansion, gregtech, etc.) More magical mod style like thaumcraft and twilight forest? Or other styles? (This is just so that we know what to count on) I would say more Technical
Do you have a YouTube channel?: Please post link if you do. No sorry :/
Greatest FTB achievements: What have you made or done in FTB that makes you proud? Making a solar panel in the Ultimate pack :3
Why would you like be considered?: What about this server that makes you want to join? What can you bring to the table? I would like to join this sever as it sounds like it is going to flourish and become and have a great community
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work.
I'd like to inform that being a pro at FTB is in no way required. We are here to help if you need. Also we need you to know that we know FTB may cause lag from the machines. If you don't have a computer that can handle ftb and we accept you, don't complain about the lag. You don't need an amazing computer. Just a well taken care of one.
Birthday:22nd June 2000
Time Zone: London
Country: England
How often do you play?: About 4 hours a week
When did you hear about FTB?: About the start of the year
How did you discover FTB and what makes you want to play?: When Etho played it and I want to get as good Etho (which is not going to happen)
About my life: Go to school, go home, do HWK and then go on games, code accademy or my trampoline
Style of FTB play: Technical (normaly thermal expansion then magic then sometimes forestry)
Do you have a youtube channel: Only to subscribe to people
Greatest FTB acheivments: Write a code to open a door when you type in a password (Im not very good at lua)
Why should I be considered: Because I want to be able to play on the new modpack on multiplayer and I dont like big servers because I normally get griefed and I cant find anywhere to start and also my friends and me can't host servers.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work: Sorry dont take many screen shots unless you want to see pigs in trees and mahogany houses ;).
IGN: Zishy
Birthday: 16.05.86
Timezone: eutz
Country: germany/berlin
How often do you play?: daily
When did you hear about feed the beast?: earlier this year
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: after not playing for a while and practicly only having played tekkit i stumbled upon ftb :)
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: technical, factorization/farms/automation
Do you have a YouTube channel?: yes but it has no minecraft related items in it
Greatest FTB achievements: completly automated ae system with crafting and on request resource processing
Why would you like be considered?: What about this server that makes you want to join? What can you bring to the table? i have extensive experience with ic2/ae and a couple other mods. i dont know what the hurdles are for the server. i will bring a spirit of cooperation to the server and i would like to help others out when they have trouble with their technical builds.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work. i dont have any pictures on my computers at this moment. i never bothered to take any actualy and i dislike single player :( i hope this is not a reason to be declined
IGN: BodGamerz
Birthday: 05.03.1998
Timezone: GMT+1
Country: France
How often do you play?: As possible As i can
When did you hear about feed the beast?: Aypierre, a frnech youtuber.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: industrials mods
About your personal life: I'm currently studying Science and i love video games
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I'm hybrid, i start with thermal expantion, i love thaumcraft & extra bees / trees, i like factorization, forestry, buildcraft, ic2 ....
Do you have a YouTube channel?: No i have not
Greatest FTB achievements: Bee factory whitch create unlimited titanium / iridium
Why would you like be considered?: I love the multiplayer and i think i'm funny.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work. Sorryi never screen my work, i have work on an hybrid bee factory whitch use factorization, redpower, buildcraft, forestry, mffs, industrialcraft , extra bees ande thaumcraft
IGN: Bjowner
Birthday: December 10th 1996
Timezone: CEST
Country: Denmark
How often do you play?: Chould vary but i play alot
When did you hear about feed the beast?: Watching Direwolf20 i don't know the date and month exactly
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: Direwolf20 and well i've always liked IC2 i actually begun playing modded minecraft when i first heard about IC2 and i played on alot of IC2 servers from the IC2 forums and now theres these jumbo-modpacks packed with mods to prolong the experience
About your personal life: Not really great...
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: Technical i like automation
Do you have a YouTube channel?: Nope
Greatest FTB achievements: Can't remember
Why would you like be considered?: It whould be nice to test out what makes this modpack different from FTB ultimate
IGN: Garah0rn
Birthday: 07/14/95
How often do you play?: Very Often
When did you hear about feed the beast?: 3-4 months ago
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: I discovered FTB through the Minecraft channel of twitch, I love FTB because it makes Minecraft easier and much harder at the same time.
About your personal life: Just graduated high school and will be going to college in August
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I am a gatherer and will always have a huge ME system after i get my base set up.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: No but i do have a twitch http://www.twitch.tv/garahorn
Greatest FTB achievements: All of my bases always make me proud. Along with manulyn hammers.
Why would you like be considered?: I think i should be considered because I am a mature player that will help his neighbors and anyone else for that matter.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work.
I don't take many screens though i will if you need.
GN: OhDeez
Birthday: 4-28-1997
Timezone: Central
Country: U.S.A
How often do you play?: 5-6 hours daily
When did you hear about feed the beast?: My friend got me into it by doing let's plays on it.
How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?:A friend
About your personal life: I'm a sophomore , I play soccer, and love to spend time with my family.
If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I see myself as a miner more than anything but I like to do technical stuff too.
Do you have a YouTube channel?: http://www.youtube.com/user/CenhHD?feature=mhee
Greatest FTB achievements: Making my first piece of iridium.
Why would you like be considered?: Well, the reason that made me join was because I can tell that you guys take care of things and like to do things right (professional). What I can bring to the table, I bring my friendliness.
Please provide at least 3 photos or a video showing your FTB creations. Please fill in as much details as you can. The more the better. We like mature people, people who understand certain rules. Also, the pictures are not essential, just a proof of your best work. -I've been in a few whitelisted servers, and they all seem to go down, didn't have anytime to take any pictures unfortunately.
I'd like to inform that being a pro at FTB is in no way required. We are here to help if you need. Also we need you to know that we know FTB may cause lag from the machines. If you don't have a computer that can handle ftb and we accept you, don't complain about the lag. You don't need an amazing computer. Just a well taken care of one.
DOB: rather not say
Time zone: Central
Country: USA
I Play few hours each day usually
I heard about FTB while lookin at tekkit stuff
The mods! The mods are amazing!
I'm currently taking engineering school and learning C# and Java (Programming Languages)
I'm really good at all the technical stuff with programming in computer craft and server and plugins
Me and my friend built a factory in survival that just made UU-Matter out of solar energy really fast
I'm mature I will be glad to on big projects and builds and I have been operator on several servers
I just want to play this epic modpack with other people
Sorry I don't have any pics right now but I really wanna play on this server it sounds like a lot of fun
IGN: Matterbound

Birthday: 4/17/1996

Timezone: Eastern USA

Country: USA

How often do you play?: Sometimes I play Minecraft a lot and sometimes I'm busy. Sometimes I like playing other games and sometimes I have work and can't game at all. On average, I probably play 4-5 days out of the week for 2-3 hours a day. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Right now I have a bit more time than usual, since it's summer, so I might be playing late into the night! I'm not a Minecraft machine, but I do enjoy the game and would love to play on your server!

When did you hear about feed the beast?: I started getting into the modding scene when the Technic Pack originally came out. I still remember downloading it and having a blast! Unfortunately, the Technic Pack and Tekkit don't have the best support or community nowadays, so I've decided to switch to FTB. So far I like what I see! I'm familiar with most of the main FTB mods, but some of the newer ones still have me scratching my head at times!

How'd you discover Feed the Beast and what makes you want to play?: I learned about FTB through Reddit when I was looking for an updated modpack.

About your personal life: I'm currently working on finishing highschool and have a part time job at the supermarket. After that, I'm going to be going to MIT for a major in computer science and a minor in game design.

If you have played ftb before what kind of style do you have?: I enjoy building "big". Big machines, big houses, big contraptions, big redstone circuits, etc. I'm quite proficient with redstone though, so I'll do my best to not cause any lag!

Do you have a YouTube channel?: Not one that I post videos on, no.

Greatest FTB achievements: What makes me the proudest in FTB is building something that works. It doesn't have to be a huge contraption, (although those are my favorite) but something as simple as a assembly line can be very satisfying when you flip it on and everything runs like clockwork. My greatest achievement would have to be when my friend and I built a sorting machine. A big one. Powered by Redpower tubes, (RIP :c ) it sorted every item and block in the game into it's own factorization barrel with extra dimensional storage upgrade. It was big, awesome, and really satisfying. We created our own "dewey decimal system" of sorts to be able to find everything. Imagine a giant library, but instead of books, we had blocks and items.

Why would you like be considered?: I may not be a Feed The Beast MLG pro, but I am a decent guy who likes to play Minecraft. I'm not an expert at most of these mods, and I don't pretend to be. I'm always learning, always improving, and always evolving my methods. I feel like what I can bring to your server is friendship. It may sound cliche or cheesy, but that's what I do best. I'm quite a punny guy.

(Sorry that I don't have pictures or videos of my FTB creations. I'm not really one for documenting my travels, but feel free to record or screenshot anything that I build if I get accepted!)