Whitelist Server **Stonebound** TPPI ~ Whitelist ~ Dedicated ~ Lagless ~ TS3 ~ Dynmap

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In-game Name: draconis46
Age: 28
Location: Minnesota, United States

Tell us about your Minecraft history!
Played on and off since alpha, playing whenever new content was added. Have played modded content since the technic pack was released and multiplayer before that. I've hosted a few servers for short periods of time 1 vanilla and two modded servers.

How did you hear about us?
Feed the beast forums

What aspects of joining an adult Minecraft community interests you?
I enjoy playing with a mature player base. Usually the communities are more respectful and fun. I frequently find more builds and buildings that aren't simply cookie cutters of someones favorite youtuber which are a lot of fun to see.

What other communities have you been a part of, and more importantly, what did you like and dislike about them?
Played on various ftb servers over the year, switching once they died off or the owners stopped hosting. Most were filled with more mature users which made for a better experience. A couple had abusive admins which is never any fun even if you are not on the receiving end.

Name one or two things you feel you are very good at or things you love about Minecraft.
I really enjoy doing complete builds with the mods and then mix and matching them together to make them do things they could not do seperately. I love seeing the creative and innovative things that players make on servers.

What time of day can we expect to see you on? We offer Teamspeak, do you use it
Most often I will be on during the morning or afternoon I work the night shift. I use Teamspeak.
In-game Name: TwiiCe
Age: 19 (20 next tuesday)
Location: Netherlands

Tell us about your Minecraft history!
I started playing about 3 years ago. (It feels longer). I started watching youtube videos, followed mindcrack, and the yogscast on youtube. Played around with vanilla, until I started running my own survival server. Had a blast, but couldnt handle te pressure while doing exams. A bit later I started a creative server, and that went very well. We had competitions with some other amazing servers, and even got an honorable mention on MinecraftMondays show.

I got into FTB after a friend of mine convinced me I should try it. Im still in the discovery phase of my FTB venture, learning the mods. I follow Direwolf on youtube to learn stuff from the mods.
And now I'm applying for your server, after having tried out a lot of servers that disappointed me.

How did you hear about us?
You replied to my thread, a while back. it took me a while to reply because I had a tough schoolweek.

What aspects of joining an adult Minecraft community interests you?
The way you explained your way of thinking, is a way I feel fits me. Simply because I agree with your way of thinking, and you made me a fan of your server already.
I'm glad you replied to my thread.

What other communities have you been a part of, and more importantly, what did you like and dislike about them?
I explained before, I used to have my own survival and creative server. My friend _neverwhere_ was co-owner and we kinda kept hanging out afterwards.

Name one or two things you feel you are very good at or things you love about Minecraft.
I'm incredibly creative in building. I love the FTB mods because they add so much more diversity to build with.
My base won't be 9x9's, they will be awesome castles, worth of being a spawn!

What time of day can we expect to see you on? We offer Teamspeak, do you use it?
I use teamspeak, if the community uses it aswell. I have answered this question before, but if I'm the only one that uses it, there's no real reason to use it.
I would be online at +1 GMT

Thanks for reading!
In-game Name: _Neverwhere_
Age: 26
Location: Finland

Tell us about your Minecraft history!
I've been playing Minecraft since early alpha. I love this game and I've long since lost count of the number of servers I've played or the hours I've poured into each and every one of them. I left vanilla for Tekkit a while back to keep things interesting and switched to Feed The Beast when that first came out for the same reason. I've been an active member of many communities both as member, mod and admin. I keep in touch with several friends I've mad in Minecraft over the years and I'm

How did you hear about us?
Word of mouth, namely TwiiCe (read the post above)

What aspects of joining an adult Minecraft community interests you?
I read Siigaris' replies to a tread made by TwiiCe on this forum. Your can do attitude and praise of common sense appealed to me enough that I'm taking time to write this application. Asides from that I'm mostly just hoping to find a mature community. Minecraft has quite a lot of social elements to it and the gaming experience largely gets dictated by interaction with your peers. Kids are lovely, and I'm helpful by nature, but it does get somewhat tedious when you inform the 5th kiddie of the day about this or that rule because they didn't read the rules-sign they spawned in front of when they first joined the server, something I assume a more mature player would.

What other communities have you been a part of, and more importantly, what did you like and dislike about them?
A lot. To name a few I'd say Lumiacraft, The Mining Dead, Trecultimate. What I appreciated in these servers were the welcoming environment, the mature co-players and the unique challenge associated with each one of these servers. The Mining Dead for instance is a custom hardcore survival pack. I didn't particularly dislike any of these servers for any reason, the reason I ended up leaving was the same in each case; a map reset or my co-players taking a break from Minecraft in general resulting in me loosing interest in the lone wolf play it ended up being.

Name one or two things you feel you are very good at or things you love about Minecraft.

What I really love about Minecraft is seeing what other people have created. A really good build is a thing to be appreciated and exploring a well built server fills me with an almost child-like glee. I also enjoy building things for others to explore. I'm not the best builder around but I do take an odd kind of pride in a build I consider myself having done well with. Other than that I enjoy the social aspect of Minecraft. Solo play bores me which is why I play multi, rather than single player. I'm a very chatty person and quite likely to be an active part in any community I join.

What time of day can we expect to see you on? We offer Teamspeak, do you use it
I'm a full time student. What that means is that I have the liberty of dictating my working hours myself. When I'm not working I can usually be found socializing or playing a game. This can be almost ANY hour of the day. Expect me on often and at oddly random times. Yes I do use Teamspeak, it's how I keep in touch with various online friends.

Thank you for your consideration.
In-game Name:Nefroz
Location:LA, USA

Tell us about your Minecraft history! Started in 1.2.5, played on a few servers, joined up on a tekkit server with some friends, and began my forray into modded minecraft. Ive since spent most of my time on UHC or Modded servers or SSP.

How did you hear about us? Google search.

What aspects of joining an adult Minecraft community interests you?
Saftey and Community.

What other communities have you been a part of, and more importantly, what did you like and dislike about them?
Winthier is probably the main one. I loved how friendly the people were, but the age group was a bit lower than I'd like I still pop in from time to time.

Name one or two things you feel you are very good at or things you love about Minecraft.
I'm good at Combat, and understanding mods. I love learning new mods especially the complicated ones.

What time of day can we expect to see you on? We offer Teamspeak, do you use it?
8:00 am - 3:00 Pm CST and Occasionally 11:00Pm -3:00 PM CST.
Due to irreversable world corruption we have had to reset the world. We have started a new map which is lively and bursting with variety. We've got ATG installed and as such we have created a world that offers a cold polar region to the North, and to the South we have a warmer climate which is bursting with forests, rainforests, deserts, oases, plains and rolling hills. The map is being rendered out to a spacious 10,000 block radius (that's 20,000 across in a circle.)

Spawn is currently under construction while we render our maps. Not only are we bringing our old community with us, but we are looking for new members to join us as well -- and now would be the time to apply and become a part of our community! We urge you to post an application here to get started with the process that will bring you into our community.


We look forward to hearing from you.
In-game Name: Pterodactlol
US East Coast

Tell us about your Minecraft history!

I started playing vanilla sometime around Beta 1.6 and have been playing modded MC since 1.2.5. My close friend and I have played in our own homebrew modpacks in 1.2.5, 1.3.2, and 1.4.7. I have been using the FTB launcher for mods since Monster was released.

How did you hear about us?

I did a Google search for a TPPI server with Reactorcraft.

What aspects of joining an adult Minecraft community interests you?

More mature people tend to have more interesting ideas to discuss. Furthermore, I like that you are willing to add more mods to the pack if they serve a fun and useful purpose.

What other communities have you been a part of, and more importantly, what did you like and dislike about them?

I played on an FTB Monster server soon after the pack was released. When things were calm and uncrowded, I was having fun. However, the owner wanted to turn a profit on the server and draw in more players. He added powerful voting and donation rewards and refused to add or enable any mods besides the default modpack. The server became crowded with annoying people, so I left.
After that, I came across a TPPI server with a few additional mods, including Reactorcraft. The community was small and very mature. I had a lot of fun, but unfortunately, the server is being shut down at the end of June.

Name one or two things you feel you are very good at or things you love about Minecraft.

I enjoy setting up complex automated supply chains for vertical integration of an entire industry. I also like to make my builds small and detailed with mods such as Chisel, Carpentry, and Forge Multipart.

What time of day can we expect to see you on? We offer Teamspeak, do you use it?

Normally, I am on sometime between 4-11 PM, US EST. I play about 1-4 hours a day, with more time on the weekends. I would use your Teamspeak.
Hey Pterodactol, awesome to meet you. If you could copy/paste your app over on our forums at www.stonebound.net/forums we would love to get to know you some more! We sort of "vote" people in as a community, and the more time you spend hanging out with us whether it be on the forums or teamspeak or both, the more likely we are going to like you and want you to join us!

We're not just some server. We're people playing together. Also I want to touch on the donations thing -- as it stands right now we are in the process of working out a donation system. Currently it is favoring aesthetics only -- zero in-game function/power.

Just so we're on the same page. :)
In-game Name: Drakenfire713
Age: 22
Location: Michigan

Tell us about your Minecraft history!
I've been playing Minecraft since beta; however a few years ago I discovered FTB though a twitch stream and have been mostly playing modded since. To this point I've played a wide variety of packs, the latest being Monster and Agrarian Skies. I've decided to give TPPI a shot (I've dabbled a little bit already)

How did you hear about us?

Feed the Beast forums

What aspects of joining an adult Minecraft community interests you?

My main interest lies in joining a community that actually has some sort of involvement together. The last monster server I joined came close; however, there still wasn't a huge community involvement and with no ties, I became disinterested and unfortunately do to map changes I lost a good chunk of progress.

What other communities have you been a part of, and more importantly, what did you like and dislike about them?

I've played on a few vanilla servers, the Monster Server mentioned above, and I'm currently playing on an Agrarian Skies server. I particularly like the ability to have some conversation while playing the game--whether it be Minecraft related or not. What I disliked the most about these communities, excepting on of the old vanilla servers, was the lack of community itself on the server. There was a group of people that played, but there was very little ingame interaction. Working together on builds, ingame competitions, friendly (consensual) pvp, etc. That in particular is what I'm looking for.

Name one or two things you feel you are very good at or things you love about Minecraft.

I tend to excel at designing systems and practical structures--I am quite good at designing farms, energy systems, storage, etc. What I love about Minecraft is that I also get to experience the creative side of these projects which doesn't come as naturally but I enjoy the challenge of.

What time of day can we expect to see you on? We offer Teamspeak, do you use it?

Until next August, I am basically drowning in free time. I will likely be found online at most times of the day, particularly late afternoon through early morning hours (Eastern Time Zone). I have never used Teamspeak in particular; however, I am not opposed to using it. Provided that I am engaged in the community, I would probably use Teamspeak.
In-game Name: Alcleme
Age: 25
Location: USA

Tell us about your Minecraft history!
Played a couple years, love gregtech and other industrial like-technology mods

How did you hear about us?
Through a friend

What aspects of joining an adult Minecraft community interests you?
The community part. More fun to play with friends

What other communities have you been a part of, and more importantly, what did you like and dislike about them?
Random other FTB servers. Most of them server decently populated and it was fun to build a world together. one had no claim mod.. so that was annoying, but other than that all of them were great.

Name one or two things you feel you are very good at or things you love about Minecraft.
I love minecraft because its like playing a world simulator, only i get to do whatever i want, build or destroy. its like a little earth i can use for my bidding. Im not to good at design, but im good at figuring out mechanical puzzles or logic gates.

What time of day can we expect to see you on? We offer Teamspeak, do you use it?
Im usually on around 9, and yes I have teamspeak and will use it!

Thanks, and we'll get back to you soon™!
In-game Name: Yuri4171
Age: 24
Location: US East Coast

Tell us about your Minecraft history!
I've been playing minecraft for quite a while, creating custom server modpacks in 1.2.5, 1.3.2, and 1.4.7. I've mostly used the FTB launcher since it came out, though I've used the ATLauncher as well.

How did you hear about us?
I heard about Stonebound from a friend who was looking to play on a TPPI server.

What aspects of joining an adult Minecraft community interests you?
Maturity is a must for me, I've had issues with immature players before and look forward to joining this community.

What other communities have you been a part of, and more importantly, what did you like and dislike about them?
I've played on ftbworlds when they came out with a Monster pack server. It was fun, but over time the teamspeak became filled with immature people, so I left. After that I played on a TPPI server with some extra mods to it. This was a small, mature server that I like very much, but it's being shut down at the end of June.

Name one or two things you feel you are very good at or things you love about Minecraft.
I enjoy exploring and developing new systems using different mods. If there's one way to do something, I'll eventually be doing it 5 different ways!

What time of day can we expect to see you on? We offer Teamspeak, do you use it?
I am usually on between 3-11 PM, US EST, around 1-4 hours a day but longer on weekends. I would definitely use your Teamspeak.
Hi there Mystic, nice to meet you.

I invite you to please copy/paste your app over on our website at www.stonebound.net/forums. There, we can open a dialogue about getting you into our community! We really love the interaction, and when we have a bunch of people going about things their own way it really begs to asks the question -- why not play single player?

Hope to see you there! :D
In-game Name: Snicle
Age: 22
Location: The Netherlands

Tell us about your Minecraft history!
I've been playing minecraft since the 1.4 beta and sooon after Tekkit came out I started playing modded minecraft, quickly switching to different packs because Tekkis didn't feel balanced.

How did you hear about us?
I found you guys on the FTB forums.

What aspects of joining an adult Minecraft community interests you?
I prefer playing with other people because it makes minecraft so much more fun if you can share your creations, but I don't like playing with little kids, or atleast, people that behave as such.

What other communities have you been a part of, and more importantly, what did you like and dislike about them?
I've played a bit on the OTE servers, I liked it there but a while back I had to take a break and they reset some maps, so I'm looking for a fresh start.

Name one or two things you feel you are very good at or things you love about Minecraft.
Programming mainly, but anything IT related really, though being very good at these is a somewhat 'dared' statement, especially on the internet :P What I love about minecraft is that it essentially is the ultimate sandbox game, and (tech) mods just make it so much better, reminds me of my lego's :D

What time of day can we expect to see you on? We offer Teamspeak, do you use it?
I live at +1 GMT and tend to be online in the evening, however, I'm currently in between jobs so I will probably be online a lot more. As for teamspeak, I might hop by, but I'm usually at a different teamspeak with some of my irl friends, however, when working together I would definitly come online at teamspeak :P
Hi Snickle! If you would be so cool as to repost your app over at our forums, I would be really proud to have our community consider your application!

We're a group that loves adding new members and welcoming them. Come visit us at www.stonebound.net/forums

Thanks a lot!
In-game Name: Horib
Age: 22
Location: The Faroe Islands

Tell us about your Minecraft history!
I started playing in the Alpha stages of the game and played mostly vanilla On and off until i heard about the FTB packs 1½-2 years ago and played A LOT for the first year when FTB came out.
I was really lucky and found a small but awesome server. After some time the server started dying out because players and some of the members grew bored of the game and the server owner did not have time to recruit new members I started looking for more people and after a few weeks the server was full of fun and happy people again and he made me into an "admin" to recruit new members (I have no idea how to program or do admin stuff, But i am trust worth)
After a server reset, me having a lot of work and A LOT of training i had to take a break from the game, and never really started again. After some time I contacted the server owner and he told me he stopped playing and more or less stopped updating the MC mod pack because he did not have time for it anymore. So there were really really few players on the servers at that time.

How did you hear about us?
I did some googling

What aspects of joining an adult Minecraft community interests you?
I don't mind playing with people under the age of 18 as long as they are mature but joining an adult Minecraft community I will probably get a more fun and interesting experience. Adults in my experience tend to build a lot of interesting stuff and a lot more good looking bases. Also there is a bigger chance that i find mature players on this server ;)

But still I like having fun and therefor maturity is not everything for me. As long as they respect my builds and are "mature" (respectful, don't aggravate people) in chat I can't see why we can have some fun and be "kinds" again when we play.

What other communities have you been a part of, and more importantly, what did you like and dislike about them?
As for communities, I have been in a few Guilds in Wow, One guild in the Rift MMO a Danish guild in Guild Wars 2 and a European guild in Elder Scrolls Online

Name one or two things you feel you are very good at or things you love about Minecraft.
I am a builder by heart and I love tech mods so I love building huge bases with awesome automated contraptions. The point of modded MC is to automated so you do not have to do anything :P Or at least that is what I think

What time of day can we expect to see you on? We offer Teamspeak, do you use it?
After 17.00 BST and depending on how much i have to do Most of the day so from 17.00 to 23.00-24.00
As goes for TS Yes if you got it I will use it.

Hope my rambling is not too confusing :P "engrish" is not my first language so I hope you can forgive me for that.
In-game Name: Denash
Age: 29
Location: UK

Tell us about your Minecraft history!
First discovered Minecraft from reading a penny arcade comic and then after watching some of the first YouTube tutorials (pre-yogscast) got the game and have been playing fairly regular ever since, once I'd bled the vanilla game dry I moved onto mods such as tekkit, back in the days before mod launchers like FTB. To begin with I mostly played solo for hours/days of epic creations, adventures and loosing an inventory of diamonds in fresh lava, I then started some local games with my brother before I dabbling with community servers. Unfortunately I ended up on ones overrun by petulant children and power crazy young admins, found home recently on a quality server with a mature community alongside the good chaps whose names I see above; Alcleme & Pterodactlol and like they say our server is going in June and taking with it my Mekanism workshop; "Noooooo", imagine the Star Wars father scene dialled up a notch but without loosing digits.

How did you hear about us?
Via Pterodactlol and Google *others search engines are available*

What aspects of joining an adult Minecraft community interests you?
Quality, steady, relaxed and easy going game-play without childish drama and histrionics. I imagine most of us work or are in full time education and though we may have to deal with crap outside, it's nice not to have to in game.

What other communities have you been a part of, and more importantly, what did you like and dislike about them?
A few no-name public servers where I'd wander the landscape as a nomad, avoiding griefers and trouble makers. More recently within the last few months I joined a nice adult community with the TPPI mod like here, after settling into the idea of my creations still be there when I got back and not having to sleep with one eye open, I built something to be proud of and made good friends.

Name one or two things you feel you are very good at or things you love about Minecraft.
Good 1 - Communal building e.g. Crops/resource and tool starter kits for newbies, survival huts for travellers.
Good 2 - Mekanism, farming, self-sufficient underground living, imitation ruined building for RP, role play in general, doing the nomad thing.

Love - Going from wooden tools and a rose in hand to enormous self-sufficient flying or underground base.

What time of day can we expect to see you on? We offer Teamspeak, do you use it?
I used Teamspeak on my previous and would be willing especially for group projects, as I'm in the UK I imagine I'd be yinging when you lot are yanging or sleeping as it's also know. Depending where about on that gigantic land mass of a continent formally known as USA you are, there'd be about 7 hours difference. I tend to be on in the evenings around 7-8pm GMT or sooner on weekends (mostly weekends due to work commitments).

Happy Days,

Also here;