Whitelist Server Stonegate / Whitelisted FtB Direwolf20 / Hard Difficulty PvE / Regulated PvP / Enforced Rules / 20 s

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Von Omar

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Stonegate" is home to (currently) six active, experienced Minecraft players. We've played since the beginning - vanilla mine craft - and have recently switched from tekkit to FtB. We seek to expand our core group of six, as to expand our FtB knowledge by sharing our creations. We are primarily an 18+ server. Although the server uptime is nearly 100%, our peak times are anywhere from 4pm - 1am North American time. If you are a mature and experienced player, please consider applying to our server - we promise your stay will be worthwhile!


-FtB, Direwolf20 mod pack, kept updated.
-6 core 3.47ghz
-120 slots open
-North American location
-Difficulty Hard


-Forge Essentials


-Writing Desk and all age creating items
-Industrial diamonds / credits (explained later)


Stonegate strives to be a mature server and does not tolerate any form of griefing or trolling that in any way bothers the enjoyment of other players.
The following rules are strictly enforced by in game punishments or kick/ban, depending on the severity of the offense.

-No griefing. Ever!
-No trolling. (Yes, we joke around at times but not to the point of irritation)
-No trespassing (IRL common sense works here. You wouldn't walk around in your neighbors yard for no reason).
-No opening doors, chests, gates, etc. that aren't yours or made clear to you beforehand that they are allowed to be used by you. (Again, treat this like IRL stealing/breaking and entering).
-No Quarries in the primary world unless by Op permission. We have a dedicated mining world for quarries, turtles and frame quarries.
-No exploration across the oceans (the world is big enough and there's nothing out there anyway, except for lag)

*Restricted Items
(These are craftable but require a permit to use legally):

-Quantum Helmet, Quantum Chest, Quantum Legs, Gravi suit, Vajra

*Prohibited Items
(These are still craftable but if you're caught using them by an Op, they'll be removed and you'll be punished appropriately. Therefore, use them in the comfort of your own home or with Op Permission):

-Mining Laser, Nukes (not reactors), Quantum Boots (This reduces the invincibility of the quantum suit)

Item config options:
-Nuke explosions reduced to 10 (from 30 IIRC)
-Nuclear Reactor explosions reduced to 15 (from 45 IIRC)
-Sentry Turrets do not target players and have had their damage increased from 2-3
-Blocks breakers will not break warded stone
-Everyone gets 1 /home 1 waypoint.
-World Anchors are limited to 25 chunks per loader and each player is limited to 100 chunks. (This can be modified on request)

Server Play Guidelines/Rules:
-Do not build within 1000m of spawn. It's meant to be a natural point to spawn into the world.
-Do not build within 1000m of the city of Stonegate, unless building a residence or other Stonegate building.

The goal of Stonegate is to build a fully functional city with all the bells and whistles. It's 100% legitimate in ALL constructions, which includes civic buildings. No personal use items are ever allowed to be spawned in.
It is preferred that everyone contribute in at least some small way to the growth of the city. This could be as little as building their home in the city limits or all the way up to building a massive arena or factory for civic use.

That being said, there is nothing stopping anyone from venturing out on their own to set up a rival or allied city-state.
However, we do try to keep the world as "natural" feeling as possible to preserve authenticity. Please keep this in mind.

Regarding PvP:
PvP is allowed but common sense dictates that people don't kill on sight or for no reason whatsoever.
It is a general rule that whenever you kill someone that you return their equipment in full. The only exception to this is in arena battles or other events where it is understood beforehand that you are allowed to loot.
If you kill other players without a previous understanding and do not return their lost items, you'll be considered a murderer and punished appropriately.

Final Notes:
Some of this may seem harsh or heavily restrictive but it is mostly a guideline for fostering a friendly and cooperative environment for mutual progress and enjoyment of the FtB world.
Our end goal, if there is such a thing, is to create a large city for us all to live in and increase the popularity of the server in general.

The server has been active for about 3 weeks continuously so the map is still fresh in most areas.
We are using a system of Industrial credits and diamonds on a tungsten based economy for our currency system. This may change as more plugins become available.

We currently have around 14 whitelisted members with perhaps 1-6 playing at any given time.
All are friendly and the Op's are always helpful. Everyone shows respect and we're looking to invite new, mature, building inclined (be it machines or structures) players to our ranks.

*To apply to join the whitelist, please fill in the following (You will be give the IP address upon being accepted):

Previous building experience (if any):
Age (not required but preferred):
About yourself and why you would like to join:

Gallery of our early days...

Come visit us and say hi at our forums...
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IGN: anemtees
Previous building experience (if any): never played on a FTB server as of yet
Age (not required but preferred): 31
About yourself and why you would like to join: hi i am looking for a mature community too join up with i enjoy building and taking my time to get everything right i play online alot some times to long. well i wish to join a server where my building is going to be safe from griefer as i dislike them with a passion hate taking days if not weeks to build something and some brakes is just to take my stuff. would really like to join your server if i can thanks

Previous building experience (if any): bout a year with most of these mods
Age (not required but preferred): 18
About yourself and why you would like to join: im a great builder and i love to play minecraft
IGN: M1K3Mad
Previous building experience: I've been playing with most of the major mods since Buildcraft first came out.
Age: 31
About yourself and why you would like to join: I am a gamer who enjoys Minecraft and the challenges that the mods have to offer. I am looking for a server of like minded people who enjoy playing the game and helping others. Also, No Drama is something that i can guarantee you will get from me. Thanks
IGN: mcv333
Previous building experience (if any): generally i can build a few small mansions/castles/forts and the odd magical laboratory
Age (not required but preferred): 17
About yourself and why you would like to join: well you obviously know how to run a server, you're preserving the natural look of the spawn area, there's measures against griefing and pvp and you have a community city that's aiming to be as realistic as the pack allows, my main area of expertise is generally thaumcraft and IC2 with limited knowledge on the computers and forestry beekeeping.
IGN: 5732Bobster5732
Previous building experience (if any): Building? I used to host my own creative building server and caught lot of idea off of that for my builds, id say im more of an interior decorator though xD
Age (not required but preferred): 14
About yourself and why you would like to join: Ive mainly played the Mindcrack pack but i know about mystcraft (and equivalent exchange?) which i believe is inside of this modpack, i know pretty much all of the basics of starting up in general so ill be able to start up easily, been playing FTB itself for around 3 months now :D Thanks for reading, and hope to see you soon!
Previous building experience (if any): I am quite a good builder, not TOO good with redstone but I know the basics. I like building houses and I am ok at building mob farms.
Age (not required but preferred): 14
About yourself and why you would like to join: The server sounds good, and I love FTB. I have played FTB for about 2 - 3 months, although I do not know EVERYTHING about FTB. Thank you for reading this and I hope to see you soon :) Sorry mate, my IGN is: jakomanhero
Previous building experience (if any): Very good at building good with interior rather than outside so im good with cave bases also im very good at redstone
Age (not required but preferred):14
About yourself and why you would like to join: i love Feed The Beast and i have very good experience with it i have played it since it first came out and i just want to get on to a decent server
Everyone from UnitedArtzy up has been added to the whitelist.
However, Jakomanhero, you were not as you did not provide your IGN. I can use your forum name if it's the same but I would need to know beforehand.

We very much look forward to meeting you all soon.
Awesome dude! They guy below me who whitelisted, his ign is jakomanhero no caps ;)
Edit- Says im not whitelisted? Did you add the caps? 5732Bobster5732
IGN: BeddingPlants
Previous building experience (if any): My builds tend to be more functional than good looking, but I am learning
Age (not required but preferred): 31
About yourself and why you would like to join: I'm tired of playing solo and enjoy conversation while puttering round my base. I am respectful of other's property.
IGN: Mythaell
Previous building experience (if any): Mainly single player
Age (not required but preferred): 23
About yourself and why you would like to join: I'm looking for a server that I can share and add to a community, and also be able to share my own creations and see what other people have created
IGN: alex2002012
Previous building experience: I watch direwolf20 and rebuild and make my own versions of his designs
About yourself and why you would like to join: Im Irish and have alot of experience with ftb and modding in general:p im looking for a server where i wont get greifed or trolled by full quantum guys.
Previous building experience (if any):Pretty Good building experience I have made Frame Quarry's nether lava pumps systems I improve what other's build that is what i like to do
Age (not required but preferred):13

About yourself and why you would like to join:My Name is Brandon I played Ftb Since it came out I really skilled with mods except for Computer Craft Im looking for a server with a small population with no Griefers and Nice and Understanding people
Previous building experience year :)
Age i am 20
About yourself and why you would like to join: well am female i started playing minecraft for year now i had ftb for few months i really like it am easy to get along with the reason i like to join the server it seem like my area i like to help people as much as possible and build stuff with out it getting destroy

IGN is misskitten1992 thanks for reading my app
Hi guys, everyone here has now been whitelisted (from misskitten1992 up). We look forward to meeting anyone that joins. Please be sure to make certain that you're content with the rules as well.
Take care.
Greetings Von Omar & Crew,

I've explored your post and your open forum areas and I really like the vibe and direction you guys appear to be taking your server. ;)

IGN: ShellyGA
Previous building experience (if any): Playing MC since Vanilla beta @ Dec 2010 & FTB Since Jan 2013
Age (not required but preferred): 40 :eek: (Holy@#$^ when did I get this old!?)
About yourself and why you would like to join: I'm a stay-at-home mom & life long gamer. I homeschool my daughter and have been running a MC server for our homeschool group for a year. I play with the kids (and teach them various mods.) We converted our server to FTB in January. While I love playing with my kids on the server (ages 7-15, group of roughly 20) I'd really like to join a group of mature, experienced gamers who can help inspire me and teach me to go beyond my limits with FTB. I'm still learning FTB but I love this mod pack! Just really started getting into factories, farms and automation but I'm hooked! On my server I'm always, admin, mom, teacher, adult. I love it, but I'd like to MC with some peers not just kids. ;) My kids pretty much race to Twilight Forest chest looting, jet packs and gravity guns and don't really build communities or projects. While finding 'treasure' and looting temples is great....I'm really looking to join a community more akin to Direwolf and his SMP server crew to build great things together. I'm not a hoarder and would really like a community I can become a part of and contribute to. I have no problem staying out of other people's houses & chests! The rules sound great to me! Look forward to hearing from you guys.
Sounds good ShellyGA. You sound perfect for our little group :)
I'll whitelist you shortly.
Look forward to meeting you.
IGN: zchryfrk
Previous building experience (if any): I've played minecraft since alpha and have been a huge fan of tekkit/ftb
Age (not required but preferred): 18
About yourself and why you would like to join: I really like minecraft and I'm looking for a good DW20 pack server.