It's just stupid to claim that the quality of a programmer depends on the language he programs in. That you even think that minecraft does 'precalculated rendering' shows you don't understand how it works.
If you would reprogram it in c# it would take just as much memory and probably be slower.
even randomized seeds have a equation to follow (how else would it know how to handle different biomes) for the fact that it has a equation it means it's precaulculated, and basically you only have to input for X in this case the seed number.. i consider that precalculated..
i know bf3, far cry 3, and other heavy games don't generate the map based on a equation, it just loads the models... but what do you think those are programmed in? what do you think realflow is programmed in? realflow is more cpu intensive than minecraft and yet i can make real time simulations of over 20mil particles in about 25 minutes, and smaller 2mil particles simulations in about 3 mins or so.. when you stop to think about it, a large quantity of stuff is made in C (and variants of it) .. you probably understood me saying that folks make bulky SC in java.. they do, BUT that doesnt mean i discredit them for making something as a programmer i know things aren't always easy to optimize and please everyone.. but who writes the script? the programmer, who has the ability to optimize it and remove bugs? same thing... what limits his ability? the langues he is programming in and technology really...
but all that aside, you think it will be more of a system hog? in my case i can take the revodrive from my workstation and put it in my game rig, or just ram drive it... 32 gbs of ram ftw... so either way it wouldn't make a difference for me and just because they would have a game in another language doesnt mean they have to take the other one out of production especially since a good part of the community understands the code enough to make mods for it in java and im quite sure they wouldnt be happy to migrate towards a new language..
another thing, before you go on about me not understanding about what im talking about.. i have a degree in computer science with a focus on plt from the university of minnesota. i currently live in brazil because i have a contract with a indie company here and also teach english (on the net i couldnt care less about grammar) might sound arrogant but i'm not picking on anyone NOR am i wanting to sound arrogant... anyways gonna bo back to bed because i had a surgery today to place my septum back in place and glue it in (broke it during usmc training)