What you are asking for is the way it is for a very good reason, we limit 32bit instillations to 1GB ram because they can only have a total of 4GB of RAM in the computer, about 1GB of this is used by the OS and a further 2GB is used up by other things. The reason for this is a little complex but I'll try and explain, in your computers memory different applications that are running or have been ran since startup use memory to run, they also load DLL's into the address space, note, it isn't specifically using much of this space, just one DLL is loaded into it, after the program closes the address space it used is now free but the DLL's remain. Code in windows to optimise RAM allocation minimises the relocation of DLL's meaning you end up with a fragmented address space with DLL's scattered through it. Java requires contiguous address space and therefore it can't use the address space with the DLL's in it because it's not continuous, so basically what all this means is that a lot of the usable ram is useless to java, this is why we impose the 1GB limit on the 32 bit OS's, it is technically possible to raise this limit to 1.5 - 2GB but it would cause a lot more problems than its worth due to this issue, to fix this issue, get a 64 bit OS, I don't want to go into the reasons why but essentially this problem is totally gone with 64 bit because the computer can address more memory.