Whitelist Server Stonegate / Whitelisted FtB Direwolf20 / Hard Difficulty PvE / Regulated PvP / Enforced Rules / 20 s

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IGN: facegr1nd
Previous building experience (if any): I started with MC 1.4 and played FTB since release Day. Before that i played Tekkit a lot!;)
Age (not required but preferred): 23
About yourself and why you would like to join: I used to play FTB and Tekkit in singleplayer a lot, but it starts to get boring if you can't share the stuff you built with other people! I have quite a bit of experience with most of the mods included in FTB but i'm always open to new mods, that i haven't been playing with a lot!
Adding facegr1nd to the whitelist. You'll be added Sunday morning, hopefully before noon PST. Server is currently running some maintenance and minor config tweaks.
Look forward to seeing you.
Nothing personal to anyone above but please be sure to read the rules clearly. They are strictly enforced for the benefit of everyone on the server. I don't like to remove anyone but it will / does / has happened.
(Not the friendliest hello I know ;) . Just using this one post to clarify that)
IGN: DeamonHal
Previous building experience: Been building stuff in Minecraft since early alpha, though recent mods have made building large projects a lot easier.
Age : 21
About yourself and why you would like to join: I am friendly, have never griefed or harassed anyone, and i am willing to help others (once i get myself situated, of course).
Adding DeamonHal to whitelist. We'll be updating the server to the latest Direwolf 20 update later tonight so if you've updated already you'll have to wait until tomorrow most likely.
See you soon.
IGN: Devill
Previous building experience (if any): 2 years of hardcore building!
Age (not required but preferred): 17
About yourself and why you would like to join: ive been playing mc since 2011 and technic since about the summer of 2012 so im very experienced with most of the ftb mods and i would love to try out a whitelisted server with a good community. i have a skype if anyone would like to chat or get to know me just shoot me a request (its "D33zy4000").
Whitelisting Devill

Look forward to meeting you. We use Vent generally but might be switching to TS3 at some point. We had troubles with Skype so we don't usually use that.
IGN: Tasttey
Previous building experience: Played MC off and on since alpha and have experience with most of the modpacks out there. Been playing with modified FTB packs on small private servers since mid 2012.
Age: 32 (woohoo not the oldest)
About yourself and why you would like to join:
Well this would actually be my first public MC server, so the economy aspect is new to me. I've been playing with a few friends on a private server, which is great except they get bored easily and want to switch mods every other week, meaning that all my glorious creations just vanish with a server reset. Now when I say glorious creations...I'll be honest they aren't always pretty, but I'm getting better at that. I'm one of those people who like to automate many of the tedious aspects of Minecraft, like power generation; so I find myself combining a half dozen mods to automate the system so I don't actually have to put fuel in anything. Given free reign I've been known to stripmine massive chunks of Mystcraft ages and even drain most of the lava out of the Nether. I also have a slight addiction to building massive Railcraft tanks and filling them with every liquid imaginable; lava, water, oil, fuel, even apple juice. I'm more of the tech player when in comes to MC, so the magic mods (Thaumcraft, EE, Ars Magica) are a bit outside my comfort zone, but BC, Railcraft, Forestry (not so much the bees,) Thermal Expansion, IC2 (excluding nuclear power,) RP2, and the like are where I shine.

Phew, that was wordy. Here's the short and sweet. Give me a quiet little corner of overworld, some room in the mining world (ok I promise not to run (4) 64x64 quarries at once) and a little bit of time, and the architects will not want for resources for when they want to build a new homage to the Minecraft Gods. Oh and if you want to set up a communal tank system in Stonegate, I'm your guy. But it's not my fault if we drain the Nether.
lol, love your post Tasttey. Definitely whitelisted ;)
For now, feel free to use the listed IP but I'm currently in search of the best host to migrate the server to so the IP may change. Our forums will have the necessary changes when they come and I'll edit the original post as well. Just FYI, if it migrates more quickly than you coming on.

We aren't changing the map any time soon either. I've spent far too much time building a half finished arena for that to happen ;)

I look forward to meeting you.
IP address has been updated after our migration to a third party hosting service. Just FYI for anybody whitelisted that has yet to come in.
IGN: Mplemstr
Previous building experience (if any): I build multiple vanilla structures such as castles, and boring stuff like that xD
Age (not required but preferred): 16
About yourself and why you would like to join: I have played since beta and I am looking for a FTB server to play on and learn because I have never played any modded servers before except tekkit. Vanilla is boring.
IGN: Johnth88
Previous building experience (if any): I have played feed the beast single player and a little multiplayer for a few months and love to build things for a use, but am also trying to build creative looking things as well.
Age (not required but preferred): 14
About yourself and why you would like to join: I really love feed the beast and am looking for a good, Grief Free DW20 server (I have been griefed and don't want it to happen again). I am an egeal scout and work hard to be a good person, aswell as a mature leader. I would love to play on the server because im also looking for a good community of people to talk to and build with and not get my stuff destroyed as on some other servers.I have read the rules and sound good and easy to follow. Whitelisted to Stonegate or not, thanks for reading my application and hope to hear from you guys soon.
IGN: Hitman8100
Previous building experience: I have a pretty good idea of design, but I usually prefer to keep it simple and efficient.
Age: 17
About yourself and why you would like to join: I used to run my own server with friends, but they got a little too busy to play on an even semi regular basis, so I'd like to be able to find a new group of people to play with, and I think I would be able to appreciate the game a lot more if playing on someone else's server, as it removes to the temptation of simply going into creative mode to solve a problem.
I will add you three to the whitelist.
I'm sorry for the delay. I was preoccupied with our server migration.
The server should be available for you shortly.

Please observe the rules and have fun. :)
IGN: FanaticDog
Previous building experience (if any): Vanilla MC about a year. FTB a couple of months now.
Age (not required but preferred): 40! and still play games. :)
About yourself and why you would like to join: First, the fact that there is someone else my age already whitelisted makes me happy. My son introduced me to minecraft and I haven't stopped playing. I think he may regret showing me sometimes :). I work from home and tend to spend any breaks I get on MC. Weeknights and weekends are filled with MC barring any family commitments. Is that sad? I am an avid forum/wiki reader and really like figuring out what works and doesn't work with what. I enjoy meeting new players, helping when asked and have no issues asking for help myself. Look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your consideration!
IGN: Schark7
Previous building experience (if any):I love to build little fancy towers steampunk style and i really like the new colors and blocks that FTB gives mi.
About yourself and why would you like to join: I startet with mods as FTB came out best mod for mi is thermal expansion and thaumcraft3 i want to help other players build nice stuff or help you with the arena if not finish xD
im not American but i understand and speak english hope thats not a problem.
IGN: Tundras
Age: 32
Hello, my name is Tundras and I love the sounds of your server. I've been looking to get involved with a small FTB community using the DW20 pack and this sounds like it could be the place. I've been playing MC since the Alpha days and while I still like vanilla, I feel that FTB is the next step in MC and I'm really enjoying the gameplay on my single-player world. I've been very active on a large well known Vanilla server, so I have no issues with any of the rules you've laid out and I'm really a stickler for rules when it comes to online play. I hope to get the chance to join your community for some good times.
Hi guys, apologies for the day delay.
Look forward to seeing you all soon.
Tundras, Schark7 and FanaticDog whitelisted.
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Reactions: alas11
not much previous but i have been building a castle recently on 360 minecraft with some freinds an it is going quite well but i never know what to build
I would love to join this server as i know the basics of Direwolf 20 pack but i need direction and an objective to work towards and this server provides all of these and i take multiplayer very seriously i also realy want to get back into a community server as i used to be part of one but we were greifed and the server closed down