Whitelist Server SUNDOGS -BRAND NEW DIRE 1.7.10 SERVER- Fresh Map

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IGN: MrWarlock
Age: 43
Skype: mrwarlock71
Why do you want to play this pack? Always play the new D20 packs when they release.
Are you a youtuber, twitcher, etc?: Nope
Any other helpful information: Cake is a lie !!!!
IGN: Imaqtie
Age: 23
Skype: Aint sharing it on here
Why do you want to play this pack? Rather new to it but enjoyed the possibilities so far so I am looking for a server on which I can play now.
Are you a youtuber, twitcher, etc?: Nope not really
Any other helpful information: That I am excited to play right now !!!!!! :)
IGN: anthony098765
Age: 15
Skype: anthony0987651
Why do you want to play this pack? Because i love direwolf :P
Are you a youtuber, twitcher, etc?: I am not but would like to be.
Any other helpful information: I can't wait!
IGN: Credish
Age: 24
Skype: dont want it out in public :(
Why do you want to play this pack? I have always liked the dw20 packs
Are you a youtuber, twitcher, etc?: noope
Any other helpful information: I love automation ;)
IGN: Tdetsgav
Age: 15 (Im mature haha )
Skype: Tdetsgav
Why do you want to play this pack? Because i really love dw20 :D
Are you a youtuber, twitcher, etc?: not atm.
Any other helpful information: Im really excited for this server :O
IGN: leather1
Age:15 (16 in two weeks)
Skype: leatherjacket5
Why do you want to play this pack? Its a really decent pack, 1 of the only 1.7.10 packs there currently are which i find fun and I've loved dires packs since i was like 13
Are you a youtuber, twitcher, etc?:Nope, but no problem with being in peoples vids
Any other helpful information:I don't have teamspeak but would happily get it,as I'm 5 i have a lot of exams and am at school for the majority of the day but ill play regularly, just around exams i will be less frequent. Favorite mod is probably thaumcraft or mystcraft, I do live in the UK
IGN: Germanko
Skype: don't using but if it needed I'll pm you
Why do you want to play this pack? I didn't play FTB for few weeks and been waiting for this pack...
Are you a youtuber, twitcher, etc?:Nope,
Any other helpful information:I'm from Czech rep., I am energetic young person with some free time..
IGN: iddias
Age: 35
Skype: dont have but i could get
Why do you want to play on this pack? because i have been watching DW20 since beta
Are you a youtuber, twitcher, etc?" no
Any other helpful information: I play minecraft pretty much every day and have a decent working knowledge of most of the mods
IGN: Oiram1988
Age: twenty-something
Skype: Ask and you shall receive.... in private.
Why do you want to play this pack? I have always loved Direwolf20 and his mod packs. I've been searching for a server for a long time.
Are you a youtuber, twitcher, etc.? No. But I'd like to be some day.
Any other helpful information: I am a beast at thaumcraft. I'm great at helping and listening. Always ready to make new friends. :)
Skype:don't have one
Why do you want to play this pack?: It has all your standard mods without going overboard with them.
Are you a youtuber, twitcher, etc?: No.
Any other helpful information: I like using most of the tech mods, but I absolutely love using golems from thaumcraft.
IGN: lazycory12
Age: 16
Skype: PM me regarding it (the one in my signature isn't correct anymore), I'm not willing to share it publicly.
Why do you want to play this pack?: I'm an avid direwolf20 fan, I've been watching since his season 3 Let's Play and I love to play along with the mods that he does. This pack is most similar to the mods I'm familiar with, modpacks like FTB Unleashed/Ultimate simply have too many new mods for my liking.
Are you a youtuber, twitcher, etc?: Neither currently, I am looking into YouTube though as I've recently got a more powerful PC than I had previously.
Any other helpful information: I'm friendly, familiar with the mods and I do make some decent-looking buildings. I really enjoy being able to play alongside people, being able to chat and do things in game and I adore community activities such as group boss killing or making a large group project.

If you're curious of what timezone I'm in (for whatever reason that may be), I'm in GMT.
Skype:goncalo-matos (but for voice chat i prefer TS)
Why do you want to play this pack?First of all ,i am a big fan of Direwolf20 i also like the balance that the modpack has achieved
Are you a youtuber, twitcher, etc?:i used to stream on twitch just for funzies but it was just esporadicly,but not anymore
Any other helpful information:non atm
IGN: fengrong
Age: 30
Skype: no
Why do you want to play on this pack? I am friends with iddias and would like to join him
Are you a youtuber, twitcher, etc?" no
Any other helpful information: I have been playing minecraft since alpha and have a great understanding of many of the mods in the dw20 pack
Age: 14
Skype: ben.scannell
Why do you want to play this pack? Because i have been playing all the previous versions and it is a great pack
Are you a youtuber, twitcher, etc?: no
Any other helpful information: